{ From user pankouis, Model Arsenic_in_town_a at 4-Mar-2015 07:34:41, encoding="ascii" } SoftwareVersion 4.5.3 { System Variables with non-default values: } SampleSize := 1000 SampleType := 2 TypeChecking := 1 Checking := 1 SaveOptions := 2 SaveValues := 0 AllWarnings := 0 {!40000|Att_CatLineStyle Graph_Primary_Valdim: 9} {!40000|Att_CatLineStyle Graph_Stats_Valdim: 9} {!40000|Att_ContLineStyle Graph_Pdf_Valdim: 6} {!40000|Att_ContLineStyle Graph_Cdf_Valdim: 1} {!40300|Sys_DomainSelfIndex := 1} {!40400|Sys_AllNullTreatment := 1} {!40300|ProactivelyEvaluate Index: 1} Model Arsenic_in_town_a Title: Arsenic in town A Author: Kouis Date: ÐÝì, 17 ÍïÝ 2011 8:49 ìì SaveAuthor: pankouis SaveDate: Wed, Mar 4, 2015 7:34 AM DefaultSize: 48,24 DiagState: 2,-3,0,877,719,0 FontStyle: Arial, 15 FileInfo: 0,Model Arsenic_in_town_a,2,2,0,0,C:\Users\pankouis\Desktop\Arsenic in town A JSE with fish indexing.ana OutlinerState: 2,36,50,448,280 {!40400|Att_clearTypeFonts: 0} Constant Population_in_town_a Title: Population in town A Units: people Description: Number of people in town A Definition: 10000 NodeLocation: 288,640,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 Chance Potency_of_arsenic Title: Potency of Arsenic Units: life risk per mg/kg-d Description: slope of the carcinogenic dose responce at low doses Definition: Normal( 1.5, 0.075 ) NodeLocation: 280,544,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 ValueState: 2,32,43,416,303,1,CDFP DisplayOutputs: , , Chance Arsenic_in_tap_water Title: Arsenic in Tap water Units: mg/L Description: Concentration of Inorganic Arsenic in tab water based on the 20 samples Prof KM took Definition: Normal( 0.04, 0.006 ) NodeLocation: 288,192,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 ValueState: 2,32,43,416,303,1,CDFP Constant Water_consumption Title: Water Consumption Units: L/day Description: Amount of water consumed by each individual per day Definition: 2 NodeLocation: 200,256,1 NodeSize: 52,20 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 Constant Body_weight Title: Body weight Units: kg Description: Weight of individual Definition: 70 NodeLocation: 800,448,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 ValueState: 2,36,50,416,303,0,MIDM Variable As_intake_water Title: As Intake Water Units: mg/day Description: Chronic daily intake Definition: (Arsenic_in_Tap_water*Water_consumption) NodeLocation: 288,352,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 ValueState: 2,32,43,416,303,1,MIDM Constant Rice_consumption Title: Rice consumption Units: kg/day Definition: 0.150 NodeLocation: 384,256,1 NodeSize: 56,20 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 Constant A_inorganic_arsenic_ Title: %Inorganic Arsenic in Rice Description: Fraction of Total Arsenic in inorganic form Definition: 0.06 NodeLocation: 576,256,1 NodeSize: 48,31 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 Chance A_inorganic_arsenic1 Title: %Inorganic Arsenic in Fish Description: Fraction of Arsenic in Inorganic form Definition: Probtable(Self)(~ 0.334,0.333,0.333) NodeLocation: 736,192,1 NodeSize: 48,31 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 DefnState: 2,36,50,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,36,50,416,303,0,MIDM ReformDef: [Undefined,Self] Domain: [0.01,0.02,0.04] {!40300|DomainExpr: Discrete(0.01,0.02,0.04,type:'number')} Constant Arsenic_intake_from Title: Arsenic intake from Fish Units: mg/day Description: Amount of total Arsenic in fish Divided by 1000 for the units to be mg/day Definition: Table(Type_of_fish)(~ (13.5*0.81)/1000,(12.5*3.3)/1000,(9*0.54)/1000,(5.7*1.8)/1000,(4.4*0.3)/1000,(4*1.8)/1000,(20*0.25)/1000,((13.5*0.81)+(12.5*3.3)+(9*0.54)+(5.7*1.8)+(4.4*0.3)+(4*1.8)+(20*0.25))/1000) NodeLocation: 864,256,1 NodeSize: 48,31 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 DefnState: 2,36,50,416,303,0,MIDM ValueState: 2,36,50,416,303,0,MIDM Chance Arsenic_in_rice Title: Arsenic in rice Units: mg/kg Description: Amount of arsenic in one kg of rice based on the 10 samples Prof KM got Definition: Normal( 1.28, 0.35, over:0 ) NodeLocation: 480,192,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 ValueState: 2,32,43,416,303,1,CDFP Variable Inorganic_as_intake_ Title: Inorganic As Intake Fish Units: mg/day Definition: (Arsenic_intake_from*A_inorganic_arsenic1) NodeLocation: 736,352,1 NodeSize: 48,31 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 ValueState: 2,36,50,416,303,0,MIDM Variable Inorganic_as_intake1 Title: Inorganic As Intake Rice Units: mg/day Definition: ((Arsenic_in_rice*A_inorganic_arsenic_)*Rice_consumption) NodeLocation: 480,352,1 NodeSize: 48,31 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 ValueState: 2,32,43,416,303,1,CDFP Variable Cdi_inorganic_arseni Title: CDI Inorganic Arsenic Units: mg / kg day Definition: (As_Intake_Water+Inorganic_As_Intake1+Inorganic_As_Intake_)/Body_weight NodeLocation: 480,448,1 NodeSize: 48,31 WindState: 2,302,319,476,224 ValueState: 2,36,50,416,303,1,CDFP ReformVal: [Undefined,Type_of_fish,Undefined,Undefined,2] {!40000|Att_ResultSliceState: [Type_of_fish,8,Sys_localindex('STATISTICS'),1]} Variable Cdi_inorganic_arsen1 Title: CDI Inorganic Arsenic Importance Definition: Abs( RankCorrel( CDI_Inorganic_Arsen2, CDI_Inorganic_Arseni ) ) NodeLocation: 1000,512,1 NodeSize: 48,40 NodeInfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 ValueState: 2,36,50,416,303,1,MIDM NodeColor: 65531,1,65535 GraphSetup: Flip:8 ReformVal: [Cdi_inorganic_arsen2,Type_of_fish] Variable Cdi_inorganic_arsen2 Title: CDI Inorganic Arsenic Inputs Definition: [Arsenic_in_Tap_water,Arsenic_in_rice,A_inorganic_arsenic1] NodeLocation: 1000,600,1 NodeSize: 48,40 NodeInfo: 1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 NodeColor: 52425,39321,65535 Variable Individual_lifetime_ Title: Individual Lifetime Cancer Risk Definition: CDI_Inorganic_Arseni*Potency_of_Arsenic NodeLocation: 480,545,1 NodeSize: 48,40 WindState: 2,94,83,476,224 ValueState: 2,32,43,416,303,1,CDFP Variable Population_lifetime_ Title: Population Lifetime Cancer Risk Units: cases per lifetime Definition: Individual_Lifetime_*Population_in_town_a NodeLocation: 480,641,1 NodeSize: 48,40 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 ValueState: 2,36,50,416,303,0,MEAN ReformVal: [Undefined,Type_of_fish,Undefined,Undefined,1] Variable Population_lifetime1 Title: Population Lifetime Cancer Risk Importance Definition: Abs( RankCorrel( Population_Lifetime2, Population_Lifetime_ ) ) NodeLocation: 608,704,1 NodeSize: 48,49 NodeInfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 ValueState: 2,36,50,416,303,1,MIDM NodeColor: 65532,19661,65535 GraphSetup: Flip:8 ReformVal: [Population_lifetime2,Type_of_fish] Variable Population_lifetime2 Title: Population Lifetime Cancer Risk Inputs Definition: [ Potency_of_Arsenic, Arsenic_in_Tap_water, A_inorganic_arsenic1, Arsenic_in_rice] NodeLocation: 608,800,1 NodeSize: 48,40 NodeInfo: 1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 NodeColor: 52425,39321,65535 Index Type_of_fish {!40000|Att_PrevIndexValue: ['Zobaidy','Shrimp','Hamoor','Shaem','Newaiby','Nagroor','All other','All fish']} Title: Type of fish Description: Types of fish eaten by Kuwaitis Definition: ['Zobaidy','Shrimp','Hamoor','Shaem','Newaiby','Nagroor','All other','All fish'] NodeLocation: 904,176,1 NodeSize: 48,24 WindState: 2,98,90,476,224 Close Arsenic_in_town_a