User:Aishat Bukola Ayelotan: Difference between revisions

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1) What is shared understanding?
|1) What is shared understanding?
Shared understanding is a written template that expresses the views and opinions of all participants concerning a topic. It can also be referred to as situation when all participants have an understanding of options that are being considered in decision making, the objectives that are being pursued and the reason for adopting a particular decision option.
Shared understanding is a written template that expresses the views and opinions of all participants concerning a topic. It can also be referred to as situation when all participants have an understanding of options that are being considered in decision making, the objectives that are being pursued and the reason for adopting a particular decision option.
• It can be of two types:
• It can be of two types:
Line 66: Line 66:
:Sectoral ministries, EU and international organizations
:Sectoral ministries, EU and international organizations
7)What direct or indirect health impacts, positive or negative, these decisions and actions (may) have?
7)What direct or indirect health impacts, positive or negative, these decisions and actions (may) have?
* Extreme weather conditions may arise if adaptation decisions are not taken , which may lead to outbreak of diseases such as Influenza in temperate region and Cerebrospinal meningitis in tropical regions. These diseases outbreaks have significant impact such as econmic loss, reduction in population size etc
* If adaptation decisions are not taken , extreme weather conditions caused by climate change may lead to outbreak of diseases such as Influenza in temperate region and Cerebrospinal meningitis in tropical regions. These diseases outbreaks have significant impact such as economic loss, reduction in population size etc
*: {{attack|# |Adaptation actions do not change weather, they just help people to cope with the adverse weather events (or to get most out of an improving regional climate).|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)}}
*: {{attack|# |Adaptation actions do not change weather, they just help people to cope with the adverse weather events (or to get most out of an improving regional climate).|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)}}{{defend|# |corrected|--[[User:Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo|Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo]] ([[User talk:Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo|talk]]) 16:33, 1 April 2015 (UTC)}}
* Risk of protein deficiency in human nutrition as high temperature affects production of fisheries in natural ecosystem. It has been concluded that the cheapest source of protein is Fish and higher temperature affects phytoplanktons productivity, which then affects fish population (Food chain).
*: {{comment|# |Is this from the Danish report? Protein deficiency is not an issue in Denmark.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)}}
8)Formulate a plausible and meaningful specific assessment question that takes account of (some of) the aspects considered in above questions
8)Formulate a plausible and meaningful specific assessment question that takes account of (some of) the aspects considered in above questions
* What are the measures to reduce climate change on environmental health?
* How can the society survive in the changing climatic conditions?
*: {{attack|# |These questions should rise from the content of the report. If you are looking an adaptation report, then climate change mitigation is hardly a key question.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)}}
*: {{attack|# |These questions should rise from the content of the report. If you are looking an adaptation report, then climate change mitigation is hardly a key question.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)}}
* To what extent does climate change affects human health?
* To what extent does the adaptive measures ensure sustainability of all components of the environment?{{defend|# |corrected|--[[User:Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo|Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo]] ([[User talk:Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo|talk]]) 07:54, 14 April 2015 (UTC)}}
9)It represents shared understanding as our answers were discussed after deliberating on the article.
9)The report showed that there was shared understanding because different decision making components and individuals added their opinion.
: {{attack|# |The extra question is not about shared understanding among your group, but whether the report shows that there is shared understanding in the Danish society about these things.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)}}
: {{attack|# |The extra question is not about shared understanding among your group, but whether the report shows that there is shared understanding in the Danish society about these things.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)}}{{defend|# |corrected|--[[User:Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo|Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo]] ([[User talk:Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo|talk]]) 07:54, 14 April 2015 (UTC)}}
==Homework 2.5==
External link: [[:en:Wikipedia]]
{| {{prettytable}}
|+ Hair and Urine mercury level (M)
! Gender
! Hair Mercury concentration(M)
! Urine Mercury concentration(M)
Data table
<t2b  name="Body weight of individuals" index="Gender" Locations="weight,Gender" unit="kg">
<rcode variables="hair|hair mercury|38,2|urine|urine mercury|0,5">
# Total mercury concentration is
hair mercury +  urine mercury
<rcode embed=1 name='cond_test' variables="
name:Total mercury concentration|
description:Select type|
options:;- select -;'hair';Hair;'urine';Urine;|
name:Hair Mercury level|
options:'male 38,2';Male 38,2;'Female 15,8';female 15,8;'male_and_female 54,0';Male and Female 54,0|
name:Urine Mercury level|
description:Urine |
options:'male 0,5';Male 0,5;'Female 0,2';female 0,2;'male_and_female 0,7';Male and Female 0,7|
# Print selected variable values
Hair mercury level
Urine mercury level
<rcode embed=1 name='cond_test' variables="
name:Total mercury concentration|
description:Select type|
options:;- select -;'hair';Hair;'urine';Urine;'urine_and_hair';Urine and Hair|
name:Hair mercury level|
description:Select Hair|
options:'male 38,2';Male 38,2;'Female 15,8';female 15,8;'male_and_female 54,0';Male and Female 54,0|
name:Urine Mercury level|
description:Select Urine|
options:'male 0,5';Male 0,5;'Female 0,2';female 0,2;'male_and_female 0,7';Male and Female 0,7|
# Print selected variable values
Total mercury concentration
Hair mercury level
Urine mercury level
==Homework 6==
*Who are the relevant participants of the assessment?
:Danish government, Sectoral ministries, EU and International organizations, Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)
*What roles the different participants (may) take in the assessment?
:EU and International organizations will ensure that international protocols as well as regional climate change policies are incorporated into the Danish adaptation strategy.
:Sectoral ministries will enforce standards to be met in fisheries and coastal management, agriculture and forestry, water and energy supply, building and nature management as well as health adaptation programmes for public health emergency management.
:Danish government will provide an enabling environment as well as financial facility for the assessment and adaptation process.
*What kind of relevant knowledge they (may) have regarding the assessment?
:Government efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,the greenhouse gases already emitted and their accumulation in the atmosphere means that adaptation to climate change is necessary.
*What needs and aims do they represent in the assessment?
:A need and aim to meet Denmark's reduction commitment of 21% of 1990 emissions of greenhouse gases.
*How could the relevant participants be involved in the assessment in an effective way?
:They can be involved effectively by having an open assessment of the issue, giving their different opinions and having a shared understanding on the adaptation procedure to be adopted.
* How can the quality of an assessment be assured if anyone can participate?
:If everyone participates, it brings ideas from different perspectives. Information gathered are put together to extract useful, practicable, acceptable and efficient assessment output.
*How can you prevent malevolent contributions where the purpose is to vandalise the process?
:Scope of the assessment has to be defined, to limit malevolent contributions.
*How can you make the outcome converge to a conclusion, because all issues are uncertain and controversial?
:By allowing every participants to contribute openly .
*How can you ensure that the outcomes are useful for the users?
:The outcomes will be useful for the users if it is informative and accessible.
{{#l:DARM 2.pptx}}

Latest revision as of 11:10, 12 May 2015

|1) What is shared understanding? Shared understanding is a written template that expresses the views and opinions of all participants concerning a topic. It can also be referred to as situation when all participants have an understanding of options that are being considered in decision making, the objectives that are being pursued and the reason for adopting a particular decision option. • It can be of two types:

a.	between two people, in which one of the two is correctly able to express the opinion of the other and the rationale behind it
b.	among more than two people, in which the views of all the members are written.

• The main purpose is to identify and remove poor decision options from variety of opinions. • 'Shared workplace' is used for everyone participating in the development of the shared description. Thus, no form of separate reports. • Finally, it can only be called shared understanding when all the participants think that their views and opinions have been clearly and adequately described.

2) What are Co-creation skills? • These are collection of skills needed in open policy practice. They are important in producing good outcomes by managing decision making process. • Some of the skills found to be very important in practice include; Encouragement, Synthesis, Open data and Modelling. • Encouragement skill is a skill that help, motivate, convince, organise and encourage people to participate in decision process. • Synthesis is useful in producing information obtained in a more structured and useful format • Open data is used in transforming data into meaningful and readable forms. • Modelling is used in developing the actual assessment models using variables produced in open data and generic methods.

  However, in implementing these skills, some work spaces (Opasnet and Innovillage) are employed.

3) What are the properties of Good Assessment?

 These properties are 9 and are further classified into 3 categories as shown below; 

• Informativeness, Calibration and Coherence (Quality of content category) • Usability and Acceptability (Applicability category) • Intra-assessment efficiency and Inter-assessment efficiency (Efficiency category) • Quality of Content and Applicability explains the potential or ability of an assessment to achieve its intended outcomes while Efficiency describes the efficiency of how the potential is produced. • A good assessment is useful in binding modeling and assessment output with intended outcomes

←--#: . Good. --Jouni (talk) 10:07, 23 March 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

----#: . You should use * instead of • to create bullet lists. --Jouni (talk) 10:07, 23 March 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)


  • With respect to Universal objects I quite agree with you that Assessment is one of the universal objects. However,in the classification of the Universal objects, Why can´t we classify Assessment into products and processes due to its structure and uses?
  • What is the difference between the the different types of dose-response curves ; Michaelis-Menten and Hill equation?
  • With respect to attributes, it was mentioned that some objects in open assessment have four attributes; Name, Question, Answer and Rationale with each attribute having three parts. Can you please expantiate more on the parts of the attributes.

Homework 5


----#: . You should put a link here to the report you were looking at. --Jouni (talk) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)←--#: . link has been added --Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo (talk) 16:14, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence) [Group members: Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo, Evans Effah, Aishat Bukola Ayelotan]

----#: . You should mention the group that did this homework. --Jouni (talk) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)←--#: . corrected --Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo (talk) 16:14, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

1)What are the aims/goals of the strategy/program, i.e. what are the desired impacts and outcomes striven for?

The goal of the strategy is that in future, climate change should be considered and integrated into planning and development in the most appropriate way. The strategy was designed in Denmark and focused on adaptation goals attainable within 10years from 2008.
⇤--#: . What city or country, what timeframe? A bit more details please, so that the reader can get an overview. --Jouni (talk) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)←--#: . corrected --Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo (talk) 16:14, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

2)Who are those that benefit if the aims/goals of the strategy/program are reached?

authorities, businesses and citizens.
The benefits includes:
  • Reduction in economic and environmental cost to authorities in situations of natural disasters.
  • Individuals and business owners are protected from consequences of climate chnage.
----#: . What are the benefits? --Jouni (talk) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)←--#: . corrected --Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo (talk) 16:23, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

3)What are the actions that are needed/intended to take in order to progress towards the aims/goals?

  • timely individual adaptation to climate change
  • political intiation of planned adaptation measures when autonomous adaptation is not optimal; by establishing organizational framework, a suitable climate research strategy and a strategic information campaign

4)Who are those that actually realize these actions?

Government,Individuals and International Organizations

5)What are the decisions that are needed to make in order to enable/promote the actions?

  • goal-oriented information campaign to inspire the stakeholders and individuals to change their behaviour
  • creation of web portal for climate change adaptation by the government to provide relevant knowledge to all stakeholders.
  • the development of modelling tools for socio-economic evaluation of measures in theclimate change adaptation area
  • establishment of a coordinating unit for research in climate change adaptation

6)Who are the decision makers?

Sectoral ministries, EU and international organizations

7)What direct or indirect health impacts, positive or negative, these decisions and actions (may) have?

  • If adaptation decisions are not taken , extreme weather conditions caused by climate change may lead to outbreak of diseases such as Influenza in temperate region and Cerebrospinal meningitis in tropical regions. These diseases outbreaks have significant impact such as economic loss, reduction in population size etc
    ⇤--#: . Adaptation actions do not change weather, they just help people to cope with the adverse weather events (or to get most out of an improving regional climate). --Jouni (talk) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)←--#: . corrected --Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo (talk) 16:33, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

8)Formulate a plausible and meaningful specific assessment question that takes account of (some of) the aspects considered in above questions

  • How can the society survive in the changing climatic conditions?
    ⇤--#: . These questions should rise from the content of the report. If you are looking an adaptation report, then climate change mitigation is hardly a key question. --Jouni (talk) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)
  • To what extent does the adaptive measures ensure sustainability of all components of the environment?←--#: . corrected --Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo (talk) 07:54, 14 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

9)The report showed that there was shared understanding because different decision making components and individuals added their opinion.

⇤--#: . The extra question is not about shared understanding among your group, but whether the report shows that there is shared understanding in the Danish society about these things. --Jouni (talk) 07:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)←--#: . corrected --Oluwatobi Abayomi Badejo (talk) 07:54, 14 April 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

Homework 2.5

External link: en:Wikipedia


Hair and Urine mercury level (M)
Gender Hair Mercury concentration(M) Urine Mercury concentration(M)
Male 38,2 0,5
Female 15,8 0,2

Data table

Body weight of individuals(kg)


<rcode variables="hair|hair mercury|38,2|urine|urine mercury|0,5">
# Total mercury concentration is
hair mercury +  urine mercury

Select type:


Male 38,2
female 15,8
Male and Female 54,0


Male 0,5
female 0,2
Male and Female 0,7

+ Show code

<rcode embed=1 name='cond_test' variables="
name:Total mercury concentration|
description:Select type|
options:;- select -;'hair';Hair;'urine';Urine;'urine_and_hair';Urine and Hair|
name:Hair mercury level|
description:Select Hair|
options:'male 38,2';Male 38,2;'Female 15,8';female 15,8;'male_and_female 54,0';Male and Female 54,0|
name:Urine Mercury level|
description:Select Urine|
options:'male 0,5';Male 0,5;'Female 0,2';female 0,2;'male_and_female 0,7';Male and Female 0,7|
# Print selected variable values
Total mercury concentration
Hair mercury level
Urine mercury level

Homework 6

  • Who are the relevant participants of the assessment?
Danish government, Sectoral ministries, EU and International organizations, Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)
  • What roles the different participants (may) take in the assessment?
EU and International organizations will ensure that international protocols as well as regional climate change policies are incorporated into the Danish adaptation strategy.
Sectoral ministries will enforce standards to be met in fisheries and coastal management, agriculture and forestry, water and energy supply, building and nature management as well as health adaptation programmes for public health emergency management.
Danish government will provide an enabling environment as well as financial facility for the assessment and adaptation process.
  • What kind of relevant knowledge they (may) have regarding the assessment?
Government efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,the greenhouse gases already emitted and their accumulation in the atmosphere means that adaptation to climate change is necessary.
  • What needs and aims do they represent in the assessment?
A need and aim to meet Denmark's reduction commitment of 21% of 1990 emissions of greenhouse gases.
    • PART B
  • How could the relevant participants be involved in the assessment in an effective way?
They can be involved effectively by having an open assessment of the issue, giving their different opinions and having a shared understanding on the adaptation procedure to be adopted.
  • How can the quality of an assessment be assured if anyone can participate?
If everyone participates, it brings ideas from different perspectives. Information gathered are put together to extract useful, practicable, acceptable and efficient assessment output.
  • How can you prevent malevolent contributions where the purpose is to vandalise the process?
Scope of the assessment has to be defined, to limit malevolent contributions.
  • How can you make the outcome converge to a conclusion, because all issues are uncertain and controversial?
By allowing every participants to contribute openly .
  • How can you ensure that the outcomes are useful for the users?
The outcomes will be useful for the users if it is informative and accessible.
