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== Question ==
How to model the use of energy of buildings based on either annual consumption per floor area, or energy efficiency per floor area per indoor-outdoor temperature difference?
==Answer ==
[[File:Energy used in heating in Helsinki.png|thumb|centre|600px|Example of consumer energy demand calculations: energy need in Helsinki from the assessment [[Helsinki energy decision 2015]].]]
An example code for fetching and using the variables.
<rcode embed=1>
## This code is Op_en5488/ on page [[Energy use of buildings]]
objects.latest("Op_en5488", code_name = "EnergyConsumerDemand") # [[Energy use in buildings]]
cat("These ovariables must be obtained from somewhere to use this method:\n")
== Rationale ==
=== Input ===
{| {{prettytable}}
|+'''Variables needed to calculate the EnergyConsumerDemand. Note that there are several different methods available, and temperature data is not needed in an annual energy version.
! Dependencies || Measure || Indices || Missing data
| buildings (from the model).
| Floor area of the building stock to be heated
| Typical indices: Building, Heating, Efficiency, Renovation
| You can use value 1 to calculate energy need per 1 m<sup>2</sup> floor area.
| temperene (fairly generic data for a given cultural and climatic area, e.g. from [[Energy use of buildings]])
| Energy need per floor area and indoor-outdoor temperature difference (W /m<sup>2</sup> /K)
| Required indices: Consumable, Fuel (Commodity). Typical indices: Building, Heating.
| if this data is missing, you can only calculate building stock but nothing further.
| nontemperene (fairly generic data for a given cultural and climatic area, e.g. from [[Energy use of buildings]])
| Energy need for hot water and other non-temperature-dependent activities
| Required indices: Consumable, Fuel (Commodity).
| Use 0 to calculate energy demand excluding non-heating energy use.
| temperatures (location-specific data)
| Average outdoor temperatures for particular temperature bins.
| Reuired indices: Temperature.
| If missing, use the annual energy version.
| temperdays (location-specific data)
| Number of days per year for particular temperature bins.
| Required indices: Temperature.
| If missing, use the annual energy version.
| efficiencyRatio (fairly generic data for a cultural and climatic area, e.g. from [[Energy use of buildings]])
| Relative energy consumption compared with the efficiency group Old.
| Required indices: Efficiency. Typical indices: Time, Building.
| If no data, use 1 as default.
| renovationRatio (fairly generic data for a cultural and climatic area, e.g. from [[Energy use of buildings]])
| Relative energy consumption compared with the Renovation location None.
| Required indices: Renovation. Typical indices: Building.
| If no data, use 1 as default.
=== Annual calculations ===
The code below assumes annual energy consumption factors per floor area (kWh /m<sup>2</sup> /a). No temperature data is needed.
<math>Q_{e,r} = \sum_b B_{b,e,r} F_b E_e R_r,</math>
* Q = Energy used for heating and cooling (kWh /a)
* B = floor area of a building stock indexed by renovation and efficiency (m<sup>2</sup>)
* F = energy consumption factor (kWh / m<sup>2</sup> /a)
* E = relative efficiency of a building stock based on energy class when built (no unit)
* R = relative efficiency of a building stock based on energy class after renovated (no unit)
* indices used:
** b = building type
** e = efficiency class of building
** r = renovation class of building
<rcode name='energyUseAnnual' label='Initiate energyUse using annual factors (only for developers)' embed=1>
### This code is Op_en5488/energyUseAnnual on page [[Energy use of buildings]].
### energyUse is the energy consumption due to heating of a given building stock.
energyUse <- Ovariable("energyUse",
dependencies = data.frame(
Name = c(
Ident = c(
formula = function(...) {
out <- buildings * energyFactor * efficiencyRatio * renovationRatio
out <- unkeep(out, prevresults = TRUE, sources = TRUE)
out <- oapply(out, cols = c("Building"), FUN = sum)
cat("Ovariable energyUse stored.\n")
=== Temperature-dependent calculations ===
The code below assumes energy consumption factors relative to floor area (W /m<sup>2</sup> /K). Local temperature data must be given in either individual or aggregated way. Individual way has temperature data for all timepoints (e.g. days or hours) of the given year, and heatingTime = 1. Aggregated way has a specific Temperature index (e.g. very cold, cold, cool etc) in both ovariables temperature and heatingTime. The ovariable temperature tells what is the actual temperature when it is "very cold", and heatingTime tells how many hours it is "very cold" during the year.
<math>Q_{e,r,t} = \sum_b (B_{b,e,r} U_b (17 - T_t) E_e R_r + W_b) t_t,</math>
* Q = Energy used for heating and cooling (kWh /a)
* B = floor area of a building stock indexed by renovation and efficiency (m<sup>2</sup>)
* U = energy consumption factor per floor area for a building type (W /m<sup>2</sup> /K)
* T = temperature outside (assumes that no heating is needed if outside temperature is 17 degrees Celsius)
* E = relative efficiency of a building stock based on energy class when built (no unit)
* R = relative efficiency of a building stock based on energy class after renovated (no unit)
* W = heating need of hot water (W)
* t = time spent in a particular outdoor temperature (h /a)
* indices used:
** b = building type
** e = efficiency class of building
** r = renovation class of building
** t = ambient temperature class
<rcode name='energyUseTemperature' label='Initiate energyUse using temperature info (only for developers)' embed=1>
### This code is Op_en5488/energyUseTemperature on page [[Energy use of buildings]].
### EnergyUse of a given building stock when U values are available.
energyUse <- Ovariable("energyUse",
dependencies = data.frame(
Name = c(
"temperdays" # fetched here but it is only calculated after energyBalance optimisation
Ident = c(
formula = function(...) {
#NOTE2! buildings must have index Heating.
buil <- oapply(buildings, cols = "Building", FUN = sum)
# We assume that energy efficiency of building structures also reduces cooling need.
tempe <- temperene * efficiencyRatio * renovationRatio
# We assume that 17 °C is thermoneutral with no heating.
heat <- buil * (17 - temperatures) * tempe
# Only positive heating is considered (i.e., cooling is not here)
result(heat) <- pmax(0, result(heat))
heat@output <- heat@output[heat@output$Consumable == "Heating" , ]
# We assume that 24 °C is thermoneutral with no cooling.
cool <- buil * (temperatures - 24) * tempe
# Only positive cooling is considered (i.e., heating is not here)
result(cool) <- pmax(0, result(cool))
cool@output <- cool@output[cool@output$Consumable %in% c("Cooling", "District cooling", "Electric cooling") , ]
cool@output$Heating <- "Not heating"
other <- buil * nontemperene
other@output$Heating <- "Not heating"
out <- OpasnetUtils::combine(OpasnetUtils::combine(heat, cool), other)
out <- unkeep(out, prevresults = TRUE, sources = TRUE)
out@output <- fillna(out@output, marginals = "Temperature")
cat("Ovariable energyUse stored.\n")
<rcode name='EnergyConsumerDemand' label='Initiate EnergyConsumerDemand (only for developers)' embed=1>
### This code is Op_en5488/EnergyConsumerDemand on page [[Energy use of buildings]].
### EnergyUse of a given building stock when U values are available.
EnergyConsumerDemand <- Ovariable("EnergyConsumerDemand",
dependencies = data.frame(
Name = c(
"temperdays" # fetched here but it is only calculated after energyBalance optimisation
Ident = c(
formula = function(...) {
#NOTE2! buildings must have index Heating.
#NOTE3! Heating, cooling and Other should probably be in different ovariables instead of being here:
# multiple variables necessitates explicit handling in other dependent variables, which is bad.
buil <- oapply(buildings, cols = "Building", FUN = sum)
# Remove Fuel column as unnecessary and disruptive
temperene <- temperene[,!colnames(temperene@output) %in% "Fuel"]
nontemperene <- nontemperene[,!colnames(nontemperene@output) %in% "Fuel"]
# We assume that energy efficiency of building structures also reduces cooling need.
tempe <- temperene * efficiencyRatio * renovationRatio
# We assume that 17 °C is thermoneutral with no heating.
heat <- buil * (17 - temperatures) * tempe[tempe$Consumable == "Heating", ]#!colnames(tempe@output) %in% "Fuel"]
# Only positive heating is considered (i.e., cooling is not here)
result(heat) <- pmax(0, result(heat))
#heat@output <- heat@output[heat@output$Consumable == "Heating" , ]
# We assume that 24 °C is thermoneutral with no cooling.
cool <- buil * (temperatures - 24) * tempe[tempe$Consumable %in% c("Cooling", "District cooling", "Electric cooling"),]
# Only positive cooling is considered (i.e., heating is not here)
result(cool) <- pmax(0, result(cool))
#cool@output <- cool@output[cool@output$Consumable %in% c("Cooling", "District cooling", "Electric cooling") , ]
#cool@output$Heating <- "Not heating"
other <- buil * nontemperene
#other@output$Heating <- "Not heating"
out <- OpasnetUtils::combine(heat, cool, other)
out <- unkeep(out, prevresults = TRUE, sources = TRUE)
out@output <- fillna(out@output, marginals = "Temperature")
cat("Ovariable EnergyConsumerDemand stored.\n")
===Baseline energy consumption===
Heat reflects the energy need for heating in situations where the outdoor temperature is below 17 °C. Cooling reflects the cooling need (measured as thermal energy, not electricity!) in situations where the outdoor temperature is above 24 °C. This is not a U value, because it is about energy use per floor area, not about heat loss through building structures per m<sup>2</sup>. For estimating temperene, we take the total energy consumption in Helsinki and divide that with the total floor area and average temperature difference, see [[Helsinki energy consumption#U values based on overall data]].
<t2b name='Energy use per area and temperature difference' index="Consumable,Fuel" obs="Energy flow" desc="Description" unit="W /K /m2">
Heating|Heat|1.66|See Helsinki energy consumption: 6921.65/24/365/38990000/(17-4.8)*1E+9
District cooling|Cooling|0.3|Guesswork. This uses centralised system.
Electric cooling|Electricity|0.3|Guesswork. This uses apartment-specific appliances.
<rcode name="temperene" label="Initiate temperene (for developers only)" embed=1>
## This is code Op_en5488/temperene on page [[Energy use of buildings]]
temperene <- Ovariable("temperene", ddata = "Op_en5488", subset = "Energy use per area and temperature difference")
cat("Ovariable temperene stored.\n")
Temperature-independent energy consumption per floor area.
<t2b name="Temperature-independent energy use per area" index="Consumable,Fuel" obs="Energy intensity" desc="Description" unit="W /m2">
Consumer electricity|Electricity|5|Assumes 50 kWh /m2 /a (see below)
Hot water|Heat|4|Assumes that hot water is ca. 20 % of energy need of heating: 6921.65/24/365/38990000*1E+9*0.2
<rcode name="nontemperene" label="Initiate nontemperene (for developers only)" embed=1>
## This is code Op_en5488/nontemperene on page [[Energy use of buildings]]
nontemperene <- Ovariable("nontemperene", ddata = "Op_en5488", subset = "Temperature-independent energy use per area")
cat("Ovariable nontemperene stored.\n")
<t2b name='Baseline energy consumption per area unit' index="Building,Heating,Energy use" unit="kWh/m2/a" locations="Heat,User electricity" desc="Total electricity,Year,Description" >
Detached houses|District|134.74|50|184.74|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data; Pöyry
Detached houses|Electricity|130|50|180|2010|Energiapolar; Pöyry
Detached houses|Oil|134.74|50|50|2010|Pöyry. Efficiency 90-95% (
Detached houses|Wood|134.74|50|50|2010|Assumption. Efficiency of good kettles 80%(
Detached houses|Geothermal|40|50|90|2010|Assumption
Row houses||168.88|73.5|73.5|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Apartment houses||172.31|41.7|41.7|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Commercial||161.82|229.6|229.6|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Offices||161.07|93.1|93.1|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Health and social sector||214.97|122.81|122.81|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Public||165.47|110.4|110.4|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Sports||121.38|85.9|85.9|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Educational||170|116.4|116.4|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Industrial||168.44|212.4|212.4|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
Leisure houses||2.4|1|3.4|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on electricity
Other||138.14|170.3|170.3|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data
Non-residential buildings|No energy source|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Heating oil|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Coal|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Gas|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Electricity|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Wood|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Centrifuge, hydro-extractor|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Solar heater/ collector|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Long-distance heating|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Non-residential buildings|Other sources|113||||Urgenche data for Basel
Special constructions||86-106||||Urgenche data for Basel (Mixed use)
Single-family houses||69||||Urgenche data for Basel
Multiple-family houses||54-106||||Urgenche data for Basel
Residential buildings with subsidiary use||86-106||||Urgenche data for Basel
Buildings with partial residential use||86-106||||Urgenche data for Basel
* Pöyry 2011. <ref>Pöyry 2011: [[File:Kuopion kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähentämismahdollisuudet 2020 mennessä.pdf|Kuopion kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähentämismahdollisuudet v 2020 mennessä]].</ref>
* Energiapolar. <ref>Energiapolar/Arvioi sähkönkulutus[]</ref>
*Öljylämmitys <ref>Öljylämmitys[]</ref>
<rcode name='energyFactor' embed=1 label='Initiate energyFactor (developers only)'>
# This code is Op_en5488/energyFactor on page [[Energy use of buildings]]
energyFactor <- Ovariable("energyFactor",
dependencies = data.frame(
Name = c("dummy")
formula = function (...) {
out <- Ovariable('energyFactor',
ddata = 'Op_en5488',
subset = 'Baseline energy consumption per area unit'
out@data <- out@data[
out@data[["Energy use"]] == "Heat" ,
colnames(out@data) != "Energy use"
levels(out@data$Heating)[levels(out@data$Heating) == ""] <- NA
out@data <- fillna(out@data, "Heating")
cat("Object energyFactor initiated!\n")
===Energy efficiency in heating===
What is the relative energy consumption of different efficiency classes compared with Old? This table tells that with some background information about  heat (in kWh/m2/a), electricity, and water consumption.
<t2b name='Energy use by energy class of building' index="Efficiency" obs="Ratio" desc="Heat,User electricity,Water,Description" unit="ratio">
Old|1|150||30|Pöyry 2011 s.28
New|0.4-0.5|70|50|40|Pöyry 2011 s.32 (2010 SRMK)
Low-energy|0.2-0.25|35|50|40|Personal communication
Passive|0.1-0.16|17.5 - 25|50|40|Pöyry 2011 s.33; Personal communication
<rcode name='efficiencyRatio' embed=1 label='Initiate efficiencyRatio (developers only)'>
# This code is Op_en5488/efficiencyRatio on page [[Energy use of buildings]]
efficiencyRatio <- Ovariable(
name = 'efficiencyRatio',
ddata = 'Op_en5488',
subset = 'Energy use by energy class of building'
cat("Object efficiencyRatio initiated!\n")
<t2b name="Energy efficiency of buildings when they are built" index="Efficiency,Constructed" obs='Fraction' desc='Description' unit="%">
Low-energy|2020-2029||The rest of energy class
Passive|2030-2039||The rest of energy class
Passive|2040-2070||The rest of energy class
* Old: old buildings to be renovated (or in need of renovation)
* New: normal new buildings (no current need of renovation)
* Low-energy: buildings consuming about half of the energy of a new building
* Passive: buildings consuming a quarter or less of the energy of a new building
* Chinese green building system: [,%20China%20green%20building%20standard.pdf] []
<rcode name="efficiencyShares" label="Initiate efficiencyshares (developers only)" embed=1>
#This code is Op_en5488/efficiencyShares from page [[Energy use of buildings]].
efficiencyShares <- Ovariable("efficiencyShares",
dependencies = data.frame(
Name = c("dummy")
formula = function(...) {
es <- Ovariable(
name = 'es',
ddata = 'Op_en5488',
subset = 'Energy efficiency of buildings when they are built'
es <- findrest(es, cols = "Efficiency", total = 100) / 100
constructed <- unique(es@data$Constructed)
temp <- ((strsplit(as.character(constructed), split = "-")))
y <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:length(constructed)) {
y <- rbind(
Constructed = constructed[i],
Time = seq(from = as.numeric(temp[[i]][1]), to = as.numeric(temp[[i]][2]), by = 5),
Result = 1
y <- Ovariable(output = y, marginal = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))

== Question ==
out <- unkeep(es * y, cols = "Constructed", prevresults = TRUE, sources = TRUE)
What is the use of energy by buildings in Kuopio, classified as in building registry? Mean values are given, except the number which is absolute.
out@output$Efficiency <- factor(
levels = c("Traditional", "Old", "New", "Low-energy", "Passive"),
ordered = TRUE
dummy <- 1, dummy)
cat("Objects efficiencyShares, dummy initiated!\n")
===Impact of renovations===

== Answer ==
<t2b name="Energy saving potential of different renovations" index="Renovation" obs="Relative" desc="Absolute,Renovation details,Description" unit="ratio,kWh/m2/a">
<t2b index="Building type,Result" locations="Number,Area,Volume,U value,Air exchange rate,No. of floors,Heat,Electricity" unit= "#,#">
Windows|0.85|25|New windows and doors|Pöyry 2011
One apartment houses||||||||
Technical systems|0.50|75|New windows, sealing of building's sheath, improvement of building's technical systems|Pöyry 2011
Two apartment houses||||||||
Sheath reform|0.35|100|New windows, sealing of building's sheath, improvement of building's technical systems, significant reform of building's sheath|Pöyry 2011
Other detached houses||||||||
General|0.85|-|General renovation|Pöyry 2011
Row houses||||||||
None|1|0|Renovation not done|
Chain houses||||||||
Apartment houses||||||||
Leisure houses||||||||
Shop halls||||||||
Department stores, shopping centers||||||||
Store buildings||||||||
Hotels etc.||||||||
Leisure houses for renting||||||||
Other buildings for commercial accommodation||||||||
Hostels, sheltered homes ||||||||
Other accommodation buildings||||||||
Restaurants etc.||||||||
Railway and bus stations, air- and harbour terminals||||||||
Buildings for vehicle service||||||||
Parking halls||||||||
(Tele)communication buildings||||||||
Other traffic buildings||||||||
Central hospitals||||||||
Other hospitals||||||||
Health care centers||||||||
Rehabilitation institutes||||||||
Other health care buildings||||||||
Retirement homes||||||||
Nursing homes for mentally disabled||||||||
Other nursing homes/institutions||||||||
Day care centers||||||||
Other social service buildings||||||||
Theaters, concert halls etc.||||||||
Museums, art galleries||||||||
Club-, youth etc. houses||||||||
Churches, chapels, monasteries||||||||
Church halls||||||||
Other buildings of religious communities||||||||
Ice halls||||||||
Swimming halls||||||||
Tennis-, squash-, badminton halls||||||||
Other sport halls||||||||
Other sport- and fitness buildings||||||||
Other meeting/convention buildings||||||||
Primary and secondary schools, high scools||||||||
Vocational schools||||||||
Research institutes||||||||
Educational buildings of organisations,unions etc.||||||||
Other educational buildings||||||||
Power plants||||||||
Buildings of community technology||||||||
Industry halls||||||||
Industry and small industry houses||||||||
Other industrial buildings||||||||
Industrial warehouses||||||||
Trade warehouses||||||||
Other warehouses||||||||
Fire stations||||||||
Other fire- and rescue buildings||||||||
Cow-houses, piggeries, henneries etc.||||||||
Trotter stables, manèges, cots||||||||
Grain silos etc.||||||||
Other agricultural, forestry and fishery buildings||||||||
Other buildings||||||||

== Rationale ==
<rcode name='renovationRatio' embed=1 label='Initiate renovationRatio (developers only)'>
# This code is Op_en5488/renovationRatio on page [[Energy use of buildings]]

renovationRatio <- Ovariable(
name = 'renovationRatio',
ddata = 'Op_en5488',
subset = 'Energy saving potential of different renovations'
renovationRatio@data$Renovation <- factor(
levels = c("None", "General", "Windows", "Technical systems", "Sheath reform"),
ordered = TRUE
cat("Object renovationRatio initiated!\n")

=== Dependencies ===

=== Formula ===
=== Data not used ===

'''Effect of renovation'''
:''This section contains data that are relevant for the topic but are not used in the actual method calculations.

<rcode name="initiate" variables="
{{comment|# |Note that below numbers are very preliminary (esp. electricity)!|--[[User:Marjo|Marjo]] 16:49, 13 March 2013 (EET)}}
name:Heat_Cons|description:Total heat consumption of buildings per year (GWh)|default:880|
name:Mean_Heat|description:Mean heat consumption of buildings per year (GWh/m2)|default:x|
name:Fraction_Renov|description:Fraction of buildings renovated per year (%)|default:3|
name:Meandecr_Heat|description:Mean decrease in heat consumption due to renovation (kWh/m2)|default:2

<t2b name='Baseline energy consumption per volume unit' index="Building,Heating,Observation" locations="Heat,User electricity" desc="Year,Description" unit="kWh/m3/a">
Detached houses|District|42.15|15.67|2010|Calculated from energy company´s data; Energiapolar
Detached houses|Electricity|40.66|15.67|2010|Energiapolar
Detached houses|Oil|42.15|15.67|2010|Energiapolar
Detached houses|Wood|42.15|15.67|2010|Assumption
Detached houses|Geothermal|18.56|15.67|2010|Assumption
Row houses|District|53.25|23.16|2010|From energy company
Apartment houses|District|49.2|11.9|2010|From energy company
Commercial|District|28.65|40.64|2010|From energy company
Offices|District|36.32|20.99|2010|From energy company
Health and social sector|District|55.2|31.53|2010|From energy company
Public|District|32.21|21.49|2010|From energy company
Sports|District|18.37|13|2010|From energy company; Electricity value comes from city´s renovation data
Educational|District|40.23|27.54|2010|From energy company
Industrial|District|30.57|38.55|2010|From energy company
Leisure houses|Electricity|0.68|0.29|2010|From energy company
Other|District|29.88|36.83|2010|From energy company

###'''New building stock'''
===Regulations regarding energy consumption of buildings===

<rcode name="initiate" variables="
<t2b name='Maximum allowed energy consumption per unit (= E-value)' index="Building,Year" obs="E-value" desc="Description" unit="kWh/m2/a">
name:Apart_Houses|description:Area of new apartment houses per year (m2)|default:|
Detached houses|2012 forward|204|Heated net area <120 m2; Finland´s Environmental Administration
name:Row_Houses|description:Area of new row houses per year (m2)|default:|
Row houses|2012 forward|150|Finland´s Environmental Administration
name:Detach_Houses|description:Area of new detached houses per year|default:|
Apartment houses|2012 forward|130|Finland´s Environmental Administration
name:Heat_apart|description:Maximum allowed heat consumption of new apartment houses(kWh/m2)|default:
Shops and other commercial buildings|2012 forward|240|Finland´s Environmental Administration
name:Heat_apart|description:Maximum allowed heat consumption of new row houses(kWh/m2)|default:
Offices|2012 forward|170|Finland´s Environmental Administration
name:Heat_apart|description:Maximum allowed heat consumption of new detached houses(kWh/m2)|default:
Health and social sector: Hospitals|2012 forward|450|Finland´s Environmental Administration
Health and social sector: Health care centers etc.|2012 forward|170|Finland´s Environmental Administration
Public|2012 forward|240|Finland´s Environmental Administration
Sports|2012 forward|170|Does not apply to swimming- and ice halls; Finland´s Environmental Administration
Educational|2012 forward|170|Finland´s Environmental Administration
Industrial|2012 forward|-|E-value must be calculated but there´s no limit for it; Finland´s Environmental Administration
Leisure buildings|2012 forward|-|E-value must be calculated but there´s no limit for it; Finland´s Environmental Administration
Other|2012 forward|-|E-value must be calculated but there´s no limit for it; Finland´s Environmental Administration

==See also==
==See also==
<gallery widths="250px">
File:Capture2.PNG|Energy consumption rate shows that people are using more energy than years before or it is about the same in Finland.
File:Capture3.PNG||Most of the electricity is consumed in service sectors and homes. Moreover, the electricity produced by heating is used mostly in stakeholders and a little amount in service sector.
File:Capture1.PNG|Wood fuels are the biggest source of energy in Finland.
* Juhani Heljo, Hannele Laine. Sähkölämmitys ja lämpöpumput sähkönkäyttäjinä ja päästöjen aiheuttajina Suomessa] TTY 2/2005. [] {{defend|# |Contains emission factors etc. May also be used in [[Emission factors for burning processes]].|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 07:38, 18 June 2015 (UTC)}}
* Juhani Heljo, Eero Nippala, Harri Nuuttila. Rakennusten energiankulutus ja CO2-ekv päästöt Suomessa. TTY 4/2005. []

Line 119: Line 587:

==Related files==
==Related files==
| authors        =
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Latest revision as of 03:46, 10 April 2019


How to model the use of energy of buildings based on either annual consumption per floor area, or energy efficiency per floor area per indoor-outdoor temperature difference?


Example of consumer energy demand calculations: energy need in Helsinki from the assessment Helsinki energy decision 2015.

An example code for fetching and using the variables.

+ Show code



Variables needed to calculate the EnergyConsumerDemand. Note that there are several different methods available, and temperature data is not needed in an annual energy version.
Dependencies Measure Indices Missing data
buildings (from the model). Floor area of the building stock to be heated Typical indices: Building, Heating, Efficiency, Renovation You can use value 1 to calculate energy need per 1 m2 floor area.
temperene (fairly generic data for a given cultural and climatic area, e.g. from Energy use of buildings) Energy need per floor area and indoor-outdoor temperature difference (W /m2 /K) Required indices: Consumable, Fuel (Commodity). Typical indices: Building, Heating. if this data is missing, you can only calculate building stock but nothing further.
nontemperene (fairly generic data for a given cultural and climatic area, e.g. from Energy use of buildings) Energy need for hot water and other non-temperature-dependent activities Required indices: Consumable, Fuel (Commodity). Use 0 to calculate energy demand excluding non-heating energy use.
temperatures (location-specific data) Average outdoor temperatures for particular temperature bins. Reuired indices: Temperature. If missing, use the annual energy version.
temperdays (location-specific data) Number of days per year for particular temperature bins. Required indices: Temperature. If missing, use the annual energy version.
efficiencyRatio (fairly generic data for a cultural and climatic area, e.g. from Energy use of buildings) Relative energy consumption compared with the efficiency group Old. Required indices: Efficiency. Typical indices: Time, Building. If no data, use 1 as default.
renovationRatio (fairly generic data for a cultural and climatic area, e.g. from Energy use of buildings) Relative energy consumption compared with the Renovation location None. Required indices: Renovation. Typical indices: Building. If no data, use 1 as default.

Annual calculations

The code below assumes annual energy consumption factors per floor area (kWh /m2 /a). No temperature data is needed.

Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle Q_{e,r} = \sum_b B_{b,e,r} F_b E_e R_r,}


  • Q = Energy used for heating and cooling (kWh /a)
  • B = floor area of a building stock indexed by renovation and efficiency (m2)
  • F = energy consumption factor (kWh / m2 /a)
  • E = relative efficiency of a building stock based on energy class when built (no unit)
  • R = relative efficiency of a building stock based on energy class after renovated (no unit)
  • indices used:
    • b = building type
    • e = efficiency class of building
    • r = renovation class of building

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Temperature-dependent calculations

The code below assumes energy consumption factors relative to floor area (W /m2 /K). Local temperature data must be given in either individual or aggregated way. Individual way has temperature data for all timepoints (e.g. days or hours) of the given year, and heatingTime = 1. Aggregated way has a specific Temperature index (e.g. very cold, cold, cool etc) in both ovariables temperature and heatingTime. The ovariable temperature tells what is the actual temperature when it is "very cold", and heatingTime tells how many hours it is "very cold" during the year.

Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle Q_{e,r,t} = \sum_b (B_{b,e,r} U_b (17 - T_t) E_e R_r + W_b) t_t,}


  • Q = Energy used for heating and cooling (kWh /a)
  • B = floor area of a building stock indexed by renovation and efficiency (m2)
  • U = energy consumption factor per floor area for a building type (W /m2 /K)
  • T = temperature outside (assumes that no heating is needed if outside temperature is 17 degrees Celsius)
  • E = relative efficiency of a building stock based on energy class when built (no unit)
  • R = relative efficiency of a building stock based on energy class after renovated (no unit)
  • W = heating need of hot water (W)
  • t = time spent in a particular outdoor temperature (h /a)
  • indices used:
    • b = building type
    • e = efficiency class of building
    • r = renovation class of building
    • t = ambient temperature class

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Baseline energy consumption

Heat reflects the energy need for heating in situations where the outdoor temperature is below 17 °C. Cooling reflects the cooling need (measured as thermal energy, not electricity!) in situations where the outdoor temperature is above 24 °C. This is not a U value, because it is about energy use per floor area, not about heat loss through building structures per m2. For estimating temperene, we take the total energy consumption in Helsinki and divide that with the total floor area and average temperature difference, see Helsinki energy consumption#U values based on overall data.

Energy use per area and temperature difference(W /K /m2)
ObsConsumableFuelEnergy flowDescription
1HeatingHeat1.66See Helsinki energy consumption: 6921.65/24/365/38990000/(17-4.8)*1E+9
2District coolingCooling0.3Guesswork. This uses centralised system.
3Electric coolingElectricity0.3Guesswork. This uses apartment-specific appliances.

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Temperature-independent energy consumption per floor area.

Temperature-independent energy use per area(W /m2)
ObsConsumableFuelEnergy intensityDescription
1Consumer electricityElectricity5Assumes 50 kWh /m2 /a (see below)
2Hot waterHeat4Assumes that hot water is ca. 20 % of energy need of heating: 6921.65/24/365/38990000*1E+9*0.2

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Baseline energy consumption per area unit(kWh/m2/a)
ObsBuildingHeatingHeatUser electricityTotal electricityYearDescription
1Detached housesDistrict134.7450184.742010Calculated from energy company´s data; Pöyry
2Detached housesElectricity130501802010Energiapolar; Pöyry
3Detached housesOil134.7450502010Pöyry. Efficiency 90-95% (
4Detached housesWood134.7450502010Assumption. Efficiency of good kettles 80%(
5Detached housesGeothermal4050902010Assumption
6Row houses168.8873.573.52010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
7Apartment houses172.3141.741.72010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
8Commercial161.82229.6229.62010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
9Offices161.0793.193.12010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
10Health and social sector214.97122.81122.812010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
11Public165.47110.4110.42010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
12Sports121.3885.985.92010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
13Educational170116.4116.42010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
14Industrial168.44212.4212.42010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on district
15Leisure houses2.413.42010Calculated from energy company´s data. Based on electricity
16Other138.14170.3170.32010Calculated from energy company´s data
17Non-residential buildingsNo energy source113Urgenche data for Basel
18Non-residential buildingsHeating oil113Urgenche data for Basel
19Non-residential buildingsCoal113Urgenche data for Basel
20Non-residential buildingsGas113Urgenche data for Basel
21Non-residential buildingsElectricity113Urgenche data for Basel
22Non-residential buildingsWood113Urgenche data for Basel
23Non-residential buildingsCentrifuge, hydro-extractor113Urgenche data for Basel
24Non-residential buildingsSolar heater/ collector113Urgenche data for Basel
25Non-residential buildingsLong-distance heating113Urgenche data for Basel
26Non-residential buildingsOther sources113Urgenche data for Basel
27Special constructions86-106Urgenche data for Basel (Mixed use)
28Single-family houses69Urgenche data for Basel
29Multiple-family houses54-106Urgenche data for Basel
30Residential buildings with subsidiary use86-106Urgenche data for Basel
31Buildings with partial residential use86-106Urgenche data for Basel

  • Pöyry 2011. [1]
  • Energiapolar. [2]
  •Öljylämmitys [3]

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Energy efficiency in heating

What is the relative energy consumption of different efficiency classes compared with Old? This table tells that with some background information about heat (in kWh/m2/a), electricity, and water consumption.

Energy use by energy class of building(ratio)
ObsEfficiencyRatioHeatUser electricityWaterDescription
2Old115030Pöyry 2011 s.28
3New0.4-0.5705040Pöyry 2011 s.32 (2010 SRMK)
4Low-energy0.2-0.25355040Personal communication
5Passive0.1-0.1617.5 - 255040Pöyry 2011 s.33; Personal communication

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Energy efficiency of buildings when they are built(%)
5Low-energy2020-2029The rest of energy class
9Passive2030-2039The rest of energy class
12Passive2040-2070The rest of energy class
  • Old: old buildings to be renovated (or in need of renovation)
  • New: normal new buildings (no current need of renovation)
  • Low-energy: buildings consuming about half of the energy of a new building
  • Passive: buildings consuming a quarter or less of the energy of a new building
  • Chinese green building system: [3] [4]

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Impact of renovations

Energy saving potential of different renovations(ratio,kWh/m2/a)
ObsRenovationRelativeAbsoluteRenovation detailsDescription
1Windows0.8525New windows and doorsPöyry 2011
2Technical systems0.5075New windows, sealing of building's sheath, improvement of building's technical systemsPöyry 2011
3Sheath reform0.35100New windows, sealing of building's sheath, improvement of building's technical systems, significant reform of building's sheathPöyry 2011
4General0.85-General renovationPöyry 2011
5None10Renovation not done

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Data not used

This section contains data that are relevant for the topic but are not used in the actual method calculations.

----#: . Note that below numbers are very preliminary (esp. electricity)! --Marjo 16:49, 13 March 2013 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)

Baseline energy consumption per volume unit(kWh/m3/a)
ObsBuildingHeatingHeatUser electricityYearDescription
1Detached housesDistrict42.1515.672010Calculated from energy company´s data; Energiapolar
2Detached housesElectricity40.6615.672010Energiapolar
3Detached housesOil42.1515.672010Energiapolar
4Detached housesWood42.1515.672010Assumption
5Detached housesGeothermal18.5615.672010Assumption
6Row housesDistrict53.2523.162010From energy company
7Apartment housesDistrict49.211.92010From energy company
8CommercialDistrict28.6540.642010From energy company
9OfficesDistrict36.3220.992010From energy company
10Health and social sectorDistrict55.231.532010From energy company
11PublicDistrict32.2121.492010From energy company
12SportsDistrict18.37132010From energy company; Electricity value comes from city´s renovation data
13EducationalDistrict40.2327.542010From energy company
14IndustrialDistrict30.5738.552010From energy company
15Leisure housesElectricity0.680.292010From energy company
16OtherDistrict29.8836.832010From energy company

Regulations regarding energy consumption of buildings

Maximum allowed energy consumption per unit (= E-value)(kWh/m2/a)
1Detached houses2012 forward204Heated net area <120 m2; Finland´s Environmental Administration
2Row houses2012 forward150Finland´s Environmental Administration
3Apartment houses2012 forward130Finland´s Environmental Administration
4Shops and other commercial buildings2012 forward240Finland´s Environmental Administration
5Offices2012 forward170Finland´s Environmental Administration
6Health and social sector: Hospitals2012 forward450Finland´s Environmental Administration
7Health and social sector: Health care centers etc.2012 forward170Finland´s Environmental Administration
8Public2012 forward240Finland´s Environmental Administration
9Sports2012 forward170Does not apply to swimming- and ice halls; Finland´s Environmental Administration
10Educational2012 forward170Finland´s Environmental Administration
11Industrial2012 forward-E-value must be calculated but there´s no limit for it; Finland´s Environmental Administration
12Leisure buildings2012 forward-E-value must be calculated but there´s no limit for it; Finland´s Environmental Administration
13Other2012 forward-E-value must be calculated but there´s no limit for it; Finland´s Environmental Administration

See also

  • Juhani Heljo, Hannele Laine. Sähkölämmitys ja lämpöpumput sähkönkäyttäjinä ja päästöjen aiheuttajina Suomessa] TTY 2/2005. [5] ←--#: . Contains emission factors etc. May also be used in Emission factors for burning processes. --Jouni (talk) 07:38, 18 June 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
  • Juhani Heljo, Eero Nippala, Harri Nuuttila. Rakennusten energiankulutus ja CO2-ekv päästöt Suomessa. TTY 4/2005. [6]



  1. Pöyry 2011: Kuopion kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähentämismahdollisuudet v 2020 mennessä.
  2. Energiapolar/Arvioi sähkönkulutus[1]

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