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[[Category:Energy balance]]
[[Category:Energy balance]]
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== Answer ==
== Answer ==

* [ A model run with default values]
* {{#l:Energy balance in Stuttgart.pdf}} [ Model run 17.5.2015] (based on model from June 2014)

<rcode name="answer" graphics=1>
There are several [[energy transformations]] that each describe a specific process of energy production or use. Per unit activity, there is a constant amount of different inputs and outputs into and from this process, respectively. These unit processes are used for Stuttgart in such a way that one critical input or output from each relevant energy transformation is listed here; all other inputs and outputs logically follow from the nature of the transformation process.

## This code was tun from page [[Energy balance in Stuttgart#Answer]]

<t2b index="Equation,Col,Observation" locations="Result,Description" unit="-">
Balance Solar Thermal Pump|STP renewable energy|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
Balance Solar Thermal Pump|STP electricity|-1|
Balance Solar Thermal Pump|STP local heating|1|
Fraction STP renewable energy|STP electricity|-1|Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy
Fraction STP renewable energy|STP renewable energy|0.363636364|8/22 Electricity divided by renewable energy
Balance CHP Plants|CHP gas|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
Balance CHP Plants|CHP renewable energy|-1|
Balance CHP Plants|CHP mineral oil|-1|
Balance CHP Plants|CHP local heating|1|
Balance CHP Plants|CHP electricity|1|
Balance CHP Plants|CHP loss|1|
Fraction CHP gas|CHP renewable energy|-1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas
Fraction CHP gas|CHP mineral oil|-1|
Fraction CHP gas|CHP gas|0.564814815|(108+14)/216 Others divided by gas
Fraction CHP renewable energy|CHP gas|-1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy
Fraction CHP renewable energy|CHP mineral oil|-1|
Fraction CHP renewable energy|CHP renewable energy|2.12962963|(216+14)/108 Others divided by renewable energy
Fraction CHP local heating|CHP electricity|-1|Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating
Fraction CHP local heating|CHP loss|-1|
Fraction CHP local heating|CHP local heating|1.770491803|(84+132)/122 Others divided by local heating
Fraction CHP electricity|CHP local heating|-1|Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity
Fraction CHP electricity|CHP loss|-1|
Fraction CHP electricity|CHP electricity|3.023809524|(122+132)/84 Others divided by electricity
Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics|WWP renewable energy|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics|WWP electricity|1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald|TPP electricity input|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald|TPP mineral oil|-1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald|TPP gas|-1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald|TPP local heating|1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald|TPP electricity output|1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald|TPP loss|1|
Fraction TPP electricity input|TPP mineral oil|-1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input
Fraction TPP electricity input|TPP gas|-1|
Fraction TPP electricity input|TPP electricity input|23.33333333|(43+167)/9 Others divided by electricity input
Fraction TPP mineral oil|TPP electricity input|-1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil
Fraction TPP mineral oil|TPP gas|-1|
Fraction TPP mineral oil|TPP mineral oil|4.093023256|(9+167)/43 Others divided by mineral oil
Fraction TPP local heating|TPP electricity output|-1|Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating
Fraction TPP local heating|TPP loss|-1|
Fraction TPP local heating|TPP local heating|0.335365854|(50+5)/164 Others divided by local heating
Fraction TPP electricity output|TPP local heating|-1|Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity
Fraction TPP electricity output|TPP loss|-1|
Fraction TPP electricity output|TPP electricity output|3.38|(164+5)/50 Others divided by electricity
Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU|TPE waste|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU|TPE gas|-1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU|TPE coal|-1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU|TPE mineral oil|-1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU|TPE electricity|1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU|TPE district heating|1|
Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU|TPE loss|1|
Fraction TPE waste|TPE gas|-1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste
Fraction TPE waste|TPE coal|-1|
Fraction TPE waste|TPE mineral oil|-1|
Fraction TPE waste|TPE waste|1.04973357|(162+1019+1)/1126 Others divided by waste
Fraction TPE gas|TPE waste|-1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas
Fraction TPE gas|TPE coal|-1|
Fraction TPE gas|TPE mineral oil|-1|
Fraction TPE gas|TPE gas|13.24691358|(1126+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
Fraction TPE coal|TPE waste|-1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal
Fraction TPE coal|TPE gas|-1|
Fraction TPE coal|TPE mineral oil|-1|
Fraction TPE coal|TPE coal|1.264965653|(1126+162+1)/1019  Others divided by coal
Fraction TPE electricity|TPE district heating|-1|Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity
Fraction TPE electricity|TPE loss|-1|
Fraction TPE electricity|TPE electricity|5.089709763|(1101+828)/379 Others divided by electricity
Fraction TPE district heating|TPE electricity|-1|Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating
Fraction TPE district heating|TPE loss|-1|
Fraction TPE district heating|TPE district heating|1.096276113|(379 +828)/1101 Others divided by district heating
Balance Industrial Plants|Ind gas|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
Balance Industrial Plants|Ind electricity|1|
Balance Industrial Plants|Ind loss|1|
Fraction Ind loss|Ind electricity|-1|Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss
Fraction Ind loss|Ind loss|0.533333333|8/15 district heating per loss
Fraction local heating producers|STP local heating|-1|CHP local heating production is used as reference
Fraction local heating producers|CHP local heating|0.245901639|30/122 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
Fraction electricity producers 1|Ind electricity|-1|CHP electricity production is used as reference
Fraction electricity producers 1|CHP electricity|0.095238095|8/84 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating
Fraction electricity producers 2|WWP electricity|-1|CHP electricity production is used as refernce
Fraction electricity producers 2|CHP electricity|0.797619048|67/84 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
Fraction electricity producers 3|TPP electricity output|-1|CHP electricity production is used as refernce
Fraction electricity producers 3|CHP electricity|0.595238095|50/84 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
Fraction electricity producers 4|TPE electricity|-1|CHP electricity production is used as refernce
Fraction electricity producers 4|CHP electricity|4.511904762|379/84 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
Transmission loss local heating|Loss local heating|1|Known loss divided by production
Transmission loss local heating|STP local heating|-0.041139241|13/(30+122+164)
Transmission loss local heating|CHP local heating|-0.041139241|
Transmission loss local heating|TPP local heating|-0.041139241|
Transmission loss electricity|Loss electricity|1|Known loss divided by production
Transmission loss electricity|CHP electricity|-0.221088435|130/(84+67+50+379+8)
Transmission loss electricity|WWP electricity|-0.221088435|
Transmission loss electricity|TPP electricity output|-0.221088435|
Transmission loss electricity|TPE electricity|-0.221088435|
Transmission loss electricity|Ind electricity|-0.221088435|
Transmission loss district heating|Loss district heating|1|Known loss divided by production
Transmission loss district heating|TPE district heating|-0.109900091|121/1101
Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating|CES local heating|1|STP local heating is used as reference
Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating|STP local heating|-0.366666667|11/30
Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity|CES electricity|1|CHP electricity is used as reference
Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity|CHP electricity|-1.392857143|117/84
Vorketten renewable energy|V renewable energy|1|STP renewable energy is used as reference
Vorketten renewable energy|STP renewable energy|-0.272727273|6/22
Vorketten coal|V coal|1|TPE coal is used as reference
Vorketten coal|TPE coal|-0.103042198|105/1019
Vorketten electricity|V electricity|1|TPE electricity is used as reference
Vorketten electricity|TPE electricity|-17.79683377|6745/379
Vorketten gas|V gas|1|CHP gas is used as reference
Vorketten gas|CHP gas|-2.027777778|438/216
Vorketten mineral oil|V mineral oil|1|TPP mineral oil is used as reference
Vorketten mineral oil|TPP mineral oil|-12.3255814|530/43
Electricity use balance|Bought electricity|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
Electricity use balance|CHP electricity|-1|
Electricity use balance|WWP electricity|-1|
Electricity use balance|TPP electricity output|-1|
Electricity use balance|TPE electricity|-1|
Electricity use balance|Ind electricity|-1|
Electricity use balance|STP electricity|1|
Electricity use balance|TPP electricity input|1|
Electricity use balance|Loss electricity|1|
Electricity use balance|CES electricity|1|
Electricity use balance|V electricity|1|
Electricity use balance|Cons Ind electricity|1|
Electricity use balance|Cons Traffic electricity|1|
Electricity use balance|Cons Home electricity|1|
Electricity use balance|Cons Commerce electricity|1|
Local heating balance|STP local heating|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
Local heating balance|CHP local heating|-1|
Local heating balance|TPP local heating|-1|
Local heating balance|Loss local heating|1|
Local heating balance|CES local heating|1|
Local heating balance|Cons Ind local heating|1|
Local heating balance|Cons Home local heating|1|
Local heating balance|Cons Commerce local heating|1|
District heating balance|Bought district heating|-1|In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
District heating balance|TPE district heating|-1|
District heating balance|Loss district heating|1|
District heating balance|Cons Ind district heating|1|
District heating balance|Cons Home district heating|1|
District heating balance|Cons Commerce district heating|1|
Consumed electricity industry|Cons Ind electricity|1|This must be given
Consumed electricity traffic|Cons Traffic electricity|1|This must be given
Consumed electricity households|Cons Home electricity|1|This must be given
Consumed electricity commerce|Cons Commerce electricity|1|This must be given
Consumed local heating industry|Cons Ind local heating|1|This must be given
Consumed local heating households|Cons Home local heating|1|This must be given
Consumed local heating commerce|Cons Commerce local heating|1|This must be given
Consumed districit heating industry|Cons Ind district heating|1|This must be given
Consumed districit heating households|Cons Home district heating|1|This must be given
Consumed districit heating commerce|Cons Commerce district heating|1|This must be given
A data table on an Opasnet page is used to enter the matrix data. This is rather user friendly. As a side effect, the table does not look like a matrix so it might be confusing in the beginning. The matrix is created by using the "Equation" as information about the row of the matrix and "Col" as information about the column of the matrix. "Result" is the actual value, and Description is anything useful for a reader (it is not used in calculations).
=== Dependencies ===
=== Formula ===
<rcode variables="
name:Cons_Ind_electricity|description:Consumption of electricity by industry|default:|
name:Cons_Traffic_electricity|description:Consumption of electricity by traffic|default:|
name:Cons_Home_electricity|description:Consumption of electricity by households|default:|
name:Cons_Commerce_electricity|description:Consumption of electricity by commerce|default:|
name:Cons_Ind_local_heating|description:Consumption of local heating by industry|default:|
name:Cons_Home_local_heating|description:Consumption of local heating by households|default:|
name:Cons_Commerce_local_heating|description:Consumption of local heating by commerce|default:|
name:Cons_Ind_district_heat|description:Consumption of district heat by industry|default:|
name:Cons_Home_district_heat|description:Consumption of district heat by households|default:|
name:Cons_Commerce_district_heat|description:Consumption of district heat by commerce|default:|

dependencies <- data.frame(Name = c(
N <- 10
), Key = "k5NNrR2Q0VCJharl")

formula <- function(dependencies, ...) {
objects.latest("Op_en5141", code_name = "initiate")

ComputeDependencies(dependencies, ...)
balance <- Ovariable("balance", ddata = "Op_en5815.equations")

## Define the energy transformation matrix ETM.
nonlinearity <- Ovariable("nonlinearity", ddata = "Op_en5141", subset = "No nonlinearities")

# Get the data from Opasnet Base.
directinput <- Ovariable("directinput", ddata = "Op_en5141", subset = "No modelled upstream variables")

ETM <- tidy(op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", "Op_en5469"), objname = "ETM", direction = "wide")
energy.balance <- EvalOutput(energy.balance)  

# Add user-defined data to it.

additions <- data.frame(
ggplot(energy.balance@output, aes_string(x = "energybalanceVars", y = "energy.balanceResult")) + #, fill = "Year")) +
Equation = "Fraction CHP renewable",
geom_boxplot() +
Col = "CHP peat",
facet_wrap(~Year, ncol = 1) +
ETMResult = Frac_CHP_renew,
theme_grey(base_size = 24) +
ETMDescription = "Renewable amount divided by peat. BAU: 78.1/1435.7 = 0.0544 Actual number given by user."
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust= 0.2))
ETM <- rbind(ETM, additions)

# Reshape the table to make a matrix, and replace NA with 0.

ETM <- reshape(ETM, timevar = "Col", idvar = "Equation", v.names = "ETMResult", direction = "wide")
colnames(ETM) <- gsub("ETMResult.", "", colnames(ETM))

print(xtable(ETM), type = 'html') # Show the matrix with explanations.
There are several [[energy transformations]] that each describe a specific process of energy production or use. Per unit activity, there is a constant amount of different inputs and outputs into and from this process, respectively. These unit processes are used for Stuttgart in such a way that one critical input or output from each relevant energy transformation is listed here; all other inputs and outputs logically follow from the nature of the transformation process.

ETM <- as.matrix(ETM[, !colnames(ETM) %in% c("Equation", "ETMDescription")])

for(i in 1:ncol(ETM)) {
<t2b name="Equations" index="Year,Equation" obs="Dummy" desc="Description" unit="GWh /a?">
ETM[[, i]), i] <- 0
2008|STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating|1|Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2008|STP electricity = 0.363636364*STP renewable energy|1|Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 8/22 Electricity divided by renewable energy
2008|CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss|1|Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
# Define the outputs for equations (for most equations, it is a zero sum game).
2008|CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 0.564814815*CHP gas|1|Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (108+14)/216 Others divided by gas
2008|CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 2.12962963*CHP renewable energy|1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (216+14)/108 Others divided by renewable energy
2008|CHP electricity + CHP loss = 1.770491803*CHP local heating|1|Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (84+132)/122 Others divided by local heating.
2008|CHP local heating + CHP loss = 3.023809524*CHP electricity|1|Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (122+132)/84 Others divided by electricity
2008|WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity|1|Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2008|TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss|1|Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2008|TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 23.33333333*TPP electricity input|1|Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (43+167)/9 Others divided by electricity input
2008|TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 4.093023256*TPP mineral oil|1|Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+167)/43 Others divided by mineral oil
2008|TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.335365854*TPP local heating|1|Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (50+5)/164 Others divided by local heating
2008|TPP local heating +TPP loss = 3.38*TPP electricity output|1|Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (164+5)/50 Others divided by electricity
2008|TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss|1|Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2008|TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 1.04973357*TPE waste|1|Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1126 Others divided by waste
2008|TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 13.24691358*TPE gas|1|Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1126+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
2008|TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.264965653*TPE coal|1|Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1126+162+1)/1019  Others divided by coal
2008|TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.089709763*TPE electricity|1|Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1101+828)/379 Others divided by electricity
2008|TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.096276113*TPE district heating|1|Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (379 +828)/1101 Others divided by district heating
2008|Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss|1|Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2008|Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss|1|Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss
2008|STP local heating = 0.245901639*CHP local heating|1|Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 30/122 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
2008|Ind electricity = 0.007266122*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1101 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating CORRECTED
2008|WWP electricity = 0.797619048*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 67/84 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
2008|TPP electricity output = 0.595238095*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 50/84 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
2008|TPE electricity = 4.511904762*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 379/84 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
2008|Loss local heating = 0.041139241*STP local heating + 0.041139241*CHP local heating + 0.041139241*TPP local heating|1|Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 13/(30+122+164)
2008|Loss electricity = 0.221088435*CHP electricity + 0.221088435*WWP electricity + 0.221088435*TPP electricity output + 0.221088435*TPE electricity + 0.221088435*Ind electricity|1|Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 130/(84+67+50+379+8)
2008|Loss district heating = 0.109900091*TPE district heating|1|Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 121/1101
2008|CES local heating = 0.366666667*STP local heating|1|Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 11/30
2008|CES electricity = 1.392857143*CHP electricity|1|Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 117/84
2008|V renewable energy = 0.272727273*STP renewable energy|1|Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 6/22
2008|V coal = 0.103042198*TPE coal|1|Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 105/1019
2008|V electricity = 17.79683377*TPE electricity|1|Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 6745/379
2008|V gas = 2.027777778*CHP gas|1|Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 438/216
2008|V mineral oil = 12.3255814*TPP mineral oil|1|Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 530/43
2008|Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity|1|Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2008|STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating|1|Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2008|Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating|1|District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2008|Cons Ind electricity = 2257|1|Consumed electricity industry
2008|Cons Traffic electricity = 224|1|Consumed electricity traffic
2008|Cons Home electricity = 1077|1|Consumed electricity households
2008|Cons Commerce electricity = 695|1|Consumed electricity commerce
2008|Cons Ind local heating = 35|1|Consumed local heating industry
2008|Cons Home local heating = 54|1|Consumed local heating households
2008|Cons Commerce local heating = 203|1|Consumed local heating commerce
2008|Cons Ind district heating = 513|1|Consumed districit heating industry
2008|Cons Home district heating = 35|1|Consumed districit heating households
2008|Cons Commerce district heating = 851|1|Consumed districit heating commerce
2010|STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating|1|Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|STP electricity = 0.352941176*STP renewable energy|1|Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 12/34 Electricity divided by renewable energy
2010|CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss|1|Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 3.848484848*CHP gas|1|Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (116+11)/33 Others divided by gas
2010|CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 0.379310344*CHP renewable energy|1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (33+11)/116 Others divided by renewable energy
2010|CHP electricity + CHP loss = 3.324324324*CHP local heating|1|Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (27+96)/37 Others divided by local heating.
2010|CHP local heating + CHP loss = 4.925925925*CHP electricity|1|Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (37+96)/27 Others divided by electricity
2010|WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity|1|Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss|1|Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 26*TPP electricity input|1|Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (17+217)/9 Others divided by electricity input
2010|TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 13.294117647*TPP mineral oil|1|Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+217)/17 Others divided by mineral oil
2010|TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.380681818*TPP local heating|1|Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (61+6)/176 Others divided by local heating
2010|TPP local heating +TPP loss = 2.983606557*TPP electricity output|1|Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (176+6)/61 Others divided by electricity
2010|TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss|1|Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 0.929245283*TPE waste|1|Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1272 Others divided by waste
2010|TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 14.148148148*TPE gas|1|Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1272+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
2010|TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.408243376*TPE coal|1|Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1272+162+1)/1019  Others divided by coal
2010|TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.104477612*TPE electricity|1|Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1171+881)/402 Others divided by electricity
2010|TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.095644748*TPE district heating|1|Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (402+881)/1171 Others divided by district heating
2010|Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss|1|Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss|1|Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss
2010|STP local heating = 1.243243243*CHP local heating|1|Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 46/37 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
2010|Ind electricity = 0.006831768*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1171 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating VトトRIN 2008 sivulla??
2010|WWP electricity = 1.925925925*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 52/27 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
2010|TPP electricity output = 2.259259259*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 61/27 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
2010|TPE electricity = 14.888888888*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 402/27 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
2010|Loss local heating = 0.057915058*STP local heating + 0.057915058*CHP local heating + 0.057915058*TPP local heating|1|Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 15/(46+37+176)
2010|Loss electricity = 0.22*CHP electricity + 0.22*WWP electricity + 0.22*TPP electricity output + 0.22*TPE electricity + 0.22*Ind electricity|1|Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 121/(27+52+61+402+8)
2010|Loss district heating = 0.102476516*TPE district heating|1|Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 120/1171
2010|CES local heating = 0.217391304*STP local heating|1|Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 10/46
2010|CES electricity = 4.259259259*CHP electricity|1|Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 115/27
2010|V renewable energy = 0.235294118*STP renewable energy|1|Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 8/34
2010|V coal = 0.103042198*TPE coal|1|Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 105/1019
2010|V electricity = 14.425373134*TPE electricity|1|Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 5799/402
2010|V gas = 14.181818181*CHP gas|1|Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 468/33
2010|V mineral oil = 31.352941176*TPP mineral oil|1|Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 533/17
2010|Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity|1|Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating|1|Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating|1|District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2010|Cons Ind electricity = 2390|1|Consumed electricity industry
2010|Cons Traffic electricity = 225|1|Consumed electricity traffic
2010|Cons Home electricity = 1047|1|Consumed electricity households
2010|Cons Commerce electricity = 498|1|Consumed electricity commerce
2010|Cons Ind local heating = 6|1|Consumed local heating industry
2010|Cons Home local heating = 34|1|Consumed local heating households
2010|Cons Commerce local heating = 194|1|Consumed local heating commerce
2010|Cons Ind district heating = 394|1|Consumed districit heating industry
2010|Cons Home district heating = 73|1|Consumed districit heating households
2010|Cons Commerce district heating = 927|1|Consumed districit heating commerce
2025|STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating|1|Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|STP electricity = 0.352941176*STP renewable energy|1|Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 12/34 Electricity divided by renewable energy
2025|CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss|1|Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 3.848484848*CHP gas|1|Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (116+11)/33 Others divided by gas
2025|CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 0.379310344*CHP renewable energy|1|Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (33+11)/116 Others divided by renewable energy
2025|CHP electricity + CHP loss = 3.324324324*CHP local heating|1|Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (27+96)/37 Others divided by local heating.
2025|CHP local heating + CHP loss = 4.925925925*CHP electricity|1|Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (37+96)/27 Others divided by electricity
2025|WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity|1|Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss|1|Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 26*TPP electricity input|1|Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (17+217)/9 Others divided by electricity input
2025|TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 13.294117647*TPP mineral oil|1|Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+217)/17 Others divided by mineral oil
2025|TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.380681818*TPP local heating|1|Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (61+6)/176 Others divided by local heating
2025|TPP local heating +TPP loss = 2.983606557*TPP electricity output|1|Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (176+6)/61 Others divided by electricity
2025|TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss|1|Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 0.929245283*TPE waste|1|Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1272 Others divided by waste
2025|TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 14.148148148*TPE gas|1|Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1272+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
2025|TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.408243376*TPE coal|1|Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1272+162+1)/1019  Others divided by coal
2025|TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.104477612*TPE electricity|1|Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1171+881)/402 Others divided by electricity
2025|TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.095644748*TPE district heating|1|Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (402+881)/1171 Others divided by district heating
2025|Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss|1|Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss|1|Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss
2025|STP local heating = 1.243243243*CHP local heating|1|Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 46/37 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
2025|Ind electricity = 0.006831768*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1171 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating VトトRIN 2008 sivulla??
2025|WWP electricity = 1.925925925*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 52/27 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
2025|TPP electricity output = 2.259259259*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 61/27 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
2025|TPE electricity = 14.888888888*CHP electricity|1|Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 402/27 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
2025|Loss local heating = 0.057915058*STP local heating + 0.057915058*CHP local heating + 0.057915058*TPP local heating|1|Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 15/(46+37+176)
2025|Loss electricity = 0.22*CHP electricity + 0.22*WWP electricity + 0.22*TPP electricity output + 0.22*TPE electricity + 0.22*Ind electricity|1|Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 121/(27+52+61+402+8)
2025|Loss district heating = 0.102476516*TPE district heating|1|Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 120/1171
2025|CES local heating = 0.217391304*STP local heating|1|Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 10/46
2025|CES electricity = 4.259259259*CHP electricity|1|Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 115/27
2025|V renewable energy = 0.235294118*STP renewable energy|1|Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 8/34
2025|V coal = 0.161923454*TPE coal|1|Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 165/1019
2025|V electricity = 14.425373134*TPE electricity|1|Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 5799/402
2025|V gas = 14.181818181*CHP gas|1|Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 468/33
2025|V mineral oil = 31.352941176*TPP mineral oil|1|Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 533/17
2025|Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity|1|Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating|1|Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating|1|District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2025|Cons Ind electricity = 2499|1|Consumed electricity industry
2025|Cons Traffic electricity = 268|1|Consumed electricity traffic
2025|Cons Home electricity = 1137|1|Consumed electricity households
2025|Cons Commerce electricity = 485|1|Consumed electricity commerce
2025|Cons Ind local heating = 6|1|Consumed local heating industry
2025|Cons Home local heating = 38|1|Consumed local heating households
2025|Cons Commerce local heating = 162|1|Consumed local heating commerce
2025|Cons Ind district heating = 400|1|Consumed districit heating industry
2025|Cons Home district heating = 74|1|Consumed districit heating households
2025|Cons Commerce district heating = 941|1|Consumed districit heating commerce

out <- c(rep(0, 18), # Define the consumptions (and other known variables).
There are no nonlinearities.

out <- solve(ETM, out) # Solve the matrix.
=== Calculations ===
out <- data.frame(Energy.class = colnames(ETM), Result = out)

* See [[Energy balance]].
* [ Model version] for ISEE 2013 results. [ Model run]
* [ Old code available here]. Unfortunately it does not run any more, because input data has been reformatted.
energy.balance.Kuopio <- new("ovariable",
name = "energy.balance.Kuopio",
output = formula(dependencies)
print(xtable(energy.balance.Kuopio@output), type = 'html')
#temp <- EvalOutput(energy.balance.Kuopio)
#print(xtable(temp@output), type = 'html')
# Ind_process_heat,
# Cons_Home_electricity,
# Cons_Ind_electricity,
# Cons_Commerce_electricity,
# Cons_Municip_electricity,
# Cons_Home_heat,
# Cons_Ind_heat,
# Cons_Commerce_heat,
# Cons_Municip_heat
cat("Object energy.balance.Kuopio saved. Write down the key of the model run page for further use.\n")
The model first creates the matrix and shows it to the user, and then it fills all empty cells with 0 and solves it by using the input values the user has given via the user interface. (The user interface can later be replaced by another model.) All the current input values are final consumptions, and the default values are based on the Kuopio data.

==See also==
==See also==

* For calculations based on these data, see [[Energy balance]].
* Previous way of presenting energy balances in Stuttgart: [ consumption], [ transformations], [ supply]
* About [ large systems of non-linear equations: BB package in R]
* About [ large systems of non-linear equations: BB package in R]

Line 295: Line 220:

==Related files==
==Related files==

Latest revision as of 05:29, 17 May 2015


What are the amounts of energy produced, consumed, imported, and exported in Stuttgart?


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There are several energy transformations that each describe a specific process of energy production or use. Per unit activity, there is a constant amount of different inputs and outputs into and from this process, respectively. These unit processes are used for Stuttgart in such a way that one critical input or output from each relevant energy transformation is listed here; all other inputs and outputs logically follow from the nature of the transformation process.


Equations(GWh /a?)
12008STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating1Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
22008STP electricity = 0.363636364*STP renewable energy1Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 8/22 Electricity divided by renewable energy
32008CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss1Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
42008CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 0.564814815*CHP gas1Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (108+14)/216 Others divided by gas
52008CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 2.12962963*CHP renewable energy1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (216+14)/108 Others divided by renewable energy
62008CHP electricity + CHP loss = 1.770491803*CHP local heating1Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (84+132)/122 Others divided by local heating.
72008CHP local heating + CHP loss = 3.023809524*CHP electricity1Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (122+132)/84 Others divided by electricity
82008WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity1Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
92008TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss1Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
102008TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 23.33333333*TPP electricity input1Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (43+167)/9 Others divided by electricity input
112008TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 4.093023256*TPP mineral oil1Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+167)/43 Others divided by mineral oil
122008TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.335365854*TPP local heating1Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (50+5)/164 Others divided by local heating
132008TPP local heating +TPP loss = 3.38*TPP electricity output1Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (164+5)/50 Others divided by electricity
142008TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss1Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
152008TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 1.04973357*TPE waste1Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1126 Others divided by waste
162008TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 13.24691358*TPE gas1Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1126+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
172008TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.264965653*TPE coal1Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1126+162+1)/1019 Others divided by coal
182008TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.089709763*TPE electricity1Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1101+828)/379 Others divided by electricity
192008TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.096276113*TPE district heating1Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (379 +828)/1101 Others divided by district heating
202008Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss1Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
212008Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss1Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss
222008STP local heating = 0.245901639*CHP local heating1Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 30/122 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
232008Ind electricity = 0.007266122*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1101 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating CORRECTED
242008WWP electricity = 0.797619048*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 67/84 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
252008TPP electricity output = 0.595238095*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 50/84 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
262008TPE electricity = 4.511904762*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 379/84 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
272008Loss local heating = 0.041139241*STP local heating + 0.041139241*CHP local heating + 0.041139241*TPP local heating1Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 13/(30+122+164)
282008Loss electricity = 0.221088435*CHP electricity + 0.221088435*WWP electricity + 0.221088435*TPP electricity output + 0.221088435*TPE electricity + 0.221088435*Ind electricity1Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 130/(84+67+50+379+8)
292008Loss district heating = 0.109900091*TPE district heating1Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 121/1101
302008CES local heating = 0.366666667*STP local heating1Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 11/30
312008CES electricity = 1.392857143*CHP electricity1Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 117/84
322008V renewable energy = 0.272727273*STP renewable energy1Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 6/22
332008V coal = 0.103042198*TPE coal1Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 105/1019
342008V electricity = 17.79683377*TPE electricity1Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 6745/379
352008V gas = 2.027777778*CHP gas1Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 438/216
362008V mineral oil = 12.3255814*TPP mineral oil1Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 530/43
372008Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity1Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
382008STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating1Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
392008Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating1District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
402008Cons Ind electricity = 22571Consumed electricity industry
412008Cons Traffic electricity = 2241Consumed electricity traffic
422008Cons Home electricity = 10771Consumed electricity households
432008Cons Commerce electricity = 6951Consumed electricity commerce
442008Cons Ind local heating = 351Consumed local heating industry
452008Cons Home local heating = 541Consumed local heating households
462008Cons Commerce local heating = 2031Consumed local heating commerce
472008Cons Ind district heating = 5131Consumed districit heating industry
482008Cons Home district heating = 351Consumed districit heating households
492008Cons Commerce district heating = 8511Consumed districit heating commerce
502010STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating1Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
512010STP electricity = 0.352941176*STP renewable energy1Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 12/34 Electricity divided by renewable energy
522010CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss1Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
532010CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 3.848484848*CHP gas1Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (116+11)/33 Others divided by gas
542010CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 0.379310344*CHP renewable energy1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (33+11)/116 Others divided by renewable energy
552010CHP electricity + CHP loss = 3.324324324*CHP local heating1Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (27+96)/37 Others divided by local heating.
562010CHP local heating + CHP loss = 4.925925925*CHP electricity1Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (37+96)/27 Others divided by electricity
572010WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity1Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
582010TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss1Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
592010TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 26*TPP electricity input1Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (17+217)/9 Others divided by electricity input
602010TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 13.294117647*TPP mineral oil1Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+217)/17 Others divided by mineral oil
612010TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.380681818*TPP local heating1Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (61+6)/176 Others divided by local heating
622010TPP local heating +TPP loss = 2.983606557*TPP electricity output1Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (176+6)/61 Others divided by electricity
632010TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss1Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
642010TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 0.929245283*TPE waste1Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1272 Others divided by waste
652010TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 14.148148148*TPE gas1Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1272+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
662010TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.408243376*TPE coal1Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1272+162+1)/1019 Others divided by coal
672010TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.104477612*TPE electricity1Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1171+881)/402 Others divided by electricity
682010TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.095644748*TPE district heating1Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (402+881)/1171 Others divided by district heating
692010Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss1Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
702010Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss1Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss
712010STP local heating = 1.243243243*CHP local heating1Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 46/37 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
722010Ind electricity = 0.006831768*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1171 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating VトトRIN 2008 sivulla??
732010WWP electricity = 1.925925925*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 52/27 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
742010TPP electricity output = 2.259259259*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 61/27 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
752010TPE electricity = 14.888888888*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 402/27 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
762010Loss local heating = 0.057915058*STP local heating + 0.057915058*CHP local heating + 0.057915058*TPP local heating1Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 15/(46+37+176)
772010Loss electricity = 0.22*CHP electricity + 0.22*WWP electricity + 0.22*TPP electricity output + 0.22*TPE electricity + 0.22*Ind electricity1Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 121/(27+52+61+402+8)
782010Loss district heating = 0.102476516*TPE district heating1Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 120/1171
792010CES local heating = 0.217391304*STP local heating1Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 10/46
802010CES electricity = 4.259259259*CHP electricity1Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 115/27
812010V renewable energy = 0.235294118*STP renewable energy1Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 8/34
822010V coal = 0.103042198*TPE coal1Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 105/1019
832010V electricity = 14.425373134*TPE electricity1Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 5799/402
842010V gas = 14.181818181*CHP gas1Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 468/33
852010V mineral oil = 31.352941176*TPP mineral oil1Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 533/17
862010Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity1Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
872010STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating1Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
882010Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating1District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
892010Cons Ind electricity = 23901Consumed electricity industry
902010Cons Traffic electricity = 2251Consumed electricity traffic
912010Cons Home electricity = 10471Consumed electricity households
922010Cons Commerce electricity = 4981Consumed electricity commerce
932010Cons Ind local heating = 61Consumed local heating industry
942010Cons Home local heating = 341Consumed local heating households
952010Cons Commerce local heating = 1941Consumed local heating commerce
962010Cons Ind district heating = 3941Consumed districit heating industry
972010Cons Home district heating = 731Consumed districit heating households
982010Cons Commerce district heating = 9271Consumed districit heating commerce
992025STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating1Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1002025STP electricity = 0.352941176*STP renewable energy1Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 12/34 Electricity divided by renewable energy
1012025CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss1Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1022025CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 3.848484848*CHP gas1Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (116+11)/33 Others divided by gas
1032025CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 0.379310344*CHP renewable energy1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (33+11)/116 Others divided by renewable energy
1042025CHP electricity + CHP loss = 3.324324324*CHP local heating1Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (27+96)/37 Others divided by local heating.
1052025CHP local heating + CHP loss = 4.925925925*CHP electricity1Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (37+96)/27 Others divided by electricity
1062025WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity1Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1072025TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss1Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1082025TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 26*TPP electricity input1Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (17+217)/9 Others divided by electricity input
1092025TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 13.294117647*TPP mineral oil1Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+217)/17 Others divided by mineral oil
1102025TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.380681818*TPP local heating1Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (61+6)/176 Others divided by local heating
1112025TPP local heating +TPP loss = 2.983606557*TPP electricity output1Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (176+6)/61 Others divided by electricity
1122025TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss1Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1132025TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 0.929245283*TPE waste1Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1272 Others divided by waste
1142025TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 14.148148148*TPE gas1Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1272+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
1152025TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.408243376*TPE coal1Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1272+162+1)/1019 Others divided by coal
1162025TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.104477612*TPE electricity1Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1171+881)/402 Others divided by electricity
1172025TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.095644748*TPE district heating1Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (402+881)/1171 Others divided by district heating
1182025Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss1Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1192025Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss1Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss
1202025STP local heating = 1.243243243*CHP local heating1Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 46/37 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
1212025Ind electricity = 0.006831768*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/1171 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating VトトRIN 2008 sivulla??
1222025WWP electricity = 1.925925925*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 52/27 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
1232025TPP electricity output = 2.259259259*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 61/27 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
1242025TPE electricity = 14.888888888*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 402/27 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
1252025Loss local heating = 0.057915058*STP local heating + 0.057915058*CHP local heating + 0.057915058*TPP local heating1Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 15/(46+37+176)
1262025Loss electricity = 0.22*CHP electricity + 0.22*WWP electricity + 0.22*TPP electricity output + 0.22*TPE electricity + 0.22*Ind electricity1Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 121/(27+52+61+402+8)
1272025Loss district heating = 0.102476516*TPE district heating1Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 120/1171
1282025CES local heating = 0.217391304*STP local heating1Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 10/46
1292025CES electricity = 4.259259259*CHP electricity1Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 115/27
1302025V renewable energy = 0.235294118*STP renewable energy1Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 8/34
1312025V coal = 0.161923454*TPE coal1Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 165/1019
1322025V electricity = 14.425373134*TPE electricity1Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 5799/402
1332025V gas = 14.181818181*CHP gas1Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 468/33
1342025V mineral oil = 31.352941176*TPP mineral oil1Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 533/17
1352025Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity1Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1362025STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating1Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1372025Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating1District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
1382025Cons Ind electricity = 24991Consumed electricity industry
1392025Cons Traffic electricity = 2681Consumed electricity traffic
1402025Cons Home electricity = 11371Consumed electricity households
1412025Cons Commerce electricity = 4851Consumed electricity commerce
1422025Cons Ind local heating = 61Consumed local heating industry
1432025Cons Home local heating = 381Consumed local heating households
1442025Cons Commerce local heating = 1621Consumed local heating commerce
1452025Cons Ind district heating = 4001Consumed districit heating industry
1462025Cons Home district heating = 741Consumed districit heating households
1472025Cons Commerce district heating = 9411Consumed districit heating commerce

There are no nonlinearities.


See also

Urgenche research project 2011 - 2014: city-level climate change mitigation
Urgenche pages

Urgenche main page · Category:Urgenche · Urgenche project page (password-protected)

Relevant data
Building stock data in Urgenche‎ · Building regulations in Finland · Concentration-response to PM2.5 · Emission factors for burning processes · ERF of indoor dampness on respiratory health effects · ERF of several environmental pollutions · General criteria for land use · Indoor environment quality (IEQ) factors · Intake fractions of PM · Land use in Urgenche · Land use and boundary in Urgenche · Energy use of buildings

Relevant methods
Building model · Energy balance · Health impact assessment · Opasnet map · Help:Drawing graphs · OpasnetUtils‎ · Recommended R functions‎ · Using summary tables‎

City Kuopio
Climate change policies and health in Kuopio (assessment) · Climate change policies in Kuopio (plausible city-level climate policies) · Health impacts of energy consumption in Kuopio · Building stock in Kuopio · Cost curves for energy (prioritization of options) · Energy balance in Kuopio (energy data) · Energy consumption and GHG emissions in Kuopio by sector · Energy consumption classes (categorisation) · Energy consumption of heating of buildings in Kuopio · Energy transformations (energy production and use processes) · Fuels used by Haapaniemi energy plant · Greenhouse gas emissions in Kuopio · Haapaniemi energy plant in Kuopio · Land use in Kuopio · Building data availability in Kuopio · Password-protected pages: File:Heat use in Kuopio.csv · Kuopio housing

City Basel
Buildings in Basel (password-protected)

Energy balances
Energy balance in Basel · Energy balance in Kuopio · Energy balance in Stuttgart · Energy balance in Suzhou



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