{ From user olex, Model Risk_ratio_vs_odds_r at Wed, Jul 08, 2009 2:02 PM~~ } Softwareversion 4.1.0 { System Variables with non-default values: } Samplesize := 10K Typechecking := 1 Checking := 1 Saveoptions := 2 Savevalues := 0 Model Risk_ratio_vs_odds_r Author: olex Date: Wed, Jul 08, 2009 11:15 AM Saveauthor: olex Savedate: Wed, Jul 08, 2009 2:02 PM Defaultsize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,1,1,744,767,17 Fontstyle: Arial, 15 Fileinfo: 0,Model Risk_ratio_vs_odds_r,2,2,0,0,M:\analytica\Risk ratio~~ vs odds ratio.ANA Variable Table1 Title: Table Description: We create a hypothetical study with two by two table Definition: Table(Disease,Exposure)(~ 10,30,~ 2,4~ ) Nodelocation: 312,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,557,40,476,224 Defnstate: 2,625,381,416,303,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,685,142,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534 Reformdef: [Exposure,Disease] Reformval: [Exposure,Disease] Index Disease Title: Disease Definition: ['No disease','Disease'] Nodelocation: 312,80,1 Nodesize: 48,12 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['No disease','Disease']} Index Exposure Definition: ['Exposed','Not exposed'] Nodelocation: 304,104,1 Nodesize: 48,13 Windstate: 2,116,197,476,224 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Exposed','Not exposed']} Variable Incidence_x1 Title: Incidence X1 Description: Incidence of the study group is:~ number of people with disease in the study group / number of all in t~~ he study group Definition: Table1[Disease='Disease',Exposure='Exposed']/sum(Table1[Ex~~ posure='Exposed']) Nodelocation: 176,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Incidence_x0 Title: Incidence X0 Description: Incidence of the control group is:~ number of people with disease in the control group / number of all in~~ the control group Definition: Table1[Disease='Disease',Exposure='Not exposed']/sum(Table~~ 1[Exposure='Not exposed']) Nodelocation: 440,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Valuestate: 2,92,396,416,303,0,MIDM Objective Risk_ratio Title: Risk ratio Description: Definiton of risk ratio:~ Incidence in the study group / incidence in the control group Definition: Incidence_x1/Incidence_x0 Nodelocation: 312,296,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Valuestate: 2,449,231,796,575,1,MIDM Objective Odds_ratio Title: Odds ratio Description: Odds ratio is defined:~ Ratio of incidences in the study group and proportion not diseased di~~ vided by the similar proportion in the control group Definition: (Incidence_x1/I___incidence_x1)/(Incidence_x0/A1__incidenc~~ e_x0) Nodelocation: 312,168,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,575,368,476,224 Valuestate: 2,430,140,817,418,1,MIDM Graphsetup: {!40000|Att_contlinestyle Graph_pdf_valdim:6}~ {!40000|Att_graphvaluerange Odds_ratio:1,,0,,,,,0,100} Variable I___incidence_x1 Title: I - Incidence X1 Definition: 1-Incidence_x1 Nodelocation: 64,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable A1__incidence_x0 Title: 1 -Incidence X0 Definition: 1-Incidence_x0 Nodelocation: 552,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Conversion_or_to_rr Title: Conversion OR to RR Description: RR = OR/( 1-PX0+OR*PX0 )~ Reference~ http://en.opasnet.org/en-opwiki/index.php?title=Converting_between_ex~~ posure-response_parameters&action=submit Definition: Odds_ratio/(A1__incidence_x0+(Odds_ratio*Incidence_x0)) Nodelocation: 440,296,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,579,209,476,224 Close Risk_ratio_vs_odds_r