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|Name        =  
|Name        = EU legislation on waste incineration and landfilling. Discussion 1): insert arrow in scheme from MSWI to Constrained by EU directive. 2)insert arrow in scheme from waste management options to Constrained by EU directive. 3)Definition of waste? Defined in Finnish Waste Act(1072/1993) as "all objects or substances which the holder discards, intends to discard, or is legally obliged to discard." (4)
|Focus      =  
|Focus      = Constraints on waste incineration and landfilling by EU legislation
|Scope      =  
|Scope      = Municipal waste. Landfill Directive (99/31/EC). Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC)
|Description =  
|Description = Related to Waste management options: The EU has a framework for coordination waste management within the Community in order to limit the generation of waste (orginal Directive: 75/442/EC): "Member states must prohibit the abandonment, dumping or uncontrolled disposal of waste. They shall promote waste prevention, recycling and processing for reuse." ..."establishing an integrated and adequate network of disposal installations (taking account of the best available technologies)." (1)
|Inputs      =  
Related to MSWI: Directive objective is "to prevent or reduce, as far as possible, air, water and soil pollution caused by the incineration or co-incineration of waste, as well as the resulting risk to human health." Limit values for incineration plant emissions to atmosphere in Annex 1. Limit values for co-incineration plant emissions to atmosphere in Annex 2. "The quantity and harmfulness of incineration residues must be reduced to a minimum and residues must, as far as possible, be recycled." (2)
Related to Landfill: "The Directive is intended to prevent or reduce the adverse effects of the landfill of waste on the environment, in particular on surface water, groundwater, soil, air and human health." It introduces stringent technical requirements for waste and landfills. "The Directive sets up a system of operating permits for landfill sites. (3)
|Inputs      = Related to MSWI: Air emission limit values for the incineration and co-incineration of waste. (2)
Related to landfill: List of technical requirements. (3) Targets to reduce landfilling of biodegradable municipal waste (garden waste, kitchen waste, park waste, paper, cardboard) to 75% of 1995 levels by 2006, 50% by 2009 and 35% by 2016. (5)
|Index      =  
|Index      =  
|Definition  =  
|Definition  = The Incineration Directive not only applies to facilities intended for waste incineration ("dedicated incineration plants") but also to "co-incineration" plants (facilities whose main purpose is to produce energy or material products and which use waste as a regular or additional fuel, this waste being thermally treated for the purpose of disposal) (2). Discussion: Is the MSWI in Hameenkyro an incineration or co-incineration plant?
|Unit        =  
|Unit        =  
|Result      =  
|Result      = All waste disposal installations or areas are submitted to EU legislation and should comply with the imposed standards, limit values. When establishing a new installation or landfill, the application requirements should be carefully considered. 
|References  =  
|References  = (1) Waste disposal. Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July 1975 on waste. http://europa.eu/scadplus/printversion/en/lvb/121197.htm
(2) Waste incineration. Directive 2000/76//EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste. http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/128072.htm
(3) Landfill of waste. Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste. http://europa.eu/scadplus/printversion/en/lvb/121208.htm
(4)J. Kunninen. Multilevel governance. The burning issue of waste in Finland. Centre for European Studies University of Helsinki.
(5) Briefing Friends of the Earth. Main EU Directives on waste. April 2001.

Revision as of 19:09, 21 September 2006

Risk assessment on Hämeenkyrö municipal solid waste incinerator contains a structured risk assessment of a plan to build a MSWI in Hämeenkyrö. There will be a public vote related to a city planning decision: whether the municipality should plan an area for the plant or not. The vote will be held in November 19, 2006.


Empty variable template

General variables

  1. Precautionary principle (disagreement)
    1. PP based on expected value, general
    2. PP based on worst-case or another 'conservative' scenario, general
    3. PP applied to emissions of municipal solid wasti incinerator (MSWI) in Hämeenkyrö
  2. Intake fraction (disambiguation)
    1. iF based on measured concentration fields
    2. iF based on exposure monitoring
    3. iF based on shortcuts

Fine particle variables

PM2.5 emissions in Hämeenkyrö


PM2.5 emissions from MSWI, biofuel plant, and natural gas plant in Hämeenkyrö


Baseline PM2.5 exposure in Hämeenkyrö

Anne K

PM2.5 exposure due to MSWI in Hämeenkyrö

Terhi Y

PM2.5 exposure-response function on population level


Dioxin variables

Dioxin emissions in Hämeenkyrö


Baseline dioxin exposure in Hämeenkyrö


Dioxin exposure due to MSWI in Hämeenkyrö


Dioxin exposure-response function on population level


Indicator variables

  • Decisions related to Hämeenkyrö case
  • Possible indicators (optimising variables) in Hämeenkyrö

Well-being of the population (smells, comfort, noise)

Kari Auri

Effects on economy (esp. gas energy plant)


Transportation costs of waste


Health effects of dioxins and PM2.5

Anu T

Miscellaneous variables

  • Secondary effects on waste separation, recycling etc.)

Municipal solid waste production in Häme

Pasi K

Existing MSWI plants and current plans in southern Finland


Background of waste production and its relations to EU directive
