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|Study on how new building codes are taken into effect in construction and how they affect occupant’s perception of noise in concrete apartment buildings.
|Study on how new building codes are taken into effect in construction and how they affect occupant’s perception of noise in concrete apartment buildings.
--[[User:|]] 22:22, 23 October 2006 (EEST)
{| border=1
|'''Data and information sources'''
|Description of the source, additional links
|'''Statistics Finland'''
|Statistics on completed new buildings and renovations, the Building Cost Index, data on hours worked in construction, and on the finances, activity and structures of construction enterprises are produced under this topic.
|Statistics concerning the production, consumption, imports, exports and prices of energy, and investments in energy come under this topic, as well as statistics on environmental emissions from the consumption and production of energy.
|Statistics describing the population's state of health, prevalence of diseases, incapacity for work, health behaviour and causes of death come under this topic. Statistics describing health care are also presented under Social protection and data on the number of deaths under Population.
|Statistics describing the building and dwelling stock, dwelling occupancy, the population's housing conditions and occupancy rates, as well as structures and stages in life of household-dwelling units are produced under this topic. Its scope also extends to statistics concerning dwelling prices and rents, and financial statements of housing corporations.
|Living conditions[http://www.tilastokeskus.fi/til/eli_en.html]
|Statistics describing human relationships, welfare, quality of life, social participation and security come under this topic. Also included are statistics concerning the living conditions of different population groups.
|This topic covers statistics on the size and structure of the permanently resident population and related changes, such as births, deaths, marriages, migration. Statistics on employment, families and household-dwelling units, as well as population projections by area are also produced under this topic.
|Statistics Finland's statistical data: Population statistics / Statistics on families and household-dwelling units / Statistics on living conditions / Building, dwelling and free-time residence data / Education statistics / Crime statistics / Statistics on income and property / Income distribution statistics / Statistics on wages and salaries
Separately formed research data is formed based on statistical data from which samples can be selected to meet researchers' needs
|StatFin Catalogues
|Catalogue in English[http://statfin.stat.fi/statweb/start.asp?LA=en&DM=SLFI&lp=catalog]
More comprehensive and recent catalogue in Finnish [http://statfin.stat.fi/statweb/start.asp?LA=fi&DM=SLFI&lp=catalog]
|'''The Population Register Centre (VRK)''' [http://www.vaestorekisterikeskus.fi/vrk/home.nsf/pages/index_eng]
|The Population Register Centre produces personal and building data services of the highest quality, as well as identification solutions for electronic services to cater for the different needs of society. The Population Register Centre develops and maintains the Population Information System, certificate services, the guardianship register and the Public Sector Directory Service, and provides assistance for organising elections.
|'''Finland’s environmental administration''' [http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?node=4032&lan=en]
|Description of registries maintained by Finland’s environmental administration as required by Personal data act [http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?contentid=95306&lan=fi] (in Finnish only)
Description of databases [http://wwwi5.ymparisto.fi/i5/tuotesel.htm] (mostly in Finnish)
License fees of GIS-databases maintained by Finland’s environmental administration [http://www.ymparisto.fi/download.asp?contentid=41975&lan=fi](in Finnish only)
|Community structure follow-up system, baseline variables  [http://wwwi5.ymparisto.fi/i5/570e.htm]
|Includes statistical information in 250m x 250m, partly 150m x 150m scale from years 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993, 1995, including population / age group, work force, work places, number of buildings and their size / building type, distance between home and work, housing information inc. number of occupants and car ownership(in Finnish only)
|Information System for Monitoring the Living Environment - ELYSE [http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?contentid=142436&lan=fi&clan=en]
|The Information System for Monitoring the Living Environment is aimed at obtaining an overall picture of the state of the living environment and being able to monitor changes over time and from one area to another. The living environment is defined as the area in which people live their daily lives and includes factors that influence the living conditions in the built environment. Under the Land Use and Building Act of Finland, the authorities have been obliged since the beginning of the year 2000 to monitor land use and the built environment. ELYSE contains statistical data on 12 monitoring themes, which are broken down into more precise monitoring indicators. The monitoring themes are: Population / Land use and community structure / Buildings and the built cultural environment / Housing / Services / Jobs / Landscape and the natural environment / Recreational areas / Traffic / Municipal infrastructure and energy / Environmental hazards / The social environment
|'''The Ministry of the Environment''' [http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?ode=5295&lan=en]
|The Finnish Ministry of the Environment is responsible for ensuring that the environmental perspective is given proper consideration in international cooperation and society, and at all levels of government. The Ministry formulates environmental policies, carries out strategic planning and makes decisions in its own sphere of interest. It is also responsible for preparing legislation and drawing up its own budget, and for result management and setting binding standards.
|Housing statistics[http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?contentid=47246&lan=fi]
|Statistics related to residential buildings: prices, rents, mortages, production, support (in Finnish only)
|Depth of ground frost [http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?contentid=179551&lan=fi&clan=en]
|Hydrological maps[http://wwwi2.ymparisto.fi/i2/82/p30s2/tanaan_en.html]
|Housing.fi-portal [http://www.asuminen.fi/?language=englanti]
|Housing.fi is a theme portal under Suomi.fi with an English language version including the topics: A Home in Finland, Alternative Housing Types, Everyday Life and Housing, Construction and Renovation, Legislation and Citizenship and Living in Finland. The English version differs from the Finnish and Swedish language versions.
|'''Housing fund of Finland''' (ARA) [http://www.ara.fi/default.asp?node=679&lan=en]
|ARA is a governmental agency who implements social housing policy. ARA's main task is to finance state-subsidised rental housing production. The Fund has also other obligations such as to make grants for housing repairs and to supervise the granting of state guarantees on loans for owner-occupied housing.
Statistics of social housing [http://www.ara.fi/download.asp?contentid=20502&lan=en]
|'''National land survey of Finland''' (NLS) [http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/default.asp?site=3]
|NLS produces and provides information on and services in real estate, topography and the environment for the needs of citizens, other customers and the community at large. It is responsible for Finland’s cadastral system and general mapping assignments. It also promotes the shared use of geographic information.
Topographic Database[http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/default.asp?id=232]
Property data and purchase prices [http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/default.asp?id=236]
Joint use of geographic information[http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/default.asp?id=239]
|'''A National Road and Street Database''' (Digiroad) [http://www.digiroad.fi/en_GB/]
|Digiroad is a national database which contains precise and accurate data on the location of all roads and streets in Finland as well as their most important physical features (covering a total of 430,000 km or 270,000 miles).
|'''Universities and research institutes'''
|Helsinki University of Technology
|Laboratory of Heating Ventilating and Air-Conditioning, research activities:[http://hvac.tkk.fi/tutkimus_uk.html]
Department of Architecture, research activities: [http://arkkitehtuuri.tkk.fi/engl/research.htm]
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, research activities:[ http://www.tkk.fi/Units/Civil/]
|Tampere University of Technology
|Institute of Structural Engineering, research activities: [http://www.tut.fi/public/index.cfm?MainSel=12648&Sel=12648&Show=16741&Siteid=138]
|University of Kuopio
|Department of Environmental Sciences, research activities: [http://www.uku.fi/ympti/english/]
|University of Oulu
|Department of Architecture, general: [http://webcgi.oulu.fi/ark/subindex.php?page=102]
|National Public Health Institute
|Department of Environmental Health, research activities: [http://www.ktl.fi/portal/english/osiot/research,_people___programs/environmental_health/research/]
Research in environmental health at KTL focuses on the following areas: air pollution, asthma and allergies, health risk analysis, chemicals, drinking water, mouldy buildings
|Technical Research Centre of Finland(VTT) [http://www.vtt.fi/?lang=en]
|VTT is an impartial expert organisation. Its objective is to develop new technologies, create new innovations and value added thus increasing customer's competencies.
Building, built environment [http://www.vtt.fi/services/cluster6/index.jsp]
VTT's expertise in the areas of building and the built environment enables it to provide development and expert services related to actual construction, use, maintenance and ownership.
|National Consumer Research Centre (NCRC) [http://www.kuluttajatutkimuskeskus.fi/?l=en/]
|The mission of NCRC is to investigate, anticipate and identify change and risk factors within the consumer society, in consumer behaviour and in the market, and to be a communicator of consumer research knowledge.
Research on Sustainable Living Environment[http://www.kuluttajatutkimuskeskus.fi/index.phtml?l=en&s=74]
This research programme represents a new thematic field in NCRC’s revised strategy, to be initiated at the beginning of 2006. The objective is to generate knowledge about housing and living infrastructure, about environmental questions related to the everyday life of consumers, and about consumer safety and risk management.
|Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)[http://www.fmi.fi/en/index.html]
|The main research subject of the FMI is the Earth's atmosphere. Research topics include meteorological, air quality, climate change and polar research.  Customer services / products include weather services and air quality services. The services / products are most often custom made. The customer is able to define the content of a service together with FMI’s specialists.
|Geological survey of Finland (GTK) [http://en.gtk.fi/]
|GTK's core activities range from geological mapping, through exploration, evaluation, and processing of natural resources, with a strong research effort in analysis of geological processes and mineral systems as well as in development and application of exploration and benefication technologies. Primary responsibilities are related to public domain mapping and geodata management. In addition, it performs technological and conceptual research and development, and provision of commercial services to both public and private sector clients.
GTK Research project register [http://en.gtk.fi/Research/trek/]
|the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK)[http://www.stuk.fi/en_GB/]
|STUK regulates the use of radiation and nuclear energy. They also carry out research on radiation and its effects and monitor radiation safety of the Finnish environment.
Natural radiation, research projects [http://www.stuk.fi/tutkimus/activities_and_projects/natural_radiation/en_GB/index/]
|Finnish Road Administration [http://www.tiehallinto.fi/servlet/page?_pageid=68&_dad=julia&_schema=PORTAL30&kieli=en&_pageid=68]
|Finnish Road Administration is responsible for Finland’s highway network
|'''Associations etc.'''
|Indoor air quality information system [http://www.sisailma.info] (in Finnish only)
|Allergy and Asthma federation[http://www.allergia.com]
|Internet-service provides information on allergies and asthma, topics including indoor air quality, temperature, ventilation, dust mites, moisture and mould, and proper cleaning (in Finnish only)
|Pulmonary Association (Heli) [http://www.hengitysliitto.fi/default.asp?docId=14914]
|Heli organises training courses, produces information material, coordinates development and research projects on issues concerning the indoor and outdoor air and healthy buildings.
|Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (FISIAQ) [http://www.sisailmayhdistys.fi]  
|FISIAQ aims to improve communication between research and practice and provide information for building occupants and owners to maintain good indoor air quality. One tool developed to this purpose is the Finnish Classification of Indoor Climate first implemented in 1995.
(in Finnish only)
|The Finnish Real Estate Federation (FREF)[http://www.kiinteistoliitto.fi/english/]  
|The Finnish Real Estate Federation (FREF) is is the central association of property owners, landlords and builders in Finland. Nowadays there are 20,000 member properties, of which 70% are housing companies and 30% tenant houses, banks, insurance companies, etc. FREF has its own research projects and it participates in the management of others. All phases of the building's life cycle are taken into account, the aim being to develop systems and practices for use by the members. FREF publishes the professional magazine The Finnish Real Estate Journal (in Finnish Suomen Kiinteistölehti) ten times a year, information bulletins, research reports, guides, professional literature and codes of practice.
Research projects related to healthiness and comfort of buildings [http://www.kiinteistoliitto.fi/hankkeet2010/17/
|'''Recent studies in the area of housing'''
|Better Housing 2010-program [http://www.asunto2010.fi/english/]
|The target of Better Housing 2010, intended to be a 5-year program, is to develop good quality housing in accordance with inhabitants needs. The program focuses quite extensively on housing, starting from architecture and covering renovation, maintenance and other services.
Living conditions are meant to promote well being as well as good working conditions for people of all ages. It will also include important issues such as city planning, housing policy and the financing of residential construction. Design, renovation and other housing services should be versatile and easily available.
The research activities of the program extends from the basic research to the technology development.
Better Housing 2010-program preparation project report [http://www.asunto2010.fi/attachements/2005-03-15T15-51-0467.pdf#search=%22valmisteluprojektin%20raportti%20Libris%20Oy%22]
(in Finnish, brief summary in English)
|Housing barometric 2004[http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?contentid=123409&lan=fi]
|Large scale (N > 2200) questionnaire study on housing environmental quality in Finland (in Finnish only)
|Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation[http://akseli.tekes.fi/opencms/opencms/OhjelmaPortaali/ohjelmat/Terve_talo/en/etusivu.html] 
|Research program on Healthy Building - Construction Technology, Indoor Climate and Quality 1998-2002
The main goal of the technology programme was a healthy building. The programme aimed to improve the current lifecycle of buildings and extend their service life.
|Acoustic conditions in concrete apartment buildings, study report 2005 (in Finnish only)[http://www.ymparisto.fi/download.asp?contentid=38933&lan=fi]
|Study on how new building codes are taken into effect in construction and how they affect occupant’s perception of noise in concrete apartment buildings.
--[[User:Ulla H-S|Ulla H-S]] 22:23, 23 October 2006 (EEST)


Revision as of 19:23, 23 October 2006

General sources

  • The European Exposure Factors ExpoFacts Sourcebook

Country specific sources




Czech Republic




Data and information sources Description of the source, additional links
Statistics Finland
Construction[1] Statistics on completed new buildings and renovations, the Building Cost Index, data on hours worked in construction, and on the finances, activity and structures of construction enterprises are produced under this topic.
Energy[2] Statistics concerning the production, consumption, imports, exports and prices of energy, and investments in energy come under this topic, as well as statistics on environmental emissions from the consumption and production of energy.
Health[3] Statistics describing the population's state of health, prevalence of diseases, incapacity for work, health behaviour and causes of death come under this topic. Statistics describing health care are also presented under Social protection and data on the number of deaths under Population.
Housing[4] Statistics describing the building and dwelling stock, dwelling occupancy, the population's housing conditions and occupancy rates, as well as structures and stages in life of household-dwelling units are produced under this topic. Its scope also extends to statistics concerning dwelling prices and rents, and financial statements of housing corporations.
Living conditions[5] Statistics describing human relationships, welfare, quality of life, social participation and security come under this topic. Also included are statistics concerning the living conditions of different population groups.
Population[6] This topic covers statistics on the size and structure of the permanently resident population and related changes, such as births, deaths, marriages, migration. Statistics on employment, families and household-dwelling units, as well as population projections by area are also produced under this topic.
Data[7] Statistics Finland's statistical data: Population statistics / Statistics on families and household-dwelling units / Statistics on living conditions / Building, dwelling and free-time residence data / Education statistics / Crime statistics / Statistics on income and property / Income distribution statistics / Statistics on wages and salaries

Separately formed research data is formed based on statistical data from which samples can be selected to meet researchers' needs

StatFin Catalogues Catalogue in English[8]

More comprehensive and recent catalogue in Finnish [9]

The Population Register Centre (VRK) [10] The Population Register Centre produces personal and building data services of the highest quality, as well as identification solutions for electronic services to cater for the different needs of society. The Population Register Centre develops and maintains the Population Information System, certificate services, the guardianship register and the Public Sector Directory Service, and provides assistance for organising elections.
Finland’s environmental administration [11] Description of registries maintained by Finland’s environmental administration as required by Personal data act [12] (in Finnish only)

Description of databases [13] (mostly in Finnish)

License fees of GIS-databases maintained by Finland’s environmental administration [14](in Finnish only)

Community structure follow-up system, baseline variables [15] Includes statistical information in 250m x 250m, partly 150m x 150m scale from years 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993, 1995, including population / age group, work force, work places, number of buildings and their size / building type, distance between home and work, housing information inc. number of occupants and car ownership(in Finnish only)
Information System for Monitoring the Living Environment - ELYSE [16] The Information System for Monitoring the Living Environment is aimed at obtaining an overall picture of the state of the living environment and being able to monitor changes over time and from one area to another. The living environment is defined as the area in which people live their daily lives and includes factors that influence the living conditions in the built environment. Under the Land Use and Building Act of Finland, the authorities have been obliged since the beginning of the year 2000 to monitor land use and the built environment. ELYSE contains statistical data on 12 monitoring themes, which are broken down into more precise monitoring indicators. The monitoring themes are: Population / Land use and community structure / Buildings and the built cultural environment / Housing / Services / Jobs / Landscape and the natural environment / Recreational areas / Traffic / Municipal infrastructure and energy / Environmental hazards / The social environment
The Ministry of the Environment [17] The Finnish Ministry of the Environment is responsible for ensuring that the environmental perspective is given proper consideration in international cooperation and society, and at all levels of government. The Ministry formulates environmental policies, carries out strategic planning and makes decisions in its own sphere of interest. It is also responsible for preparing legislation and drawing up its own budget, and for result management and setting binding standards.
Housing statistics[18] Statistics related to residential buildings: prices, rents, mortages, production, support (in Finnish only)
Depth of ground frost [19]
Hydrological maps[20]
Housing.fi-portal [21] Housing.fi is a theme portal under Suomi.fi with an English language version including the topics: A Home in Finland, Alternative Housing Types, Everyday Life and Housing, Construction and Renovation, Legislation and Citizenship and Living in Finland. The English version differs from the Finnish and Swedish language versions.
Housing fund of Finland (ARA) [22] ARA is a governmental agency who implements social housing policy. ARA's main task is to finance state-subsidised rental housing production. The Fund has also other obligations such as to make grants for housing repairs and to supervise the granting of state guarantees on loans for owner-occupied housing.

Statistics of social housing [23]

National land survey of Finland (NLS) [24] NLS produces and provides information on and services in real estate, topography and the environment for the needs of citizens, other customers and the community at large. It is responsible for Finland’s cadastral system and general mapping assignments. It also promotes the shared use of geographic information.

Topographic Database[25]

Property data and purchase prices [26]

Joint use of geographic information[27]

A National Road and Street Database (Digiroad) [28] Digiroad is a national database which contains precise and accurate data on the location of all roads and streets in Finland as well as their most important physical features (covering a total of 430,000 km or 270,000 miles).
Universities and research institutes
Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Heating Ventilating and Air-Conditioning, research activities:[29]

Department of Architecture, research activities: [30]

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, research activities:[ http://www.tkk.fi/Units/Civil/]

Tampere University of Technology Institute of Structural Engineering, research activities: [31]
University of Kuopio Department of Environmental Sciences, research activities: [32]
University of Oulu Department of Architecture, general: [33]
National Public Health Institute Department of Environmental Health, research activities: [34]

Research in environmental health at KTL focuses on the following areas: air pollution, asthma and allergies, health risk analysis, chemicals, drinking water, mouldy buildings

Technical Research Centre of Finland(VTT) [35] VTT is an impartial expert organisation. Its objective is to develop new technologies, create new innovations and value added thus increasing customer's competencies.

Building, built environment [36]

VTT's expertise in the areas of building and the built environment enables it to provide development and expert services related to actual construction, use, maintenance and ownership.

National Consumer Research Centre (NCRC) [37] The mission of NCRC is to investigate, anticipate and identify change and risk factors within the consumer society, in consumer behaviour and in the market, and to be a communicator of consumer research knowledge.

Research on Sustainable Living Environment[38]

This research programme represents a new thematic field in NCRC’s revised strategy, to be initiated at the beginning of 2006. The objective is to generate knowledge about housing and living infrastructure, about environmental questions related to the everyday life of consumers, and about consumer safety and risk management.

Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)[39] The main research subject of the FMI is the Earth's atmosphere. Research topics include meteorological, air quality, climate change and polar research. Customer services / products include weather services and air quality services. The services / products are most often custom made. The customer is able to define the content of a service together with FMI’s specialists.
Geological survey of Finland (GTK) [40] GTK's core activities range from geological mapping, through exploration, evaluation, and processing of natural resources, with a strong research effort in analysis of geological processes and mineral systems as well as in development and application of exploration and benefication technologies. Primary responsibilities are related to public domain mapping and geodata management. In addition, it performs technological and conceptual research and development, and provision of commercial services to both public and private sector clients.

GTK Research project register [41]

the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK)[42] STUK regulates the use of radiation and nuclear energy. They also carry out research on radiation and its effects and monitor radiation safety of the Finnish environment.

Natural radiation, research projects [43]

Finnish Road Administration [44] Finnish Road Administration is responsible for Finland’s highway network
Associations etc. Indoor air quality information system [45] (in Finnish only)
Allergy and Asthma federation[46] Internet-service provides information on allergies and asthma, topics including indoor air quality, temperature, ventilation, dust mites, moisture and mould, and proper cleaning (in Finnish only)
Pulmonary Association (Heli) [47] Heli organises training courses, produces information material, coordinates development and research projects on issues concerning the indoor and outdoor air and healthy buildings.
Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (FISIAQ) [48] FISIAQ aims to improve communication between research and practice and provide information for building occupants and owners to maintain good indoor air quality. One tool developed to this purpose is the Finnish Classification of Indoor Climate first implemented in 1995.

(in Finnish only)

The Finnish Real Estate Federation (FREF)[49] The Finnish Real Estate Federation (FREF) is is the central association of property owners, landlords and builders in Finland. Nowadays there are 20,000 member properties, of which 70% are housing companies and 30% tenant houses, banks, insurance companies, etc. FREF has its own research projects and it participates in the management of others. All phases of the building's life cycle are taken into account, the aim being to develop systems and practices for use by the members. FREF publishes the professional magazine The Finnish Real Estate Journal (in Finnish Suomen Kiinteistölehti) ten times a year, information bulletins, research reports, guides, professional literature and codes of practice.

Research projects related to healthiness and comfort of buildings [http://www.kiinteistoliitto.fi/hankkeet2010/17/

Recent studies in the area of housing
Better Housing 2010-program [50] The target of Better Housing 2010, intended to be a 5-year program, is to develop good quality housing in accordance with inhabitants needs. The program focuses quite extensively on housing, starting from architecture and covering renovation, maintenance and other services.

Living conditions are meant to promote well being as well as good working conditions for people of all ages. It will also include important issues such as city planning, housing policy and the financing of residential construction. Design, renovation and other housing services should be versatile and easily available. The research activities of the program extends from the basic research to the technology development.

Better Housing 2010-program preparation project report [51] (in Finnish, brief summary in English)

Housing barometric 2004[52] Large scale (N > 2200) questionnaire study on housing environmental quality in Finland (in Finnish only)
Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation[53] Research program on Healthy Building - Construction Technology, Indoor Climate and Quality 1998-2002

The main goal of the technology programme was a healthy building. The programme aimed to improve the current lifecycle of buildings and extend their service life.

Acoustic conditions in concrete apartment buildings, study report 2005 (in Finnish only)[54] Study on how new building codes are taken into effect in construction and how they affect occupant’s perception of noise in concrete apartment buildings.
--Ulla H-S 22:23, 23 October 2006 (EEST)

















the Netherlands

United Kingdom

Data and information sources Description of the source, additional links
Statistics Finland
Construction[55] Statistics on completed new buildings and renovations, the Building Cost Index, data on hours worked in construction, and on the finances, activity and structures of construction enterprises are produced under this topic.
Energy[56] Statistics concerning the production, consumption, imports, exports and prices of energy, and investments in energy come under this topic, as well as statistics on environmental emissions from the consumption and production of energy.
Health[57] Statistics describing the population's state of health, prevalence of diseases, incapacity for work, health behaviour and causes of death come under this topic. Statistics describing health care are also presented under Social protection and data on the number of deaths under Population.
Housing[58] Statistics describing the building and dwelling stock, dwelling occupancy, the population's housing conditions and occupancy rates, as well as structures and stages in life of household-dwelling units are produced under this topic. Its scope also extends to statistics concerning dwelling prices and rents, and financial statements of housing corporations.
Living conditions[59] Statistics describing human relationships, welfare, quality of life, social participation and security come under this topic. Also included are statistics concerning the living conditions of different population groups.
Population[60] This topic covers statistics on the size and structure of the permanently resident population and related changes, such as births, deaths, marriages, migration. Statistics on employment, families and household-dwelling units, as well as population projections by area are also produced under this topic.
Data[61] Statistics Finland's statistical data: Population statistics / Statistics on families and household-dwelling units / Statistics on living conditions / Building, dwelling and free-time residence data / Education statistics / Crime statistics / Statistics on income and property / Income distribution statistics / Statistics on wages and salaries

Separately formed research data is formed based on statistical data from which samples can be selected to meet researchers' needs

StatFin Catalogues Catalogue in English[62]

More comprehensive and recent catalogue in Finnish [63]

The Population Register Centre (VRK) [64] The Population Register Centre produces personal and building data services of the highest quality, as well as identification solutions for electronic services to cater for the different needs of society. The Population Register Centre develops and maintains the Population Information System, certificate services, the guardianship register and the Public Sector Directory Service, and provides assistance for organising elections.
Finland’s environmental administration [65] Description of registries maintained by Finland’s environmental administration as required by Personal data act [66] (in Finnish only)

Description of databases [67] (mostly in Finnish)

License fees of GIS-databases maintained by Finland’s environmental administration [68](in Finnish only)

Community structure follow-up system, baseline variables [69] Includes statistical information in 250m x 250m, partly 150m x 150m scale from years 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993, 1995, including population / age group, work force, work places, number of buildings and their size / building type, distance between home and work, housing information inc. number of occupants and car ownership(in Finnish only)
Information System for Monitoring the Living Environment - ELYSE [70] The Information System for Monitoring the Living Environment is aimed at obtaining an overall picture of the state of the living environment and being able to monitor changes over time and from one area to another. The living environment is defined as the area in which people live their daily lives and includes factors that influence the living conditions in the built environment. Under the Land Use and Building Act of Finland, the authorities have been obliged since the beginning of the year 2000 to monitor land use and the built environment. ELYSE contains statistical data on 12 monitoring themes, which are broken down into more precise monitoring indicators. The monitoring themes are: Population / Land use and community structure / Buildings and the built cultural environment / Housing / Services / Jobs / Landscape and the natural environment / Recreational areas / Traffic / Municipal infrastructure and energy / Environmental hazards / The social environment
The Ministry of the Environment [71] The Finnish Ministry of the Environment is responsible for ensuring that the environmental perspective is given proper consideration in international cooperation and society, and at all levels of government. The Ministry formulates environmental policies, carries out strategic planning and makes decisions in its own sphere of interest. It is also responsible for preparing legislation and drawing up its own budget, and for result management and setting binding standards.
Housing statistics[72] Statistics related to residential buildings: prices, rents, mortages, production, support (in Finnish only)
Depth of ground frost [73]
Hydrological maps[74]
Housing.fi-portal [75] Housing.fi is a theme portal under Suomi.fi with an English language version including the topics: A Home in Finland, Alternative Housing Types, Everyday Life and Housing, Construction and Renovation, Legislation and Citizenship and Living in Finland. The English version differs from the Finnish and Swedish language versions.
Housing fund of Finland (ARA) [76] ARA is a governmental agency who implements social housing policy. ARA's main task is to finance state-subsidised rental housing production. The Fund has also other obligations such as to make grants for housing repairs and to supervise the granting of state guarantees on loans for owner-occupied housing.

Statistics of social housing [77]

National land survey of Finland (NLS) [78] NLS produces and provides information on and services in real estate, topography and the environment for the needs of citizens, other customers and the community at large. It is responsible for Finland’s cadastral system and general mapping assignments. It also promotes the shared use of geographic information.

Topographic Database[79]

Property data and purchase prices [80]

Joint use of geographic information[81]

A National Road and Street Database (Digiroad) [82] Digiroad is a national database which contains precise and accurate data on the location of all roads and streets in Finland as well as their most important physical features (covering a total of 430,000 km or 270,000 miles).
Universities and research institutes
Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Heating Ventilating and Air-Conditioning, research activities:[83]

Department of Architecture, research activities: [84]

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, research activities:[ http://www.tkk.fi/Units/Civil/]

Tampere University of Technology Institute of Structural Engineering, research activities: [85]
University of Kuopio Department of Environmental Sciences, research activities: [86]
University of Oulu Department of Architecture, general: [87]
National Public Health Institute Department of Environmental Health, research activities: [88]

Research in environmental health at KTL focuses on the following areas: air pollution, asthma and allergies, health risk analysis, chemicals, drinking water, mouldy buildings

Technical Research Centre of Finland(VTT) [89] VTT is an impartial expert organisation. Its objective is to develop new technologies, create new innovations and value added thus increasing customer's competencies.

Building, built environment [90]

VTT's expertise in the areas of building and the built environment enables it to provide development and expert services related to actual construction, use, maintenance and ownership.

National Consumer Research Centre (NCRC) [91] The mission of NCRC is to investigate, anticipate and identify change and risk factors within the consumer society, in consumer behaviour and in the market, and to be a communicator of consumer research knowledge.

Research on Sustainable Living Environment[92]

This research programme represents a new thematic field in NCRC’s revised strategy, to be initiated at the beginning of 2006. The objective is to generate knowledge about housing and living infrastructure, about environmental questions related to the everyday life of consumers, and about consumer safety and risk management.

Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)[93] The main research subject of the FMI is the Earth's atmosphere. Research topics include meteorological, air quality, climate change and polar research. Customer services / products include weather services and air quality services. The services / products are most often custom made. The customer is able to define the content of a service together with FMI’s specialists.
Geological survey of Finland (GTK) [94] GTK's core activities range from geological mapping, through exploration, evaluation, and processing of natural resources, with a strong research effort in analysis of geological processes and mineral systems as well as in development and application of exploration and benefication technologies. Primary responsibilities are related to public domain mapping and geodata management. In addition, it performs technological and conceptual research and development, and provision of commercial services to both public and private sector clients.

GTK Research project register [95]

the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK)[96] STUK regulates the use of radiation and nuclear energy. They also carry out research on radiation and its effects and monitor radiation safety of the Finnish environment.

Natural radiation, research projects [97]

Finnish Road Administration [98] Finnish Road Administration is responsible for Finland’s highway network
Associations etc. Indoor air quality information system [99] (in Finnish only)
Allergy and Asthma federation[100] Internet-service provides information on allergies and asthma, topics including indoor air quality, temperature, ventilation, dust mites, moisture and mould, and proper cleaning (in Finnish only)
Pulmonary Association (Heli) [101] Heli organises training courses, produces information material, coordinates development and research projects on issues concerning the indoor and outdoor air and healthy buildings.
Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (FISIAQ) [102] FISIAQ aims to improve communication between research and practice and provide information for building occupants and owners to maintain good indoor air quality. One tool developed to this purpose is the Finnish Classification of Indoor Climate first implemented in 1995.

(in Finnish only)

The Finnish Real Estate Federation (FREF)[103] The Finnish Real Estate Federation (FREF) is is the central association of property owners, landlords and builders in Finland. Nowadays there are 20,000 member properties, of which 70% are housing companies and 30% tenant houses, banks, insurance companies, etc. FREF has its own research projects and it participates in the management of others. All phases of the building's life cycle are taken into account, the aim being to develop systems and practices for use by the members. FREF publishes the professional magazine The Finnish Real Estate Journal (in Finnish Suomen Kiinteistölehti) ten times a year, information bulletins, research reports, guides, professional literature and codes of practice.

Research projects related to healthiness and comfort of buildings [http://www.kiinteistoliitto.fi/hankkeet2010/17/

Recent studies in the area of housing
Better Housing 2010-program [104] The target of Better Housing 2010, intended to be a 5-year program, is to develop good quality housing in accordance with inhabitants needs. The program focuses quite extensively on housing, starting from architecture and covering renovation, maintenance and other services.

Living conditions are meant to promote well being as well as good working conditions for people of all ages. It will also include important issues such as city planning, housing policy and the financing of residential construction. Design, renovation and other housing services should be versatile and easily available. The research activities of the program extends from the basic research to the technology development.

Better Housing 2010-program preparation project report [105] (in Finnish, brief summary in English)

Housing barometric 2004[106] Large scale (N > 2200) questionnaire study on housing environmental quality in Finland (in Finnish only)
Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation[107] Research program on Healthy Building - Construction Technology, Indoor Climate and Quality 1998-2002

The main goal of the technology programme was a healthy building. The programme aimed to improve the current lifecycle of buildings and extend their service life.

Acoustic conditions in concrete apartment buildings, study report 2005 (in Finnish only)[108] Study on how new building codes are taken into effect in construction and how they affect occupant’s perception of noise in concrete apartment buildings.