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| The purpose of the Platform for Exposure assessment (ExpoPlatform) is to aggregate databases, modelling tools and information related to the field of exposure assessment. | | The purpose of the Platform for Exposure assessment (ExpoPlatform) is to aggregate databases, modelling tools and information related to the field of exposure assessment. |
| |
| *[[AERMOD]]
| | ==External sources== |
| *[[AHTUS]]
| | Check the [[ExpoPlatform external sources]] -page. |
| *[[Air Pollutants Exposure Model (APEX)]]
| |
| *[[AirBase - the European Air quality dataBase]]
| |
| *[[AirData]]
| |
| *[[Anatomical and physiological differences between various species used in studies on the harmacokinetics and toxicology of xenobiotics. A review of literature]]
| |
| *[[Annual EU-wide Pesticide Residues Monitoring Report]]
| |
| *[[AP42: Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources]]
| |
| *[[ArcReader]]
| |
| *[[ATSDR - Toxicological Profiles]]
| |
| *[[Australia's national database of pollutant emissions]]
| |
| *[[Biodegradation and Bioconcentration of the Excisting Chemical Substances]]
| |
| *[[Calculated Ultraviolet Exposure Levels]]
| |
| *[[CALPUFF]]
| |
| *[[CalTOX]]
| |
| *[[CAMx]]
| |
| *[[CEPMEIP Database - Emission Factors]]
| |
| *[[CHAD]]
| |
| *[[Chapter 6 - Dermal Route in Exposure Factors Handbook]]
| |
| *[[ChemBioFinder]]
| |
| *[[Chemical and Physical Properties Database]]
| |
| *[[Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System (CCRIS)]]
| |
| *[[Chemical Fate half lives for Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Chemicals]]
| |
| *[[Chemical-Specific Factors]]
| |
| *[[Chemical-Specific Toxicity Values]]
| |
| *[[ChemIDplus]]
| |
| *[[ChemPortal]]
| |
| *[[Concise European Food Consumption Database]]
| |
| *[[Concise International Chemical Assessment Documents (CICADs)]]
| |
| *[[ConsExpo]]
| |
| *[[CORINE Land Cover 2000 (CLC2000)]]
| |
| *[[Dermal Absorption]]
| |
| *[[Dermal Exposure Assessment: Principles and Applications]]
| |
| *[[Dietary Exposure Potential Model (DEPM)]]
| |
| *[[Diffusion Coefficient Estimation]]
| |
| *[[ECOTOX database]]
| |
| *[[EDETOX]]
| |
| *[[EEA Aggregated and Gap Filled Emission Data]]
| |
| *[[EEA Greenhouse Gas Data Viewer]]
| |
| *[[EEA's Population density disaggregated with Corine land cover 2000]]
| |
| *[[EMEP measurement data]]
| |
| *[[EMEP-MSCE: Modelled POP concentrations in soil]]
| |
| *[[Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR)]]
| |
| *[[Emission Factors Database]]
| |
| *[[Emsoft]]
| |
| *[[EnviChem]]
| |
| *[[Environmental Fate Data Base (EFDB)]]
| |
| *[[Environmental Health Criteria 214: Human Exposure Assessment]]
| |
| *[[Environmental Health Criteria Monographs (EHC's)]]
| |
| *[[EPA - Pesticides]]
| |
| *[[EPA CMB8]]
| |
| *[[EPA Positive Matrix Factorization 3.0 (EPA PMF 3.0)]]
| |
| *[[Estimated Henry's Law Constant]]
| |
| *[[Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite]]
| |
| *[[European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)]]
| |
| *[[Eurostat]]
| |
| *[[EUSES]]
| |
| *[[ExpoFacts]]
| |
| *[[Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool (E-FAST)]]
| |
| *[[Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients]]
| |
| *[[Exposure Assessment Tools and Models]]
| |
| *[[Exposure Factors Handbook]]
| |
| *[[Exposure Tools]]
| |
| *[[FAOSTAT]]
| |
| *[[FastRT - Fast and easy UV simulation tool]]
| |
| *[[Finnish time use survey]]
| |
| *[[Food chain models]]
| |
| *[[Food Consumption and Other Exposure Data]]
| |
| *[[GEMS FOOD Chemical Contaminants in Food]]
| |
| *[[GEMSTAT]]
| |
| *[[German Environmental Survey (GerES)]]
| |
| *[[GESTIS International limit values]]
| |
| *[[Global estimates of gaseous emissions of NO3, NO and N2O from agricultural land]]
| |
| *[[Global land cover 2000 - Europe (GLC2000)]]
| |
| *[[Glossary of Exposure Assessment-Related Terms: A Compilation]]
| |
| *[[Gridded Population of the World (GPW)]]
| |
| *[[Ground water models]]
| |
| *[[Guidance Document on Dermal Absorption]]
| |
| *[[Guidance for assessment of chemical risks for children]]
| |
| *[[Guidelines for Good Exposure Assessment Practice for Human Health Effects of Chemicals]]
| |
| *[[Half Life and Rate Constant Conversions]]
| |
| *[[Hazardous Air Pollutant Exposure Model (HAPEM)]]
| |
| *[[Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB)]]
| |
| *[[HEDS]]
| |
| *[[HETUS]]
| |
| *[[Household Products Database]]
| |
| *[[Human & Environmental Risk Assessment on Ingredients of Household Cleaning Products (HERA)]]
| |
| *[[INCHEM]]
| |
| *[[Indoor Air Pollution and Exposure Database]]
| |
| *[[Indoor Air Pollution Database in China]]
| |
| *[[International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC)]]
| |
| *[[International Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER)]]
| |
| *[[Internet Geographical Exposure Modeling System (IGEMS)]]
| |
| *[[IPCS Risk Assessment Terminology]]
| |
| *[[IRIS]]
| |
| *[[IUCLID]]
| |
| *[[JMPR (Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues) - Monographs & Evaluations]]
| |
| *[[Mass Distribution in Multiphase Systems]]
| |
| *[[Material Emission Database for 90 Target VOCS]]
| |
| *[[MOBILE6 Vehicle Emission Modeling Software]]
| |
| *[[MTUS]]
| |
| *[[Multi- Chamber Concentration and Exposure Model (MCCEM)]]
| |
| *[[Multimedia models]]
| |
| *[[National emission statistics]]
| |
| *[[National Food Residue Database (NFRD)]]
| |
| *[[NONROAD]]
| |
| *[[Occupational Exposure Limit Values (OELVs)]]
| |
| *[[PAN Pesticides Database]]
| |
| *[[PELCOM]]
| |
| *[[Pesticide Data Sheets (PDSs)]]
| |
| *[[Pesticide Fate Database]]
| |
| *[[Pesticide Information Profiles (PIPs)]]
| |
| *[[Pesticide residues]]
| |
| *[[Pesticide Usage Statistics (PUS) for UK]]
| |
| *[[Principles of Characterizing and Applying Human Exposure Models]]
| |
| *[[Probabilistic assessment factors fo human health risk assessment]]
| |
| *[[QSAR for skin permeation]]
| |
| *[[RAINS emission factors]]
| |
| *[[Skin permeation calculator]]
| |
| |
| *[[Surface water models]]
| |
| *[[The FOOTPRINT Pesticide Properties Database]]
| |
| *[[The Guidelines for Exposure Assessment]]
| |
| *[[The Toxic Substance Control Act Test Submission database (TSCATS)]]
| |
| *[[Time use studies]]
| |
| *[[Total Diet Studies]]
| |
| *[[TRIM.FaTE]]
| |
| *[[UK Time use survey]]
| |
| *[[UN population database]]
| |
| *[[Waterbase]]
| |
| *[[WebDab]]
| |
| *[[WebFIRE]]
| |
| *[[WISE - My River Basin District]]
| |
| *[[Workplace exposure limits]]
| |
| *[[World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC)]]
| |
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| | ==Source file== |
| | Source file for External sources [[File:Ext srcs sorted name.xls]] |
| | [[Category:External source]] |
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| | ==See also== |
| |
| ==Link==
| | * [http://www.ktl.fi/expoplatform ExpoPlatform homepage] |
| http://www.ktl.fi/expoplatform | |
| |
| ==Source file== | | ==References== |
| Source file for External sources [[File:Ext srcs sorted name.xls]]
| | |
| [[Category:External source]]
| | <references/> |
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| | ==Related files== |
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| | {{mfiles}} |