{ From user vkoe, Model The_model at 10-syys-2012 15:34:56 } SoftwareVersion 4.4.2 { System Variables with non-default values: } Time := Sequence( -1, 110, 1 ) Description Time: Dynamic simulation periods are specified in Time's definition. This is usually a list of numbers or labels, typically in some unit of time (days, weeks, months, etc.). Use the ÒDynamic()Ó function in your variables to perform dynamic simulation. UseTable := 0 {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue Run: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446,447,448,449,450,451,452,453,454,455,456,457,458,459,460,461,462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477,478,479,480,481,482,483,484,485,486,487,488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538,539,540,541,542,543,544,545,546,547,548,549,550,551,552,553,554,555,556,557,558,559,560,561,562,563,564,565,566,567,568,569,570,571,572,573,574,575,576,577,578,579,580,581,582,583,584,585,586,587,588,589,590,591,592,593,594,595,596,597,598,599,600,601,602,603,604,605,606,607,608,609,610,611,612,613,614,615,616,617,618,619,620,621,622,623,624,625,626,627,628,629,630,631,632,633,634,635,636,637,638,639,640,641,642,643,644,645,646,647,648,649,650,651,652,653,654,655,656,657,658,659,660,661,662,663,664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,680,681,682,683,684,685,686,687,688,689,690,691,692,693,694,695,696,697,698,699,700,701,702,703,704,705,706,707,708,709,710,711,712,713,714,715,716,717,718,719,720,721,722,723,724,725,726,727,728,729,730,731,732,733,734,735,736,737,738,739,740,741,742,743,744,745,746,747,748,749,750,751,752,753,754,755,756,757,758,759,760,761,762,763,764,765,766,767,768,769,770,771,772,773,774,775,776,777,778,779,780,781,782,783,784,785,786,787,788,789,790,791,792,793,794,795,796,797,798,799,800,801,802,803,804,805,806,807,808,809,810,811,812,813,814,815,816,817,818,819,820,821,822,823,824,825,826,827,828,829,830,831,832,833,834,835,836,837,838,839,840,841,842,843,844,845,846,847,848,849,850,851,852,853,854,855,856,857,858,859,860,861,862,863,864,865,866,867,868,869,870,871,872,873,874,875,876,877,878,879,880,881,882,883,884,885,886,887,888,889,890,891,892,893,894,895,896,897,898,899,900,901,902,903,904,905,906,907,908,909,910,911,912,913,914,915,916,917,918,919,920,921,922,923,924,925,926,927,928,929,930,931,932,933,934,935,936,937,938,939,940,941,942,943,944,945,946,947,948,949,950,951,952,953,954,955,956,957,958,959,960,961,962,963,964,965,966,967,968,969,970,971,972,973,974,975,976,977,978,979,980,981,982,983,984,985,986,987,988,989,990,991,992,993,994,995,996,997,998,999,1000]} TypeChecking := 0 Checking := 1 GraphWindows := 10 ShowHier := 1 SaveOptions := 2 SaveValues := 0 DistSteps := 1 Naming := 0 AllWarnings := 0 {!40000|Att_ContLineStyle Graph_Primary_Valdim: 1} {!40000|Att_CatLineStyle Graph_Primary_Valdim: 9} {!40000|Att_GraphValueRange Graph_Pdf_Valdim: 1,0,0,1,,,,0,1} {!40000|Att_ContLineStyle Graph_Pdf_Valdim: 6} {!40000|Att_ContLineStyle Graph_Cdf_Valdim: 1} {!40300|Sys_DomainSelfIndex := 1} {!40400|Sys_AllNullTreatment := 1} {!40300|ProactivelyEvaluate Index: 1} Attribute Reference Attribute Log AskAttribute Recursive,Function,Yes AskAttribute Reference,Function,Yes AskAttribute Log,Function,Yes AskAttribute Reference,Module,Yes AskAttribute Log,Module,Yes AskAttribute Value,Variable,Yes AskAttribute Reference,Variable,Yes AskAttribute Log,Variable,Yes Model The_model Author: ktluser Date: Wed, Apr 09, 2008 3:15 PM SaveAuthor: vkoe SaveDate: 10. syyta 2012 15:34 DefaultSize: 48,24 DiagState: 2,4,3,1044,754,17 FontStyle: Arial, 13 FileInfo: 0,Model The_model,2,2,0,0,N:\YMAL\Users\VirpiK\Impact_Calculation_Tool.ana {!40400|Att_clearTypeFonts: 0} Module Continue_to_input_nu Title: Exposure scenarios Author: olex Date: Fri, Dec 05, 2008 9:42 AM DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 88,632,1 NodeSize: 56,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DiagState: 2,62,39,1150,1014,17 NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 GraphSetup: Probindex:[0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975 ] Module Model2 Title: Double click to view the model Description: Model to calculate DALYs for environmental exposures. Node 'Exposure scenarios' contains three scenarios (Business-as-usual, Increasing exposure, and decreasing exposure). Calculation is divided to mortality and morbidity. Morbidity calculation utilizes DALY weights and duration of disease to yield YLD (Years of Life lost due to Disease), and mortality calculation yields YLL (Years of Life Lost). In the end, these two values are added and the results are DALYs in scenarios.~ ~ Pink nodes are source data nodes inputted by a user. Author: ktluser Date: Fri, Apr 11, 2008 9:48 AM DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 104,648,1 NodeSize: 64,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DiagState: 2,99,98,902,710,17 Aliases: Alias Double_click_to_vie1, Alias Double_click_to_view NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 FontStyle: Arial, 12 Variable Input_mort_risk Title: Input mortality risk Units: - Description: Annual mortality rate in BAU scenario. Definition: var a:=Mort_data/Pop_data;~ ~ a:=if isnan(a)=1 then 0 else a;~ ~ if a = inf then 0 else a NodeLocation: 264,208,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,176,259,494,409 ValueState: 2,176,116,467,818,0,MIDM NodeColor: 19661,48336,65535 ReformVal: [Mort_endpoint,Age] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Mort_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Age1,2,Sex,1,Age_cat,1,Cause_of_death,1]} Variable Pop_data Title: Population data Description: Annual total population Definition: Table(Age,Sex)(~ 56.6834K,~ 56.6834K,~ 56.6834K,~ 56.6834K,~ 56.6834K,~ 60.615K,~ 60.615K,~ 60.615K,~ 60.615K,~ 60.615K,~ 66.1678K,~ 66.1678K,~ 66.1678K,~ 66.1678K,~ 66.1678K,~ 63.786K,~ 63.786K,~ 63.786K,~ 63.786K,~ 63.786K,~ 66.42360000000001K,~ 66.42360000000001K,~ 66.42360000000001K,~ 66.42360000000001K,~ 66.42360000000001K,~ 65.8828K,~ 65.8828K,~ 65.8828K,~ 65.8828K,~ 65.8828K,~ 61.4958K,~ 61.4958K,~ 61.4958K,~ 61.4958K,~ 61.4958K,~ 72.47440000000001K,~ 72.47440000000001K,~ 72.47440000000001K,~ 72.47440000000001K,~ 72.47440000000001K,~ 75.9178K,~ 75.9178K,~ 75.9178K,~ 75.9178K,~ 75.9178K,~ 76.9778K,~ 76.9778K,~ 76.9778K,~ 76.9778K,~ 76.9778K,~ 80.20660000000001K,~ 80.20660000000001K,~ 80.20660000000001K,~ 80.20660000000001K,~ 80.20660000000001K,~ 80.29120000000001K,~ 80.29120000000001K,~ 80.29120000000001K,~ 80.29120000000001K,~ 80.29120000000001K,~ 54.3002K,~ 54.3002K,~ 54.3002K,~ 54.3002K,~ 54.3002K,~ 48.0772K,~ 48.0772K,~ 48.0772K,~ 48.0772K,~ 48.0772K,~ 41.4752K,~ 41.4752K,~ 41.4752K,~ 41.4752K,~ 41.4752K,~ 34.9876K,~ 34.9876K,~ 34.9876K,~ 34.9876K,~ 34.9876K,~ 23.3004K,~ 23.3004K,~ 23.3004K,~ 23.3004K,~ 23.3004K,~ 11.2926K,~ 11.2926K,~ 11.2926K,~ 11.2926K,~ 11.2926K,~ 4394.400000000001,~ 4394.400000000001,~ 4394.400000000001,~ 4394.400000000001,~ 4394.400000000001,~ 886.6,~ 886.6,~ 886.6,~ 886.6,~ 886.6~ ) NodeLocation: 416,208,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,106,219,484,386 DefnState: 2,261,166,356,524,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,164,80,273,772,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Population1, FormNode Population2 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Sex,Age] ReformVal: [Sex,Age] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Age_cat Index Age Title: Age Description: List of age in 1 year year intervals. Definition: Sequence( 0, 99, 1 ) NodeLocation: 416,240,1 NodeSize: 48,12 {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99]} Variable Morb_data Title: Baseline morbidity data Units: cases/a Description: Annual number of morbidity cases due to a given cause-of-morbidity.~ Definition: Table(Age,Morb_endpoint,Sex)(~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0,~ 0~ ) NodeLocation: 576,112,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,107,127,476,264 DefnState: 2,163,191,514,530,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,177,164,456,499,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Baseline_morbidity2, FormNode Baseline_morbidity4 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Morb_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Age_cat {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Gender,1,Age_cat,1,Morbidity,1]} {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Gender,1,Age_cat,1,Morbidity,2]} Variable Input_morb_risk Title: Input morbidity risk Description: Annual morbidity rate in BAU scenario. Definition: var a:=Morb_data/Pop_data;~ ~ a:=if isnan(a)=1 then 0 else a;~ ~ if a = inf then 0 else a NodeLocation: 576,208,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,66,175,506,335 ValueState: 2,208,78,499,796,0,MIDM NodeColor: 19661,48336,65535 ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Morb_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Age1,1,Morbidity,1]} Variable Morb_risk_scenarios Title: Morbidity risk scenarios Units: - Description: Annual morbidity risk in different exposure scenarios. Calculated only for those morbidity endpoints for which baseline morbidity data is provided. Definition: if Assessment_type='Exposure scenarios' then ~ ~ var a:= Exposures;~ var b:= Morbidity_erf;~ var c:= Morb_erf_unit;~ c:= if c = 0 then 1 else c;~ var d:=Pop_frac;~ ~ var e:= exp(ln(b[Erf_type='Relative Risk'])/c*a[@Fu_period=1]);~ Var f:=((e*d)+(1-d))[Exposure='Reference'];~ var g:=((e*d)+(f*(1-d)))[Exposure='BAU'];~ g:=((g-1)/g);~ g:= Input_morb_risk*(1-g);~ ~ f:=Table(Exposure)(f, f, 1);~ e:= exp(ln(b[Erf_type='Relative Risk'])/c*a);~ f:=(e*d)+(f*(1-d));~ f*g~ ~ else~ ~ var h:=Input_morb_risk*(1+Outcome_morb[Scenario='BAU']/100);~ var i:=Input_morb_risk*(1+Outcome_morb[Scenario='Alternative']/100);~ var j:=Input_morb_risk*(1-Input_morb_abfrac);~ Table(Exposure)(h, i, j ) NodeLocation: 576,280,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,161,150,643,472 DefnState: 2,603,496,559,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,297,199,519,497,0,MIDM NodeColor: 19661,48336,65535 ReformVal: [Exposure,Age] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Morb_endpoint,2,Fu_period,9,Age,1,Exposure,1]} Log: 20.11.2008 Olli Leino~ Replaced the definition by table indexed by Morbidity:~ ~ Base_morb_rate[Morbidity='Respiratory diseases']*(1+Morb_risk_change)~ Base_morb_rate[Morbidity='Cardiovascular diseases']*(1+Morb_risk_change)~ ~ Old definition was:~ ~ Base_morb_rate*(1+Morb_risk_change) Variable Age_weight Title: Age weight Description: What are the most valuable ages in human life? Definition: If Age_weighting= 'Yes' then~ ~ var a:=0.1658*Age*exp(-0.04*Age);~ sum(if floor(Age/5)+1 = @age_cat then a else 0 , Age)/5~ ~ else 1~ NodeLocation: 744,376,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,185,183,476,341 DefnState: 2,168,7,416,585,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,189,167,362,363,0,MIDM NodeColor: 19661,48336,65535 Variable Start_year Title: Assessment start year Description: Start year of the assessment. Definition: 2010 NodeLocation: 80,424,1 NodeSize: 48,24 Aliases: FormNode Assessment_start_yea NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Followup_time Title: Follow-up period Units: Years Description: Number of follow-up years Definition: 50 NodeLocation: 80,496,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 ValueState: 2,120,130,392,202,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Follow_up_period NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Birth_rate Title: Birth rate Units: births/year Description: Annual number of births Definition: Table(Sex,Fu_year)(~ 57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K,57K~ ) NodeLocation: 80,368,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,174,211,476,224 DefnState: 2,264,245,388,472,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,292,307,416,482,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Birth_rate1, FormNode Birth_rate2 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Sex,Fu_year] ReformVal: [Sex,Fu_year] Reference: N:\Huippuyksikko\Tutkimus\R89_Daly\TICT_data.xls~ Tilastokeskus:~ http://www.stat.fi/til/synt/2007/synt_2007_2008-05-02_tie_001_fi.htm~ Variable Discount Title: Annual discount rate Units: % Description: Annual time discount rate for future loss of life Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 744,416,1 NodeSize: 48,16 ValueState: 2,234,206,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Discount1, FormNode Discount_rate NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Mort_data Title: Baseline mortality data Units: deaths/a Description: Annual number of deaths due to a given cause-of-death~ ~ Note! All causes of death must be included in the node dataset because the life table modelling is based on total mortality.~ Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Mort_endpoint)(~ 40.8,9,~ 40.8,9,~ 40.8,9,~ 40.8,9,~ 40.8,9,~ 3.8,6.4,~ 3.8,6.4,~ 3.8,6.4,~ 3.8,6.4,~ 3.8,6.4,~ 4.6,6,~ 4.6,6,~ 4.6,6,~ 4.6,6,~ 4.6,6,~ 7,23.6,~ 7,23.6,~ 7,23.6,~ 7,23.6,~ 7,23.6,~ 10.2,39.8,~ 10.2,39.8,~ 10.2,39.8,~ 10.2,39.8,~ 10.2,39.8,~ 12.4,34.6,~ 12.4,34.6,~ 12.4,34.6,~ 12.4,34.6,~ 12.4,34.6,~ 17.8,30.8,~ 17.8,30.8,~ 17.8,30.8,~ 17.8,30.8,~ 17.8,30.8,~ 48.6,50.8,~ 48.6,50.8,~ 48.6,50.8,~ 48.6,50.8,~ 48.6,50.8,~ 92.2,64.40000000000001,~ 92.2,64.40000000000001,~ 92.2,64.40000000000001,~ 92.2,64.40000000000001,~ 92.2,64.40000000000001,~ 166.4,81.2,~ 166.4,81.2,~ 166.4,81.2,~ 166.4,81.2,~ 166.4,81.2,~ 302.6,93.2,~ 302.6,93.2,~ 302.6,93.2,~ 302.6,93.2,~ 302.6,93.2,~ 457.8,97.2,~ 457.8,97.2,~ 457.8,97.2,~ 457.8,97.2,~ 457.8,97.2,~ 475.2,58.8,~ 475.2,58.8,~ 475.2,58.8,~ 475.2,58.8,~ 475.2,58.8,~ 643,59.4,~ 643,59.4,~ 643,59.4,~ 643,59.4,~ 643,59.4,~ 919.4,55.6,~ 919.4,55.6,~ 919.4,55.6,~ 919.4,55.6,~ 919.4,55.6,~ 1312,60.4,~ 1312,60.4,~ 1312,60.4,~ 1312,60.4,~ 1312,60.4,~ 1560,59.6,~ 1560,59.6,~ 1560,59.6,~ 1560,59.6,~ 1560,59.6,~ 1355.4,44.4,~ 1355.4,44.4,~ 1355.4,44.4,~ 1355.4,44.4,~ 1355.4,44.4,~ 895.6,38.4,~ 895.6,38.4,~ 895.6,38.4,~ 895.6,38.4,~ 895.6,38.4,~ 301.2,11.8,~ 301.2,11.8,~ 301.2,11.8,~ 301.2,11.8,~ 301.2,11.8~ ) NodeLocation: 264,120,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,164,118,514,452 DefnState: 2,231,183,389,490,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,235,136,472,503,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Baseline_mortality1, FormNode Baseline_mortality2 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Mort_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Mort_endpoint,Age] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Age_cat, Index Mort_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Age_cat,1,Cause_of_death,1]} {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Sex,2,Age1,1,Mort_endpoint,1]} Variable Mort_risk_scenarios Title: Mortality risk scenarios Units: - Description: Annual mortality risk in different exposure scenarios.~ Definition: if Assessment_type='Exposure scenarios' then ~ ~ var a:= Exposures;~ var b:= Mortality_erf;~ var c:= Mort_erf_unit;~ c:= if c = 0 then 1 else c;~ var d:=Pop_frac;~ ~ var e:= exp(ln(b[Erf_type='Relative Risk'])/c*a[@Fu_period=1]);~ Var f:=((e*d)+(1-d))[Exposure='Reference'];~ var g:=((e*d)+(f*(1-d)))[Exposure='BAU'];~ g:=(g-1)/g;~ g:= Input_mort_risk*(1-g);~ ~ f:=Table(Exposure)(f, f, 1);~ e:= exp(ln(b[Erf_type='Relative Risk'])/c*a);~ f:=(e*d)+(f*(1-d));~ g:=f*g;~ ~ Var h:= a-a[Exposure='BAU', @Fu_period=1];~ h:= b[Erf_type='Absolute Risk']/c*h*d;~ ~ sum(Table(Erf_type)(g,h),Erf_type)~ ~ ~ else~ ~ ~ var j:=Input_mort_risk*(1+Change_mort[Scenario='BAU']/100);~ var k:=Input_mort_risk*(1+Change_mort[Scenario='Alternative']/100);~ var l:=Input_mort_risk*(1-Input_mort_abfrac);~ Table(Exposure)(j, k, l )~ ~ NodeLocation: 264,280,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,160,33,630,827 DefnState: 2,131,524,556,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,244,59,938,775,0,MIDM NodeColor: 19661,48336,65535 ReformVal: [Mort_endpoint,Age] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Mort_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Exposure,1,Fu_period,1,Age,100,Mort_endpoint,1]} Objective Le_cohort Title: Life expectancy in birth cohort Units: Years Description: Life-expectancy for a birth cohort exposed to the given level throughout the entire life. Definition: var a:= sum(Mort_risk_scenarios,Mort_endpoint);~ ~ a:= if Mort_effect = 'Acute' then a[Exposure='BAU'] else a;~ ~ a:=a[Fu_period=period_lt];~ a:= if a = null then a[Exposure='Reference',Period_lt=max(Fu_period)] else a;~ a:= Si_pi(a, 5, Period_lt, Year_lt, Year_help)*5;~ ~ a:=if a < 0 then 0 else a;~ a:=if a>1 then 1 else a;~ ~ a:= 1-a;~ ~ var b:=1;~ var c:=0;~ var d:=0;~ var x:= 0;~ while x<=99 do (~ c:=b*a[Age=x, @Year_lt=x+1];~ d:=d+c+(b-c)/2;~ b:=c;~ x:= x+1); ~ ~ d~ ~ ~ ~ NodeLocation: 368,392,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,91,93,539,715 ValueState: 2,155,361,429,195,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Life_expectancy_in_1, FormNode Life_expectancy_in_b NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 ReformVal: [Exposure,Sex,Undefined,2] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Mort_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Period_lt,4,Age,1,Exposure,1]} Reference: Figure 1:~ Graphs1~ Log: Tainio Life-Table Objective Ab_morbidity_spec Title: Morbidity, specified Units: cases Description: Morbidity cases attributable to the exposure in different scenarios. Definition: if Assessment_type = 'Exposure scenarios' then~ ~ var a:= Exposures;~ var b:= Morbidity_erf;~ var c:= Morb_erf_unit;~ c:= if c = 0 then 1 else c;~ var d:= Pop_frac;~ var e:= Morb_risk_scenarios;~ ~ var f:= b[Erf_type='Absolute Risk']/c*a*d;~ ~ var g:=sum(Table(Erf_type)(e,f),erf_type);~ g:=if g<0 then 0 else g;~ g:= sum(if floor(Age/5)+1 = @age_cat then g else 0, Age)/5;~ g:=g-g[Exposure='Reference'];~ ~ g:=g*Pop_in_time_ave;~ var h:=Table(Time_unit)(g, g*5);~ h:= if followup_time <2 then g else h;~ ~ if Outcome= 'Change in EBD' then h[Exposure='Alternative']-h[Exposure='BAU'] else h~ ~ ~ else if Input_morb_outcome = 'Percentage change' then~ ~ var a:= Morb_risk_scenarios;~ a:=if a<0 then 0 else a;~ a:= sum(if floor(Age/5)+1 = @Age_cat then a else 0 , Age)/5;~ a:=a-a[Exposure='Reference'];~ ~ a:= a*Pop_in_time_ave;~ var b:=Table(Time_unit)(a, a*5);~ a:= if Followup_time <2 then a else b;~ ~ if Outcome= 'Change in EBD' then a[Exposure='Alternative']-a[Exposure='BAU'] else a~ ~ else~ ~ var a:= Outcome_morb;~ a:= sum(if floor(Age/5)+1 = @Age_cat then a else 0 , Age);~ var b:=Table(Time_unit)(a, a*5);~ a:= if followup_time <2 then a else b;~ ~ if Outcome = 'Change in EBD' then a[Exposure='Alternative']-a[Exposure='BAU'] else a~ ~ NodeLocation: 576,424,1 NodeSize: 48,20 WindState: 2,843,95,531,758 ValueState: 2,179,198,564,526,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Attributable_morbid1, FormNode Morbidity__specified NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age_cat] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Age_cat {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Morb_endpoint,2,Time_unit,1,Exposure,2,Age_cat,1,Fu_period,1]} Objective Yll_spec Title: YLL, specified Units: years Description: Years of life lost due to mortality attributable to the exposure of interest Definition: if Assessment_type = 'Total burden of disease' then~ ~ var a:=Exposures;~ var b: Mort_erf_bod;~ var c:= Mort_erf_unit;~ c:= if c = 0 then 1 else c;~ var d:=Pop_frac;~ ~ var e:= exp(ln(b)/c*a);~ Var f:=((e*d)+(1-d))[Exposure='Reference'];~ var g:=((e*d)+(f*(1-d)))[Exposure='BAU'];~ g:=(g-1)/g;~ g:= As_total_yll*(1-g);~ ~ f:=Table(Exposure)(f, f, 1);~ f:=(e*d)+(f*(1-d));~ f:=f*g;~ f-f[Exposure='Reference']~ ~ else if Mort_effect = 'Acute' then ~ ~ Ab_mortality_spec*Life_lost*Pv_life_year[period_lt=Fu_period]*Age_weight~ ~ else if App_yll = 'Direct' then~ ~ var a:=Life_years;~ a:= (a[Exposure='Reference']-a);~ if Outcome= 'Change in EBD' then a[Exposure='Alternative']-a[Exposure='BAU'] else a~ ~ else~ ~ Ab_mortality_spec*Ad_le[Exposure='Reference']*Pv_life_year[Period_lt=Fu_period]~ NodeLocation: 264,576,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,78,94,550,810 ValueState: 2,102,234,562,448,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Attributable_yll__, FormNode Attributable_yll, FormNode Yll__ NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age_cat,Undefined,Undefined,1] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Fu_period, Index Mort_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Time_unit,2,Exposure,2,Mort_endpoint,0,Age_cat,0,Fu_period,1]} Objective Yld_spec Title: YLD, specified Units: years Description: Years of life lost due to morbidity attributable to the exposure of interest. Definition: if Assessment_type = 'Total burden of disease' then~ ~ var a:=Exposures;~ var b: Morb_erf_bod;~ var c:= Morb_erf_unit;~ c:= if c = 0 then 1 else c;~ var d:=Pop_frac;~ ~ var e:= exp(ln(b)/c*a);~ Var f:=((e*d)+(1-d))[Exposure='Reference'];~ var g:=((e*d)+(f*(1-d)))[Exposure='BAU'];~ g:=(g-1)/g;~ g:= As_total_yld*(1-g);~ ~ f:=Table(Exposure)(f, f, 1);~ f:=(e*d)+(f*(1-d));~ f:=f*g;~ f-f[Exposure='Reference']~ ~ else~ ~ var a:= Ab_morbidity_spec*Duration*Daly_weight*Pv_life_year[period_lt=Fu_period];~ ~ if isnan(a)=1 then 0 else a~ ~ NodeLocation: 576,576,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,106,126,573,743 ValueState: 2,148,203,654,548,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Attributable_yld1, FormNode Attributable_yld, FormNode Yld1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age_cat] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Fu_period, Index Age_cat, Index Morb_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Time_unit,2,Exposure,1,Morb_endpoint,2,Age_cat,1,Fu_period,1]} Objective Daly_spec Title: DALY, specified Units: years Description: Annual loss of disability adjusted life years attributable to the exposure in different scenarios.~ Definition: if App_yll = 'Direct' then~ ~ Yll_spec+sum(Yld_spec[Fu_period=period_lt, time_unit='5-year period'],morb_endpoint)~ ~ else~ ~ sum(Yll_spec,Mort_endpoint)+sum(Yld_spec,Morb_endpoint) NodeLocation: 416,576,1 NodeSize: 48,20 WindState: 2,107,95,476,419 DefnState: 2,191,289,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,225,149,436,533,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Attributable_daly_, FormNode Dalys1, FormNode Daly_ NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age_cat,Undefined,Undefined,1] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Age_cat, Index Period_lt {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Exposure,1,Age_cat,0,Period_lt,1]} Alias Cause_of_death2 Title: Cause of death Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 264,152,1 NodeSize: 52,12 Original: Mort_endpoint Alias Morbidity2 Title: Morbidity Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 576,144,1 NodeSize: 52,12 Original: Morb_endpoint Module Help_nodes Title: Technical nodes Author: vkoe Date: 21. Janta 2009 9:47 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 744,64,1 NodeSize: 48,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DiagState: 2,257,231,572,401,17 Index Fu_period Title: Follow-up period Definition: sequence(Start_year,Start_year+(Followup_time-1),5) NodeLocation: 448,176,1 NodeSize: 48,16 ValueState: 2,116,494,416,303,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Undefined,Self] {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: [2010,2015,2020,2025,2030,2035,2040,2045,2050,2055]} Index Age_cat {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: ['0-4','5-9','10-14','15-19','20-24','25-29','30-34','35-39','40-44','45-49','50-54','55-59','60-64','65-69','70-74','75-79','80-84','85-89','90-94','95+']} Title: Age cat Description: Age categories used in morbidity datasets. Definition: ['0-4','5-9','10-14','15-19','20-24','25-29','30-34','35-39','40-44','45-49','50-54','55-59','60-64','65-69','70-74','75-79','80-84','85-89','90-94','95+'] NodeLocation: 96,224,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,25,12,335,453 ValueState: 2,754,375,416,462,0,MIDM Index Sex Title: Sex Definition: If Sex_class='Yes' then Copyindex(Sex_yes) else Copyindex(Sex_no) NodeLocation: 96,88,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,102,90,476,224 {!40300|Att_SlicerPopupSize: 227,28} {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: ['Male/female']} Function Si_pi(data, kerroin;karkea,tarkka:indextype;indtieto) Title: Si_pi Description: Data = data to be divided into more detailed parts~ Kerroin = relative weight inside a cluster~ Karkea = index for the clustered data~ Tarkka = index for the detailed data~ Indtieto = Data about which detailed item belongs to which cluster~ ~ esim: Si_pi1(Base_mortality, 5, Age_cat, age1, Age_help) (baseline mortality from 5-year age categories to 1-year age categories) Definition: var a:=sum((if indtieto=karkea then kerroin else 0), tarkka);~ a:= sum((if indtieto=karkea then a else 0), karkea);~ a:= kerroin/a;~ sum((if indtieto=karkea then data*a else 0), karkea) NodeLocation: 208,48,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,372,218,476,494 Variable Age_help Title: Age help Description: A help node to group age index~ ~ This node is used in transforming morbidity and mortality datasets in 5 year intervals into 1 year interval datasets. Definition: Table(Age)(~ '0-4','0-4','0-4','0-4','0-4','5-9','5-9','5-9','5-9','5-9','10-14','10-14','10-14','10-14','10-14','15-19','15-19','15-19','15-19','15-19','20-24','20-24','20-24','20-24','20-24','25-29','25-29','25-29','25-29','25-29','30-34','30-34','30-34','30-34','30-34','35-39','35-39','35-39','35-39','35-39','40-44','40-44','40-44','40-44','40-44','45-49','45-49','45-49','45-49','45-49','50-54','50-54','50-54','50-54','50-54','55-59','55-59','55-59','55-59','55-59','60-64','60-64','60-64','60-64','60-64','65-69','65-69','65-69','65-69','65-69','70-74','70-74','70-74','70-74','70-74','75-79','75-79','75-79','75-79','75-79','80-84','80-84','80-84','80-84','80-84','85-89','85-89','85-89','85-89','85-89','90-94','90-94','90-94','90-94','90-94','95+','95+','95+','95+','95+') NodeLocation: 208,120,1 NodeSize: 48,24 NodeInfo: 1,1,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DefnState: 2,85,271,416,571,0,MIDM NodeColor: 65535,65531,1 Index Sex_yes Title: Sex yes Definition: ['Male','Female'] NodeLocation: 96,40,1 NodeSize: 48,12 Index Sex_no Title: Sex no Definition: ['Male/female'] NodeLocation: 96,64,1 NodeSize: 48,12 Variable Outcome_scen_help Title: Outcome scen help Definition: Table(Age_cat)(~ 'All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages','All ages') NodeLocation: 208,176,1 NodeSize: 48,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DefnState: 2,198,274,416,303,0,MIDM NodeColor: 65535,65531,1 Decision Mort_effect Title: Type of mortality effect Definition: Choice(Self,1) NodeLocation: 328,48,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,169,50,476,224 ValueState: 2,301,363,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Type_of_mortality_ef Domain: ['Chronic','Acute'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Chronic','Acute',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Index Erf_type Title: ERF type Definition: ['Relative Risk','Absolute Risk'] NodeLocation: 96,128,1 NodeSize: 48,12 {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: ['Relative Risk','Absolute Risk']} Decision App_yll Title: Approach for YLL calculation Definition: Choice(Self,2) NodeLocation: 328,112,1 NodeSize: 48,29 WindState: 2,265,286,476,224 ValueState: 2,284,345,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Approach_for_yll_ca1, FormNode Approach_for_yll_cal Domain: ['Direct','Indirect'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Direct','Indirect',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Variable Year_help Title: Year help Definition: var a:= if year_lt >= period_lt and year_lt< period_lt+5 then period_lt else 0;~ sum(a,period_lt) NodeLocation: 208,232,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,102,90,476,224 DefnState: 2,120,130,424,513,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,458,169,416,679,0,MIDM NodeColor: 65535,65532,19661 Decision Outcome Title: Outcome of interest Definition: Choice(Self,1) NodeLocation: 328,176,1 NodeSize: 48,24 Aliases: FormNode Outcome_of_interest2, FormNode Outcome_of_interest1 Domain: ['EBD','Change in EBD'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('EBD','Change in EBD',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Index Pop_unit Title: Population unit Definition: ['Total population','100000 population'] NodeLocation: 96,160,1 NodeSize: 48,16 {!40300|Att_SlicerPopupSize: 232,42} Index Time_unit Title: Time unit Definition: ['Average annual','5-year period'] NodeLocation: 96,192,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,275,208,476,224 {!40300|Att_SlicerPopupSize: 232,42} Variable Period_vs_year Title: Period vs year Definition: var a:= if Year_lt = Period_lt then Period_lt else 0;~ sum(a,Year_lt)~ NodeLocation: 448,56,1 NodeSize: 48,24 ValueState: 2,360,165,501,494,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Fu_year,Fu_period] Index Year_lt Title: Year LT Definition: {if App_yll = 'Direct' then sequence(Start_year,Start_year+Followup_time+99,1) ~ else~ sequence(Start_year,Start_year+104,1)}~ ~ sequence(Start_year,Start_year+Followup_time+99,1) NodeLocation: 448,108,1 NodeSize: 48,12 ValueState: 2,537,377,416,303,0,MIDM Index Period_lt Title: Period LT Definition: {if App_yll = 'Direct' then sequence(Start_year,Start_year+Followup_time+99,5)~ else~ sequence(Start_year,Start_year+104,5)}~ ~ sequence(Start_year,Start_year+Followup_time+99,5) NodeLocation: 448,136,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,320,327,476,224 ValueState: 2,415,203,450,537,0,MIDM Index Fu_year Title: Follow-up year Definition: sequence(Start_year,Start_year+(Followup_time-1),1) NodeLocation: 448,208,1 NodeSize: 48,16 ValueState: 2,447,277,436,438,0,MIDM {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: [2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023,2024,2025,2026,2027,2028,2029,2030,2031,2032,2033,2034,2035,2036,2037,2038,2039,2040,2041,2042,2043,2044,2045,2046,2047,2048,2049,2050,2051,2052,2053,2054,2055,2056,2057,2058,2059]} Close Help_nodes Objective Ab_mortality_spec Title: Mortality, specified Units: deaths Description: Deaths attributable to the exposure in different scenarios.~ Definition: var a:= Mort_risk_scenarios;~ a:=if a<0 then 0 else a;~ a:=if a>1 then 1 else a;~ a:= sum(if floor(Age/5)+1 = @age_cat then a else 0 , Age)/5;~ a:=a-a[exposure='Reference'];~ ~ a:= a*Pop_in_time_ave;~ var b:=Table(Time_unit)(a, a*5);~ a:= if followup_time <2 then a else b;~ ~ if Outcome= 'Change in EBD' then a[Exposure='Alternative']-a[Exposure='BAU'] else a~ NodeLocation: 472,424,1 NodeSize: 48,20 WindState: 2,183,162,462,640 ValueState: 2,215,152,487,519,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Attributable_mortal1, FormNode Mortality__specified NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 GraphSetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Ab_mortality_spec:|1:1,,0,,,,,8000,14K}~ {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_cdf_valdim:1,,1,1}~ {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,200} ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age_cat,2,2,1] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Age_cat {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Mort_endpoint,1,Time_unit,1,Exposure,2,Age_cat,10,Fu_period,9]} {!40200|Att_GraphSetupSlices: [3,1,Densityindex,1]} Objective Ad_le Title: Age-adjusted life expectancy Units: Years Description: Age-adjusted life expectancy~ Definition: Var a:=Life_years;~ ~ var b:= 0;~ var x:= 1;~ while x<= min([size(Age_cat),size(Period_lt)]) do (~ b:= b + a;~ a:= a[@Age_cat=@Age_cat+1, @Period_lt=@Period_lt+1];~ a:= if a=null then 0 else a;~ x:= x+1);~ ~ {b:=b[@Period_lt=1]/Pop_in_time_beg[@Period_lt=1];}~ b:=b/Pop_in_time_beg;~ b:=b[Period_lt=Fu_period];~ if isnan(b)=1 then 0 else b NodeLocation: 264,392,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,104,73,476,599 ValueState: 2,231,145,419,505,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Age_adjusted_life_ex, FormNode Age_specific_life_ex NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 ReformVal: [Exposure,Age_cat] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Fu_period,5,Age_cat,1,Exposure,3]} Variable Pop_frac Title: Fraction of exposed population Definition: Table(Exposure)(~ 1,1,1) NodeLocation: 416,120,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,88,119,476,224 DefnState: 2,179,207,411,195,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,254,283,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Fraction_of_exposed_, FormNode Fraction_of_exposed1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Life_lost Title: Loss of life at death Units: Years/death Definition: Table(Age_cat,Sex,Mort_endpoint)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 80,576,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,134,115,476,224 DefnState: 2,143,110,414,526,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,187,304,416,387,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Loss_of_life_at_deat NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Mort_endpoint,Age_cat] ReformVal: [Sex,Age_cat] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Mort_endpoint,1,Age_cat,1,Sex,1]} Variable Pv_life_year Title: PV of a life year Description: Present value of one life year~ Definition: var a:=Period_lt-Start_year+2.5;~ var b:= Discount/100;~ (1+b)^-a~ ~ NodeLocation: 744,456,1 NodeSize: 48,20 WindState: 2,111,148,476,291 ValueState: 2,201,137,345,447,0,MIDM NodeColor: 19661,48336,65535 Module Technical_nodes1 Title: Mortality ERF Author: vkoe Date: 1. Junta 2009 8:35 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 80,208,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 2,171,189,348,320,17 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Mortality_erf Title: Mortality ERF Description: Exposure-response function for mortality endpoint Definition: If Mort_erf_age_class = 'No' then Mort_erf_gen else Mort_erf_as NodeLocation: 208,152,1 NodeSize: 48,24 ValueState: 2,87,112,601,655,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Mort_endpoint,Age] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Erf_type,1,Age1,1,Mort_endpoint,1]} Decision Mort_erf_age_class Title: Age-specific mortality ERF Definition: Choice(Self,2) NodeLocation: 208,56,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,102,90,476,224 Aliases: FormNode Type_of_mortality_er, FormNode Age_specific_mortal2 Domain: ['No','Yes'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('No','Yes',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Variable Mort_erf_gen Title: General mortality ERF Description: Exposure-response functions for mortality, defined as relative risk (RR)~ ~ This node is used if ERF is the same for all age groups~ ~ *Relative risk =1 if there is no known dependence between the studied exposure and a particular cause of death~ *Absolute risk = 0 If there is no known dependence between the studied exposure and a particular cause of death Definition: Table(Sex,Erf_type,Mort_endpoint)(~ 1,1,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 80,96,1 NodeSize: 48,24 NodeInfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0, WindState: 2,102,90,476,224 DefnState: 2,209,148,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,259,324,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode General_mortality_er NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Sex,Mort_endpoint] ReformVal: [Sex,Mort_endpoint] DisplayOutputs: [] {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Erf_type,1,Mort_endpoint,1,Sex,1]} Variable Mort_erf_as Title: Age-specific mortality ERF Description: Exposure-response functions for mortality, defined as relative risk (RR)~ ~ This node is used if the ERF differs between age groups~ ~ *Relative risk =1 if there is no known dependence between the studied exposure and a particular cause of death~ *Absolute risk = 0 If there is no known dependence between the studied exposure and a particular cause of death Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Mort_endpoint,Erf_type)(~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0,~ 1.06,0,~ 1,0~ ) NodeLocation: 80,152,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,125,89,476,323 DefnState: 2,176,138,545,681,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,152,162,511,641,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Age_specific_mortali NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Mort_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Mort_endpoint,Age] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Erf_type,2,Age1,1,Mort_endpoint,1]} {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Sex,1,Erf_type,1,Age,1,Mort_endpoint,1]} Variable Mort_erf_unit Title: Mortality ERF unit Description: Number of exposure units the relative risk for mortality refers to. Definition: Table(Mort_endpoint)(~ 10,0) NodeLocation: 80,208,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DefnState: 2,115,212,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,197,343,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Mortality_erf_unit, FormNode Mortality_erf_unit1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Close Technical_nodes1 Module Technical_nodes2 Title: Morbidity ERF Author: vkoe Date: 1. Junta 2009 8:35 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 744,208,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 2,145,159,315,324,17 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Morbidity_erf Title: Morbidity ERF Units: - Description: Exposure-response function for morbidity endpoint Definition: if Morb_erf_age_class = 'Yes' then Morbidity_erf_as else Morbidity_erf_gen NodeLocation: 200,152,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,595,61,534,370 ValueState: 2,234,224,422,470,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Erf_type,2,Age,1,Morb_endpoint,1]} Variable Morbidity_erf_as Title: Age-specific morbidity ERF Description: Exposure-response functions for morbidity, defined as relative risk (RR)~ ~ This node is used if the ERF differs between age groups~ ~ *Age classification: 1 year intervals. ~ *Sex classification: can be used if necessary~ *RR=1 is used if If there is no known dependence between the studied exposure and a particular morbidity Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Erf_type,Morb_endpoint)(~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 0,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0.902,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0,~ 1,1,~ 53.3u,0~ ) NodeLocation: 80,152,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,183,216,488,475 DefnState: 2,81,63,532,755,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,246,106,451,895,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Morbidity_exposure__ NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Morb_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Erf_type,2,Age,1,Morb_endpoint,1]} {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Sex,1,Erf_type,2,Age,1,Morb_endpoint,1]} Reference: Cafe raport Variable Morbidity_erf_gen Title: General morbidity ERF Description: Exposure-response functions for morbidity, defined as relative risk (RR)~ ~ This node is used if ERF is the same for all age groups~ ~ *No age classification. ~ *Sex classification: can be used if necessary~ *RR=1 is used if If there is no known dependence between the studied exposure and a particular morbidity Definition: Table(Sex,Erf_type,Morb_endpoint)(~ 1,1,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 80,96,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DefnState: 2,149,192,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,246,312,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode General_morbidity_er NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] ReformVal: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Erf_type,1,Morb_endpoint,1,Sex,1]} Variable Morb_erf_unit Title: Morbidity ERF unit Description: Number of exposure units the relative risk for morbidity refers to. Definition: Table(Morb_endpoint)(~ 1,10) NodeLocation: 80,208,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,141,188,476,224 DefnState: 2,184,217,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,261,321,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Morbidity_erf_unit, FormNode Morbidity_erf_unit1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Decision Morb_erf_age_class Title: Age-specific morbidity ERF Definition: Choice(Self,1) NodeLocation: 200,64,1 NodeSize: 52,29 Aliases: FormNode Type_of_morbidity_e1, FormNode Age_specific_morbidi Domain: ['Yes','No'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Yes','No',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Close Technical_nodes2 Module Technical_nodes3 Title: Duration of morbidity Author: vkoe Date: 1. Junta 2009 8:35 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 744,520,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 2,143,103,359,300,17 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Duration Title: Duration of morbidity Units: Years Definition: if Duration_age_class = 'No' then Duration_gen else Duration_as NodeLocation: 224,144,1 NodeSize: 48,24 ValueState: 2,221,376,416,303,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] Variable Duration_as Title: Age-specific duration of morbidity Units: Years Description: Incidence endpoint: duration of the disease in years~ Prevalence endpoint: duration = 1 year Definition: Table(Age_cat,Sex,Morb_endpoint)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 96,192,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,93,99,482,362 DefnState: 2,255,263,392,451,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,257,310,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Duration_of_disease NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Morb_endpoint,Age_cat] ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age_cat] Variable Duration_gen Title: General duration of morbidity Units: Years Description: Incidence endpoint: duration of the disease in years~ Prevalence endpoint: duration = 1 year Definition: Table(Sex,Morb_endpoint)(~ 8,1/365~ ) NodeLocation: 96,136,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DefnState: 2,250,285,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,268,374,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode General_duration_of_ NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] ReformVal: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] Decision Duration_age_class Title: Age-specific duration of morbidity Definition: Choice(Self,1) NodeLocation: 96,72,1 NodeSize: 48,29 ValueState: 2,223,352,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Age_specific_durati1 Domain: ['No','Yes'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('No','Yes',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Close Technical_nodes3 Module Technical_nodes4 Title: Disability severity weight Author: vkoe Date: 1. Junta 2009 8:35 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 744,576,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 2,146,132,330,303,17 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Daly_weight Title: Severity weight Definition: If Severity_age_class = 'No' then DALY_weight_gen else DALY_weight_as NodeLocation: 208,112,1 NodeSize: 48,24 ValueState: 2,328,410,416,303,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Morb_endpoint Variable Daly_weight_as Title: Age-specific severity weight Description: Daly weights for morbidity~ ~ Current data:~ Arbitrary weights Definition: Table(Age_cat,Sex,Morb_endpoint)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 88,168,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,102,90,476,224 DefnState: 2,278,279,425,515,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,235,272,364,461,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Weight1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Morb_endpoint,Age_cat] ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age_cat] Reference: WHO Variable Daly_weight_gen Title: General severity weight Definition: Table(Sex,Morb_endpoint)(~ 0.15,0.09900000000000001~ ) NodeLocation: 88,112,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DefnState: 2,288,293,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,288,390,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode General_severity_wei NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] Decision Severity_age_class Title: Age-specific severity weight Definition: Choice(Self,2) NodeLocation: 88,48,1 NodeSize: 48,29 ValueState: 2,232,352,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Age_specific_severit Domain: ['Yes','No'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Yes','No',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Close Technical_nodes4 Module Exposure1 Title: Exposure Author: vkoe Date: 5. Novta 2009 13:17 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 416,64,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 2,169,185,529,322,17 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Exposures Title: Exposure Description: if b = 'No' and a = 'No' then c else (if b = 'Yes' and a = 'No' then e else (if b = 'No' and a = 'Yes' then d else f))~ Definition: var a:=Exp_age_class;~ var c:=Exp_gen_bod;~ var d:=Exp_age_bod;~ var e:=Exp_year;~ var f:=Exp_year_age;~ ~ if Assessment_type = 'Total burden of disease' then~ ~ if a = 'Yes' then d else c~ ~ else~ ~ if a = 'Yes' then f else e~ NodeLocation: 288,120,1 NodeSize: 48,24 NodeInfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0, WindState: 2,593,53,490,653 DefnState: 2,280,2,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,180,214,485,356,0,MIDM NodeColor: 19661,48336,65535 GraphSetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,1,1,,,,0,1}~ {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Exposures:1,,1,,,,,0,1}~ {!40000|Att_contlinestyle Run:0} ReformDef: [Exposure,Fu_period] ReformVal: [Exposure,Fu_period] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Exposure,1,Age_cat,1,Fu_period,1]} Reference: Cafe raport Index Exposure Title: Exposure Description: Jouni 14.6.2009: I changed the name from Scen to Exposure because this is not just a list of scenarios, it is specifically the list of counterfactual exposure scenarios.~ ~ Row 'Impacted' is changed to 'Alternative scenario' because a) also people in BAU are impacted and b) we don't know a priori whether the alternative scenario is a higher or lower exposure.~ ______________________~ ~ Exposure scenarios. Definition: ['BAU','Alternative','Reference'] NodeLocation: 288,152,1 NodeSize: 52,12 NodeInfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 WindState: 2,614,154,476,262 {!40300|Att_SlicerPopupSize: 232,56} {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: ['BAU','Alternative','Reference']} Decision Exp_age_class Title: Age-specific exposure Definition: Choice(Self,2) NodeLocation: 288,40,1 NodeSize: 48,24 Aliases: FormNode Age_specific_exposur, FormNode Age_specific_exposu2 Domain: ['Yes','No'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Yes','No',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Decision Exp_year_class Title: Year-specific exposure Definition: Choice(Self,1) NodeLocation: 288,216,1 NodeSize: 48,24 Domain: ['Yes','No'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Yes','No',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Variable Exp_year Title: Year-specific exposure Definition: Table(Fu_period,Sex,Exposure)(~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0,~ 9,10,0~ ) NodeLocation: 112,176,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 DefnState: 2,201,96,501,430,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,278,417,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Year_specific_expos1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Exposure,Fu_period] ReformVal: [Exposure,Fu_period] {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Sex,1,Fu_period,1,Exposure,1]} Variable Exp_age_bod Title: Age-specific exposure Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Exposure)(~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 112,120,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DefnState: 2,184,212,383,475,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,284,371,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Age_specific_exposu3 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Exposure,Age] ReformVal: [Exposure,Age] Variable Exp_gen_bod Title: General exposure Definition: Table(Sex,Exposure)(~ 0,0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 112,64,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DefnState: 2,227,273,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,275,352,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode General_exposure1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Sex,Exposure] ReformVal: [Sex,Exposure] Variable Exp_year_age Title: Year and age-specific exposure Definition: Table(Age,Fu_period,Sex,Exposure)(~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,~ 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Year_and_age_specifi NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Fu_period,Age] ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age] {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Sex,1,Exposure,2,Age,1,Fu_period,1]} Close Exposure1 Objective Ad_le_loss Title: Loss of age-adjusted life expectancy Units: Years Definition: var a:=Ad_le;~ a[Exposure='Reference']-a NodeLocation: 264,448,1 NodeSize: 48,24 ValueState: 2,185,146,416,460,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Loss_of_age_adjusted, FormNode Loss_of_age_specifi1 ReformVal: [Exposure,Age_cat] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Age1,1,Sex,1,Sys_localindex('PROBABILITY'),1,Exposure,1]} Objective Le_loss Title: Loss of life expectancy in birth cohort Units: Years Definition: var a:=Le_cohort;~ a[Exposure='Reference']-a NodeLocation: 368,448,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,109,95,476,276 ValueState: 2,227,154,458,200,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Loss_of_life_expecta, FormNode Loss_of_life_expect1 ReformVal: [Sex,Exposure,Undefined,2] Module Nodes1 Title: Mortality outcome scenarios Author: vkoe Date: 22. Janta 2009 14:46 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 80,280,1 NodeSize: 48,28 DiagState: 2,132,108,239,371,17 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Variable Input_mort_abfrac Title: Attributable fraction in baseline mortality Units: Fraction Description: Fraction of mortality in mortallity input data attributable to the exposure of interest Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Mort_endpoint)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 88,64,1 NodeSize: 48,40 WindState: 2,105,233,476,224 DefnState: 2,284,156,673,568,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,475,502,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Fraction_of_baseline NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Mort_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Mort_endpoint,Age] Variable Change_mort Title: Change in baseline mortality risk Units: % Description: Precentage change in the mortality risk attributable to the exposure of interest.~ ~ Note! Change refers to the change in risk in comparison to the mortality risk in the start of the assessment, NOT in comparison to the previous 5-year follow-up step. Definition: Table(Age,Fu_period,Sex,Mort_endpoint,Scenario)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 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0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 88,160,1 NodeSize: 48,32 WindState: 2,232,283,476,224 DefnState: 2,119,191,619,449,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,340,384,508,469,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Year_specific_chang3 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Fu_period,Age] ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Scenario,1,Mort_endpoint,2,Age,1,Fu_period,1]} {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Sex,1,Mort_endpoint,1,Scenario,1,Age,1,Fu_period,1]} Index Scenario Title: Scenario Definition: ['BAU','Alternative'] NodeLocation: 88,200,1 NodeSize: 48,12 {!40300|Att_SlicerPopupSize: 227,28} {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: ['BAU','Alternative']} Close Nodes1 Module Technical_nodes Title: Morbidity outcome scenarios Author: vkoe Date: 12. Mayta 2009 15:35 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 744,280,1 NodeSize: 48,28 DiagState: 2,189,148,308,355,17 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Decision Input_morb_outcome Title: Input for morbidity outcome calculation Definition: Choice(Self,1) NodeLocation: 104,48,1 NodeSize: 48,36 WindState: 2,366,308,476,224 ValueState: 2,464,402,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Type_of_change Domain: ['Percentage change','No. of cases'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Percentage change','No. of cases',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Variable Input_morb_abfrac Title: Attributable fraction in baseline morbidity Description: Fraction of morbidity in morbidity input data attributable to the exposure of interest Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Morb_endpoint)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 104,136,1 NodeSize: 48,40 WindState: 2,761,320,476,224 DefnState: 2,197,238,416,424,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,336,352,418,410,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Fraction_of_of_basel NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Morb_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age] Variable Outcome_morb Title: Morbidity outcome Units: % change or no. of cases Description: Precentage change in the total morbidity risk attributáble to the expoure/risk factor or number of attributable morbidity cases~ ~ Note! Change refers to the change in risk in comparison to the morbidity risk in the start of the assessment, NOT in comparison to the previous 5-year follow-up step. Definition: Table(Age,Fu_period,Sex,Morb_endpoint,Scenario)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 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0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 104,224,1 NodeSize: 48,32 WindState: 2,221,256,476,224 DefnState: 2,132,163,612,436,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,314,401,654,415,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Year_specific_chang2 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Fu_period,Age] ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Morb_endpoint,1,Scenario,1,Age,1,Fu_period,1]} {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Sex,1,Morb_endpoint,1,Scenario,1,Age,1,Fu_period,1]} Close Technical_nodes Text Te2 NodeLocation: 180,168,-1 NodeSize: 164,144 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te3 NodeLocation: 416,168,-1 NodeSize: 64,144 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te4 NodeLocation: 652,168,-1 NodeSize: 164,144 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te5 NodeLocation: 104,544,-1 NodeSize: 88,80 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te6 NodeLocation: 104,392,-1 NodeSize: 88,72 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te8 NodeLocation: 732,556,-1 NodeSize: 84,68 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te15 NodeLocation: 732,404,-1 NodeSize: 84,84 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te125 NodeLocation: 420,472,-1 NodeSize: 220,152 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Module Population_in_time1 Title: Population in time Author: vkoe Date: 9. Febta 2010 10:56 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 416,280,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 2,246,102,408,249,17 NodeColor: 19661,48336,65535 Index Age_child {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: [0,1,2,3,4]} Title: Age child Definition: 0..4 NodeLocation: 80,96,1 NodeSize: 48,12 Variable Pop_in_time_child Title: Population in time child Definition: var k: Birth_rate[Fu_year=Year_lt];~ k:= if k = null then {k[@Year_lt=Followup_time]} 0 else k;~ var a:= if @Year_lt = 1 then Pop_data else (if @Age=1 then k else 0);~ a:= a[Age=age_child];~ ~ var j:= sum(Mort_risk_scenarios,Mort_endpoint)[Age=age_child];~ j:=if Mort_effect = 'Acute' then j[Exposure='BAU'] else j;~ ~ j:=j[Fu_period=Period_lt];~ j:= if j = null then j[Exposure='Reference',Period_lt=max(Fu_period)] else j;~ j:= Si_pi(j, 5, Period_lt, Year_lt, Year_help)*5;~ ~ j:= if j < 0 then 0 else j;~ j:= if j > 1 then 1 else j;~ ~ j:= 1-j;~ ~ var x:= 1;~ while x<= min([size(age_child),size(Year_lt)]) do (~ var b:= a*j;~ b:= b[@age_child=@age_child-1, @Year_lt=@Year_lt-1];~ a:= if b=null then a else b;~ x:= x+1);~ ~ sum(if Year_lt = period_vs_year then a else 0,Year_lt)~ NodeLocation: 80,64,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,188,97,553,652 ValueState: 2,92,317,688,319,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Period_lt,Age_child] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age, Index Age_child {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Exposure,1,Age_child,3,Period_lt,3]} Variable Pop_in_time_beg Title: Population in time, beginning of time step Description: Population projection for 100 years in different exposure scenarios. Population is modeled for the start year of each 5-year time step~ ~ .j:= if Year_spec = 'Yes' then~ (j:=j[Fu_period=Period_lt];~ j:= if j = null then j[Exposure='Reference',Period_lt=max(Fu_period)] else j)~ else j;~ Definition: var a:= sum(if floor(Age/5)+1 = @Age_cat then Pop_data else 0 , Age);~ a:= if @Age_cat=1 then sum(Pop_in_time_child, Age_child) else (if @period_lt = 1 then a else 0);~ ~ var j:= sum(Mort_risk_scenarios,Mort_endpoint);~ j:=if Mort_effect = 'Acute' then j[Exposure='BAU'] else j;~ j:=j[Fu_period=Period_lt];~ j:= if j = null then j[Exposure='Reference',Period_lt=max(Fu_period)] else j;~ ~ j:= if j < 0 then 0 else j;~ j:= if j > 1 then 1 else j;~ ~ j:= 1-j;~ ~ j:= sum(if floor(Age/5)+1 = @Age_cat then j else 0 , Age)/5;~ var m:=j[@Age_cat=@Age_cat+1];~ m:= if m=null then 0 else m;~ var n:=((j^5)+(j^4*m)+(j^3*m^2)+(j^2*m^3)+(j*m^4))/5;~ ~ var x:= 1;~ while x<= min([size(Age_cat),size(Period_lt)]) do (~ var b:= a*n;~ b:= b[@Age_cat=@Age_cat-1, @Period_lt=@Period_lt-1];~ a:= if b=null then a else b;~ x:= x+1);~ a~ ~ NodeLocation: 192,64,1 NodeSize: 48,32 WindState: 2,89,106,569,714 ValueState: 2,-1,77,1260,569,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Period_lt,Age_cat] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age_cat, Index Period_lt {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Exposure,3,Age,1,Period_lt,1]} Variable Pop_in_time_ave Title: Population in time, average for time step Description: Average annual population number for each 5-year time step during the follow-up period.~ Definition: var a:=Pop_in_time_beg[Period_lt=Fu_period];~ var b:=(Pop_in_time_beg[@Period_lt=@Period_lt+1])[Period_lt=Fu_period];~ b:= if b = null then a[Fu_period=max(Fu_period)] else b;~ b:=(a+b)/2;~ if followup_time <2 then a else b NodeLocation: 304,64,1 NodeSize: 48,32 WindState: 2,72,90,537,592 ValueState: 2,173,249,661,491,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Fu_period,Age_cat] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age_cat {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Exposure,1,Age_cat,1,Fu_period,1]} Variable Life_years Title: Life years in time Units: years Description: Calculates the number of life years lived by a given 5-year age group in a given 5-year time step 100 years onwards from the beginning of the assessment.~ Definition: var a:= Pop_in_time_beg;~ ~ var b:=sum(Mort_risk_scenarios,Mort_endpoint);~ b:= if Mort_effect = 'Acute' then b[Exposure='BAU'] else b; ~ b:=b[Fu_period=period_lt];~ b:= if b = null then b[Exposure='Reference',Period_lt=max(Fu_period)] else b;~ ~ b:= if b < 0 then 0 else b;~ b:= if b>1 then 1 else b;~ ~ b:= 1-b;~ ~ b:= sum(if floor(Age/5)+1 = @Age_cat then b else 0 , Age)/5;~ var c:=b[@Age_cat=@Age_cat+1];~ c:= if c=null then c[Age_cat='90-94'] else c;~ var d:=((b^5)+(b^4*c)+(b^3*c^2)+(b^2*c^3)+(b*c^4))/5;~ ~ var e:= a-(a*d);~ ((a*d*5)+e*2.5)*Age_weight*Pv_life_year~ NodeLocation: 192,128,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,164,94,476,635 ValueState: 2,86,186,620,582,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Period_lt,Age_cat] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Age_cat, Index Period_lt {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Exposure,2,Age_cat,0,Period_lt,0]} Close Population_in_time1 Objective Ab_mortality_tot Title: Mortality, total Units: deaths/follow-up period Definition: sum(Ab_mortality_spec,age_cat,Fu_period)[Time_unit='5-year period'] NodeLocation: 472,456,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,119,145,476,224 ValueState: 2,144,155,390,333,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Mortality__total, FormNode Mortality__total1 GraphSetup: {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Graph_pdf_valdim:1,0,0,1,,,,0,1m} ReformVal: [Exposure,Mort_endpoint,Undefined,2] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Pop_unit,1,Exposure,1,Mort_endpoint,1]} Objective Ab_morbidity_tot Title: Morbidity, total Units: cases/follow-up period Definition: sum(sum(Ab_morbidity_spec,age_cat),Fu_period)[Time_unit='5-year period'] NodeLocation: 576,456,1 NodeSize: 48,12 ValueState: 2,154,150,413,208,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Morbidity__total, FormNode Morbidity__total1 ReformVal: [Exposure,Morb_endpoint] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Pop_unit,1,Exposure,1,Morb_endpoint,1]} Objective Yll_tot Title: YLL, total Units: years/follow-up period Definition: if Assessment_type = 'Total burden of disease' then~ ~ sum(Yll_spec,Age)~ ~ else~ ~ if App_yll = 'Direct' then~ ~ sum(Yll_spec,age_cat,Period_lt)[Time_unit='5-year period']~ ~ else~ ~ sum(Yll_spec,age_cat,Fu_period)[Time_unit='5-year period'] NodeLocation: 264,600,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,110,129,476,317 ValueState: 2,248,423,384,236,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Yll__total, FormNode Yll__total1, FormNode Yll__total2 ReformVal: [Sex,Exposure] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Sex, Index Mort_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Mort_endpoint,0,Exposure,2,Sex,1]} Objective Daly_tot Title: DALY, total Units: years/follow-up period Definition: if Assessment_type = 'Total burden of disease' then~ ~ sum(Daly_spec,Age)~ ~ else~ ~ if App_yll = 'Direct' then~ ~ sum(Daly_spec,Age_cat,Period_lt)[Time_unit='5-year period']~ ~ else~ ~ sum(Daly_spec,age_cat,Fu_period)[Time_unit='5-year period'] NodeLocation: 416,608,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,102,90,476,406 ValueState: 2,230,467,325,245,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Daly__total, FormNode Daly__total1, FormNode Daly__total2 ReformVal: [Sex,Exposure] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Exposure,1,Sex,1,Pop_unit,1]} Objective Yld_tot Title: YLD, total Units: years/follow-up period Definition: if Assessment_type = 'Total burden of disease' then~ ~ sum(Yld_spec, Age)~ ~ else~ ~ sum(Yld_spec,age_cat,Fu_period)[Time_unit='5-year period'] NodeLocation: 576,600,1 NodeSize: 48,12 WindState: 2,153,140,476,400 ValueState: 2,225,270,478,247,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Yld__total, FormNode Yld__total1, FormNode Yld__total2 ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Exposure] Att__TotalsIndex: Index Morb_endpoint {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Sex,1,Age_cat,10,Exposure,1,Morb_endpoint,1]} Decision Age_weighting Title: Age weighting Definition: Choice(Self,2) NodeLocation: 744,344,1 NodeSize: 48,12 Aliases: FormNode Age_weighting1, FormNode Age_weighting2 Domain: ['Yes','No'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Yes','No',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Close Model2 FormNode Baseline_mortality1 Title: Baseline mortality Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 336,138,1 NodeSize: 160,14 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Mort_data FormNode Population1 Title: Population Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 392,76,1 NodeSize: 104,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Pop_data FormNode Baseline_morbidity2 Title: Baseline morbidity Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 336,170,1 NodeSize: 160,14 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Morb_data FormNode Birth_rate1 Title: Birth rate Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 376,106,1 NodeSize: 120,10 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Birth_rate Text Te13 NodeLocation: 256,612,-1 NodeSize: 256,612 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te14 Description: Insert data: NodeLocation: 256,45,-1 NodeSize: 248,13 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te10 Description: Population NodeLocation: 256,124,-1 NodeSize: 248,68 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te19 Description: Exposure NodeLocation: 256,236,-1 NodeSize: 248,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Module Exposure_scenarios1 Title: Double click to define exposure scenarios Author: vkoe Date: 16. Janta 2009 8:57 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 432,240,1 NodeSize: 56,36 DiagState: 2,100,25,947,882,17 NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 Text Te30 NodeLocation: 216,272,-14 NodeSize: 208,264 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te77 NodeLocation: 216,148,-5 NodeSize: 200,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, NodeColor: 45875,45875,45875 Text Te78 Description: Exposure scenarios NodeLocation: 108,28,-1 NodeSize: 92,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te79 Description: Insert data: NodeLocation: 216,68,-1 NodeSize: 200,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te193 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 680,24,-1 NodeSize: 248,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 FormNode Fraction_of_exposed_ Title: Fraction of exposed population Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 252,500,1 NodeSize: 148,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Pop_frac FormNode Age_specific_exposur Title: Age-specific exposure Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 276,148,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Exp_age_class FormNode Year_specific_expos1 Title: Year-specific exposure Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 284,292,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Exp_year Text Te31 Description: Fill in if Age-specific exposure = 'No' NodeLocation: 200,260,-1 NodeSize: 152,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te73 Description: Fill in if Year-specific exposure = 'Yes' and Age-specific exposure = 'Yes' NodeLocation: 200,356,-1 NodeSize: 152,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te76 NodeLocation: 216,332,-13 NodeSize: 200,116 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te194 NodeLocation: 216,498,-1 NodeSize: 200,26 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te195 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 216,92,-1 NodeSize: 200,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te220 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 216,204,-1 NodeSize: 200,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te275 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 216,460,-1 NodeSize: 200,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_for_in3 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 664,776,1 NodeSize: 120,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri Text Te126 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 680,52,-1 NodeSize: 248,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te128 Description: Select whether or not you want to define age-specific exposure levels NodeLocation: 680,88,-1 NodeSize: 248,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te134 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 680,124,-1 NodeSize: 248,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te136 Description: Type in or copy-paste exposure data into the correct table. Exposure should be given as an average annual exposure level.~ ~ *BAU: business-as-usual exposure level, should reflect the true or expected exposure conditions in the population~ *Alternative: alternative exposure level, can be below or above BAU level~ *Reference: reference exposure level, should be set to zero or natural background level~ ~ Note! If health impacts occur only after some threshold exposure level, exposure levels should reflect the threshold exceedance in different scenarios.~ ~ In case of a categorical exposure estimate (exposure for a given person is either yes or no), the population exposure level in different scenarios should be defined as the fraction of the total population that is exposed, e.g.: ~ ~ 1 = everybody is exposed ~ 0.5 = 50% of the population is exposed NodeLocation: 680,296,-1 NodeSize: 248,160 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te168 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 680,468,-1 NodeSize: 248,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te170 Description: Define the fraction of total population that is assumed to expose to the defined exposure level, e.g.:~ ~ 1=everybody is exposed~ 0.5=50% of the population is exposed ~ ~ In BAU and Alternative scenarios the rest of the population is assumed to expose to the reference scenario exposure level. Same fraction is assumed for the whole follow-up period and all age-groups.~ ~ Note! In case the exposure estimate is categorical (yes/no), the fraction should be set to 1 because the percentage of exposed population has already been defined above. NodeLocation: 680,660,-1 NodeSize: 248,180 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Year_and_age_specifi Title: Year and age-specific exposure Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 260,412,1 NodeSize: 148,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Exp_year_age Close Exposure_scenarios1 Text Te22 Description: Population data: click on 'Edit table' and type/copy-paste the data in the table.~ *Population: number of population~ *Birth rate: annual number of births~ *Mortality data: annual number of deaths in the beginning of the assessment in business-as-usual (BAU) scenario~ *Morbidity data: annual number of morbidity cases in the beginning of the assessment in business-as-usual (BAU) scenario. Note! This data is only needed for those morbidity endpoints for which the applied exposure-response function is a relative risk.~ ~ Exposure, exposure-response functions, and YLD calculation data: double click on the blue box to continue inputting the data.~ ~ Time discount rate: define the annual discount rate applied in the valuation of future gains or losses of life.~ ~ Age weighting: select whether or not to apply age weighting in the valuation of life lost or lived with morbidity.~ *No = No age weighting applied~ *Yes = Life lost at a given age is weighed according to the following formula: Cxe^(bx), where x = age in years, C = 0.1658, b = 0.04. This is the formula used in the Global Burden of Disease studies. For further information, see: Murray 1994. Quantifying the burden of disease: the technical basis for disability-adjusted life years. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 72, 429-445.~ ~ NodeLocation: 820,300,-4 NodeSize: 300,236 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial, 12 Module Double_click_to_defi Title: Double click to define ERFs for mortality endpoints Author: vkoe Date: 19. Janta 2009 16:23 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 312,328,1 NodeSize: 56,36 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DiagState: 2,65,61,969,783,17 NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 Text Te23 NodeLocation: 196,288,-7 NodeSize: 180,272 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te27 Description: Select if acute or chronic mortality impacts are assessed. Chronic ERF should reflect changes in annual mortality rates, whereas acute ERF reflect changes in daily mortality rates.~ ~ Select whether or not you want to define age-specific exposure-response functions for mortality endpoints. NodeLocation: 668,128,-10 NodeSize: 276,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Type_of_mortality_er Title: Type of mortality ERF Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 216,156,1 NodeSize: 136,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,70,0,1 Original: Mort_erf_age_class Text Te32 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 196,84,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te33 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 196,196,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te36 Description: Fill in if Age- specific mortality ERFs = Yes NodeLocation: 204,332,-1 NodeSize: 164,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te37 Description: Fill in if Age-specific mortality ERFs = No NodeLocation: 204,252,-1 NodeSize: 164,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Module How_to_define_distri Title: Note! Input data can be deterministic or probabilistic. Double click here to find information on how to input different types of distributions in Analytica. Author: vkoe Date: 17. Aprta 2009 8:01 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 664,656,1 NodeSize: 128,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DiagState: 1,314,13,388,781,17 Aliases: Alias Double_click_for_in3, Alias Double_click_for_in4, Alias Double_click_for_i10, Alias Double_click_for_i13, Alias Double_click_for_in6, Alias Double_click_for_in1, Alias Note__input_data_ca1, Alias Note__input_data_can, Alias Note__input_data_ca2, Alias Double_click_for_in5, Alias Double_click_for_i12, Alias Double_click_for_i11 Text Te42 NodeLocation: 192,376,-1 NodeSize: 152,360 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te43 Description: Normal distribution NodeLocation: 144,120,-1 NodeSize: 88,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te44 Description: Normal(x,y)~ x = mean~ y = standard deviation NodeLocation: 168,168,-1 NodeSize: 112,32 Chance Ch1 Definition: Triangular( 1, 2, 5 ) NodeLocation: 768,104,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,723,220,476,224 Text Te45 Description: Lognormal distribution NodeLocation: 160,240,-1 NodeSize: 104,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te46 Description: Lognormal(median:x, gsdev:y)~ x = median~ y = geometric standard deviation~ ~ Lognormal(median:x, stddev:y)~ x = median~ y = standard deviation~ ~ Lognormal(mean:x,stddev:y)~ x = mean~ y = standard deviation NodeLocation: 168,352,-1 NodeSize: 112,96 Chance Ch2 Definition: Uniform( 1 ) NodeLocation: 768,160,1 NodeSize: 48,24 Text Te47 Description: Triangular distribution NodeLocation: 160,488,-1 NodeSize: 104,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te49 Description: Triangular(x, y, z)~ x = minimum~ y = mode~ z = maximum NodeLocation: 168,544,-1 NodeSize: 112,40 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 Text Te48 Description: Uniform(x,y)~ x = minimum~ y = maximum NodeLocation: 168,672,-1 NodeSize: 112,32 Text Te50 Description: Uniform distribution NodeLocation: 152,624,-1 NodeSize: 96,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te183 Description: How to define distributions in Analytica: NodeLocation: 184,48,-1 NodeSize: 136,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Close How_to_define_distri FormNode Age_specific_mortali Title: Age-specific mortality ERFs Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 216,364,1 NodeSize: 136,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Mort_erf_as FormNode General_mortality_er Title: General mortality ERFs Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 224,284,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Mort_erf_gen Text Te80 NodeLocation: 196,140,-4 NodeSize: 172,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te81 NodeLocation: 196,300,-3 NodeSize: 172,92 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te85 Description: Exposure-response function for mortality NodeLocation: 196,28,-1 NodeSize: 180,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te86 Description: Insert data: NodeLocation: 196,60,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 FormNode Mortality_erf_unit Title: Mortality ERF unit Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 236,444,1 NodeSize: 116,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Mort_erf_unit Text Te72 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 196,404,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te143 NodeLocation: 196,484,-6 NodeSize: 172,68 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te198 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 668,60,-1 NodeSize: 276,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te199 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 668,196,-1 NodeSize: 276,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te200 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 668,32,-1 NodeSize: 276,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te201 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 668,508,-1 NodeSize: 276,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 FormNode Type_of_mortality_ef Title: Type of mortality effect Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 224,124,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Mort_effect Text Te171 Description: Type in or copy-paste exposure-response functions into the correct table. ~ ~ ERFs can be in the form of relative risk (RR) or absolute risk (AR). However, only one ERF should be defined for a given mortality endpoint. ~ ~ RRs are defined on the 'Relative risk' -sheet of the table. If there is no RR, value 1 should be listed.~ ~ ARs are defined on the 'Absolute risk' -sheet of the table. If there is no AR, value 0 should be listed.~ ~ Note! To avoid double counting, ERFs should not overlap in regard to the mortality endpoints.~ ~ Note! If Age-specific mortality ERF = 'Yes', then all ERFs (including both age-specific and general) should be inputted in the 'Age-specific mortality ERF' -table. NodeLocation: 668,352,-1 NodeSize: 276,144 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te172 Description: Define the exposure unit to which the ERF relates to.~ ~ If Type of mortality effect = 'Acute', then define the assumed loss of life for a premature death attributable to the exposure. NodeLocation: 668,624,-1 NodeSize: 276,104 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Loss_of_life_at_deat Title: Loss of life at death Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 196,524,1 NodeSize: 156,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Life_lost Text Te7 Description: Fill in if Type of mortality effect = 'Acute' NodeLocation: 192,493,-1 NodeSize: 160,13 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Close Double_click_to_defi Module Double_click_to_def2 Title: Double click to define ERFs for morbidity endpoints Author: vkoe Date: 21. Janta 2009 16:08 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 432,328,1 NodeSize: 56,36 DiagState: 2,32,20,906,660,17 NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 FormNode Morbidity_exposure__ Title: Morbidity exposure-~ response Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 228,340,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Morbidity_erf_as Text Te25 NodeLocation: 192,244,-5 NodeSize: 184,236 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te28 Title: Te27 Description: Select whether or not you want to define age-specific exposure-response functions for morbidity endpoints. NodeLocation: 632,88,-10 NodeSize: 248,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Type_of_morbidity_e1 Title: Type of morbidity ERF Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 228,132,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Morb_erf_age_class Text Te34 Title: Te34 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 192,84,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te35 Title: Te35 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 192,172,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 FormNode General_morbidity_er Title: General morbidity ERFs Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 240,252,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Morbidity_erf_gen Text Te38 Description: Fill in if Age-specific morbidity ERFs = No NodeLocation: 192,220,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te39 Description: Fill in this Age-specific morbidity ERFs = Yes NodeLocation: 192,308,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te82 NodeLocation: 192,128,-4 NodeSize: 176,32 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te83 NodeLocation: 192,276,-3 NodeSize: 176,92 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te84 Description: Exposure-response function for morbidity NodeLocation: 192,24,-1 NodeSize: 184,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te87 Description: Insert data: NodeLocation: 192,60,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 FormNode Morbidity_erf_unit Title: Morbidity ERF unit Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 256,428,1 NodeSize: 112,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Morb_erf_unit Text Te144 NodeLocation: 192,428,-1 NodeSize: 176,36 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te145 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 192,380,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te203 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 632,24,-1 NodeSize: 248,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te205 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 632,52,-1 NodeSize: 248,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te206 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 632,124,-1 NodeSize: 248,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te207 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 632,444,-1 NodeSize: 248,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_for_in4 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 640,544,1 NodeSize: 128,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri Text Te173 Description: Type in or copy-paste exposure-response functions into the correct table. ~ ~ ERFs can be in the form of relative risk (RR) or absolute risk (AR). However, only one ERF should be defined for a given morbidity endpoint. ~ ~ RRs are defined on the 'Relative risk' -sheet of the table. If there is no RR, value 1 should be listed.~ ~ ARs are defined on the 'Absolute risk' -sheet of the table. If there is no AR, value 0 should be listed.~ ~ Note! To avoid double counting, ERFs should not overlap in regard to the morbidity endpoints.~ ~ Note! If Age-specific morbidity ERF = 'Yes', then all ERFs (including both age-specific and general) should be inputted in the 'Age-specific morbidity ERF' -table. NodeLocation: 632,284,-1 NodeSize: 248,148 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te174 Description: Define the exposure unit to which the ERF relates to. NodeLocation: 632,532,-1 NodeSize: 248,76 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Close Double_click_to_def2 Text Te26 Description: YLD calculation inputs NodeLocation: 256,424,-1 NodeSize: 248,48 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, WindState: 2,102,90,476,224 Module Double_click_to_def3 Title: Double click to define duration of morbidity Author: vkoe Date: 2. Aprta 2009 13:08 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 312,424,1 NodeSize: 56,36 DiagState: 2,94,126,792,495,17 Aliases: Alias Double_click_to_de14 NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 FormNode Duration_of_disease Title: Duration of disease Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 192,372,1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Duration_as FormNode Age_specific_durati1 Title: Age-specific duration of disease Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 212,142,1 NodeSize: 156,14 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Duration_age_class FormNode General_duration_of_ Title: General duration of disease Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 204,276,1 NodeSize: 164,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Original: Duration_gen Text Te88 Description: Duration of morbidity NodeLocation: 192,32,-1 NodeSize: 176,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te89 Description: Insert data: NodeLocation: 192,68,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te90 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 192,92,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te91 Description: Fill in is Age-specific duration of morbidity = 'No' NodeLocation: 152,236,-1 NodeSize: 128,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te92 Description: Fill in if Age-specific duration of Morbidity = 'Yes' NodeLocation: 152,332,-1 NodeSize: 128,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te93 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 192,188,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te94 NodeLocation: 192,140,-4 NodeSize: 176,36 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te95 NodeLocation: 192,304,-3 NodeSize: 176,104 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te96 NodeLocation: 190,212,-5 NodeSize: 186,204 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te97 Description: Select whether or not you want to define age-specific durations of morbidity. NodeLocation: 564,88,-7 NodeSize: 180,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te210 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 564,24,-1 NodeSize: 180,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te211 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 564,52,-1 NodeSize: 180,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te212 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 564,124,-1 NodeSize: 180,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_for_i10 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 544,336,1 NodeSize: 124,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri Text Te184 Description: Type in or copy-paste morbidity duration data into the correct table ~ ~ Note! If Age-specific duration of morbidity = 'Yes' then durations for all morbidity endpoints (whether age-specific or not) should be inserted in the 'Age-specific duration of morbidity' -table. NodeLocation: 564,276,-1 NodeSize: 180,140 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 Close Double_click_to_def3 Module Double_click_to_def4 Title: Double click to define severity weight Author: vkoe Date: 2. Aprta 2009 13:08 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 432,424,1 NodeSize: 56,36 DiagState: 2,98,163,734,446,17 Aliases: Alias Double_click_to_de15 NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 FormNode Weight1 Title: Weight Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 172,332,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Daly_weight_as FormNode Age_specific_severit Title: Age-specific severity weight Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 168,124,1 NodeSize: 144,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Severity_age_class FormNode General_severity_wei Title: General severity weight Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 184,244,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Original: Daly_weight_gen Text Te98 Description: Severity weight for morbidity NodeLocation: 166,26,-1 NodeSize: 154,14 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te99 Description: Fill in if Age-specific severity weight = 'Yes'' NodeLocation: 124,204,-1 NodeSize: 100,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te100 Description: Fill in if Age-specific severity weight = 'No' NodeLocation: 124,300,-1 NodeSize: 100,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te101 Description: Insert data: NodeLocation: 168,60,-1 NodeSize: 152,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te102 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 168,84,-1 NodeSize: 152,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te103 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 168,156,-1 NodeSize: 152,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te104 NodeLocation: 168,120,-4 NodeSize: 152,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te105 NodeLocation: 168,264,-3 NodeSize: 152,96 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te106 NodeLocation: 168,188,-5 NodeSize: 160,180 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te107 Description: Select whether or not you want to define age-specific disability severity weights for morbidity endpoints. NodeLocation: 512,88,-7 NodeSize: 176,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te215 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 512,24,-1 NodeSize: 176,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te216 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 512,52,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te217 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 512,124,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_for_i13 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 512,320,1 NodeSize: 120,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri Text Te175 Description: Type in or copy-paste severity weight data into the correct table ~ ~ Note! If Age-specific severity weight = 'Yes' then weights for all morbidity endpoints (whether age-specific or not) should be inserted in the 'Age-specific severity weight' -table. NodeLocation: 512,264,-1 NodeSize: 176,128 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Close Double_click_to_def4 Text Te60 Description: Exposure-response functions NodeLocation: 256,328,-1 NodeSize: 248,48 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Alias Double_click_for_in6 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 800,472,1 NodeSize: 124,52 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 Original: How_to_define_distri Text Te75 Description: Assessment starting point: exposure scenarios NodeLocation: 246,14,-1 NodeSize: 238,14 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te187 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 820,16,-1 NodeSize: 300,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 16 Text Te188 Description: Required input data: NodeLocation: 820,48,-1 NodeSize: 300,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te189 Description: Model outcomes: NodeLocation: 820,556,-1 NodeSize: 300,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 FormNode Attributable_yll__ Title: Attributable YLL ~ (approach 1) Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 372,1052,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Yll_spec FormNode Attributable_yld1 Title: Attributable YLD Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 372,1124,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Yld_spec FormNode Attributable_daly_ Title: Attributable~ DALY~ (approach 1) Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 368,1196,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Daly_spec FormNode Attributable_mortal1 Title: Attributable mortality Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 356,900,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Ab_mortality_spec FormNode Attributable_morbid1 Title: Attributable morbidity Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 356,972,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Ab_morbidity_spec Text Te74 Description: Model outcomes NodeLocation: 256,588,-1 NodeSize: 248,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te146 Description: Select the outcome of interest:~ *EBD = Health impact caused by the given exposure level in different scenarios~ *Change in BoD = Increase/decrease in health impact in the alternative scenario in relation to BAU~ ~ Select the approach for calculating YLL:~ *Direct: Total YLL in BAU and Alternative scenarios is calculated based on the population projections and the difference in the number of life years lived during the follow-up period in the BAU/Alternative scenario compared to the hypothetical Reference scenario (zero or natural background exposure level). It should be noted, that in this approach the total amount of life lost due to a given premature mortality case is NOT allocated to the year during which the death occurs, but to all future follow-up years when the life would have taken place if death would not have occurred. ~ *Indirect: YLL for specific mortality endpoints is calculated based on year and age-specific attributable deaths and age-specific life expectancy in the Reference scenario. The total life lost due to a given premature mortality case is allocated to the year when the death takes place. ~ ~ Note! In case of morbidity incidence endpoints in YLD calculation, the total life lost due to disability caused by a morbidity case is allocated to the year when the morbidity appears, regardless of the selected approach for the calculation of YLL ~ ~ Click on the red button to calculate a result for a given health impact indicator~ ~ Life expectancy:~ *Life expectancy in birth cohort: average life expectancy in a people born in the first year of the assessment~ *Loss of life expectancy in birth cohort: average loss of life expectancy compared to the reference exposure level~ *Age-adjusted life expectancy: average age-specific life-expectancy~ *Loss of age-adjusted life expectancy: average loss of age-specific life expectancy compared to the reference exposure level~ ~ Mortality / morbidity counts:~ *Mortality: number of deaths attributable to the exposure~ *Morbidity: number of morbidity cases attributable to the exposure~ ~ Burden of disease:~ *YLL: loss of life years due to premature mortality attributable to the exposure~ *YLD: loss of life years due to disability attributable to the exposure~ *DALY: loss of disability adjusted life years attributable to the exposure NodeLocation: 820,896,-1 NodeSize: 300,328 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Approach_for_yll_ca1 Title: Approach for YLL calculation Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 352,660,1 NodeSize: 144,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: App_yll Text Te186 Description: Time discount rate NodeLocation: 256,496,-1 NodeSize: 248,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, FormNode Discount1 Title: Discount Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 368,500,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Discount FormNode Outcome_of_interest2 Title: Outcome of interest Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 376,628,1 NodeSize: 120,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Outcome Text Te127 Description: Life expectancy NodeLocation: 256,760,-1 NodeSize: 248,72 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te16 Description: Mortality / morbidity counts NodeLocation: 256,912,-1 NodeSize: 248,80 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te240 Description: Burden of disease NodeLocation: 256,1104,-1 NodeSize: 248,112 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te241 NodeLocation: 256,644,-1 NodeSize: 248,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, FormNode Daly__total Title: DALY, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 336,1164,1 NodeSize: 160,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Daly_tot FormNode Morbidity__total Title: Morbidity, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 324,940,1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Ab_morbidity_tot FormNode Mortality__total Title: Mortality, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 324,868,1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Ab_mortality_tot FormNode Yld__total Title: YLD, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 340,1092,1 NodeSize: 156,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Yld_tot FormNode Yll__total Title: YLL, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 340,1020,1 NodeSize: 156,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Yll_tot FormNode Age_adjusted_life_ex Title: Age-adjusted life expectancy Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 332,780,1 NodeSize: 164,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Ad_le FormNode Life_expectancy_in_1 Title: Life expectancy in birth cohort Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 328,708,1 NodeSize: 168,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Le_cohort FormNode Loss_of_age_adjusted Title: Loss of age-adjusted life expectancy Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 308,812,1 NodeSize: 188,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Ad_le_loss FormNode Loss_of_life_expecta Title: Loss of life expectancy in birth cohort Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 304,740,1 NodeSize: 192,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Le_loss FormNode Age_weighting1 Title: Age weighting Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 384,548,1 NodeSize: 112,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Age_weighting Text Te255 Description: Age weighting NodeLocation: 256,544,-1 NodeSize: 248,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Close Continue_to_input_nu Text Te18 Description: Define assessment boundaries NodeLocation: 176,133,-1 NodeSize: 152,13 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te9 Description: Exposure scenarios: health impacts are calculated based on alternative exposure scenarios, background mortality/morbidity data and exposure-response functions.~ ~ Health outcome scenarios: changes in life-expectancy and years of life lost are calculated based on alternative scenarios on attributable deaths and morbidity cases.~ ~ Total burden of disease: environmental burden of disease (EBD) is calculated based on exposure scenarios, total burden of disease (BoD) data and exposure-response functions. NodeLocation: 720,158,-1 NodeSize: 256,90 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, NodeColor: 65535,65535,65535 Text Te52 Description: If starting point for the assessment is 'Exposure scenarios' or 'Health outcome scenarios', please fill in the following information: NodeLocation: 228,332,-1 NodeSize: 204,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Index Morb_endpoint Title: Morb endpoints Description: Morbidity endpoints included in the assessment.~ ~ Type in the list into the definition field. Press 'Enter' to add new rows and 'Back' to remove rows. When the list is complete press 'Alt' + 'Enter'. Definition: ['Chronic bronchitis','RAD'] NodeLocation: 160,856,1 NodeSize: 52,21 WindState: 2,151,56,476,275 ValueState: 2,612,556,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: Alias Morbidity2, FormNode Morbidity_endpoints {!40300|Att_SlicerPopupSize: 227,42} {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: ['Chronic bronchitis','RAD']} Index Mort_endpoint Title: Mort endpoints Description: Causes of death -classification used in the assessment.~ ~ Type in the list into the definition field. Press 'Enter' to add new rows and 'Back' to remove rows. When the list is complete press 'Alt' + 'Enter'. Definition: ['Non-accidental','Accidental'] NodeLocation: 64,856,1 NodeSize: 52,21 WindState: 2,107,90,476,266 Aliases: Alias Cause_of_death2, FormNode Mortality_endpoints {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: ['Non-accidental','Accidental']} Decision Sex_class Title: Sex specified impact assessment Definition: Choice(Self,1) NodeLocation: 64,792,1 NodeSize: 48,32 NodeInfo: 1,1,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Aliases: FormNode Sex_specified_impact Domain: ['No','Yes'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('No','Yes',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Decision Assessment_type Title: Starting point for the assessment Definition: Choice(Self,1) NodeLocation: 160,792,1 NodeSize: 48,32 NodeInfo: 1,1,0,1,1,1,0,,0, WindState: 2,102,90,476,224 Aliases: FormNode Starting_point_for_t Domain: ['Exposure scenarios','Health outcome scenarios','Total burden of disease'] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete('Exposure scenarios','Health outcome scenarios','Total burden of disease',type:['text'])} {!40200|Att_ChoiceIndexes: Keyword Self} Module Total_burden_of_dise Title: Total burden of disease Author: jtue Date: 17. huhta 2009 14:34 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 344,632,1 NodeSize: 56,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DiagState: 2,110,131,991,683,17 NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 Text Te54 NodeLocation: 248,324,-1 NodeSize: 240,316 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Alias Double_click_to_vie1 Title: Double click to view the model Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 88,512,1 NodeSize: 60,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: Model2 FormNode Dalys1 Title: DALYs Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 344,604,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Daly_spec Text Te65 Description: Insert data NodeLocation: 248,60,-1 NodeSize: 232,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te66 Description: Total burden of disease NodeLocation: 248,116,-1 NodeSize: 232,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te67 Description: Exposure NodeLocation: 248,204,-1 NodeSize: 232,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te68 Description: Exposure-response functions NodeLocation: 248,308,-1 NodeSize: 232,60 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te70 Description: Burden of disease NodeLocation: 248,516,-1 NodeSize: 232,116 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te71 Description: Total burden of disease: ~ *BoD data should be divided into life years lost due to mortality (YLL) and disability (YLD) ~ *Type in or copy-paste total YLL and YLD data into the correct table.~ ~ Exposure and exposure-response function data: double click on the blue box to continue inputting the data. NodeLocation: 728,204,-4 NodeSize: 232,132 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te142 Description: Assessment starting point: total burden of disease NodeLocation: 244,24,-1 NodeSize: 236,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 FormNode Attributable_yld Title: Attributable YLD Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 348,540,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Yld_spec FormNode Attributable_yll Title: Attributable YLL Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 348,476,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Yll_spec Text Te249 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 728,24,-1 NodeSize: 232,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te250 Description: Required input data: NodeLocation: 728,56,-1 NodeSize: 232,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te251 Description: Model outcomes: NodeLocation: 728,352,-1 NodeSize: 232,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_for_in1 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 712,264,1 NodeSize: 120,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri FormNode Total_yll1 Title: Total YLL Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 344,108,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Original: As_total_yll FormNode Total_yld2 Title: Total YLD Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 344,140,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Original: As_total_yld Module Nodes3 Title: Technical nodes Author: jtue Date: 17. huhta 2009 14:34 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 80,688,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 1,37,36,261,192,17 Variable As_total_yll Title: Age-specific total YLL Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Mort_endpoint)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 96,48,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DefnState: 2,179,125,483,580,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,235,231,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Total_yll1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Mort_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Mort_endpoint,Age] {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Gender,1,Age_cat,1,Cause_of_death,1]} Variable As_total_yld Title: Age-specific total YLD Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Morb_endpoint)(~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 96,104,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DefnState: 2,117,131,416,483,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,230,251,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Total_yld2 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 ReformDef: [Morb_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age] Close Nodes3 Module Double_click_to_def5 Title: Double click to define ERFs for mortality endpoints Author: vkoe Date: 19. Novta 2009 10:32 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 304,312,1 NodeSize: 52,44 DiagState: 2,68,113,785,543,17 Text Te12 NodeLocation: 196,252,-6 NodeSize: 188,244 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te61 Description: Exposure-response function for mortality NodeLocation: 196,28,-1 NodeSize: 180,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te69 Description: Insert data NodeLocation: 196,60,-1 NodeSize: 180,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te131 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 196,84,-1 NodeSize: 180,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te132 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 196,172,-1 NodeSize: 180,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te133 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 196,388,-1 NodeSize: 180,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te138 NodeLocation: 196,128,-5 NodeSize: 180,32 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te139 NodeLocation: 196,280,-4 NodeSize: 180,96 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te140 NodeLocation: 196,444,-3 NodeSize: 180,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, FormNode Age_specific_mortal2 Title: Age-specific mortality ERF Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 232,132,1 NodeSize: 136,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Mort_erf_age_class FormNode Mortality_erf_unit1 Title: Mortality ERF unit Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 260,444,1 NodeSize: 108,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Mort_erf_unit Text Te141 Description: Fill in if Age-specific mortality ERF = 'No' NodeLocation: 196,220,-1 NodeSize: 124,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te147 Description: Fill in if Age-specific mortality ERF = 'Yes' NodeLocation: 196,308,-1 NodeSize: 124,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Module Technical_nodes5 Title: Technical nodes Author: vkoe Date: 19. Novta 2009 10:32 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 72,552,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 1,1,0,368,296,17 Variable Bod_mort_erf_gen Title: General mortality ERF Definition: Table(Sex,Mort_endpoint)(~ 1,1~ ) NodeLocation: 120,80,1 NodeSize: 48,29 DefnState: 2,223,267,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,340,379,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode General_mortality_e1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Sex,Mort_endpoint] ReformVal: [Sex,Mort_endpoint] Variable Bod_mort_erf_as Title: Age-specific mortality ERF Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Mort_endpoint)(~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1~ ) NodeLocation: 120,152,1 NodeSize: 48,29 DefnState: 2,226,200,565,642,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,367,376,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Age_specific_mortal3 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Mort_endpoint,Age] ReformVal: [Mort_endpoint,Age] {!40000|Att_EditSliceState: [Sex,1,Age1,1,Mort_endpoint,1]} Variable Mort_erf_bod Title: Mortality ERF Definition: If Mort_erf_age_class = 'No' then Bod_mort_erf_gen else Bod_mort_erf_as NodeLocation: 248,120,1 NodeSize: 48,24 ReformVal: [Age,Mort_endpoint] Close Technical_nodes5 FormNode General_mortality_e1 Title: General mortality ERF Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 240,260,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Bod_mort_erf_gen FormNode Age_specific_mortal3 Title: Age-specific mortality ERF Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 228,348,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Bod_mort_erf_as Text Te213 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 568,24,-1 NodeSize: 176,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te214 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 568,52,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te218 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 568,124,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te219 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 568,332,-1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te224 Description: Select whether or not you want to define age-specific exposure-response functions for mortality endpoints. NodeLocation: 568,88,-1 NodeSize: 176,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te225 Description: Type in or copy-paste exposure-response functions into the correct table. ~ ~ ERFs should be in the form of relative risk (RR). If there is no RR, value 1 should be listed.~ ~ Note! If Age-specific mortality ERF = 'Yes', then all ERFs for all mortality endpoints (including both age-specific and general) should be inputted in the 'Age-specific mortality ERF' -table. NodeLocation: 568,228,-1 NodeSize: 176,92 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te229 Description: Define the exposure unit to which the ERF relates to. NodeLocation: 568,420,-1 NodeSize: 176,76 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Alias Note__input_data_ca1 Title: Note! Input data can be deterministic or probabilistic. Double click here to find information on how to input different types of distributions in Analytica. Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 568,432,1 NodeSize: 128,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri Close Double_click_to_def5 Module Double_click_to_def6 Title: Double click to define exposure scenarios Author: vkoe Date: 19. Novta 2009 10:32 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 416,208,1 NodeSize: 52,36 DiagState: 2,92,113,928,756,17 Text Te148 NodeLocation: 196,228,-1 NodeSize: 180,220 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te149 NodeLocation: 196,132,-1 NodeSize: 172,36 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te150 NodeLocation: 196,272,-1 NodeSize: 172,80 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te151 Description: Exposure scenarios NodeLocation: 196,28,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te152 Description: Insert data NodeLocation: 196,60,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te153 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 196,84,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te154 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 196,180,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 FormNode Age_specific_exposu3 Title: Age-specific exposure Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 236,324,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Exp_age_bod FormNode Age_specific_exposu2 Title: Age-specific exposure Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 236,132,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Exp_age_class FormNode General_exposure1 Title: General exposure Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 248,252,1 NodeSize: 112,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Exp_gen_bod Text Te155 Description: Fill in if Age-specific exposure = 'No' NodeLocation: 204,228,-1 NodeSize: 148,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te156 Description: Fill in if Age-specific exposure = 'Yes' NodeLocation: 204,300,-1 NodeSize: 148,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te197 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 640,24,-1 NodeSize: 256,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te202 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 640,52,-1 NodeSize: 256,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te204 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 640,108,-1 NodeSize: 256,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te208 Description: Select whether or not you want to define age-specific exposure levels NodeLocation: 640,80,-1 NodeSize: 256,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te209 Description: Type in or copy-paste exposure data into the correct table. Exposure should be given as an average annual exposure level.~ ~ *BAU: business-as-usual exposure level, should reflect the true or expected exposure conditions in the population~ *Alternative: alternative exposure level, can be below or above BAU level~ *Reference: reference exposure level, should be set to zero or natural background level~ ~ Note! If health impacts occur only after some threshold exposure level, the defined exposure levels should reflect the threshold exceedance in different scenarios.~ ~ In case of a categorical exposure estimate (exposure for a given person is either yes or no), the population exposure level in different scenarios should be defined as the fraction of the total population that is exposed, e.g.: ~ ~ 1 = everybody is exposed ~ 0.5 = 50% of the population is exposed NodeLocation: 640,284,-1 NodeSize: 256,164 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Alias Note__input_data_can Title: Note! Input data can be deterministic or probabilistic. Double click here to find information on how to input different types of distributions in Analytica. Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 192,568,1 NodeSize: 124,48 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri Text Te247 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 196,364,-1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te248 NodeLocation: 196,404,-1 NodeSize: 172,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, FormNode Fraction_of_exposed1 Title: Fraction of exposed population Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 212,404,1 NodeSize: 148,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Pop_frac Text Te252 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 640,460,-1 NodeSize: 256,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te253 Description: Define the fraction of total population that is assumed to expose to the defined exposure level, e.g.:~ ~ 1=everybody is exposed~ 0.5=50% of the population is exposed ~ ~ In BAU and Alternative scenarios, the rest of the population is assumed to expose to the reference scenario exposure level. Same fraction is assumed for the whole follow-up period and all age-groups.~ ~ Note! In case the exposure estimate is of a categorical type (yes/no), the fraction should be set to 1 because the percentage of exposed population has already been defined above. NodeLocation: 640,588,-1 NodeSize: 256,116 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te257 NodeLocation: 196,580,-1 NodeSize: 180,124 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Close Double_click_to_def6 Module Double_click_to_def8 Title: Double click to define ERFs for morbidity endpoints Author: vkoe Date: 19. Novta 2009 10:32 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 416,312,1 NodeSize: 52,44 DiagState: 2,106,144,836,517,17 Text Te157 NodeLocation: 200,236,-5 NodeSize: 192,228 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te158 Description: Exposure-response function for morbidity NodeLocation: 200,28,-1 NodeSize: 184,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te159 Description: Insert data NodeLocation: 200,60,-1 NodeSize: 184,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te160 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 200,84,-1 NodeSize: 184,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te161 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 200,164,-1 NodeSize: 184,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te162 NodeLocation: 200,124,-4 NodeSize: 184,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te163 NodeLocation: 200,256,-3 NodeSize: 184,80 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te164 NodeLocation: 200,404,-1 NodeSize: 184,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te165 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 200,348,-1 NodeSize: 184,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Module Technical_nodes6 Title: Technical nodes Author: vkoe Date: 19. Novta 2009 10:32 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 64,592,1 NodeSize: 48,24 DiagState: 1,376,139,355,286,17 Variable Bod_morb_erf_gen Title: General morbidity ERF Definition: Table(Sex,Morb_endpoint)(~ 0,0~ ) NodeLocation: 112,80,1 NodeSize: 48,29 DefnState: 2,259,243,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,356,342,416,303,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode General_morbidity_e1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] ReformVal: [Sex,Morb_endpoint] Variable Bod_morb_erf_as Title: Age-specific morbidity ERF Definition: Table(Age,Sex,Morb_endpoint)(~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1,~ 1,1~ ) NodeLocation: 112,152,1 NodeSize: 48,29 DefnState: 2,236,215,416,441,0,MIDM Aliases: FormNode Age_specific_mortal4 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 ReformDef: [Morb_endpoint,Age] Variable Morb_erf_bod Title: Morbidity ERF Definition: If Morb_erf_age_class = 'No' then Bod_morb_erf_gen else Bod_morb_erf_as NodeLocation: 232,120,1 NodeSize: 48,24 ValueState: 2,456,466,483,313,0,MIDM ReformVal: [Morb_endpoint,Age] Close Technical_nodes6 FormNode General_morbidity_e1 Title: General morbidity ERF Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 248,236,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Bod_morb_erf_gen FormNode Age_specific_mortal4 Title: Age-specific mortality ERF Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 236,308,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Bod_morb_erf_as FormNode Age_specific_morbidi Title: Age-specific morbidity ERF Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 240,124,1 NodeSize: 136,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Morb_erf_age_class FormNode Morbidity_erf_unit1 Title: Morbidity ERF unit Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 264,404,1 NodeSize: 112,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Morb_erf_unit Text Te166 Description: Fill in if Age-specific morbidity ERF = 'No' NodeLocation: 212,212,-1 NodeSize: 164,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te167 Description: Fill in if Age-specific morbidity ERF = 'Yes' NodeLocation: 212,284,-1 NodeSize: 164,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te230 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 596,20,-1 NodeSize: 196,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te234 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 596,44,-1 NodeSize: 196,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te235 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 596,116,-1 NodeSize: 196,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te236 Description: Step 3 NodeLocation: 596,308,-1 NodeSize: 196,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te237 Description: Select whether or not you want to define age-specific exposure-response functions for morbidity endpoints. NodeLocation: 596,80,-1 NodeSize: 196,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial, 13 Text Te238 Description: Type in or copy-paste exposure-response functions into the correct table. ~ ~ ERFs should be in the form of relative risk (RR). If there is no RR, value 1 should be listed.~ ~ Note! If Age-specific morbidity ERF = 'Yes', then all ERFs for all morbidity endpoints (including both age-specific and general) should be inputted in the 'Age-specific morbidity ERF' -table. NodeLocation: 596,212,-1 NodeSize: 196,84 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial, 13 Text Te239 Description: Define the exposure unit to which the ERF relates to. NodeLocation: 596,392,-1 NodeSize: 196,72 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial, 13 Alias Note__input_data_ca2 Title: Note! Input data can be deterministic or probabilistic. Double click here to find information on how to input different types of distributions in Analytica. Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 592,400,1 NodeSize: 128,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri Close Double_click_to_def8 Text Te196 Description: Click on the red button to calculate a result for a given health impact indicator~ ~ *YLL: loss of life years due to premature mortality attributable to the exposure~ *YLD: loss of life years due to disability attributable to the exposure~ *DALY: loss of disability adjusted life years attributable to the exposure NodeLocation: 728,436,-1 NodeSize: 232,68 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Daly__total1 Title: DALY, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 312,572,1 NodeSize: 160,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Daly_tot FormNode Yld__total1 Title: YLD, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 316,508,1 NodeSize: 156,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Yld_tot FormNode Yll__total1 Title: YLL, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 316,444,1 NodeSize: 156,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Yll_tot Text Te113 Description: Model outcomes NodeLocation: 248,388,-1 NodeSize: 232,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Close Total_burden_of_dise Text Te56 Description: According to the starting point for the assessment, double click the correct box to define input data and calculate results NodeLocation: 220,552,-1 NodeSize: 172,32 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Module Health_outcome_scena Title: Health outcome scenarios Author: jtue Date: 17. huhta 2009 14:34 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 216,632,1 NodeSize: 56,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DiagState: 2,67,47,1211,1046,17 NodeColor: 52427,58983,65535 Module Double_click_to_def1 Title: Double click to define mortality outcome scenarios Author: vkoe Date: 21. Janta 2009 9:47 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 312,264,1 NodeSize: 52,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, DiagState: 2,90,85,920,637,17 Text Te29 Title: Te29 NodeLocation: 236,164,-5 NodeSize: 220,148 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te108 Description: Mortality outcome scenarios NodeLocation: 236,34,-1 NodeSize: 212,14 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te109 Description: Insert data: NodeLocation: 236,68,-1 NodeSize: 212,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te226 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 676,32,-1 NodeSize: 212,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te227 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 676,60,-1 NodeSize: 212,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te228 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 676,144,-1 NodeSize: 212,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_for_in5 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 672,344,1 NodeSize: 124,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri FormNode Fraction_of_baseline Title: Fraction of baseline mortality due to risk factor Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 244,132,1 NodeSize: 204,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Original: Input_mort_abfrac Text Te114 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 236,92,-1 NodeSize: 212,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te242 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 236,172,-1 NodeSize: 212,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te243 NodeLocation: 236,132,-1 NodeSize: 212,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te244 NodeLocation: 236,240,-1 NodeSize: 212,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te245 Description: Define the fraction of deaths that is caused by the risk factor of interest in the baseline mortality (i.e. the mortality input data). This input data is used to determine mortality risk on the Reference scenario.~ NodeLocation: 676,108,-1 NodeSize: 212,36 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te24 Description: Type in or copy-paste a percentage change in the mortality risk, e.g.~ 5% increase = 5~ 5% decrease = -5.~ ~ Note! The precentage change refers to change in the mortality risk compared to the baseline mortality risk.~ ~ ~ ~ NodeLocation: 676,292,-1 NodeSize: 212,132 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Year_specific_chang3 Title: Year-specific change in risk Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 284,236,1 NodeSize: 164,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Original: Change_mort Close Double_click_to_def1 FormNode Baseline_mortality2 Title: Baseline mortality Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 332,172,1 NodeSize: 156,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Mort_data FormNode Birth_rate2 Title: Birth rate Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 364,140,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Birth_rate FormNode Population2 Title: Population Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 384,108,1 NodeSize: 104,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Pop_data Text Te53 Title: Te53 NodeLocation: 256,608,-1 NodeSize: 248,592 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te57 Description: Population NodeLocation: 256,140,-1 NodeSize: 240,68 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te58 Description: YLD calculation inputs NodeLocation: 256,376,-1 NodeSize: 240,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te59 NodeLocation: 776,848,-1 NodeSize: 240,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_to_view Title: Double click to view the model Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 104,616,1 NodeSize: 64,32 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: Model2 Text Te62 Description: Population data: click on 'Edit table' and type in/copy-paste the data into the table.~ *Population: number of population~ *Birth rate: annual number of births~ *Mortality data: annual number of deaths in the beginning of the assessment in business-as-usual (BAU) scenario~ ~ Mortality/morbidity outcome scenarios and YLD calculation data: double click on the blue box to continue inputting the data.~ ~ Time discount rate: define the annual discount rate applied in the valuation of future gains or losses of life.~ ~ Age weighting: select whether or not to apply age weighting in the valuation of life lost or lived with morbidity.~ *No = No age weighting applied~ *Yes = Life lost at a given age is weighed according to the following formula: Cxe^(bx), where x = age in years, C = 0.1658, b = 0.04. This is the formula used in the Global Burden of Disease studies. For further information, see: Murray 1994. Quantifying the burden of disease: the technical basis for disability-adjusted life years. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 72, 429-445. NodeLocation: 836,292,-4 NodeSize: 324,220 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te20 Description: Health outcome NodeLocation: 256,264,-1 NodeSize: 240,56 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te63 Description: Insert data NodeLocation: 256,60,-1 NodeSize: 240,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Module Double_click_to_def7 Title: Double click to define morbidity outcome scenarios Author: vkoe Date: 12. Mayta 2009 15:35 DefaultSize: 48,24 NodeLocation: 432,264,1 NodeSize: 52,44 DiagState: 2,50,55,1122,816,17 FormNode Baseline_morbidity4 Title: Baseline morbidity Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 344,188,1 NodeSize: 160,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Morb_data Text Te115 NodeLocation: 260,192,-6 NodeSize: 252,184 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te116 Description: Morbidity outcome scenarios NodeLocation: 260,28,-1 NodeSize: 244,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te117 Description: Input data: NodeLocation: 260,60,-1 NodeSize: 244,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te120 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 260,84,-1 NodeSize: 244,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te121 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 260,260,-1 NodeSize: 244,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te122 NodeLocation: 260,172,-5 NodeSize: 244,76 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te123 NodeLocation: 260,316,-4 NodeSize: 244,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te124 Description: Select what type of input data you want to provide~ ~ *Percentage change: % increase/decrease in the morbidity risk~ *No. of cases: number of morbidity cases attributable to the exposure/risk factor of interest~ ~ If the type of input data is 'precentage change', provide the following data: ~ *Morbidity data: annual number of morbidity cases in the beginning of the assessment in BAU scenario~ *Attributable fraction: define the fraction of morbidity cases that are attributable to the exposure/risk factor in the baseline morbidity.~ ~ This data is used to determine the attributable morbidity risk in BAU scenario in the beginning of the assessment. NodeLocation: 780,204,-8 NodeSize: 260,132 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te231 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 780,24,-1 NodeSize: 260,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te232 Description: Step 1 NodeLocation: 780,56,-1 NodeSize: 260,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te233 Description: Step 2 NodeLocation: 780,348,-1 NodeSize: 260,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_for_i12 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 784,672,1 NodeSize: 124,52 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri Text Te191 Description: Type in or copy-paste the data into the table.~ ~ If the input for morbidity outcome calculation is 'precentage change', insert a precentage change into the correct table, e.g.~ 5% increase = 5~ 5% decrease = -5~ ~ Note! The precentage change refers to change in the morbidity risk compared to the baseline morbidity risk.~ ~ If the input for morbidity outcome calculation is 'no. of cases', insert the annual number of attributable morbidity cases, e.g.~ 0 attributable cases annually = 0~ 50 attributable cases annually = 50~ ~ ~ ~ NodeLocation: 780,548,-1 NodeSize: 260,188 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Fraction_of_of_basel Title: Fraction of of baseline morbidity caused by risk factor Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 328,220,1 NodeSize: 176,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Original: Input_morb_abfrac FormNode Type_of_change Title: Type of change Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 332,124,1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Input_morb_outcome FormNode Year_specific_chang2 Title: Year-specific change in morbidity risk Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 312,316,1 NodeSize: 192,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,61166 Original: Outcome_morb Close Double_click_to_def7 Text Te221 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 836,32,-1 NodeSize: 324,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te64 Description: Assessment starting point: Health outcome scenarios NodeLocation: 252,28,-1 NodeSize: 236,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te222 Description: Required input data: NodeLocation: 836,60,-1 NodeSize: 324,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te223 Description: Model outcomes: NodeLocation: 836,532,-1 NodeSize: 324,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Alias Double_click_to_de15 Title: Double click to define severity weight Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 432,376,1 NodeSize: 52,44 Original: Double_click_to_def4 Alias Double_click_to_de14 Title: Double click to define duration of morbidity Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 312,376,1 NodeSize: 52,44 Original: Double_click_to_def3 Alias Double_click_for_i11 Title: Double click for instructions on how to define distributions Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 824,448,1 NodeSize: 128,52 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0, Original: How_to_define_distri FormNode Age_specific_life_ex Title: Age-specific life expectancy Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 324,756,1 NodeSize: 164,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Ad_le FormNode Daly_ Title: DALY~ (approach 1) Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 364,1156,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Daly_spec FormNode Life_expectancy_in_b Title: Life expectancy in birth cohort Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 320,686,1 NodeSize: 168,14 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Le_cohort FormNode Loss_of_age_specifi1 Title: Loss of age-specific life expectancy Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 300,788,1 NodeSize: 188,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Ad_le_loss FormNode Loss_of_life_expect1 Title: Loss of life expectancy in birth cohort Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 300,718,1 NodeSize: 188,14 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Le_loss FormNode Yld1 Title: YLD Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 368,1092,1 NodeSize: 120,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Yld_spec FormNode Yll__ Title: YLL ~ (approach 1) Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 368,1028,1 NodeSize: 120,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Yll_spec Text Te130 Description: Model outcomes NodeLocation: 256,564,-1 NodeSize: 240,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te169 Description: Select the outcome of interest:~ *EBD = Health impact caused by the given exposure level in different scenarios~ *Change in BoD = Increase/decrease in health impact in the alternative scenario in relation to BAU~ ~ Select the approach for calculating YLL:~ *Direct: Total YLL in BAU and Alternative scenarios is calculated based on the population projections and the difference in the number of life years lived during the follow-up period in the BAU/Alternative scenario compared to the hypothetical Reference scenario (zero or natural background exposure level). It should be noted, that in this approach the total amount of life lost due to a given premature mortality case is NOT allocated to the year during which the death occurs, but to all future follow-up years when the life would have taken place if death would not have occurred. ~ *Indirect: YLL for specific mortality endpoints is calculated based on year and age-specific attributable deaths and age-specific life expectancy in the Reference scenario. The total life lost due to a given premature mortality case is allocated to the year when the death takes place. ~ ~ Note! In case of morbidity incidence endpoints in YLD calculation, the total life lost due to disability caused by a morbidity case is allocated to the year when the morbidity appears, regardless of the selected approach for the calculation of YLL ~ ~ Click on the red button to calculate a result for a given health impact indicator~ ~ Life expectancy:~ *Life expectancy in birth cohort: average life expectancy in a people born in the first year of the assessment~ *Loss of life expectancy in birth cohort: average loss of life expectancy compared to the reference exposure level~ *Age-adjusted life expectancy: average age-specific life-expectancy~ *Loss of age-adjusted life expectancy: average loss of age-specific life expectancy compared to the reference exposure level~ ~ Mortality / morbidity counts:~ *Mortality: number of deaths attributable to the exposure~ *Morbidity: number of morbidity cases attributable to the exposure~ ~ Burden of disease:~ *YLL: loss of life years due to premature mortality attributable to the exposure~ *YLD: loss of life years due to disability attributable to the exposure~ *DALY: loss of disability adjusted life years attributable to the exposure NodeLocation: 836,872,-1 NodeSize: 324,328 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 FormNode Approach_for_yll_cal Title: Approach for YLL calculation Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 348,628,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: App_yll Text Te192 Description: Time discount rate NodeLocation: 256,460,-1 NodeSize: 240,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, FormNode Discount_rate Title: Discount rate Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 356,468,1 NodeSize: 132,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Discount FormNode Outcome_of_interest1 Title: Outcome of interest Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 372,596,1 NodeSize: 116,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Outcome FormNode Daly__total2 Title: DALY, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 328,1124,1 NodeSize: 160,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Daly_tot FormNode Morbidity__total1 Title: Morbidity, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 316,908,1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Ab_morbidity_tot FormNode Morbidity__specified Title: Morbidity, specified Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 348,940,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Ab_morbidity_spec FormNode Mortality__total1 Title: Mortality, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 316,844,1 NodeSize: 172,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Ab_mortality_tot FormNode Mortality__specified Title: Mortality, specified Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 348,876,1 NodeSize: 140,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,19661,38773 Original: Ab_mortality_spec FormNode Yld__total2 Title: YLD, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 332,1060,1 NodeSize: 156,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Yld_tot FormNode Yll__total2 Title: YLL, total Definition: 1 NodeLocation: 332,996,1 NodeSize: 156,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Yll_tot Text Te40 Description: Life expectancy NodeLocation: 256,732,-1 NodeSize: 240,76 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te110 Description: Motality/morbidity counts NodeLocation: 256,884,-1 NodeSize: 240,76 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te111 Description: Burden of disease NodeLocation: 256,1072,-1 NodeSize: 240,112 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te112 NodeLocation: 256,616,-1 NodeSize: 240,40 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, Text Te256 Description: Age weighting NodeLocation: 256,512,-1 NodeSize: 240,24 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0, FormNode Age_weighting2 Title: Age weighting Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 384,516,1 NodeSize: 104,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Age_weighting Close Health_outcome_scena Text Te176 Description: Instructions NodeLocation: 720,24,-1 NodeSize: 256,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 15 Text Te177 Description: 1) Select the starting point for the assessment NodeLocation: 720,56,-1 NodeSize: 256,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te178 Description: 2) Define mortality endpoints NodeLocation: 720,260,-1 NodeSize: 256,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te179 Description: 3) Define morbidity endpoints NodeLocation: 720,420,-1 NodeSize: 256,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te180 Description: 4) Select whether or not to assess sex-specified health impacts NodeLocation: 720,480,-1 NodeSize: 256,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te181 Description: 5) Define the starting year for the assessment NodeLocation: 720,556,-1 NodeSize: 256,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te182 Description: 6) Define the number of follow-up years for which impacts are calculated NodeLocation: 720,589,-1 NodeSize: 256,21 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 13 Text Te21 Description: If the starting point for the assessment is 'Exposure scenarios' or 'Health outcome scenarios', then the list of mortality endpoints needs to cover ALL causes of death. However, total mortality should not be divided into more sub-categories than needed to distingish the mortality endpoints of interest.~ ~ If the starting point for the assessment is 'Total burden of disease', then the list should cover only the mortality endpoints of interest. NodeLocation: 720,340,-1 NodeSize: 256,68 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te41 Description: List morbidity endpoints included in the assessment. NodeLocation: 720,448,-1 NodeSize: 256,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te129 Description: Continue by double clicking the correct module according to the starting point for the assessment. NodeLocation: 720,660,-1 NodeSize: 256,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te137 Description: If starting point for the assessment is 'Exposure scenarios' or 'Health outcome scenarios': NodeLocation: 720,524,-1 NodeSize: 256,20 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 FormNode Morbidity_endpoints Title: Morbidity endpoints Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 328,236,1 NodeSize: 120,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Morb_endpoint FormNode Mortality_endpoints Title: Mortality endpoints Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 328,204,1 NodeSize: 120,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Mort_endpoint FormNode Sex_specified_impact Title: Sex specified impact assessment Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 288,268,1 NodeSize: 160,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Sex_class FormNode Starting_point_for_t Title: Starting point for the assessment Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 288,172,1 NodeSize: 160,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 Original: Assessment_type Text Te55 NodeLocation: 232,584,-3 NodeSize: 224,96 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te17 NodeLocation: 232,292,-4 NodeSize: 224,188 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, FormNode Assessment_start_yea Title: Assessment start year Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 324,388,1 NodeSize: 124,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Start_year FormNode Follow_up_period Title: Follow-up period Definition: 0 NodeLocation: 320,420,1 NodeSize: 128,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,72,0,1 NodeColor: 65535,52427,57888 Original: Followup_time Text Te135 Description: The Impact Calculation Tool (ICT) NodeLocation: 232,24,-1 NodeSize: 224,16 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial Black, 19 Text Te185 Description: ICT is a modelling tool for health impact assessments. It allows calculation of different types of health indicators for various environmental exposures. NodeLocation: 232,68,-1 NodeSize: 224,28 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te11 Description: Number of follow-up years can be 1 or any number divisible by five up to 100. NodeLocation: 720,620,-1 NodeSize: 256,12 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,,0, Text Te254 Description: Note! If follow-up period is changed after inputting data, some input tables may have to be updated. NodeLocation: 104,412,-1 NodeSize: 80,44 NodeInfo: 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,,0, NodeFont: Arial, 13 Close The_model