{ From user psou, Model Bioher_model1_ahtoni at 24. huhta 2009 11:50 ~~ } Softwareversion 4.1.0 { System Variables with non-default values: } Usetable := 0 Typechecking := 0 Checking := 1 Saveoptions := 2 Savevalues := 0 Allwarnings := 0 Model Bioher_model1_ahtoni Author: pahz Date: 15. tamta 2009 11:29 Saveauthor: psou Savedate: 24. huhta 2009 11:50 Defaultsize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,1,7,583,695,17 Fontstyle: Arial, 15 Fileinfo: 0,Model Bioher_model1_ahtoni,2,2,0,0,C:\temp\Bioher_model.AN~~ A Module Emissions Title: Emissions Author: pahz Date: 19. tamta 2009 9:22 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 248,384,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,588,558,322,264,17 Variable Ghg_emissions Title: GHG emissions Definition: Ghg_emissions_of_hou+Ghg_emissions_of_p Nodelocation: 56,176,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,475,300,476,224 Reformval: [] Variable Pm2_5_emissions Title: PM2.5 emissions Definition: Pm2_5_emissions_of_h+Pm2_5_emissions_of_p Nodelocation: 248,176,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,0,859,476,224 Valuestate: 2,636,375,416,303,0,MIDM Reformval: [Fuel_type_used_in_pl,E_class] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Apartment,2,Fuel,1,E_class,1,Fuel_type_~~ used_in_pl,1]} Variable Total_pm2_5_emission Title: Total PM2.5 emissions of households Units: ug/m3/year Definition: sum(Pm2_5_emissions_of_h) Nodelocation: 224,80,1 Nodesize: 48,40 Windstate: 2,5,388,476,224 Reformval: [E_class,Fuel] Close Emissions Module Emission_of_plant Title: Emission of plant Author: pahz Date: 19. tamta 2009 9:22 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 176,288,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,-73,320,563,584,17 Variable Ghg_emissions_of_p Title: GHG emissions of P Units: ug/m3 /year Definition: Energy_production*Ghg_emis_factor Nodelocation: 176,392,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Valuestate: 2,456,466,416,303,0,MIDM Reformval: [Cons_type,Fuel_type_used_in_pl] Variable Pm2_5_emissions_of_p Title: PM2.5 emissions of P Units: ug/m3 /year Description: pm emissions per kWh/ year Definition: Energy_production*Pm2_5_emis_factor Nodelocation: 312,392,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,283,131,476,224 Valuestate: 2,392,402,530,145,0,MIDM Reformval: [Fuel,Apartment] Variable Energy_production Title: Energy production Units: kWh/year Description: sähkönkulutuksesta ja lämmönkulutuksesta riippuva energia~~ n tuotanto lämpölaitoksella (pitääkö kertoa jollain tietyllä tuottami~~ skertoimella tms?) Definition: var a:=(Electricity_consumpt+Heating_consumption_)*Fuel_op~~ tions;~ sum (a,Fuel_type)~ ~ Nodelocation: 248,296,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,274,365,476,224 Valuestate: 2,349,416,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformval: [Fuel,Apartment] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Decision_of_fuel_typ,3,Type_of_apartmen~~ t,1,Cons_type,1]} Variable Pm2_5_emis_factor Title: PM2.5 emis factor Description: missä suhteessa päästöjä tulee energian tuotantoon nähden~~ (esim 100ug/m^3 hiukkasia 1000 kWh energian tuotantoa kohti.. ??) Definition: 100/1000 Nodelocation: 456,392,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Ghg_emis_factor Title: GHG emis factor Description: missä suhteessa päästöjä tulee energian tuotantoon nähden~~ (esim 100ug/m^3 GHG päästöjä 1000 kWh energian tuotantoa kohti.. ??)~~ Definition: 100/1000 Nodelocation: 48,392,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,506,218,476,224 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Pm2_5_emis_per_build Title: PM2.5 emis per building Definition: Pm2_5_emissions_of_p/Amount_of_buildings_ Nodelocation: 312,472,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Valuestate: 2,79,437,416,303,0,MIDM Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Fuel_type_used_in_pl,2,Fuel,1,Apartment~~ ,1]} Variable Ghg_emis_per_buildin Title: GHG emis per building Definition: Ghg_emissions_of_p/Amount_of_buildings_ Nodelocation: 176,472,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Reformval: [Apartment,Cons_type] Index Fuel_type Title: fuel type Definition: ['heavy oil','wood chips'] Nodelocation: 376,216,1 Nodesize: 40,12 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['heavy oil','wood chips']} Variable Fuel_options Title: Fuel options Definition: Table(Fuel_type_used_in_pl,Fuel_type)(~ 1,0,~ 0,1,~ 0,0,~ 0,0~ ) Nodelocation: 376,184,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,678,187,476,224 Defnstate: 2,599,385,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformdef: [Fuel_type,Fuel_type_used_in_pl] Reformval: [Fuel_type,Fuel_type_used_in_pl] Close Emission_of_plant Module Emissions_of_househo Title: Emissions of household Author: pahz Date: 19. tamta 2009 9:22 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 320,288,1 Nodesize: 48,32 Diagstate: 1,748,-6,776,830,17 Diagramcolor: 49151,49151,49151 Variable Electricity_consumpt Title: Electricity consumption of houses Units: kWh/building per year Description: Fraction of total need of energy is assumed to be 90 to e~~ lectricity consumption (Own assumption) Definition: Energy_consumption_b*Fraction_of_electric Nodelocation: 304,64,1 Nodesize: 56,31 Windstate: 2,148,40,476,224 Valuestate: 2,649,485,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 19661,54073,65535 Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Cons_type, 2, E_class, 1, Type_of_apart~~ ment, 1 ]} Variable Heating_consumption_ Title: Heating consumption of houses Units: kWh /building /year Description: Oletettu että energian kulutus sisältää myös sähkön kulut~~ uksen. Tässä poistetaan sähkönkulutuksen osuus pois kokonais energian~~ tuotannosta Definition: Energy_consumption_b*(1-Fraction_of_electric) Nodelocation: 168,176,1 Nodesize: 56,31 Windstate: 2,183,7,476,224 Valuestate: 2,94,550,341,281,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Cons_type,2,E_class,1,Type_of_apartment~~ ,1]} Variable Fraction_of_electric Title: Fraction of electricity of tot energy consumption Units: fraction Definition: 0.9 Nodelocation: 168,64,1 Nodesize: 48,49 Windstate: 2,111,41,476,224 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Ghg_emissions_of_hou Title: GHG emissions of houses Definition: sum(Heating_consumption_*Ghg_emis_factor_hous,Fuel_type) Nodelocation: 80,312,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] Variable Pm2_5_emissions_of_h Title: PM2.5 emissions of houses Units: ug/m^3 /year Description: emissions of PM2.5 of household Definition: sum(Heating_consumption_*Pm2_5emis_factor_hou,Fuel_type) Nodelocation: 272,312,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,281,411,476,224 Valuestate: 2,169,398,601,303,0,MIDM Reformval: [Fuel,E_class] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Type_of_apartment, 2, Fuel_type_hh, 1, ~~ E_class, 1, Decision_of_fuel_ty1, 1 ]} Variable Pm2_5emis_factor_hou Title: PM2.5emis factor_houses Definition: Table(Fuel)(~ 0,0,0,0,0,0) Nodelocation: 280,225,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Ghg_emis_factor_hous Title: GHG emis factor_houses Definition: Table(Fuel)(~ 0,0,0,0,0,0) Nodelocation: 56,233,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Defnstate: 2,118,309,416,298,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Pm2_5_emissions_per_ Title: PM2.5 emissions per building Definition: Pm2_5_emissions_of_h/Amount_of_buildings_ Nodelocation: 272,392,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Valuestate: 2,674,485,416,303,0,MIDM Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [E_class,3,Fuel,1,Apartment,1]} Variable Ghg_emissions_per_bu Title: GHG emissions per building Definition: Ghg_emissions_of_hou/Amount_of_buildings_ Nodelocation: 80,393,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Valuestate: 2,312,554,416,303,0,MIDM Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] Module Old Title: old Author: pahz Date: 8. huhta 2009 12:12 Nodelocation: 632,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Index Building_surface Title: Building surface Definition: ['Wall','Roof','Floor'] Nodelocation: 104,56,1 Nodesize: 48,24 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Wall','Roof','Floor']} Variable Surface_area_of_buil Title: Surface area of building Units: m^2 Description: Surface area of roof, floor and walls of building Definition: Table(Building_surface)(~ 1000,150,150) Nodelocation: 96,120,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Defnstate: 2,391,232,416,303,0,MIDM Close Old Close Emissions_of_househo Module Exposure1 Title: Exposure Author: pahz Date: 19. tamta 2009 9:22 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 248,456,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,-52,522,786,757,17 Variable Br Title: BR Units: m3/s Definition: 20/(24*60*60) Nodelocation: 296,200,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Exposure_for_pm2_5_e Title: Exposure for PM2.5 emissions of building (next door) Units: ug/m3 Description: Exposure of population~ Exposure to PM2.5 emissions of building next door. Indexes for emissi~~ ons sources, NOT for house where population is exposed ("neighbour e~~ ffect")~ Here is not taken account emissions of plant -yet. Definition: (Pm2_5_emissions_per_*Intake_fraction_for_)/(Total_populat~~ ion*Br)*1000*1000 Nodelocation: 224,418,1 Nodesize: 48,49 Windstate: 2,191,277,459,275 Valuestate: 2,226,348,582,295,0,MIDM Reformval: [E_class,Fuel] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Apartment,1,Fuel,1,E_class,4]} Module Population1 Title: Population Author: pahz Date: 27. helta 2009 13:13 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 248,72,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,632,169,550,510,17 Index Age Title: age Definition: ['lapset(0-17)','nuoret (18-2)','keski ika','eläk'] Nodelocation: 160,360,1 Nodesize: 36,12 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['lapset(0-17)','nuoret (18-2)','keski ika~~ ','eläk']} Index Sex Title: sex Definition: ['male','female'] Nodelocation: 152,264,1 Nodesize: 36,12 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['male','female']} Index Educ_groups Title: educ_groups Definition: ['korkeako','Ammatillinen','Yliopppilas','Peruskoulu'] Nodelocation: 152,168,1 Nodesize: 52,12 Windstate: 2,47,346,476,224 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['korkeako','Ammatillinen','Yliopppilas','~~ Peruskoulu']} Variable Groups_of_education Title: Groups of education Units: persons Description: This is not right: some of educ groups is missing. Sum of~~ groups is not finnish total number of population!!!!~ ~ Used subgroups of population. Data from Finnish total numbers of pop~~ ulation in the year 2005 : \\cesium.ktl.fi\RIF$\DataGIS\gisadata_ktl\~~ tilasto\ruutu2005\asukkaat2005_grid250m.shp (Finland Statistics) Definition: Table(Educ_groups)(~ 570.267K,1.793804M,325.831K,1.398225M) Nodelocation: 160,128,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Defnstate: 2,206,512,416,303,0,MIDM Variable Total_population Title: Total population Definition: Amount_of_populatio1 Nodelocation: 464,168,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Variable Groups_of_male_femal Title: Groups of male/female Description: Used subgroups of population. Data from Finnish total nu~~ mbers of population in the year 2005 : \\cesium.ktl.fi\RIF$\DataGIS\g~~ isadata_ktl\tilasto\ruutu2005\asukkaat2005_grid250m.shp (Finland Sta~~ tistics) Definition: 2.539492M Nodelocation: 152,232,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,69,184,476,224 Defnstate: 2,61,344,416,303,0,MIDM Variable Groups_of_age Title: Groups of age Description: Used subgroups of population. Data from Finnish total nu~~ mbers of population in the year 2005 : \\cesium.ktl.fi\RIF$\DataGIS\g~~ isadata_ktl\tilasto\ruutu2005\asukkaat2005_grid250m.shp (Finland Sta~~ tistics) Definition: 1.094751M Nodelocation: 160,328,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Male_female Title: male_female Units: persons Description: male/female amounts of population calculated of Finland t~~ otal numbers Definition: Groups_of_male_femal/(sum(Groups_of_male_femal))*Total_pop~~ ulation Nodelocation: 336,256,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,164,335,476,224 Valuestate: 2,183,392,416,303,0,MIDM Variable Education Title: education Description: amounts of educational subgroups of population calculated~~ of Finland total numbers Definition: Groups_of_education/(sum(Groups_of_education))*Total_popul~~ ation Nodelocation: 328,184,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,52,316,476,224 Variable Age1 Title: age Description: This is wrong cause sum of age groups is not total number~~ of finnish population some age groups are missing!!!! Definition: Groups_of_age/(sum(Groups_of_age))*Total_population Nodelocation: 336,312,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Finnish_population Title: Finnish population Description: Suomen väkiluku vuonna 2004 (lähde:stat) Definition: 5203826 Nodelocation: 80,56,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Close Population1 Module If2 Title: iF Author: pahz Date: 27. maata 2009 13:14 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 144,200,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,90,716,550,300,17 Variable Intake_fraction_for_ Title: Intake fraction for pm2.5 Description: intake fraction for pm2.5 emissions of residential (prima~~ ry and secundary) wood combustion. Adobted from Piltti calculations: ~~ N:\Huippuyksikko\Tutkimus\R83_Piltti\Mallit\Health_effects Definition: 3.30590612622159u Nodelocation: 240,112,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,680,381,476,224 Index Emission_sources Title: Emission sources Description: includes primary and secundary domestic wood combustions Definition: ['Residential wood combustion'] Nodelocation: 232,160,1 Nodesize: 48,20 Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224 Close If2 Module Old_parts1 Title: Old parts Author: pahz Date: 27. maata 2009 13:14 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 616,56,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Human_behaviour_ Title: Human behaviour? Nodelocation: 96,152,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Sleeping Title: Sleeping Nodelocation: 208,96,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Excercises Title: Excercises Nodelocation: 208,144,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Cooking Title: Cooking Nodelocation: 208,192,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Meteorology Title: meteorology Nodelocation: 96,256,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Variable Driving_car Title: Driving car Nodelocation: 208,240,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Index T__moist___uv Title: T, Moist., UV Nodelocation: 88,296,1 Nodesize: 40,16 Index Weight_ Title: weight? Nodelocation: 112,48,1 Nodesize: 40,16 Variable Stress_factors__ Title: Stress factors?? Nodelocation: 208,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Close Old_parts1 Close Exposure1 Module Costs_of_heating1 Title: Costs of heating Author: pahz Date: 19. tamta 2009 9:22 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 440,240,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,660,291,550,374,17 Variable Investment_expences Title: Investment expences Nodelocation: 80,184,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Service_expences Title: Service expences Nodelocation: 80,248,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Energy_expences Title: Energy expences Definition: Energy_consumption_p*Energy_price Nodelocation: 88,104,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Valuestate: 2,521,256,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformval: [] Variable Costs_of_heating Title: Costs of heating Units: euro Definition: (Energy_expences+Investment_expences+Service_expences) Nodelocation: 224,209,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Displayoutputs: Index Fuel_type_hh Variable Energy_price Title: Energy price Units: e/kWh Definition: Table(Fuel_type)(~ 0.0559,0.078,0.0486,0.0477,0.01002,0) Nodelocation: 248,104,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Displayinputs: Variable Fuel_price Displayoutputs: Index Heating_site Variable Fuel_price Title: Fuel price Definition: Table(Heating_site,Fuels)(~ 0,0,0,0,~ 0,0,0,0~ ) Nodelocation: 392,104,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformdef: [Heating_site,Fuels] Displayoutputs: Variable Energy_price {!40000|Att_editslicestate: [Fuel_type,1,Fuel_type_hh,1,Heating_site,1~~ ]} Index Heating_site Title: heating site Definition: ['household','plant'] Nodelocation: 344,216,1 Nodesize: 48,24 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['household','plant']} Index Fuels Title: fuels Definition: ['light oil','heavy oil','pellet','wood chip'] Nodelocation: 336,264,1 Nodesize: 48,24 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['light oil','heavy oil','pellet','wood c~~ hip']} Alias Total_costs2 Title: Total costs Definition: 0 Nodelocation: 440,312,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Original: Total_costs Close Costs_of_heating1 Module Health_effects Title: Health effects Author: pahz Date: 19. tamta 2009 9:22 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 248,544,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,53,563,550,565,17 Variable Exposure_response Title: Exposure Response Description: distribution (or the best value) of different ER knowledg~~ e Definition: 0.6 Nodelocation: 312,248,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Premature_mortality Title: Premature mortality Definition: sum (Exposure_for_pm2_5_e,Fuel_type)*Bakground_mortality*(~~ Exposure_response/100) Nodelocation: 88,216,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,103,498,476,224 Valuestate: 2,370,383,416,303,0,MIDM Reformval: [E_class,Fuel] Displayoutputs: Variable Costs_of_premature_m {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Apartment,1,Fuel,1,E_class,1]} Variable Bakground_mortality Title: Bakground mortality Definition: (Mortality_of_finland/Population_of_finlan)*Amount_of_popu~~ latio1 Nodelocation: 424,192,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Cardiobulmonary Title: Cardiobulmonary Nodelocation: 88,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Displayoutputs: Variable Costs_of_cardiobulmo Variable Cancer Title: Cancer Nodelocation: 88,104,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Displayoutputs: Variable Costs_of_cancer Variable Respiratory_symptoms Title: Respiratory symptoms Nodelocation: 88,160,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Displayoutputs: Variable Costs_of_respiratory Variable Population_of_finlan Title: Population of Finland Definition: 5203826 Nodelocation: 336,40,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Mortality_of_finland Title: Mortality of Finland population Definition: 45180 Nodelocation: 440,40,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Close Health_effects Module Costs_of_health_effe Title: Costs of health effects Author: pahz Date: 19. tamta 2009 9:22 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 440,408,1 Nodesize: 48,32 Diagstate: 1,0,859,1280,913,17 Variable Costs_of_cardiobulmo Title: Costs of Cardiobulmonary disease Nodelocation: 104,57,1 Nodesize: 48,40 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Displayinputs: Variable Cardiobulmonary Displayoutputs: Variable Total_he_costs Variable Costs_of_cancer Title: Costs of cancer Nodelocation: 224,56,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Displayinputs: Variable Cancer Displayoutputs: Variable Total_he_costs Variable Costs_of_premature_m Title: Costs of premature mortality Nodelocation: 432,56,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Displayinputs: Variable Premature_mortality Displayoutputs: Variable Total_he_costs Variable Costs_of_respiratory Title: Costs of respiratory symptoms Nodelocation: 328,57,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Displayinputs: Variable Respiratory_symptoms Displayoutputs: Variable Total_he_costs Variable Total_he_costs Title: Total HE costs Nodelocation: 264,232,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Displayinputs: Variable Costs_of_cardiobulmo, Variable Costs_of_cancer~~ , Variable Costs_of_premature_m, Variable Costs_of_respiratory Alias Total_costs1 Title: Total costs Definition: 0 Nodelocation: 408,240,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Original: Total_costs Close Costs_of_health_effe Module House_stock Title: House stock Author: pahz Date: 10. helta 2009 13:23 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 248,168,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Diagstate: 1,42,-15,989,901,17 Variable Total_heating_insula Title: Total heating insulation fractions Units: kW/m^2 K Description: Seinien, katon ja lattian lämmönläpäisykerroin lasketaan ~~ painottamalla lämpöhäviöt lattianeliötä kohden...~ ~ Ufloor=(Aroof*Uroof+Afloor*Ufloor+Awall*Uwall)/Afloor,~ n=number of floors, x=number of doors.~ With the assumption of ~ Afloor=Aroof and~ Awall= n*Afloor~ Awindow=(15/100)Awall (In Finnish requlations Awindor,max=50 % Awall)~~ ~ Adoor=x*(2/100)Awall~ ~ => Utotal,f=(Ufloor+(n*((100-15)/100))*Uwall+Uroof+(15/100)*Uwindow+~~ x*(2/100)*Udoor)) Definition: var a:=Heating_insulation_1[Heat_perm_factors='Ufloor'];~ var b:=Heating_insulation_1[Heat_perm_factors='Uwall'];~ var c:=Heating_insulation_1[Heat_perm_factors='Uroof'];~ var d:=Heating_insulation_1[heat_perm_factors='Uwindow'];~ var e:=Heating_insulation_1[heat_perm_factors='Udoor'];~ var n:=Number_of_floors;~ var x:=Number_of_doors;~ (a+n*((100-15)/100)*b+c+(15/100)*d+x*(2/100)*e) Nodelocation: 600,208,1 Nodesize: 48,40 Windstate: 2,90,66,475,461 Valuestate: 2,83,109,416,303,0,MIDM Variable Heating_insulation_1 Title: Heating insulation fractions Units: kW/m^2 K Description: Insulation fractions for floor, roof, and wall~ Finlex(http://www.finlex.fi/fi/viranomaiset/normi/700001/)~ Katso myös: Motiva(http://www.motiva.fi/fi/kuluttajat/pientalonlammit~~ ysjarjestelmat/vertailupalvelu/tyyppitalot.html): current standard an~~ d Low-energy (pientalo ja matala energia talo) Definition: Table(Self,Heat_perm_factors)(~ 0.17,0.09,0.17,1.4,1.4~ ) Indexvals: ['item 1'] Nodelocation: 600,80,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,426,51,474,293 Defnstate: 2,74,100,493,168,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,722,312,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformdef: [Self,Heat_perm_factors] Variable Temperature_in Title: Temperature in Units: Celsius Description: Mean inside temperature (used in fmi calculations also) Definition: 17 Nodelocation: 464,88,1 Nodesize: 52,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Current_fuel_types Title: Current fuel types Definition: Table(Apartment,Fuel)(~ 0.4,0.2,0.1,0.2,0.05,0.05,~ 0.99,0.01,0,0,0,0~ ) Nodelocation: 528,520,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Defnstate: 2,181,39,716,298,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,197,448,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformdef: [Fuel,Apartment] Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] Index Apartment Title: Apartment Definition: ['Detached house','Other'] Nodelocation: 416,552,1 Nodesize: 48,12 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Detached house','Other']} Variable Amount_of_populatio1 Title: Amount of population Description: 2000-10000 Definition: 10000 Nodelocation: 312,696,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,95,7,476,224 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Amount_of_buildings_ Title: Amount of buildings by heating type Description: How many buildings has own heating system and how many di~~ strict heating system (affect Definition: District_heating_cov;~ var household_size:= 4;~ Amount_of_populatio1/household_size*Fraction_of_detached*Current_fuel~~ _types Nodelocation: 440,696,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,95,248,476,224 Valuestate: 2,539,39,396,282,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] Variable Fraction_of_detached Title: Fraction of detached houses Definition: 0.5 Nodelocation: 304,520,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Defnstate: 2,38,290,416,147,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,89,77,416,139,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Need_of_energy_per_b Title: Need of energy Units: kWh/year Definition: var a:= chancedist(E_fractions,E_class,E_class);~ Energy_consumption_i[E_class=a] Nodelocation: 440,840,1 Nodesize: 48,28 Windstate: 2,37,3,479,265 Defnstate: 2,250,360,416,303,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,71,58,1135,349,0,SAMP Reformdef: [Apartment,E_class] Reformval: [Cons_type,Fuel,Undefined,Undefined,Undefined,1] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Type_of_apartment, 1, E_class, 1, Cons_~~ type, 1 ]} Variable E_fractions Title: e-fractions Description: Mikä on traditional? Definition: Table(E_class)(~ 0.5,0.25,0.175,0.075) Nodelocation: 312,856,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Defnstate: 2,503,11,416,263,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,22,652,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Index E_class Title: e_class Definition: ['Traditional','Current standard','Low-energy','Passive ho~~ use'] Nodelocation: 312,896,1 Nodesize: 44,12 Windstate: 2,841,146,416,258 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Traditional','Current standard','Low-en~~ ergy','Passive house']} Variable Energy_consumption_p Title: Energy consumption per build Units: kWh / year / apartment Description: This should be per apartment, not the whole house stock! Definition: Table(Apartment,E_class)(~ 0,21.233K,127.34K,0,~ 0,21.233K,127.34K,0~ ) Nodelocation: 312,800,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,78,493,476,224 Defnstate: 2,560,594,570,303,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,528,224,416,286,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Reformdef: [Apartment,E_class] Reformval: [Apartment,E_class] Chance Building_heating_typ Title: Building heating type Description: Heating type of a random apartment. Detached houses and o~~ ther apartments are shown separately. Definition: var a:= Current_fuel_types;~ a:= if fuel='District' and district_heating_cov=0 then 0 else a;~ a:= chancedist(a,fuel,fuel);~ a[apartment=Apartment_types];~ a Nodelocation: 552,632,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Windstate: 2,47,119,476,224 Valuestate: 2,729,280,446,619,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 1,65535,65535 Reformval: [District_heating_cov,Apartment,Undefined,Undefined,Undefined~~ ,2] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Apartment,1,Run,1,District_heating_cov,~~ 1]} Chance Apartment_types Title: Apartment types Definition: var a:= bernoulli(Fraction_of_detached);~ apartment[@apartment=2-a] Nodelocation: 416,520,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Valuestate: 2,263,170,333,496,0,SAMP Reformval: [Apartment,Apartment,Undefined,Undefined,Undefined,2] Variable Energy_consumption_i Title: Energy consumption in houses by fuel per building Units: kWh Description: Lämmitysjärjestelmäyhdistelmän energiankulutus vuodessa. ~~ Primäärisen käytetyn energiamuodon kulutus (Motiva.fi). Passiivitalo~~ n energian kulutus=0,5*Current standard~ Onko mukanan sähkönkulutus??~ Traditional=Current standard Definition: Table(E_class,Fuel)(~ 12.734K,24.522K,24.522K,19.635K,7717,0,~ 12.734K,24.522K,24.522K,19.635K,7717,0,~ 12.734K,15.552K,15.552K,12.042K,4808,0,~ 6370,12.3K,12.3K,9820,3860,0~ ) Nodelocation: 432,953,1 Nodesize: 52,49 Defnstate: 2,599,327,510,303,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,762,558,416,303,0,MIDM Reformdef: [E_class,Fuel] Reformval: [E_class,Fuel] Variable Energy_consumption_b Title: Energy consumption by fuel Definition: Amount_of_buildings_*Need_of_energy_per_b Nodelocation: 632,817,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,673,343,476,224 Valuestate: 2,636,535,576,303,0,MIDM Reformval: [Apartment,Fuel] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Apartment,1,Fuel,1,E_class,1]} Index Heat_perm_factors Title: heat_perm_factors Units: kWm^2 K Description: Heating permeability factors for walls, roof, and floor Definition: ['Ufloor','Uroof','Uwall','Uwindow','Udoor'] Nodelocation: 600,272,1 Nodesize: 48,24 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Ufloor','Uroof','Uwall','Uwindow','Udoor~~ ']} Variable Mean_out_temperature Title: Mean out temperature of months Units: Celsius Description: Mean monthly temperature in Jyväskylä between years 1900-~~ 2000~ http://www.fmi.fi/saa/tilastot_4.html#5 Definition: Table(Months1)(~ -7.8,-8.800000000000001,-3.8,1.9,8.699999999999999,14.1,16.5,14.4,9,3~~ .9,-0.9,-5.7) Nodelocation: 352,80,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224 Defnstate: 2,172,343,416,303,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,768,79,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Index Months1 Title: Months Definition: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oc~~ t','Nov','Dec'] Nodelocation: 352,40,1 Nodesize: 44,16 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul'~~ ,'Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']} Variable Heating_of_tap_water Title: Heating of tap water in buildings Units: kW/m^2 year Definition: Density_of_water*Thermal_capacity_of_*Volume_of_needed_war~~ *Water_temperature Nodelocation: 232,272,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Windstate: 2,448,223,476,224 Valuestate: 2,359,94,416,303,0,MIDM Variable Thermal_capacity_of_ Title: Thermal capacity of water Units: kJ/kg K Description: Riippuuko lämpötilasta?? Definition: 4.19 Nodelocation: 104,176,1 Nodesize: 48,31 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Density_of_water Title: Density of water Units: kg/m^3 Description: Riippuu veden lämpötilasta!! Mutta vaihtelu näillä lämpöt~~ ilaeroilla ei ole huomattava Definition: 1000 Nodelocation: 72,264,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Volume_of_needed_war Title: Volume of needed warm tap water Units: m3/m2/year Description: in Finland 180-224 (dm3/inhabitant)/day or 3,5 - 4,9 (dm3~~ /m2)/day~ vuosi/2=183 days Definition: var a:=0.0040;~ var b:= 183;~ sum(a*b*Fraction_of_warm_wat) Nodelocation: 216,177,1 Nodesize: 48,40 Windstate: 2,534,235,476,224 Valuestate: 2,528,494,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Water_temperature Title: Water temperature Units: Celsius Description: differences between hot and warm water Definition: var a:= 60;~ var b:= 4;~ a-b Nodelocation: 80,336,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Objective Total_heating_consum Title: Total heating consumption of buildings per m^2 Units: kW/m^2 year Description: Heating consumption of tap water and warming the building~~ . Definition: Heating_consumption1+Heating_of_tap_water Nodelocation: 312,392,1 Nodesize: 68,40 Windstate: 2,362,532,476,224 Valuestate: 2,806,446,416,303,0,MIDM Variable Heating_consumption1 Title: Heating consumption per m^2 - monthly T variation Units: kW/m^2 year Description: Monthly temperature variation is accounted in this calcul~~ ation. Definition: var a:= Temperature_in-Mean_out_temperature;~ var b:= Total_heating_insula;~ sum(a*b) Nodelocation: 376,208,1 Nodesize: 60,48 Windstate: 2,501,194,476,224 Valuestate: 2,846,124,416,303,0,MIDM Module Old1 Title: old Author: pahz Date: 9. huhta 2009 12:37 Defaultsize: 48,24 Nodelocation: 832,208,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodeinfo: 1,0,1,1,1,1,0,,0, Variable Heating_consumption2 Title: Heating consumption per m^2 Units: kW/ year Description: Qh= U*Afloor(Tin-Tout)dt/Afloor Definition: var a:= Total_heating_insula;~ var c:=Temperature_in-Temperature_out;~ var t:=Time_period;~ (a*c*t) Nodelocation: 236,96,1 Nodesize: 56,40 Windstate: 2,129,153,489,283 Valuestate: 2,764,510,416,303,0,MIDM Variable Temperature_out Title: Temperature out Units: Celsius Description: Annual mean temperature in Jyväskylä 1971-2000 ~~ . (http://www.fmi.fi/saa/tilastot_99.html#1) Definition: 2.9 Nodelocation: 364,112,1 Nodesize: 60,24 Valuestate: 2,107,204,416,303,0,MIDM Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Time_period Title: Time period Units: year Definition: 1 Nodelocation: 364,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodecolor: 65535,52427,57888 Variable Area_of_building Title: Area of Building Units: m^2 Description: Floor surface area of building Definition: 160 Nodelocation: 96,48,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Close Old1 Variable Fraction_of_warm_wat Title: Fraction of warm water Description: Talvella 40% jkäyttövedestä lämmitetään Kseällä 20-30% kä~~ yttövedestä lämmitetään Definition: Table(Seasons)(~ 0.4,0.25) Nodelocation: 168,72,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Index Seasons Title: Seasons Definition: ['Winter','Summer'] Nodelocation: 104,32,1 Nodesize: 48,24 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Winter','Summer']} Variable Number_of_floors Title: Number of floors Description: Number of floors in a building Definition: 1 Nodelocation: 704,80,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 Variable Number_of_doors Title: Number of doors Description: Number of doors in a building Definition: 1 Nodelocation: 728,136,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 Close House_stock Index Fuel Title: Fuel Definition: ['District','Light oil','Pellet','Electricity','Geothermal~~ ','Other'] Nodelocation: 376,152,1 Nodesize: 48,12 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['District','Light oil','Pellet','Electric~~ ity','Geothermal','Other']} Decision Fuel_type_used_in_dh Title: Fuel type used in Dhouses Definition: probtable(fuel) Nodelocation: 376,112,1 Nodesize: 48,32 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['District','Light oil','Pellet','Electric~~ ity','Geothermal','Other']} Decision Fuel_type_used_in_pl Title: Fuel type used in plant Definition: ['Heavy oil','Wood chips','Geothermal','Other'] Nodelocation: 136,152,1 Nodesize: 48,32 Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224 {!40000|Att_previndexvalue: ['Heavy oil','Wood chips','Geothermal','Ot~~ her']} Objective Total_costs Title: Total costs Nodelocation: 440,312,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Aliases: Alias Total_costs2, Alias Total_costs1 Decision District_heating_cov Title: District heating coverage Definition: Table(Apartment,Self)(~ bernoulli(0.5),bernoulli(0.7),~ bernoulli(0.99),bernoulli(0.99)~ ) Indexvals: ['BAU','Extended coverage'] Nodelocation: 248,64,1 Nodesize: 48,32 Defnstate: 2,49,523,416,303,0,MIDM Valuestate: 2,363,24,409,625,0,SAMP Reformdef: [Apartment,Self] Reformval: [Apartment,Apartment,Undefined,Undefined,Undefined,2] {!40000|Att_resultslicestate: [Self,1,Run,1,Apartment,1]} Module Old_parts Title: Old parts Author: pahz Date: 25. maata 2009 12:01 Nodelocation: 496,56,1 Nodesize: 48,24 Index Cons_type Title: Cons type Definition: ['own','district'] Nodelocation: 92,36,1 Nodesize: 44,12 Close Old_parts Close Bioher_model1_ahtoni