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#REDIRECT [[Benefit-risk assessment of Baltic herring and salmon intake]]
{{assessment|moderator=Päivi Haapasaari|stub=Yes|status=ongoing}}
== Scope ==
=== Question ===
=== Intended use and users ===
=== Participants ===
* University of Helsinki: Sakari Kuikka, Päivi Haapasaari, Kirsi Hoviniemi
* National Institute for Health and Welfare: Jouni Tuomisto, Arja Asikainen
* University of Oulu: Timo P. Karjalainen, Simo Sarkki, Mia Pihlajamäki
* SLU: Anna Gårdmark, Jonas
* Alyne Delaney
* Stakeholders needed in the assessment: fisher's associations, agricultural/fisheries ministries in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Denmark.
=== Boundaries ===
* Time considered: 2015 - 2040.
* Area considered: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia. For detailed herring/salmon stock modelling, only the Bothnian Sea and Gulf of Bothnia is considered.
* Policies considered: We will build and explore four integrative scenarios for the future of Baltic salmon and herring. See [[Management of Baltic salmon and herring]].
* Outcomes considered: threats to and state of the fish stocks; impacts and governance responses. See [[Stakeholders' objectives about Baltic salmon and herring]].
=== Decisions and scenarios ===
See [[Management of Baltic salmon and herring]]. A subset that can be modelled is included in this assessment.
Possible management options:
* International agreement on fishing quota for salmon
* Size-selective fishing of herring
* Knowledge actions and fish recommendations
* Agricultural policy
* Dioxin policy
* Etc
=== Timing ===
The assessment started in April 2015. The first stakeholder meeting will be in February 2016. The final results with the full decision support tool will be finalised in March 2018.
== Answer ==
The work has just started. There is no answer yet.
=== Results ===
=== Conclusions ===
== Rationale ==
[[File:Goherr decision support tool diagram.png|thumb|300px|Goherr causal diagram]]
=== Stakeholders ===
Who will be affected by the decisions?
* Professional fishers and their organisations
* Anglers and other recreational fishers and their organisations
* Land owner fishers and their organisation (they have inherited rights)
* Saami people also have inherited rights (in Sweden only?)
* Food and fish industry.
* Mink and fox farmers
* All people utilising recreational values of the Baltic Sea (relates to eutrophication)
* Farmers and agricultural sector
* Consumers of fish
* Producers of fish oil and fish meal
* Baltic Sea RAC (Regional Advisory Concil) represents fishers (located in Copenhagen)
* Hydropower plant owners
Who will affect the decisions?
* Food safety organisations (EVIRA, Livsmedelsverket, ...)
* Ministries (of agriculture, environment, and commerce)
* EU: DG Mare, EU Parliament?
* SWAM (Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management)
Who are interested in the decisions?
* Scientists
* Environmental NGOs
* Bureaucrats
* ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea)
* Helcom
=== Dependencies ===
{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Products from workpackages to other workpackages
! From|| To|| Deadline|| Page|| Topic
|| WP2|| WP3|| || [[Stakeholders' objectives about Baltic salmon and herring]] || Stakeholder values and objectives
|| WP2, WP3|| WP6|| 2016-01-31|| [[Governance types about the Baltic Sea]] || Alternative governance types
|| WP2|| WP6|| || [[Salmon and herring fishers' commitment to the fishing restrictions]] Fraction of a regulation actually implemented? || Applicability of planned management options in practice
|| WP3|| WP6|| || [[Management paths to the objectives about Baltic salmon and herring]] || Normative scenarios (paths that must be taken to reach an objective)
|| WP3|| WP6|| || [[Management of Baltic salmon and herring]] || Management options (decisions)
|| WP3|| WP4|| || [[Dioxin emissions into the Baltic Sea]] || Trends of dioxin deposition into the Baltic  Sea
|| WP3|| WP4|| || Eutrophication: [[Cholorophyll A in the Baltic Sea]] (indicator of phosphorus and nitrogen in the water in different areas and times) {{comment|# |How is this actually used?|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 11:26, 22 April 2015 (UTC)}} || Trends of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea
|| WP3|| WP5|| 2017-10-31|| [[Baltic herring consumption in Finland]] [[Salmon and herring consumption around the Baltic Sea]] || Trends of fish consumption
|| WP4|| WP5|| 2017-10-31|| [[Salmon and herring populations in the Baltic Sea]] [[Salmon and herring catch in the Baltic Sea]] by time and area and fish size
|| Predicted salmon and herring stocks by time, area, and size
|| WP4|| WP3, WP5|| 2017-10-31|| [[EU-kalat]] This page is a study about Finnish measurements [[Dioxin concentrations in fish in the Baltic Sea]] this is a variable page based on e.g. [[EU-kalat]] data and [[Goherr]] project results. || Bioaccumulation of dioxins in fish and potential of fishing to change that
|| WP5|| WP6|| 2017-12-31|| [[Health benefits and risks of Baltic herring and salmon]] || Health benefits and risks of Baltic herring and salmon
|| WP5|| WP3, WP6|| 2017-04-30|| [[Reactions of people to fish eating recommendations]] || People's willingness to change consumption patterns based on risk
|| WP5|| WP6|| 2017-04-30|| [[Determinants of fish-eating habits around the Baltic Sea]] || Determinants of fish-eating habits
{{comment|# |Add your suggestions about deadlines!|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 15:32, 22 April 2015 (UTC)}}
* WP2 Socio-cultural values and governance
* WP3 Scenarios and management
* WP4 Fish stock
* WP5 Health impacts
* WP6 Decision support model
=== Analyses ===
=== Indices ===
=== Calculations ===
== See also ==
== Keywords ==
; Normative scenarios: paths you need to take to reach a defined goal
; Expolorative scenarios: identify key uncertainties and dependencies to describe coherent paths into the future.
; Governance types: How things are managed (e.g. top down command or co-management).
; Management action: Actions to be taken based on decision-maker's decision (i.e. decisions)
== References ==
Assmuth Timo and Jalonen Pauliina 2005: Risks and management of dioxin-like compounds in Baltic Sea fish: An integrated assessment. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen. {{#l:Assmuth Jalonen Dioxin risk assessment 2005.pdf}} [http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:700892/FULLTEXT01.pdf]
== Related files ==

Latest revision as of 11:42, 13 April 2018