{ From user olex, Model Pmvsdxmodel at Thu, Mar 08, 2007 1:18 PM}
Softwareversion 3.1.1
{ System Variables with non-default values: }
Samplesize := 20K
Windows := 2
Usetable := 0
Typechecking := 0
Checking := 1
Graphwindows := 6
Randomseed := 13
Showundef := 0
Showhier := 1
Saveoptions := 2
Savevalues := 0
Diststeps := 1
Naming := 0
Webhelper := -1
Allwarnings := 0
{ Non-default Time SysVar value: }
Time := [0,1,2]
Title Time: Time
Description Time: Dynamic simulation periods are specified in Time's ~~
definition. This is usually a list of numbers or labels, typically in~~
some unit of time (days, weeks, months, etc.). Use the ŅDynamic()Ó ~~
function in your variables to perform dynamic simulation.
Attribute Reference
Attribute Url
Attribute Premises
Attribute Deduction
Attribute Log
Askattribute Reference,Function,Yes
Askattribute Url,Function,Yes
Askattribute Log,Function,Yes
Askattribute Reference,Module,Yes
Askattribute Url,Module,Yes
Askattribute Log,Module,Yes
Askattribute Value,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Check,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Balloonhelp,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Reference,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Url,Variable,Yes
Askattribute Log,Variable,Yes
Model Pmvsdxmodel
Title: PMvsDX
Description: This model calculates the risk of fine particles due to ~~
heavy-duty vehicles and the risk of dioxins due to domestic fish cons~~
umption in Helsinki metropolitan area (Finland).
Author: Olli Leino, Marko Tainio, Jouni T. Tuomisto
Date: Mon, Mar 26, 2001 14:02
Saveauthor: olex
Savedate: Thu, Mar 08, 2007 1:18 PM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,7,4,536,314,17
Fontstyle: Arial, 13
Fileinfo: 0,Model Pmvsdxmodel,2,2,0,0,N:\Huippuyksikko\Tutkimus\R55_P~~
Att__diagramprintsca: 87,1,1,0,2,1,6533,8533,1
Reference: Leino O., Tainio, M. and Tuomisto, J.T. 2007 Comparative r~~
isk analysis of dioxins and fine particles. Manuscript, submitted.
Url: http://www.ktl.fi/risk/
Module Help1
Title: Help for pyrkilo diagrams
Description: 28.6.2004 Jouni Tuomisto~
This module contains brief description about pyrkilo diagram method i~~
n Analytica platform. There are explanations for node usage and colou~~
rs. Version 5, 28.6.2004. Copyright KTL (National Public Health Insti~~
tute, Finland).
Author: mtad
Date: 16. Aprta 2003 12:56
Saveauthor: jtue
Savedate: 29. Junta 2004 10:55
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 752,40,0
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Diagstate: 1,331,284,866,552,17
Nodecolor: 19661,33649,65535
Fontstyle: Arial, 13
Att__diagramprintsca: 81,1,1,0,2,9,4744,6798,7
Variable Original_data_3r1b
Title: Original data 3R1B
Description: Contains data that comes from a referrable source. The r~~
eference must be mentioned in the Reference attribute. Colour 3R1B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 168,336,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,516
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable Author_judgement_4r2
Title: Author judgement 4R2B
Description: Contains data that comes from a non-referrable source, i~~
.e. some general knowledge or author judgement. Colour 4R2B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 168,392,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 52425,39321,65535
Variable Log_file_4l3b
Title: Log 4L3B
Description: Contains information about general issues related to the~~
structure and content of a model. Text is written to Description. Ea~~
ch addition is started with the date and the name of the user. The ti~~
tle of the node is Loki n or Log n (n=version number of the model). Y~~
ou should not write information related to a particular node, that sh~~
ould be written in the node itself so that the information will be in~~
herited with the node. Colour 4L3B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 56,464,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Constant Argument_
Title: Argument (claim) 2L3B
Description: Argument about a node, data, or relationship in a model~~
; or a description of its importance. Colour: automatic (2L3B).
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 280,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Variable Causal_node_8r3b
Title: Causal node 8R3B
Description: This is the basic building block of an Analytica model. ~~
It is a variable that defines a (typically) measurable entity. Usuall~~
y it is calculated based on data on and relationships about its cause~~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 168,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Module Model_6r3b
Title: Module~
Description: Modules are used to create a hierarchical structure. Mod~~
ules may contain nodes and other modules inside them.
Author: mtad
Date: 16. Aprta 2003 12:56
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 56,416,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,40,0,505,406,17
Close Model_6r3b
Constant Comment_6l3b
Title: Conclusion~
Description: A conclusion is basically an argument. The colour is use~~
d to enhance the fact that the data for this argument originates from~~
the results of the model. Colour 6L3B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 280,392,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,44,90,476,224
Nodecolor: 65535,65532,19661
Index Index_5r2b
Title: Index 5R2B
Description: Index related to the node beside it. Indexes should be a~~
s close as possible to the place where they are used. Otherwise there~~
is the risk of a connection brake. Colour: automatic (5R2B).
Definition: [0]
Nodelocation: 56,316,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,341,157,476,224
Text Te1
Description: Colour description: xLyT describes the coordinates in th~~
e colour palette, xth cell from left and yth cell from top. Direction~~
s are L left, R right, T top, B bottom, e.g. 1R1B is the right bottom~~
Nodelocation: 464,312,-1
Nodesize: 112,56
Decision Decision_9l3b
Title: Decision~
Description: Decision mode defines a decision under analysis. Other d~~
ecisions (such as those decided by someone else) can be defined as un~~
certain variables instead of decisions.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,280,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Objective Outcome_1r3b
Title: Outcome~
Description: Outcome of interest. The optimisation of this variable i~~
s often defined as the criteria for choosing between decision options~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,360,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Chance Chance_11l4b
Title: Chance~
Description: An uncertain variable that is defined as a probability d~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Constant Read_about_attribute
Title: Read about attributes
Description: This node describes the use of attributes. All attribute~~
s should be used as described in the manuals of Analytica. Exceptions~~
are described here. This description is written for those who read a~~
s well as for those who write pyrkilo diagrams.~
Class: Shows the type of the node. Some of the variable classes have ~~
a special meaning in pyrkilo diagrams. These are presented in Help fo~~
r pyrkilo diagrams module.~
Identifier: Name of the node that is used in definitions. This must b~~
e unique. When drafting a model, use automatic identifiers. Only when~~
there is no expectation of many changes in node Titles, you can stre~~
amline all identifiers. Try to use short names and the same structure~~
as in the Title. E.g. if title is Long-range transport, use identifi~~
er Lrt.~
Units: The unit of the value calculated in the node. Should always be~~
defined when the node is a part of causal diagram. If the variable d~~
escribed by the node is dimensionless, '-' should be used. If an expl~~
icit unit is not (yet) defined, a description about how the variable ~~
could be measured should be used. E.g. 'mass', 'rate', 'age'.~
Title: The title that is shown on the node in diagram mode. First use~~
a working name that roughly describes the contents. After your model~~
is stabilised, you can rename nodes to better represent the final es~~
sence. Try to avoid intermediate nodes where it is difficult to under~~
stand what the outcome means; instead, combine consequent nodes so th~~
at the outcome is an understandable (measurable) variable.~
Description: A free-text area for describing the contents of the node~~
. All nodes should be explicitly described and justified in the Descr~~
iption so that a user is able to get an idea of the node without look~~
ing at the Definition. If the definiton changes remarkably between ve~~
rsions, it is good to describe this and use dates and user's name for~~
clarity (in a similar manner as in Log nodes).~
Definition: This defines what is calculated in this node. If the node~~
is a non-numerical argument, it should contain a formula that refers~~
to all nodes that are used to justify the claim; it this case, the n~~
umerical result will be nonsense. Pay attention to indexes: all impo~~
rtant indexes must be included, but try to work with as few as possib~~
le. Use the ';' operator to chop the syntax into pieces.~
Check: Criteria to check the values entered.~
Reference: This contains a detailed information about the source of t~~
he data. The article or book should be found with this data. When bui~~
lding a model, there should be an accompanying RefMan file with the s~~
ame name but a different extension. This file contains the full infor~~
mation about each reference cited in the model. The name and path of ~~
the RefMan file must be mentioned in the Reference of the model. If t~~
here is a relevant internet page or a network file, its path can be a~~
dded here. Analytica 3.0 understands html-code and makes these links ~~
clickable. E.g. this is a link to the L~~
umina home page. You can download Analytica Player from there to ~~
browse these models.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 736,272,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,236,80,581,552
Module Argument_structure
Title: Argument structure
Author: mtad
Date: 30. Aprta 2003 10:22
Saveauthor: jtue
Savedate: 7. Mayta 2003 10:26
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 736,416,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Diagstate: 1,14,10,934,679,17
Fontstyle: Arial, 13
Att__diagramprintsca: 79,1,1,0,2,9,4744,6798,7
Variable D_
Title: D (data)~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0,
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable B_
Title: B (backing)~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 160,576,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0,
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable R_
Title: R (rebuttals)~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 160,392,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0,
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Determ Q_
Title: Q (qualifier)~
Definition: D_+R_+W_
Nodelocation: 160,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,507
Variable W_
Title: W (warrant)~
Definition: B_
Nodelocation: 160,512,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,0,
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Constant C_
Title: C (claim)~
Definition: Q_+Model_variable
Nodelocation: 264,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable D__hoek_et_al_2002__
Title: D: Hoek et al 2002: association between traffic vicinity & mor~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 552,424,1
Nodesize: 64,40
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable B__greenland__cohort
Title: B: Greenland: Cohort study is the best design in observational~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 680,576,1
Nodesize: 64,38
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable R__if_the_effect_was
Title: R: if the effect was due to PM
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 680,352,1
Nodesize: 48,28
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Determ Q__therefore_probabl
Title: Q: therefore probably
Definition: D__hoek_et_al_2002__+R__if_the_effect_was+W__design_was_~~
Nodelocation: 680,424,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Constant W__design_was_approp
Title: W: Design was appropriate
Definition: B__greenland__cohort
Nodelocation: 680,488,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Constant C__traffic_pm_increa
Title: C: Traffic PM increases cardiopulm mortality
Description: Hoek et al (Lancet 2002) found out in a cohort study th~~
at a higway near home was a risk factor for overall and cardiopulmona~~
ry mortality. The study was well designed and performed, and the resu~~
lts are convincing, althought the risk estimates were large. However,~~
the exposure estimation was based on the vicinity of a major road an~~
d black smoke and nitric dioxide ambient concentrations. The current ~~
knowledge tends to associate especially fine particles (PM) with card~~
iopulmonary mortality, and in this study the exposure measure clearly~~
was an indicator of traffic-related PM. However, other explanations ~~
exist as well, and e.g. noise was not ruled out as a confounder.~
Taken together, the study increases the plausibility of PM being caus~~
ally linked to cardiopulmonary mortality.
Definition: Q__therefore_probabl+Pm_plausibility
Nodelocation: 792,424,1
Nodesize: 48,40
Windstate: 2,412,106,476,224
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Variable D__harry_is_born_in_
Title: D: Harry is born in Bermuda
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 576,136,1
Nodesize: 48,28
Nodecolor: 52425,39321,65535
Variable W__because_b__those_
Title: W: because~
B: those born in Bermuda are citizens of Great Britain
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 688,232,1
Nodesize: 48,55
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Variable R__unless_harry_was_
Title: R: unless Harry was born during a holiday trip
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 688,56,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Determ Q__therefore_certain
Title: Q: therefore certainly
Definition: D__harry_is_born_in_+R__unless_harry_was_+W__because_b__t~~
Nodelocation: 688,136,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 1,0,-23
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Constant C__harry_is_a_citize
Title: C: Harry is a citizen of GB
Definition: Q__therefore_certain
Nodelocation: 800,136,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Variable Pm_plausibility
Title: PM plausibility
Units: probability
Definition: 0.9
Nodelocation: 904,424,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224
Nodecolor: 52425,39321,65535
Variable Model_variable
Title: Model variable
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 376,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Text Te3
Description: Here we show how to describe a complicated reasoning sta~~
rting with different kinds of data and ending up with a claim. This f~~
ollows the ideas of Stephen Toulmin (Uses of Argument, Cambridge Univ~~
ersity Press, 1958). In a simple case or drafting phase it is enough ~~
to create an argument by joining a piece of data to the claim. A clai~~
m node is often called an Argument node, but it should be remembered,~~
that a full argument includes the reasoning in addition to the outco~~
me. Instead of using several nodes to describe the reasoning, as is d~~
one here, it is often convenient to write it down inside the argument~~
node, in description attribute (see 'C: Traffic PM increases cardiop~~
ulm mortality'). Note that the arrows usually point from the model to~~
the claim. The logic of this is that the model is seen as a descript~~
ion of reality. And the reality affects the claim, not vice versa.~
- Data (D) or premises describes the information that supports the cl~~
- Warrant (W) makes the argument from data to claim a legitimate one.~~
Often it is not explicitly mentioned in discussion, but it should be~~
described in a pyrkilo unless it is obvious.~
- Backing (B) contains some background information needed for warrant~~
, and often it is practical to combine these two.~
- Qualifier (Q) describes the strength of the argument.~
- Rebuttal (R) defines the scope when the argument is valid.
Nodelocation: 256,180,-1
Nodesize: 248,172
Close Argument_structure
Module Less_important_node_
Title: Less important node types
Author: jtue
Date: 28. Junta 2004 18:03
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 736,480,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Diagstate: 1,257,40,510,515,17
Module Set_module_
Title: Set~
Description: The set module is used as a set containing items, such a~~
s a set of emission sources summing up to the total emission. However~~
, it is not possible to refer to a module. Therefore a set node is us~~
ed instead of the module for refering in the model. If there are item~~
s that belong to several sets, aliases are created and placed in each~~
set module. A set node is located in the respective set module. Colo~~
ur 9L3T.
Author: jtue
Date: 30. Octta 2003 10:34
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 56,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,60,78,398,477,17
Nodecolor: 1,52427,26212
Variable Set_9l3t
Title: Set~
Description: This node is like an alias to a set module. The set modu~~
le is used as a set containing items, but it is not possible to refer~~
to a module. Therefore a set node is created, and it is used instead~~
of the module for refering in the model.~
If there are items that belong to several sets, aliases are created a~~
nd placed in each set. Set node is located in the respective set modu~~
le. Colour 9L3T.
Definition: Item1+Item2+Item3+Item4+Item5
Nodelocation: 48,24,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 1,724,97
Nodecolor: 1,52427,26212
Variable Item5
Title: Item5
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,24,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Item1
Title: Item1
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,248,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Item2
Title: Item2
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,192,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Item3
Title: Item3
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,136,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Variable Item4
Title: Item4
Description: This is one item belonging to the set 'Set'.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,80,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Close Set_module_
Variable Model_place__holder_
Title: Model place- holder 7L2B
Description: Shows that there is a need for a model, but it is not ye~~
t defined explicitly. Colour 7L2B. Model prototype has the same meani~~
ng, either can be used depending on whether a node or a module is mor~~
e convenient. Colour 7L2B.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 56,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 52429,65535,39321
Module Model_prototype
Title: Model prototype
Description: Shows that there is a need for a model, but it is not ye~~
t defined explicitly. Colour 7L2B. Placeholder for a model has the sa~~
me meaning, either can be used depending on whether a node or a modul~~
e is more convenient. Colour 7L2B.
Author: mtad
Date: 16. Aprta 2003 12:56
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 56,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 52429,65535,39321
Close Model_prototype
Variable Question__lack_of_kn
Title: Question, Lack of information 5R1T
Description: A question or a lack of knowledge. An item that would be~~
important in a model, but there is no information about its value an~~
d it cannot therefore be used in calculations. Colour: 5R1T.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,272,1
Nodesize: 52,28
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Constant Constant1
Title: Constant
Description: Note: colour depends on the source of information and ca~~
n be that of original data, author judgement or causal node. Do NOT u~~
se the automatic colour (L2B3), because it is reserved for the argume~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,256,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Function Function_4r2b(param1)
Title: Function 4R2B
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Paramnames: param1
Button Button_7r1t
Title: Button~
Description: Actually I don't know what can be done with buttons (Jou~~
ni Tuomisto 29.10.2003).
Nodelocation: 168,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,356,138,476,224
Determ Q_1
Title: Q (qualifier)~
Description: Shows the strength of an argument (or more precisely, th~~
e strength of the data, warrant, and backing to support the argument)~~
. There may be several pieces of data connected by several qualifiers~~
to one argument (claim). Colour: automatic (8R3B).
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Determ Nuisance_parameter_7
Title: Nuisance parameter 7L1B
Description: This is used to emphasize that there is a lack of knowle~~
dge about this variable, but the variable is still important for unde~~
rstanding causality. In a well-built model, the nuisance parameters a~~
re cancelled out before the outcome, so that they do not affect the r~~
esult given the data used. E.g., we may want to model the human expos~~
ure to traffic emissions. We have an estimate about the relative cont~~
ributions of the most important sources to the exposure, but we don't~~
have absolute values from fate and dispersion models. Therefore, whe~~
n we want to express causal connections, we must
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 56,208,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodecolor: 58981,65535,52427
Variable Non_causal_node_8r2b
Title: Non-causal node 8R2B
Description: Non-causal nodes are used when the relation between node~~
s is not causal. Ice cream consumption and drowning accidents are cor~~
related (at least in Finland). One is not a cause of the other, but b~~
oth are affected by the outside temperature during summer. Non-causal~~
connections can be used in models for deducting values for one node~~
when the other is known. A typical example of this is a top-down mod~~
el, where we may have information on 1) total concentration of a poll~~
utant and 2) source contribution of certain emission sources (as a fr~~
action of total concentration). The source contribution is not a caus~~
al variable, it is merely an index of all (unknown) causal variables,~~
but it can be used to estimate the concentration caused by a particu~~
lar emission source.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 168,200,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,587,271,476,412
Nodecolor: 39321,55707,65535
Close Less_important_node_
Variable Log_3
Title: Log 3
Description: 29.10.2003 Jouni Tuomisto~
This is the third version of the Help model. Originally it was planne~~
d that it would habe been included in each model as a linked module, ~~
but soon it was found that the link caused much more trouble than ben~~
efit. It is therefore used as a stand alone model. However, it may be~~
a good idea to embed it into each model using Copy (not Link).~
N:\huippuyksikko\tutkimus\mallit\TainioTheUsesOfArgument.ana (7.5.200~~
3) is closed and connected to this file in the module 'Argument struc~~
ure'. It is edited to reflect the current thinking about the argument~~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 736,368,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,,0,
Windstate: 2,433,83,476,398
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Nodefont: Arial, 13
Objective Preference_8l4b
Title: Preference~
Description: A value or preference. Colour 8L4B.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 280,448,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 5,65535,1
Text Introduction_to_pyrk
Title: Introduction to pyrkilo diagrams
Description: Pyrkilo diagram method (or structured deliberation as it~~
is sometimes called) has been developed to facilitate the Science-Po~~
licy Interface.~
There is a need for methods facilitating the flow of information and ~~
understanding between science and policy. The principle is to describ~~
e a risk situation in a formal manner. Pyrkilo is an enhanced causal ~~
diagram that contains items along a causal pathway (or network) from ~~
e.g. abatement strategies to emissions to dispersion to exposure to e~~
ffects. It has been designed to describe also other than causal conne~~
ctions such as non-causal reasoning, values, preferences, and argumen~~
These diagrams use Analytica(TM) platform, a graphical Monte Carlo si~~
mulation program. It is based on nodes (or variables or objects). The~~
y are used to describe and define all the pieces needed for a descrip~~
tion of the situation under scrutiny. ~
Many nodes are used as described in Analytica manuals. However, there~~
are also special colours and shapes representing features that are i~~
mportant for pyrkilo diagrams. See Description of each node for more ~~
details. You can see the definitions and descriptions by clicking or ~~
double-clicking the nodes.
Nodelocation: 408,124,-1
Nodesize: 400,116
Windstate: 2,402,92,530,558
Constant Read_more_about_pyrk
Title: Read more about pyrkilo
Description: Understanding of a particular risk develops simultaneou~~
sly at various levels and using differently structured methods. At on~~
e end there is a "discussion layer": political and public discussions~~
about risks of a hazard with a wide interest on e.g. economical cons~~
equences of available decision options, public health, and social jus~~
tification equity. This discussion is sometimes poorly structured and~~
does not give scientists or risk assessors clear questions that coul~~
d be answered by scientific methods. At the other end there is a "mod~~
elling layer": models dealing with specific questions such as air con~~
centrations of a pollutant from a specific source or risk-benefit ana~~
lyses of particular actions. The models are complex and use several a~~
ssumptions that are not abvious to outsiders.~
There is a need for methods facilitating the flow of information and ~~
understanding between the existing layers. Pyrkilo (from the Finnish ~~
word pyrki, to aim at) diagrams aim at offering an interface between~~
the two disciplines. The principle is to describe a risk situation i~~
n a formal manner. It is an enhanced causal diagram that contains ite~~
ms along the causal pathway (or network) from e.g. emissions to dispe~~
rsion to exposure to effects. It has been designed to describe also o~~
ther than causal connections such as values, preferences, and argumen~~
The pyrkilo method has several objecitves. The structure is relativel~~
y easily understandable and readable. It has a basic structure simila~~
r to but simpler than mathematical causal models. Translation into a ~~
natural language or mathematical model is relatively easy, as is requ~~
ired from an interface. The diagram is fast to build with little data~~
, and the critical parts of the diagram can subsequently be developed~~
into a full-scale model. It is easy to expand into new areas, as the~~
political discussion proceeds. Because of its structured and formal ~~
nature, it requires that many assumptions are made explicit unlike in~~
political rhetoric, and therefore it is easier to identify possibly ~~
illogical or conflicting issues. It can be used to explore the validi~~
ty or importance of an aspect before it is brought into the other dis~~
cipline of heavy modelling or political discourse.~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 736,328,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,54,111,572,686
Constant Argument_1
Title: Scope~
Description: A scope node is basically an argument. The bevel is used~~
to enhance the fact that the argument is about the scope of the mode~~
l, (i.e. about the existence of a node or module). Colour: automatic ~~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 280,336,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,,1,
Nodecolor: 65535,31131,19661
Close Help1
Module Pm_risk_model
Title: PM risk model
Description: This part of the model calculates risk of fine particles~~
due to heavy-duty vehicles and compares different health outcomes of~~
EU-legistlations (so called EURO-emission standards).
Author: olex
Date: 21. Marta 2005 11:58
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 320,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,405,3,593,464,17
Module Emission_model
Title: Emission model
Description: Fine particle emission due to heavy-duty vehicles.
Author: mtad
Date: 21. Marta 2005 11:58
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 240,104,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,94,-9,818,605,17
Index Pollutant
Title: Pollutant
Description: Air pollutants, classification by YTV.
Definition: ['Primary PM','NOx','HC','CO','CO2']
Nodelocation: 352,336,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,478,44,476,476
Nodecolor: 39321,39325,65535
Index Vehicletype
Title: vehicletype
Description: 1) Pakettiautot (ilman katalysaattoria, katalysaattori~~
lla, diesel)~
2) Linja-autot~
3) Kuorma-autot ilman pervaunua~
4) Kuorma-autot pervaunulla~
Ei sisll maastoajoneuvoja ja tykoneita.
Definition: ['Van','Bus','Six-wheeler','Tractor-trailer']
Nodelocation: 352,312,1
Nodesize: 52,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,508,481
Reference: www.lipasto.vtt.fi~
Variable Log_emi1
Title: log1
Description: 28.7.2005~
Raskaat ajoneuvotyypit: Pakettiautot, linja-autot, kuorma-autot ip, k~~
uorma-autot perv. Laskenta on suoritettu mallin alueiden katu- ja ka~~
avateiden suoritteiden mukaan (paitsi Kauniaisissa keskimrisen suo~~
malaisen tiesuoritteen mukaan jaettuna Kauniaisten vkiluvulla).~
Alueet: Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo, Kauniainen~
Vertailussa solmut "Total emission from heavyduty" bussien PM emissio~~
ja ylosan solmu "Bus PM emission", on aika suuret erot bussien ps~~
tjen kohdalla. Selittyyk alueen mrittelyst vai ajoneuvokannan mu~~
22.8. Olli & Marko~
Raskaan liikenteen pstt muodostuvat kolmessa EURO standardissa Tot~~
al emission from heavyduty (t/a), EURO III, IV & V standardien suhtee~~
llisista vhenemist pienhiukkasten osalta ja liikennesuoritteen mr~~
n kasvusta. Aikaskenaarioina ovat standardien voimaantulovuodet (EUR~~
O III = 2000, EURO IV = 2005, EURO V = 2008)~
23.8.2005 Olli Leino~
1) Solmussa "Total PM emission by EURO standards" on laskettuna tilan~~
ne, jos kaikki raskaat ajoneuvot olisivat standardin mukaisia. Thn ~~
ei ole laskettu liikennesuoritten kasvua. ~
2) Solmussa "Total PM emissions 2000,2005,2008" on laskettuna VTT:n m~~
ukaisilla pstarvioilla niden vuosien pstt sislten mys liike~~
nnesuoritteen kasvun ajoneuvotyypeittin. Huomattavaa on ett vuoden ~~
2000 pst on laskettu vuoden 2003 datasta, eik se ole siis vuoden ~~
2000 mitattu arvo vaan arvio taaksepin ajassa.~
Niden kahden tulosten erot ovat suuret. VTT:n mukaiset pstarviot ~~
ovat varmaankin realistisempia, mutta jos mallissa tutkitaan direktii~~
vien vaikutusta, niin tllin saadaan direktiivin maksimivaikutus kun~~
oletetaan kaikkien raskaiden ajoneuvojen 'muuttuvan' uuden standardi~~
n mukaiseksi.~
24.8. Olli Leino~
Tarkista yksikt tsmvtk? ~
26.8. Olli Leino~
Solmussa "Total emission from heavy-duty oli Kauniaisten Van solussa ~~
virhe. 1.35 korjaus 0.927:n. Ei vaikuta tuloksiin enemp kuin nelj~~
nteen merkitsevn numeroon.~
Jos liitetn liikennesuoritteen kasvuennuste solmuun "Total PM emiss~~
ion by EURO standards", millainen jakauma (normal, triangular, unifor~~
m)? Tll hetkell solmu "traffic growth" on piste-estimaatteina.~
Lissin epvarmuudet "traffic growth" solmuun. Kytin triangular-jaka~~
umaa seuraavasti:~
Moodi = piste-estimaatti~
Minimi = piste-estimaatista vhennetn seuraavan vuosiluvun traffic ~~
intensityn arvon ja piste-estimaatin erotus~
Maksimi = seuravan vuosiluvun traffic intensityn arvo~
29.8.2005 Olli Leino~
Jos solmu "traffic growth" listn vaikuttamaan solmuun "Total PM em~~
ission by EURO standards", vaihda indeksi "years" indeksiksi "Euro st~~
andard scenarios" jotta ei tule lisulottuvuutta taulukkoon turhaan. ~~
Vuodethan ovat EURO III = 2000, EURO IV = 2005 ja EURO V = 2008~
30.8.2005 Olli Leino~
Lissin liikenteen mrn ennusteen vuosille 2000, 2005 ja 2008 mukaa~~
n malliin solmuun "traffic volume prediction".~
20.9.2005 Olli Leino & Jouni Tuomisto~
- Kalojen pitoisuusdata fractiles->lognormal(geomean, geomSD)~
- Max hydyn vertailu. Kaikille EURO standard vaihtoehdoille vuoden 2~~
008 liikennevoluumitaso ja vertailu taaksepin. Kuinka paljon siis on~~
mahdollista saada hyty siirtymisess EURO-standardeissa. Vertailun~~
a, kuinka paljon hyty on saatavilla kaloissa BAU vs. Ban.~
- Ei VOI:ta vaan importance analysis~
- korjaa/tarkista importance PM~
29.9.2005 Olli Leino~
Vaihdoin liikennemrn ennusteen kaikille ptsvaihtoehdoille vuode~~
n 2008 liikennemrn tasolle solmuun "traf vol 2008".~
13.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Iso hmmstys. Olen askarrellut BAU PM:n laskemisen parissa, mutta "T~~
otal emission from heavy-duty" solmuhan laskee juuri raskaan kaluston~~
PM vuosipst (t/a)?! Laskin tmn uuden emission vain yksikss g~~
/km ja siit g/kWh. Pitisihn noitten suhde kuitenkin sily samana ~~
yksikkmuunnosten jlkeen? Eli onko ollut turhaa jobia vtt:n datan av~~
ulla selvitt BAU pm? Nyt siis EURO III standard scenarios-indexin e~~
ka rivi (=EURO III) on siis juuri BAU PM suoraan? Korvasin EURO III =~~
26.9.2006 Olli Leino~
Solmussa Total emission from heavy-duty on EURO V indeksiss kerrottu~~
sek PM factor BAU to EURO IV:ll ett PM factor BAU to EURO V:ll. ~~
Miksihn nin. Poistin jlkimmisen kertoimen, sill kummassakin stan~~
dardissa on sama pststandardi. Ainoa asia mik tss vaikuttaisi o~~
lisi mielestni liikennesuoritteen muutos.~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 736,24,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,686,96,476,523
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Variable Total__emission_from
Title: Total emission from heavy-duty
Units: t/a
Description: Emissions of heavy duty vehicles in Helsinki, Vantaa, Es~~
poo and Kauniainen (respectively). Results of year 2003. Emissions we~~
re calculated by data of road and street traffic of Helsinki, Vantaa ~~
and Espoo (see reference below "emissions"). Emissions of city of Kau~~
niainen were calculated by average finnish road and street traffic da~~
ta and proportioned by population of Kauniainen.~
In this model, only PM emission are used in later calculations.
Definition: FunctionOf(Table(Pollutant,Expr,Vehicletype)(~
Nodelocation: 360,264,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,415,58,573,648
Defnstate: 2,40,83,1008,204,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,384,43,624,276,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Graphsetup: Graphtool:0~
Statsselect:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]~
Probindex:[5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%]~
Fontstyle: Arial, 4
Reformdef: [Pollutant, Vehicletype ]
Reformval: [Pollutant, Vehicletype ]
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: www.lipasto.vtt.fi~
Decision Euro_v_standard
Title: EURO V standard
Units: g/kWh
Description: Maximum PM emission standards for particles set or plann~~
ed by EU for new heavy-duty vehicles. Coming into force in 2008.
Definition: 0.02
Nodelocation: 504,32,1
Nodesize: 48,28
Nodecolor: 19661,65535,42597
Reference: Tainio et al. Risk analysis vol 25. No. 1.2005
Decision Euro_iv_standard__
Title: EURO IV standard ~
Units: g/kWh
Description: Maximum PM emission standards for particles set or plann~~
ed by EU for new heavy-duty vehicles. Coming into force in 2005.
Definition: 0.02
Nodelocation: 408,32,1
Nodesize: 48,28
Nodecolor: 19661,65535,42597
Reference: Tainio et al. Risk analysis vol 25. No. 1.2005
Decision Euro_iii_standard_
Title: EURO III standard~
Units: g/kWh
Description: Maximum PM emission standards for particles set or plan~~
ned by EU for new heavy-duty vehicles. Came into force in 2000
Definition: 0.1
Nodelocation: 312,32,1
Nodesize: 48,28
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,224
Nodecolor: 19661,65535,42597
Reference: Tainio et al. Risk analysis vol 25. No. 1.2005
Variable Pm_factor_euro_iii_t
Title: PM factor BAU to EURO IV
Description: Time trend factor for fine particles emission (PM) accor~~
ding to transferring from EURO III to IV standard.
Definition: Euro_iv_standard__/Bau2004
Nodelocation: 528,104,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Valuestate: 2,684,453,416,303,0,MIDM
Variable Pm_factor_euro_iv_to
Title: PM factor BAU to EURO V
Description: Time trend factor for fine particles emission (PM) accor~~
ding to transferring from EURO IV to V standard.
Definition: Euro_v_standard/Euro_iv_standard__~
Nodelocation: 360,112,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Valuestate: 2,296,306,416,303,0,MIDM
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Variable Total_pm_emission_by
Title: Total PM emission by EURO standards
Units: t/a
Description: This node is scaled to traffic volume intesity of year 2~~
008 (EURO V)
Definition: Total__emission_from[Pollutant='Primary PM']*Traf_vol_200~~
Nodelocation: 360,408,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,518,290,470,576
Valuestate: 2,699,352,416,303,0,MIDM
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Chance Traf_vol_2008
Title: traf vol 2008
Description: Relative traffic volume prediction in 2008 compared to t~~
ime of emission measured (2003).~
Triangular distribution (min, mode, max) is used:~
Min: Ratio of year 2005 divided by year 2003 traffic intensity (three~~
years back in time from year 2008)~
Mode: Ratio of year 2008 divided by year 2003 (year of emissions meas~~
Max: Ratio of year 2011 divided by year 2003 traffic intensity~
(three years forward in time from year 2008)
Definition: Table(Vehicletype)(~
Nodelocation: 360,488,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,574,453,478,273
Defnstate: 2,310,357,679,285,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,688,216,416,303,1,PDFP
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: suorite
Decision Euro_vi_standard
Title: EURO VI standard
Definition: 0.02
Nodelocation: 600,32,1
Nodesize: 48,28
Windstate: 2,102,90,500,373
Reference: EURO_VI
Log: Miten tm on, onko 0.02 vai 0.002? Katso reference.
Module Bau_pm
Title: bau pm
Description: Present (2004) heavy-duty PM emission (BAU PM) in Helsin~~
ki metropolitan area.
Author: olex
Date: 5. Julta 2006 8:35
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 528,208,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,429,-15,580,709,17
Variable Hd_traf_intens
Title: HD Traf intens
Units: 10^6 km/a
Description: Annual kilometers driven with a heavy-duty vehicle type~~
in Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo and Kauniainen, respectively in data. Van~~
s come in three different types: without catalyzer, with catalyzer an~~
d diesel.
Definition: Table(Vehicletype)(~
Nodelocation: 176,560,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Defnstate: 2,463,228,538,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,10,582,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: Emissions
Variable Hd_traf_intens_fract
Title: HD traffic volume fraction
Description: Fractions of annual kilometers driven with heavy-duty ve~~
hicle. Not used for later calculations. Just to give comparison.
Definition: Hd_traf_intens/sum(Hd_traf_intens,vehicletype)
Nodelocation: 64,560,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Valuestate: 2,773,527,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 39321,55707,65535
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable A
Title: log
Description: 5.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Tarvittavia solmuja~
- raskaiden ajoneuvojen mrjakauma ajoneuvotyypeittn (van, six-whe~~
eler, tractortrailer, bus)~
- vuosittain ajetut kilometrit ajoneuvotyypeittn~
- hiukkaspstt ajoneuvotyypeittin, eri kuormilla ja ajamistyyleill~~
(oletetaanko keskimriset arvot)~
- vans hiukkaspst~
On paljon pakko tehd oletuksia tsskin. Van-ajoneuvoluokasta ei ole~~
viel dataa Bau_PM solmuun. Otinkin alustavan arvion suhteuttamalla ~~
sen bussiin. Tuskin on suhde muuttunut paljoakaan vuosien varrella. T~~
aitaa olla aika hyv arvio.~
11.7. Tee BAU-solmusta se oikea laskenta. Liite 4 raketruckin avulla ~~
saadaan keskimriset PM-pstt nykyn ja sitten painotetaan kulku~~
neuvoilla ajetuilla kilometreill. Vaneilla on vain jakelusykli, Six-~~
wheelereill ja tractor-trailereilla on maantiesyklin ja moottorities~~
yklin keskiarvo. Bussin arvot pit viel hankkia.~
11.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Sain BAU:n laskennan version valmiiksi. Mean 0.77 kuulostaa ihan usko~~
ttavalta. Aika iso tosin aikaisempiin laskelmiin, mutta pienempi kuit~~
enkin kuin EURO III standardin raja.~
11.7.2006 Olli leino~
Tuloksena on nyt liikennesuoritteella painotettu ominaispst, joko ~~
g/km tai g/kWh. ~
13.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Mihin kohtaan BAU2004 listn? Ei laiteta EURO III:n tilalle emissio~~
n moduliin. Pitisk tehd indeksi mortality assessment moduliin?~
26.9.2006 Olli Leino~
Vaihdoin Bau PM modulin exposure modulista emission moduliin ja vaihd~~
oin decision solmuihin EURO III:n paikalle Bau PM.~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 48,248,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,479,273
Nodecolor: 65535,59795,19661
Variable Van
Title: van
Units: g/km
Description: Triangular distribution: mode = mean(18 t van and 26 t v~~
an). Min (=0.114 g/km) = 26 t Van 0-kuorma. Max (=0.211 g/km) = 26 t ~~
Van 2/2- kuorma)
Definition: var x:= (0.127+0.157)/2;~
Triangular( 0.114, x, 0.211)
Nodelocation: 112,296,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,40,50,416,303,1,PDFP
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Bus1
Title: bus
Description: Rakebus page 23
Definition: Table(Bustype)(~
Nodelocation: 240,296,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Defnstate: 2,71,263,430,520,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,659,162,416,534,0,MIDM
Att__totalsindex: Index Bustype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: Rakebus
Variable Tractortrailer
Title: Tractor-trailer
Units: g/km
Description: Min/max are the lowest and highest value depending on lo~~
ad and type of driving cycle.
Definition: var x:= (0.092+0.083)/2;~
triangular(0.072, x, 0.116)
Nodelocation: 496,296,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,56,66,416,303,1,PDFP
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Sixwheeler
Title: Six-wheeler
Units: g/km
Description: Min/max are the largest and highest value depending on l~~
oad and type of driving cycle.
Definition: var x:= (0.087+0.077)/2;~
Nodelocation: 368,296,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,40,50,416,303,1,PDFP
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Index Bustype
Title: bustype
Definition: ['EURO1A','EURO1B','EURO2A','EURO2B','EURO2Bn=2','EURO2C'~~
,'EURO2D','EURO2F','EURO3C','EURO3An=2','EURO3A','EURO3Cn=5','CRT A',~~
'CRT An=2','CRTC','CRT C ind2','CRT C EURO3','CNG A','CNG B','CNG A n~~
=3','EEV B','EEV D','EEV E']
Nodelocation: 240,328,1
Nodesize: 44,12
Windstate: 2,-68,148,476,224
Valuestate: 2,264,274,413,543,0,MIDM
Variable Busdistribution
Title: busdistribution
Units: g/km
Description: Mean = 0.1774~
Definition: var sd:=0.1638;~
var n:=normal(average(bus1),sd);~
if n<0 then 0 else n
Nodelocation: 240,384,1
Nodesize: 52,24
Windstate: 2,426,132,476,224
Valuestate: 2,47,191,416,303,1,PDFP
Graphsetup: Graphtool:0~
Statsselect:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]~
Probindex:[5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%]~
Fontstyle: Arial, 5
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Table_bau
Title: Table BAU
Definition: Table(Vehicletype)(~
Nodelocation: 304,472,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,737,29,416,303,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: Graphtool:0~
Statsselect:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]~
Probindex:[5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%]~
Fontstyle: Arial, 8
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Weighted_bau
Title: weighted BAU g/km
Units: g/km
Description: BAU PM which is weighted by traffic volume fraction.
Definition: sum(Table_bau*Hd_traf_intens)/(sum(Hd_traf_intens))
Nodelocation: 304,560,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,675,309,541,304,0,STAT
Graphsetup: Graphtool:0~
Statsselect:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]~
Probindex:[5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%]~
Fontstyle: Arial, 8
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Bau_g_kwh
Title: Bau g/kWh
Units: g/kWh
Description: Tulokset yksikist g/km yksikkn g/kWh saadaan yksinke~~
rtaisesti jakamalla 1.8:lla g/km. Lhde raketruck tai rakebus.~
13.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Definition: Weighted_bau/1.8
Nodelocation: 424,560,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,710,627,498,199,0,STAT
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Bau2004
Title: BAU2004
Description: 13.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Definition: Normal( Bau_g_kwh, 0.01255 )
Nodelocation: 424,472,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,490,337
Valuestate: 2,276,358,416,303,0,MEAN
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Close Bau_pm
Close Emission_model
Module Exposure_model
Title: Exposure model
Description: Exposures of heavy duty traffic.
Author: mtad
Date: 21. Marta 2005 11:58
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 240,192,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,497,440,936,554,17
Variable Road_traffic_a
Title: Road traffic PM a
Units: µg/m^3
Definition: Var a := (Pers_out[PM_class='Secondary']*Long_range_trans~~
a:= (Expolis__helsinki[Pm_class='CoPM', Environment='Personal']-a);~
a:=a*Pm_exposure_fraction[Pm_source='Road traffic'];~
Nodelocation: 288,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,595,112,506,470
Defnstate: 1,216,226,695,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,514,71,559,529,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Reformval: [Long_range_transport, Weight_factors_ ]
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Pers_out
Title: Personal/ outdoor
Units: -
Definition: (Expolis__helsinki[Environment='Personal']/Expolis__helsi~~
Nodelocation: 400,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,525,146,476,224
Valuestate: 2,1041,-3,186,191,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Reformval: [Environment, Pm_class ]
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Chance Long_range_transport
Title: Long-range transport (Elrt)
Units: µg/m^3
Definition: triangular(1,2,2.5)
Indexvals: ['Transport, Low','Transport, Central','Transport, High']
Nodelocation: 288,240,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,102,90,578,407
Defnstate: 1,306,109,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,40,50,416,303,1,PDFP
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: 21. ApSimon, H. M., Gonzales del Campo, M. T., & Adams H.S~~
. (2001). Modelling long-range transport of primary particulate mater~~
ial over Europe. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 343-352.
Variable Ultra___traffic
Title: ULTRA - traffic
Units: µg/m^3
Definition: Var a:=Ultra[Ultra='Local traffic']*Ultra[Ultra='PM2.5 to~~
Nodelocation: 624,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,393,143,476,224
Valuestate: 2,752,10,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: Vallius, M., Lanki, T., Tiittanen, P., Koistinen, K., Ruus~~
kanen, J., and Pekkanen, J. (2003). Source~
apportionment of urban ambient PM2.5 in two successive measurement ca~~
mpaigns in Helsinki, Finland. Atmospheric Environment, 37(5), 615-623~~
Variable Road_traffic_b
Title: Road traffic PM b
Units: µg/m^3
Definition: Pers_out[Pm_class='CoPM']*Ultra___traffic
Nodelocation: 512,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,500,389
Valuestate: 2,350,-3,206,130,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Index Pm_class
Title: PM class
Definition: ['CoPM','Secondary','Soil','Detergents','Sea salt']
Nodelocation: 288,104,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,458
Index Environment
Title: Environment
Definition: ['Ambient','Indoor','Work','Personal']
Nodelocation: 288,72,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,524,323
Chance Road_traffic
Title: Road traffic PM
Units: µg/m^3
Definition: using a:= bernoulli(0.7) do~
using b:= a*Road_traffic_a + (1-a)*Road_traffic_b do ~
Nodelocation: 384,256,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,496,249,476,479
Defnstate: 1,150,469,905,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,863,28,345,155,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: Graphtool:0~
Statsselect:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]~
Probindex:[5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%]~
Fontstyle: Arial, 8
Reformval: [Self, Long_range_transport ]
Displayoutputs: Constant The_exposure_was_est
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Ultra
Title: ULTRA
Units: µg/m^3 or fraction
Description: Table 1. Descriptive statistics for 29 October 1996Š28 A~~
pril 1997 (total n = 83) and 2 November 1998Š30 April 1999 (total n =~~
164) (median PM2.5 in µg/m^3).~
Fig.3. Contributions (%) of the identifed source components to averag~~
e PM2.5 concentration.
Definition: Table(Self,Ultra_years)(~
Indexvals: ['PM2.5 total','Local traffic','LRTAP','Crustal source','~~
Oil combustion','Salt / Salt & Pb','Unidentified']
Nodelocation: 736,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,258,33,599,581
Defnstate: 2,17,52,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,753,463,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reformdef: [Ultra_years, Self ]
Reformval: [Ultra_years, Self ]
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: 23. Vallius, M., Lanki, T., Tiittanen, P., Koistinen, K., ~~
Ruuskanen, J., and Pekkanen, J. (2003). Source apportionment of urban~~
ambient PM2.5 in two successive measurement campaigns in Helsinki, F~~
inland. Atmospheric Environment, 37(5), 615-623.
Index Ultra_years
Title: ULTRA years
Definition: ['1996-97','1998-99']
Nodelocation: 736,184,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,359
Variable Pm_exposure_fraction
Title: PM exposure fractions
Units: -
Definition: Var a := (Weight_factors_*Primary_pm_emission);~
Var b := Sum(a,Pm_source);~
Nodelocation: 168,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,542,291,476,524
Valuestate: 2,483,58,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 19661,48336,65535
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Primary_pm_emission
Title: Primary PM emission
Units: kg/a
Definition: Table(Pm_source)(~
Nodelocation: 48,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,608,449
Defnstate: 2,543,8,339,264,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,865,1,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Displayinputs: ,
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Reference: Mkel, K. (2002). Personal communication, Senior Research~~
Scientist, VTT (Technical research Centre of Finland), Building and ~~
YTV, Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council. (1998). Ilmanlaatu pkaupun~~
kiseudulla vuonna 1997 [Air Quality in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area~~
in 1997]. Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council Publication Series 1999~~
:1 (in Finnish).
Chance Weight_factors_
Title: Weight factors (wfi) (Table III)
Units: -
Definition: Table(Pm_source)(~
Nodelocation: 168,240,1
Nodesize: 52,28
Windstate: 2,278,310,614,575
Defnstate: 2,345,60,339,287,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,864,340,416,299,0,MEAN
Nodecolor: 52425,39321,65535
Reformdef: [Self, Pm_source ]
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Index Pm_source
Title: PM source
Definition: ['Energy production','Other point sources','Surface sourc~~
es','Road traffic','Harbor']
Nodelocation: 48,184,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,567,60,437,464
Valuestate: 2,487,140,416,321,0,MIDM
Variable Expolis__helsinki
Title: EXPOLIS-~
Definition: Table(Pm_class,Environment)(~
Nodelocation: 288,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,521,467
Defnstate: 2,574,53,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,651,-4,416,300,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reformdef: [Environment, Pm_class ]
Reformval: [Environment, Pm_class ]
Att__totalsindex: Index Pm_class
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: 22. Koistinen, K., Edwards, R. D., Mathys, P., Ruuskanen, ~~
J., Knzli, N., & Jantunen, M. (2004). Sources of fine particulate ma~~
tter in personal exposures and residential indoor, residential outdoo~~
r and workplace microenvironments in the Helsinki phase of the EXPOLI~~
S study. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 30 suppl~~
. 2, 36-46.
Constant The_exposure_was_est
Title: The exposure was estimated by using two models
Nodelocation: 520,256,1
Nodesize: 56,36
Aliases: Alias The_exposure_was_es1
Displayinputs: Chance Road_traffic
Variable Log_exp1
Title: log
Description: 23.8.2005 Olli Leino~
Mallin ylpuoli Road traffic PM solmu mukaanluettuna kelpaa entisell~~
n. Bus fractionien tilalle heavy-duty vehicles.~
Laittaakko "HD PM fractio" osuudet raskaat ajoneuvotyypeittin (Van, ~~
Bus, Trucks), eik lasketa koko raskaiden ajoneuvotyyppien PM emissio~~
ta koko liikenteest? Kummin pin? Laitoin ajoneuvotyypeittin.~
26.8. Olli Leino~
Solmu "HD PM fraction" voisi olla jakaumana (fractiles?) ilmoitettu p~~
iste-estimaatin sijaan (N:\YEP\publications\In_progress\Leino_PMvsDx\~~
materials\Liisa2003Emissions_etelasuomi2003.xls raskaiden ajoneuvoj~~
en prosenttiosuudet oikealla reunalla laskettuina. Helsinki\Vantaa\Es~~
poo\Kauniainen = 0.6352, 0.5986, 0.5895,0,5818. Painotettaisiko tt~~
viel kaupunkikohtaisen suoritteen mrll?~
29.9.2005 Olli Leino~
Kerroin "HD traffic PM" viel "Pm em road" solmulla? Nythn tulos ol~~
isi koko liikenteen pstt. Aiemmin oli kerrottu koko liikenteen p~~
stt ("Road traffic PM") vain raskaan liikenteen kulkuneuvojen osuuks~~
illa. Olisi ollut siis liioiteltu tulos. Verrattuna kaasubussimallii~~
n on bussien osuus liikenteen kokonaispienhiukkasemissioista vain 5.8~~
% (kaasubussimallissa 17.8%). Erot johtuvat datasta: PM Emissions verrattuna kaasubussin dataan: ~
Vaihdoin solmun "PM em road" mys (kuten solmu "Total PM emission by ~~
EURO standards" vuoden 2008 tasoon 2003 tason sijasta. Ei tullut huom~~
attavaa eroa raskaiden ajoneuvojen osuuksiin. Pakettiautojen osuus hi~~
ukan kasvoi.~
3.4.2006 Olli Leino~
Muuttujat Va4 ja Va3 ovat Markon tekemi. Katso niiden laskenta. Ps~~
tjen kehityksen laskenta aiemmin perustuivat vaan busseille. Samansu~~
untainen trendi oletetaan muullekin raskaalle liikenteelle. Tt vois~~
i hiukan tarkastaa viel.~
5.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Katso HD traffic PM solmu. Onko tss virhe, tai mik on perustelu ke~~
rtoa 'PM_em_road' solmulla?
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 864,48,1
Nodesize: 52,12
Windstate: 2,81,29,476,327
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Variable Hd_pm_fraction
Title: HD PM fraction
Units: -
Description: Fraction of PM emission of heavy-duty vehicles.
Definition: Pm_em_road1/sum(Pm_em_road1)
Nodelocation: 160,320,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,705,-10,416,303,0,MIDM
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Pm_em_road1
Title: PM emis HD vs All traffic
Units: -
Description: Fractions of heavy-duty vehicletype PM emission from all~~
vehicles (car+van+bus+six-wheeler+tractor-trailer+bikes) PM emissio~~
ns (see reference below "PM emissions"). ~
Factor 32.55/(32.55+10.95) in definiton of Six-wheeler describes prop~~
ortion of six-wheelers of all trucks in Helsinki (see reference below~~
"emissions"). ~
Factor 10.95/(32.55+10.95) in definiton of Tractor-trailer describes ~~
proportion of tractor-trailers of all trucks in Helsinki (see referen~~
ce below "emissions")
Definition: Table(Vehicletype)(~
Nodelocation: 160,384,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,576,318,529,510
Defnstate: 2,456,37,422,174,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,541,-3,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Displayinputs: ,
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: www.lipasto.vtt.fi/lipasto/liisa/paastodata.htm~
PM Emissions~
Variable Hd_traffic_pm
Title: HD traffic PM
Units: µg/m^3
Description: Hd traffic PM exposure by vehicle types.
Definition: Hd_pm_fraction*Road_traffic*sum(Pm_em_road1)
Nodelocation: 272,320,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,-14,7,478,404
Valuestate: 2,567,-10,465,192,0,MIDM
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Log: 4.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Miksi tss on kerrottu 'sum(Pm-em_road1' solmulla? Ok
Variable Hd_pm_scenarios
Title: HD PM scenarios
Units: µg/m^3
Definition: FunctionOf(using a:= Total_pm_emission_by/Total_pm_emissi~~
on_by[Expr='BAU'] do~
{using a:= Total_pm_emission_by/Total_pm_emission_by[Euro_standard_sc~~
enar='EURO III'] do~
Nodelocation: 272,384,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,511
Valuestate: 2,613,147,416,303,0,MIDM
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Log: 14.7.2006 Olli Leino~
Mit tss solmussa on tarkoitus oikein tapahtua? EURO IV ja EURO V t~~
ulevat mukaan emissio-modulista.
Close Exposure_model
Module Dose_response_model
Title: Dose-response model
Description: Dose-response of fine particles.
Author: mtad
Date: 21. Marta 2005 11:58
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 240,264,1
Nodesize: 56,24
Diagstate: 1,599,58,574,379,17
Index Cause_of_death
Title: Cause of death
Definition: ['Cardiopulmonary','Lung ca','All others','All causes']
Nodelocation: 200,232,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,425
Variable Mortality_rate1
Title: Mortality rate
Units: m^3/µg
Definition: Crude_mortality_rat2*plausibility
Nodelocation: 432,64,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,470
Valuestate: 2,96,519,326,199,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: Graphtool:0~
Statsselect:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]~
Probindex:[5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%]~
Fontstyle: Arial, 6
Att__totalsindex: Index M_step_202
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Chance Plausibility
Title: Plausibility
Units: -
Description: Includes mechanistic plausibility (coming from toxicolog~~
ical and epidemiological evidence). This plausibility is especially f~~
or traffic exhaust primary particles. Does not include aspects relate~~
d to differential potencies of different particle types.
Definition: Probtable(Cause_of_death,Self)(~
Nodelocation: 440,128,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,509
Defnstate: 2,28,305,416,303,0,MIDM
Aliases: Formnode Plausibility2
Nodecolor: 52425,39321,65535
Reformdef: [Self, Cause_of_death ]
Domain: [0,1]
Displayinputs: Object Constant
Displayoutputs: Constant Plausibility_was_def
Variable Chronic_mortality_rr
Title: Chronic mortality RR
Units: RR per PM contrast
Description: Original results from PM cohort studies.
Definition: Table(Cause_of_death,Ci,Study)(~
Nodelocation: 200,64,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,-56,83,569,548
Defnstate: 2,28,215,567,291,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,21,363,659,277,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Reformdef: [Ci, Cause_of_death ]
Reformval: [Cause_of_death, Ci ]
Displayinputs: ,
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: 16. Dockery, D. W., Pope, C. A., III, Xu, X., Spengler, J.~~
D., Ware, J. H., Fay, M. E., Ferris, B. G., Jr., & Speizer F. E. (19~~
93). An association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S. c~~
ities. The New England Journal Oof Medicine, 329(24), 1753-1759.~
17. Pope, C. A. III, Burnett, R. T., Thun, M. J., Calle, E. E., Krews~~
ki, D., Ito, K., & Thurston, G. D. (2002). Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmory~~
Mortality, and Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution.~~
The Journal of the American Medical Association, 287(9), 1132-1141.
Variable Pm_contrast
Title: PM contrast
Units: µg/m^3
Definition: Table(Study)(~
Nodelocation: 200,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,422
Defnstate: 1,28,274,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,275,201,314,137,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Displayinputs: ,
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: 16. Dockery, D. W., Pope, C. A., III, Xu, X., Spengler, J.~~
D., Ware, J. H., Fay, M. E., Ferris, B. G., Jr., & Speizer F. E. (19~~
93). An association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S. c~~
ities. The New England Journal Of Medicine, 329(24), 1753-1759.~
17. Pope, C. A. III, Burnett, R. T., Thun, M. J., Calle, E. E., Krews~~
ki, D., Ito, K., & Thurston, G. D. (2002). Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmory~~
Mortality, and Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution.~~
The Journal of the American Medical Association, 287(9), 1132-1141.
Index Coefficient_space
Title: Coefficient space
Definition: Sequence( -0.02, 0.05, 2m )
Nodelocation: 320,120,1
Nodesize: 48,20
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,401
Valuestate: 2,120,130,416,570,0,MIDM
Index Ci
Title: CI
Definition: ['Central','0.025 fractile','0.975 fractile']
Nodelocation: 200,104,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,407
Index Study
Title: Study
Definition: ['Harvard six cities','ACS 2002']
Nodelocation: 200,184,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,434
Chance Crude_mortality_rat2
Title: Crude mortality rate random
Units: m^3/µg
Definition: using a:= ln(Chronic_mortality_rr)/Pm_contrast~
do using au:= a[Ci='0.975 fractile']~
do using al:= a[Ci='0.025 fractile']~
do using ac:= a[Ci='Central']~
do using b:= (au-al)/2/1.96~
do using c:= Cumnormal(Coefficient_space,ac,b)~
do using d:= Uncumulate(c,Coefficient_space)~
do using e:= Probdist(d, coefficient_space )~
do using f:= (if bernoulli(0.5)=1 then e[study='Harvard six cities'] ~~
else e[study='ACS 2002'])~
do f
Nodelocation: 320,64,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,578
Valuestate: 2,538,524,530,212,0,MEAN
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Constant Plausibility_was_def
Title: Plausibility was defined as the probability that the observed ~~
dose-response relationship actually represents a causal association
Nodelocation: 440,240,1
Nodesize: 80,68
Aliases: Alias Plausibility_was_de1
Displayinputs: Chance Plausibility
Variable Log_dos1
Title: log
Description: 23.8.2005 Olli Leino~
Tm moduuli sellaisenaan mukaan raskaiden ajoneuvotyyppien PM-riskin~~
arviointimalliin. Ovatko plausibility arvot kohdallaan?
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 88,40,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Close Dose_response_model
Module Mortality_assessment
Title: Mortality assessment
Description: Mortality assessment in Helsinki metropolitan area due t~~
o fine particles of heavy-duty vehicles.
Author: mtad
Date: 21. Marta 2005 11:58
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 240,360,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,37,32,724,559,17
Index Endpoint
Title: Endpoint
Definition: ['Cardiopulmonary','Lung ca','All others']
Nodelocation: 64,176,-3
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,410
Nodecolor: 39321,39325,65535
Variable Mortality_data
Title: Mortality data
Units: deaths/a
Definition: Table(Cause_of_death)(~
Nodelocation: 64,64,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,240,66,476,539
Defnstate: 2,325,209,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,786,-10,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Reference: 30. Statistics Finland (2004). Mortality in Helsinki Metro~~
politan Area 1996. Helsinki: Statistics Finland.
Variable Health_eff
Title: Health eff
Description: Health effects of PM emission due to heavy-duty vehicles~~
of Helsinki metropolitan area.
Definition: using a:= ((Exp((Mortality_rate1*Hd_pm_scenarios))-1)*Mor~~
tality_data) do~
Nodelocation: 64,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,610,333,476,349
Valuestate: 2,313,246,598,264,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Endpoint, Vehicletype ]
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype, Index Endpoint
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Objective Health_effects_of_hd
Title: Health effects of HD
Definition: sum(sum(Health_eff,endpoint),vehicletype)
Nodelocation: 200,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,434,-10,476,347
Valuestate: 2,595,464,550,300,0,MIDM
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Log_mor1
Title: log
Description: 24.8.2005 Olli Leino~
Tulokset ovat hiukan liiankin helposti tulkittavissa. EURO III:n ja E~~
URO IV&V direktiivien vlill terveysvaikutuksissa on siis viisinkert~~
ainen ero, mik sama kuin ero on enimmispstiss (EURO III = 0.1 j~~
a EURO IV & V = 0.02). (katso solmut EURO III standard ja EURO IV sta~~
ndard alamodulista model/Emission model)~
30.9.2005 Olli Leino~
En saanut vielkn importance analyysi toimimaan. Tein laskentasolm~~
ut erikseen "cardiopulmonary", "lung cancer" ja "all others" endpoint~~
eille. Kaikista tulee INF, paitsi "traf vol 2008" soluun bussin kohda~~
lle NAN. ???~
Kun vaihdoin bussin "traf vol 2008" triangular jakaumaksi piste-estim~~
aatin sijaan, tuli tstkin INF.~
3.10.2005 Olli Leino~
Laitoin importance analyysisolmun, jossa ulottuvuuksia 5 kpl, jotta s~~
aan tuloksia esitelm varten.~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 616,16,1
Nodesize: 44,12
Windstate: 2,555,72,497,467
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Log: 7.12.2006 Olli Leino~
Did some cleaning and renaming~
Module Importance_analysis
Title: Importance analysis
Author: olex
Date: Wed, Jan 24, 2007 9:54 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 352,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Index Health_effects_of_h1
Title: Health effects of HD Inputs
Definition: Table(Self)(~
Indexvals: ['Road traffic PM','Long-range transport (Elrt)','traf vol~~
2008','Weight factors (wfi) (Table III)','Plausibility','Crude morta~~
lity rate random']
Nodelocation: 72,160,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Windstate: 2,530,128,530,391
Variable Health_effects_of_h4
Title: Health effects of HD Importance
Definition: Abs( RankCorrel( Health_effects_of_h1, Health_effects_of_~~
hd ) )
Nodelocation: 72,112,0
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Windstate: 2,167,308,470,394
Valuestate: 2,529,99,700,309,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Pm_source, Health_effects_of_h1 ]
Variable Importanc
Title: Importance scenario: EUROIV, Roadtraffic
Definition: FunctionOf(Health_effects_of_h4[Expr="EURO IV",Pm_source=~~
"Road traffic"])
Nodelocation: 216,112,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,155,322,476,224
Valuestate: 2,130,636,824,435,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Vehicletype, Health_effects_of_h1 ]
Att__totalsindex: Index Vehicletype
Objective Importance_table
Title: Importance table
Definition: Table(Imp_inputs)(~
Importanc[Cause_of_death='Cardiopulmonary', Vehicletype='Van', Health~~
_effects_of_h1='Road traffic PM'],Importanc[Cause_of_death='Cardiopul~~
monary', Vehicletype='Van', Health_effects_of_h1='Long-range transpor~~
t (Elrt)'],Importanc[Cause_of_death='Cardiopulmonary', Vehicletype='V~~
an', Health_effects_of_h1='Weight factors (wfi) (Table III)'],Importa~~
nc[Cause_of_death='Cardiopulmonary', Vehicletype='Van', Health_effect~~
s_of_h1='Plausibility'],Importanc[Cause_of_death='Lung ca', Vehiclety~~
pe='Van', Health_effects_of_h1='Plausibility'],Importanc[Cause_of_dea~~
th='All others', Vehicletype='Van', Health_effects_of_h1='Plausibilit~~
y'],Importanc[Cause_of_death='All causes', Vehicletype='Van', Health_~~
ry', Vehicletype='Van', Health_effects_of_h1='Crude mortality rate ra~~
ndom'],Importanc[Cause_of_death='Lung ca', Vehicletype='Van', Health_~~
effects_of_h1='Crude mortality rate random'],Importanc[Cause_of_death~~
='All others', Vehicletype='Van', Health_effects_of_h1='Crude mortali~~
ty rate random'],Importanc[Cause_of_death='All causes', Vehicletype='~~
Van', Health_effects_of_h1='Crude mortality rate random'])
Nodelocation: 352,112,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,384,273,476,224
Defnstate: 2,329,317,880,290,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,129,39,1028,290,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Health_effects_of_h1, Imp_inputs ]
Index Imp_inputs
Title: imp inputs
Definition: ['Road traffic PM','Long-range transport','Weight factors~~
','Plausibility (cardiopulmonary)','Plausibility (lung cancer)','Plau~~
sibility (all others)','Plausibility (all causes)','Crude mortality r~~
ate random (cardiopulmonary)','Crude mortality rate random (lung canc~~
er)','Crude mortality rate random (all others)','Crude mortality rate~~
random (all causes)']
Nodelocation: 352,144,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Close Importance_analysis
Close Mortality_assessment
Alias The_exposure_was_es1
Title: The exposure was estimated by using two models
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 104,192,1
Nodesize: 56,36
Original: The_exposure_was_est
Alias Plausibility_was_de1
Title: Plausibility was defined as the probability that the observed ~~
dose-response relationship actually represents a causal association
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 424,336,1
Nodesize: 80,68
Original: Plausibility_was_def
Close Pm_risk_model
Text Te5
Description: Reference:~
Olli Leino, Marko Tainio, Jouni T. Tuomisto ~
Comparative risk analysis of fine particles and dioxin. ~
Nodelocation: 120,142,-1
Nodesize: 116,78
Module Risks_from_farmed_an
Title: Dx risk model
Description: The part of the model calculates Risk-Benefit analysis o~~
f eating domestic fish. Risk factors are pollutants: Dioxin, PCB (als~~
o the exposures of PBDE and MeHg are presented here, but not used fo~~
r later calculations). Benefical effects are due to omega-3 fatty ac~~
ids found in fish. ~
We also compare the outcomes of EU-regulation of the Baltic fish (sal~~
mon and herring). Finland and Sweden have derogation up till year 201~~
1 to place salmon and herring to market, although they exceed the max~~
imum concenration of dioxins, set by the EU.
Author: Jouni Tuomisto
Date: 9. tamta 2004 20:14
Saveauthor: olex
Savedate: 25. Augta 2005 16:34
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 320,168,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Diagstate: 1,6,341,489,555,17
Fontstyle: Arial, 13
Att__diagramprintsca: 97,1,1,0,2,1,2794,4312,0
Outlinerstate: 2,40,9,450,712
Module Other_parts
Title: Other parts
Author: ktluser
Date: 11. tamta 2004 9:20
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 784,128,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodeinfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0,
Diagstate: 1,96,13,608,526,17
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Variable Loki_v_2
Title: Loki v 2
Description: 20.1.2004 Jouni Tuomisto~
En ole ehtinyt aiemmin lokia kirjoittaa, joten nyt yleiskuvaus mallis~~
ta. Viljelylohi on tehty arvioimaan, onko Hites et al (Science 9.1.20~~
04) riskinarviointi hyvin tehty. Ensikommenttina KTL:ss oli se, ett~~
kalan terveyshydyt on unohdettu. Niinp rakensimme mallin, joka 1) ~~
kytt samaa EPAn riskimallia saasteiden terveyshaittojen laskemisee~~
n kuin Hites (PCB:n, dieldriinin ja toksafeenin (mutta ei dioksiinien~~
) aiheuttama yhdistetty syriski olettaen additiivisuuden ja lineari~~
sed multistage-mallin eli suoraan kyttmll EPAn CSF-arvoja) ja 2) ~~
laskee mys omega-3-rasvahappojen tuoman hydyn sydnkuolemariskiin. ~~
Vertailu tehtiin 1) olettamalla lohensynti 0.25 - 32 amerikkalaista~~
annosta kuukaudessa ja laskemalla sypriski ja/tai sydnhyty sek ~~
2) olettamalla jokin lohensynti (esim. 20 g/d) ja lisksi jotain ole~~
tuksia muista omega-3-lhteist sek niiden muutoksista jos lohensyn~~
ti muuttuisi. ~
Vaikutuksen lisksi tehtiin argumenttianalyysi (oma moduli) jossa kat~~
sottiin importance analysis eli rank-korrelaatio lhtmuuttujien ja ~~
lopputuleman vlille. Tss oli mukana erilaisia ptksi, mm. piti~~
sik katsoa saasteiden syphaittaa vai nettovaikutusta?, Pitisik k~~
atsoa terveysvastetta lainkaan vai pelkk altistusta? ja Mill vilje~~
lty lohi pitisi korvata? Ptkset otettiin mukaan analyysiin siten,~~
ett kullekin ptsvaihtoehdolle oletettiin sama todennkisyys, ja~~
ne otettiin mukaan satunnaismuuttujina (ikn kuin me yrittisimme a~~
rvioida, mik on nestyksen tulos kun tst nestetn). Thn liit~~
tyen jin pohtimaan sit, pitisik meidn olettaa pienempi todennk~~
isyys huonoille vaihtoehdoille (kuten eptodennkisille presidenttie~~
hdokkaille annetaan vhemmn aikaa televisiossa) mutta en ptynyt t~~
ss mihinkn lopputulokseen, ja niin tasajako ji malliin.~
Lisksi on tehty VOI-analyysi (oma moduli). Tss yritin rakentaa VOI~~
-funktiota, joka olisi suoraan laskenut mielenkiinnon kohteena olevan~~
tuloksen (helpottaisi mallinrakennusta jatkossa ja tekisi erilaisten~~
VOIn laskemisen ktevksi), mutta ongelmaksi muodostui se, ett mean~~
-funktio toimi oikein vain, kun se laskettiin variablesta. Jos yritti~~
laskea sen tilapisest, solmun sisll olevasta muuttujasta, tuloks~~
ena oli yleens mid. Niinp tyydyttiin laskemaan homma ksipelill ku~~
ten Particle VOI -mallissa.~
Conclusions from Hites 2004 sislt sitaatteja ja argumentteja kesku~~
stelusta, joka on Hitesin myt kynnistynyt. What should be the scop~~
e of the assessment oli aikeissa olla moduli, josta eri ptsvaihtoe~~
hdot olisivat sinne kirjatun argumentoinnin seurauksena nousseet, mut~~
ta sit ei ollut aikaa tyst kovin pitklle. ~
Confounder analysis -moduli sislt pohdintaa siit, millaiset tekij~~
t voivat vaikuttaa Hitesin lopputulokseen ja kvalitatiivista argumen~~
tointia niiden mahdollisista vaikutuksista tulosten tulkintaan.~
Help on yksinkertaisesti kopio Help v4 mallista.~
20.1. alkoi ongelmaksi tulla se, ett malli rnsysi liikaa, ja oli ha~~
nkalaa saada indeksit tsmmn lhtarvojen ja lopputuloksen kesken~~
. Niinp ptin tehd uuden version 3, josta kaikki rnsyt on poistet~~
tu ja jonka tarkoituksena on toimia mallina Science-artikkelia varten~~
. Kaikki laajemmat tarkastelut siis sstetn mallin seuraaviin vers~~
ioihin. Niinp versio 2:een jtetn kaikki rnsyt, josta niit sitte~~
n voi tarpeen mukaan kopioida takaisin kytss olevaan malliversioon~~
. Nin ehk pysyy selvn se, mit Science-vastineessa on ja mit ei ~~
Fishing and farming, Arguments on fish pollutants, Total pollutant ex~~
posure, What should be the scope of risk assessment?, Conclusions fro~~
m Hites 2004, ja Confounder analysis ovat semmoiset modulit jotka nyt~~
poistetaan versiosta 3. Samoin poistetaan pmodulista solmut Risk o~~
r net health effect?, Acceptable risk ja Health effects or exposures?~~
sek niden input nodet.~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 280,32,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,463,67,476,399
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Variable Loki_v3
Title: Loki v3
Description: 20.1.2003 Jouni Tuomisto~
Versiosta 3 siis on tehty riisuttu versio Science-juttua varten. Lue ~~
tarkemmin Loki v 2:sta. Nyt versiosta 3 poistetaan aiemmin kuvatun li~~
sksi Other parts -modulista indeksej, joita ei kytet missn. Nm~~
ovat Viljelyalue, Kalastusalue, Ostokaupunki, Lohilaji ja Saaste.~
Argument analysis -modulista poistetaan solmut We should not conside~~
r concentrations..., Acceptable exposure, Va2, Health or exposure?, W~~
hat is salmon replacement?, Va5, Va3, Va3 inputs, Va3 importance eli ~~
kaikki solmut. Trkeyssolmu luodaan uudelleen, mutta nyt se voidaan t~~
ehd suoraan Outcome-solmulle ilman indeksimuunnoksia. Niinp koko Ar~~
gument analysis -moduli poistetaan ja asia siirretn VOIs-moduliin, ~~
joka nimetn uudelleen VOI and importance analysis.~
Food intake -modulista poistetaan Salmon consumption, Salmon replacem~~
ent, Food change, Salmon amount, Oil increase, Food intake, Wild salm~~
on compensation, Va1, Food_rec, Source1. Eli kaikki solmut keskittyv~~
t nyt vain loheen, eik muita omega-3-lhteit huomioida. Ne tulevat ~~
mukaan malliin raja-arvossa, joka kuvaa hydyllisen lissaannin rajaa~~
ja siis sislt absoluuttisen fysiologisen rajan, josta on vhennet~~
ty muusta ravinnosta tuleva mr. Tm solmu tehdn Annosvastemodul~~
VOIs-modulista poistetaan Va16, Va12, VOI, VOI1 ja VOI-laskenta tehd~~
n suoraan Outcome-solmusta.~
21.1.2004 Jouni Tuomisto~
Malli muuttui eilen siten, ett nyt lasketaan VOI kahdelle eri kysymy~~
kselle: pitisik suositella viljellyn lohen enimmissaanniksi 1 anno~~
s/kk ja pitisik rajoittaa enemmn kalanrehun saastepitoisuuksia. N~~
m kaksi nostetaan esiin, koska edellinen on suora vastine Hitesin ym~~
. argumenttiin, ja jlkimminen on korostamassa sit, ett asetettu k~~
ysymys mr sen, mik tieto on trke ja mik ei.~
Other parts -modulista poistetaan solmut Acceptable exposure increase~~
ja Amount or replacement, ja ARL siirretn Fish advirories -modulii~~
n sek Potency Exposure-response function for pollutant risk -modulii~~
n. Nist moduleista poistetaan vastaavat aliakset.~
Unit- ja Description-kentt pivitetn koko mallissa, ja viitteit l~~
isttn sikli kuin ne ovat helposti ksill. Kuitenkin viitteet on ~~
viel pistettv kuntoon, nyt muotoilut eivt ole kunnossa.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 280,56,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,659,392,476,344
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Variable Compensating_fish_am
Title: Compensating fish amount
Units: g/d
Definition: Healthrisk/Erf_h/Mortalityinfinland
Nodelocation: 80,152,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,336
Valuestate: 2,104,114,714,407,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Pollutants, Fishspecies ]
Variable Probability_of_decis
Title: Probability of decision
Definition: FunctionOf(var a:= sum(Healthrisk,Expr);~
Probability(a[Banning='BAU']+0.0001>a[Banning='Restrict farmed salmon~~
Nodelocation: 80,264,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,16,210,511,408
Valuestate: 2,504,514,724,303,0,MIDM
Variable Probability_of_deci1
Title: Probability of decision
Definition: FunctionOf(var a:= sum(eff_net,Expr);~
Probability(a[Banning='BAU']>a[Banning='Change farmed to wild salmon'~~
Nodelocation: 80,208,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,270
Variable Loki_v1
Title: Loki v5
Description: 19.4.2004 Jouni Tuomisto~
Versio 4:st ji nkjn loki tekemss, koska loppuvaiheen rutistus~~
oli niin intensiivinen. Joka tapauksessa 4 oli se versio, jonka muka~~
an laskettu data lhti Sciencen technical commentiksi. Nyt aletaan ty~~
st viljylylohen pyrkil uuden versionumeron 5 voimin. Malliin hae~~
taan takaisin versiosta 2 modulit What should be the scope of risk as~~
sessment?, confounder analysis ja Conclusions from Hites 2004. Argume~~
ntteja muutetaan englanniksi ja virtaviivaistetaan. Mys nuolia knn~~
etn siten, ett datasta lhtee nuoli siit tehtyy ptelmn eik p~~
invastoin. Aiemmin ajatus oli se, ett jokin argumentti voi sislt~~
dataa, jota kytetn mallin lhttietona eli nuoli menee kohti kaus~~
aalimallia. Tm on kuitenkin ongelmallista, koska tllin lukijalla ~~
pitisi olla ksitys siit, miss iteraatiossa ollaan menossa eli kat~~
sotaanko kausaalimallia tyn alla olevana mallina (iteraation alussa)~~
vai kuvauksena todellisuudesta (iteraation lopussa). On loogisempaa ~~
ajatella, ett kausaalimalli on aika kuvaus todellisuudesta, jolloin ~~
argumentit jonkin muuttujan suuruudesta ovat aina kausaalimallista ar~~
gumenttiin pin. Toiseen suuntaan menevt sellaiset nuolet, joissa ot~~
etaan kantaa siihen, mit kausaalimallin pitisi sislt eli scope-a~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 280,80,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,670,49,490,476
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Module Fish_feed
Title: Fish feed
Author: ktluser
Date: 11. Janta 2004 12:08
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 72,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,155,156,601,304,17
Outlinerstate: 2,40,50,576,600
Constant Kalanrehun_myrkyt_ov
Title: Kalanrehun myrkyt ovat vhentyneet
Description: Rideout said that major feed companies have been able re~~
duce toxin levels~
in their fish meal over the past several years by usin~~
g substitute ingredients~
and less contaminated fish. ŅIt has been an issue that~~
the industry is~
responding to. Feed companies have been working overti~~
me to use high~
quality meals that are very low in contaminants and ha~~
ve twice the amount of~
omega-3sÉThe line is trending downward. We donÕt like ~~
having this in our~
Nodelocation: 464,184,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,102,90,515,400
Reference: http://www.intrafish.com/articlea.php?articleID=41061&s=1
Variable Feed_poll
Title: Pollutant concentration in fish feed
Definition: var a:= (if reg_poll='More actions' then impr_in_feed els~~
e 0);~
Nodelocation: 184,112,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,171,78,498,457
Valuestate: 2,619,393,416,303,0,MIDM
Displayoutputs: [Variable Finnishfishpoll]
Constant What_have_been_done_
Title: What have been done and what should be done to reduce pollutan~~
Nodelocation: 352,88,1
Nodesize: 48,63
Constant Should_we_change_fis
Title: Should we change fish feed instead of giving fish consumption ~~
Nodelocation: 464,88,1
Nodesize: 48,55
Chance Impr_in_feed
Title: Pollutant levels in fish feed after lower limits
Units: -
Description: Pollutant concentrations in fish feed can be further red~~
uced from current levels. The estimate of 0-100 % with a gradual decr~~
ease in probability density is based on author judgement. It reflects~~
rather a theoretical range of improvement than a realistic estimate.~~
Definition: Triangular( 0, 0, 1 )
Nodelocation: 56,112,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,409
Defnstate: 2,515,277,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,546,242,416,303,1,PDFP
Variable Feed_backgr
Title: Fish feed background
Units: -
Description: This is a dummy variable only, because the actual concen~~
trations in fish feed are not needed in the current model.
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 184,32,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Close Fish_feed
Variable Loki_v6
Title: Loki v6
Description: 13.1.2005 Olli Leino~
Siirsin selkeyttmisen takia modulin Fish feed thn moduliin (Other ~~
Nodelocation: 280,128,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,542,349,476,224
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Constant Kiviranta_fdaddcont_
Title: Kiviranta FdAddCont 2001
Nodelocation: 80,96,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,102,90,471,470
Reference: Kiviranta H, Hallikainen A, Ovaskainen ML, Kumpulainen J, ~~
Vartiainen T. Dietary intakes of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, d~~
ibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls in Finland. Food Additives~~
and Contaminants 2001; 18(11):945-953.~
PDF file
Constant There_are_also_other
Title: There are also other sources of Omega-3
Description: He added that the cancer risk from the toxins effectivel~~
y cancels out the~
benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in farmed salmon~~
, which have not been~
proven to prevent or reduce the risk of cancer. ŅThere~~
are other places to~
get omega-3s - wild salmon, other fish, canola oil, fl~~
axseed oil,Ó Carpenter~
Nodelocation: 200,392,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,478
Reference: http://www.intrafish.com/articlea.php?articleID=41061&s=1
Variable Log_1
Title: Log 1
Description: 21.10.2004 Olli Leino~
Aloin muokata solmuja ja moduleita suomalaiseen dataan pohjauviin tie~~
toihin. Solmujen nimet vaihtuvat hieman, mutta ovat posin edellisen~~
mallin kaltaisia. Vaihdoin mys tss vaiheessa version numeroksi 7.~~
Siirsin version 6 vanhoihin malleihin.~
28.10.2004 Olli Leino~
Pohdittavana on viel exposure function for omega3 moduli:~
1) Fraction of CHD patients among deaths?~
2) Muut modulin solmut. Ovatko ok ennallaan?~
13.1.2005 Olli Leino~
Miss yksikss dx ja pcb pitoisuudet pit ilmoittaa? Mallissa ne ov~~
at WHO-TEQ:ein ja polybromatut summa PBDE? Onko tss jokin hikk t~~
ll hetkell?~
24.1.2005 Olli Leino~
Siistin ulkoasua ja tarkistin solmujen mritelmi ja kuvauksia. Edel~~
leen sum PCB ja PBDE pitoisuudet aiheuttavat pollutant health riski -~~
solmuun jrjettmn isot arvot.~
25.1.2005 Olli Leino~
Additivity? Katso Pollutant health risk solmun description. ~
Tss moduulissa kytettiin indexi Pollutant1 ja muualla Pollutants.~~
Poistin Pollutant1 -indeksin, nyt vain yksi indeksi: Pollutants.~
28.1.2005 Olli Leino~
Alimmat solmut: ~
Mortality by recommendation ~
Mortality by feed regulation.~
Ovatko tarpeen tss mallissa ja ovatko vihret valikkosolmut tarpeel~~
28.1.2005 Olli Leino~
Poista lopullisista laskelmista Dieldrin ja Toxaphene, kun niiden pit~~
oisuuksia ei ollut datassa.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 280,104,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,498,33,511,701
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Variable Log_2
Title: Log 2
Description: Poistin Domestic_fish mallista pollutants indexist kohd~~
at Dieldrin ja Toxaphene, sill nitten aineiden dataa ei ole kytss~~
tss mallissa. Tllin joutui vaihtelemaan taulukoiden mrityksi~~
(potency of pollutants) tst mallista, joten vaihdoin versionumerok~~
Vanha malli TuomistoViljelylohi2004_7_ol.ana lytyy hakemistosta:~
Laitoin PCB WHO-TEQ csf = 0, jotta kumpaakin PCB:t ei oteta huomioon~~
yhteisvaikutuksessa solmussa Pollutant health risk.~
3.2.2005 Olli Leino~
Marko kommentoi ja katsoi mallin lpi. Net health effect solmu korjat~~
tu summaamalla ensin pollutant health risk -solmun aineet ja sen jke~~
en yhteenlasku health effect of fish -solmun kanssa.~
8.2.2005 Olli Leino~
Lissin Helsinki skenaarion dioksiiniriskille.~
15.2.2005 Olli Leino~
LIssin Helsinki skenaarion PCB-riskille
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 280,152,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,401,192,560,644
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Variable Log_8
Title: Log 8
Description: Log node in Finnish:~
21.2.2005 Jouni Tuomisto~
Aloin nyt lopulta jrjestelmllisesti katsoa tt mallia lpi. Lissi~~
n nimeen _jtt loppuun. Jostain syyst tst versiosta on olemassa 8_o~~
l joka on 15.2. ja 8_ol_mt joka on 2.2. perisin. Oletan, ett uudemp~~
i on oikeampi. Nin on Log2:n mukaan. Katsoin mys tiedostot Wordin c~~
ompare documentilla, ja uudemmassa versiossa on joitakin lisyksi, m~~
uuten ovat aika samat. Mallin Title muutetaan versionumeroa vastaavak~~
si, samoin Loki.~
Tarkastuksessa kytn pasiassa argumenttisolmuja asianomaisiin koht~~
iin liittyen.~
Poistin Help-modulin, koska se oli versio 4 ja uusin on nykyn versi~~
o 5. Sit en ottanut mukaan thn malliin. Sen ehtii tehd sitten, ku~~
n julkaiseminen alkaa olla ajankohtaista.~
VOI-solmu pitisi katsoa kokonaan uusiksi. Tm liittyy mys HEAT- ja~~
KOPRA-malleihin, joten se pitisi tehd nyt kerralla pois ja kopioid~~
a sitten kaikkiin malleihin samanlaisena.~
Poistin attribuutit Url, Deduction ja Premises (sek Reference1, joka~~
edelleen kummitteli). Sen sijaan lissin attribuutin Log, jota jatko~~
ssa kytetn solmuihin liittyvn lokitiedon kirjaamiseen.~
22.2.2005 Olli Leino~
1) Lis consumption of domestic fish ja pollutants data solmuihin si~~
svesikalojen saaliit ja pitoisuudet~
2) Laske Herring 17- kulutus vapaa-ajan kalastuksesta ja silakan koko~~
silakan jakaumasta (EU-kalat)~
3) Lis pollutants of domestic fish Herring 17- pitoisuudet~
4) Mitk ovat jrkevi vaihtoehtoja mit vertailla (mm. Joukon maili ~~
EU:n tulevista suosituksista). Vihret laatikot yls tai domestic fis~~
5) Pollutants of domestic fish modlin voi korvata yhdell solmulla Po~~
ll in dom fish~
6) Lis epvarmuudet kaikkien lajien pollutants dataan EU-kalat julk~~
aisusta. Ei piste-estimaatteja, vaan fractiles datasta. Koko data nk~~
yvill taulukossa.~
7) Pdf ja excel viitteisiin lhteen tiedot yls~
25.2.2005 Olli Leino~
Sytin epvarmuudet lhtdatataulukkoon Pollutants in domestic fish j~~
okaiselle lajille ja jaoin lisksi kaikki lajit merikaloihin ja sisv~~
esikaloihin, joille on nyt eri pitoisuudet myrkkyjen osalta.~
Tarkistettava aiemmista malleista viel poll in dom fish ett datat o~~
n oikein.~
8.3.2005 Olli Leino~
Olen kynyt lpi mallia Jyvskyln abstraktia varten, lissin kuvauks~~
iin selvennyksi. Mallin ulkoasua alan muokata luettavampaan muotoon.~~
14.3. 2005 Olli Leino~
Jounin kanssa keskustellessa:~
Laskelmissa kytetn mean arvoa, luottamusvli 90% saadaan 0.95 ja 0~~
.05 persentiileist~
Laske kokonaiskalan hyty-riskisuhde ja luottamusvli tlle, voi olla~~
melko kapea vli ja kiinnostava~
23.6. 2005 Olli Leino~
Lissin Helsinki skenaariosolmun malliin.~
12.9.2005 Olli Leino~
Liitin kaksi mallia yhteen ja siivosin tst ylimrisi solmuja poi~~
27.1.2006 Olli Leino~
Lissin metyylielohopean RfD:n (= 100u mg/kg-day) Myhemmin tulee sii~~
s mys RfD:n arvoja kytt laskennassa, ei pelkstn sypriskej (~~
CSF), jotta elohopea nkyisi lopputuloksissa.~
1.2. 2006 Olli Leino~
Anun kanssa jutellessa tuli esille elohopean vaikutus negatiivisesti ~~
verenkiertoelimistn eli omega-3 vaikutusten kumoavaa tekij. Tm ~~
olisi mielenkiintoista sisllytt jotenkin malliin.~
8.2.206 Olii Leino~
Idea Tertun kommenteista. Koitetaanko hakea dataa muista POP-yhdistei~~
st ja liitt malliin. Ei ehk tuo eroa lopputuloksen kokonaisriskii~~
n, mutta malli olisi laajempi ja kattavampi. Samoin voisi laittaa ton~~
nikalan lislajiksi ja muitakin tuontikaloja. Pyrkimyksen kaikki Suo~~
messa sytvt kalalajit. Tullilaboratoriosta saisi ehk summittaisia~~
tietoja myrkkypitoisuuksista. Lismll (reilusti) epvarmuutta voi~~
si ehk kytt myrkkypitoisuuksina. Kulutustiedot lytyy helpommin. ~~
Annos-vasteet luultavasti EPA:n IRIS-tietokannasta.~
23.2. Olli Leino~
Importance moduuli pit viel tehd uudelleen kun en ollut tallentan~~
ut ja ohjelma kaatui.~
2.6. 2006 Olli Leino~
Siistin ja lisilin kuvauksia solmuihin. Results-modulin ben/risk sol~~
mu on viel kesken. Samoin importance analysis modlin solmut voisi ko~~
19.6. 2006 Olli Leino~
Tein results moduliin healthrisk ja healthbenefit taulukot joista yhd~~
istin meri- ja jrvikalat sek otin scenaarion BAU, Dioxin, Normal po~~
16.11. 2006 Olli Leino~
Malli antaa jrjettmn suuria arvoja omega-3 hydyille (dose-respons~~
e of omega-3 = 91% ja hydyt tuhansia vltettyj CHD-kuolemia) kun mu~~
utin annosvasteen Mozaffarian & Rimm mukaiseksi. Mys korkein pitoisu~~
us josta hyty, muutettiin. Mit tehd?~
21.11.2006 Olli Leino~
Muutin mallin ulkoasua raa«alla kdell enemmn top-down asuiseksi. A~~
nnosvaste (Mozaffariani) antaa noin kymmenkertaiset CHD-hydyt Din ym~~
s. annosvasteisiin. Tsekkaus olisi ehk viel paikallaan.~
24.1.2007 Oli Leino~
Pitisikhn omega-3 pitoisuudet kaloille pivitt. Katsoin ett ova~~
t hiukan epmriset tuossa domestic fish modulissa lytyvss solmu~~
ssa. Mist omega-3 muodostuvat? Onko:~
Tuossa solmussa on kytetty:~
7.3.2007 Olli Leino~
Siistin ulkoasua ja lissin selventvi kommentteja, sek argumenttej~~
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 280,176,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Windstate: 2,670,22,476,735
Aliases: Alias Log_4
Nodecolor: 65535,54067,19661
Objective Outcome
Title: Mortality by recommendation
Units: cases/a
Description: Net health effect indexed by only consumption recommenda~~
Definition: if Regulate_pollutants_=1 then outcome3[reg_poll='more ac~~
tions'] else outcome3[reg_poll='BAU']
Nodelocation: 80,392,1
Nodesize: 48,32
Windstate: 2,595,170,476,549
Defnstate: 2,499,269,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,481,243,295,476,0,MIDM
Aliases: Alias Outcome1
Att__totalsindex: [Index Fishspecies]
Chance Regulate_pollutants_
Title: Regulate pollutants?
Units: probability
Description: A chance node that collapses the decision about regulati~~
ng fish feed.
Definition: bernoulli(0.5)
Nodelocation: 80,328,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,527
Valuestate: 2,312,322,416,303,0,SAMP
Close Other_parts
Module Vois
Title: VOI and importance analysis
Author: jtuomist
Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2001 11:26
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 784,56,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Nodeinfo: 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,,0,
Diagstate: 1,40,1,995,595,17
Nodecolor: 49151,49151,49151
Index Frac
Title: Fractile
Units: -
Description: Index for making classes number of bins for classificati~~
Definition: sequence(1/3,1,1/3)
Nodelocation: 56,88,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,305,435,416,303,0,MIDM
Function Classify(input,output)
Title: Classify
Units: vary
Description: A function that classifies the values of output variable~~
into classes number of different bins (defined by centiles) based on~~
the values of the input variable.
Definition: (if (input >= getfract(input,Frac-1/3) and inputcommercialfishery
Constant Small_herring__pike
Title: Large herring and inland pike are species with small MOE
Description: These species have margin of exposure less than ten. So,~~
they are perhaps the most relevant species to watch in the sense of ~~
public health.
Definition: 0
Nodelocation: 240,48,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Windstate: 2,243,283,476,224
Nodecolor: 65535,65532,19661
Displayinputs: Object Variable, Variable Moecomp
Constant H
Title: Sprat, flounder,pike-perch,bream,burbot sea+inland very large ~~
Nodelocation: 240,296,1
Nodesize: 48,63
Nodecolor: 65535,65532,19661
Displayinputs: Object Variable, Variable Moecomp
Variable Moecomp
Title: MOE comparison
Description: Especially large MOE (denoted by "+++") and small MOE (d~~
enoted by "+"). Values of other species vary between these limits (sm~~
all MOE means riskgroups smallest MOE<10. Very large MOE means riskgr~~
oups smallest MOE>100).
Definition: var a:=moe[pollutants="MeHg"];~
var b:=moe[pollutants="Dioxin_WHO-TEQ"];~
var c:= if b<10 or a<10 then "+" ;~
var d:=if a>100 and b>100 then "+++"; ~
Nodelocation: 240,168,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,388,307,490,343
Valuestate: 2,635,-8,615,471,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Riskgroups, Fishspecies ]
Displayoutputs: Constant Small_herring__pike, Constant H
Log: 13.2.2006 Olli Leino~
Tein tmn solmun MOE:n havainnollistamiseksi. Jostain syyst kaikki ~~
kalalajit eivt if-lauseisiin sislly.
Alias Exposures__dioxin_a2
Title: Exposures: Dioxin and omega-3 fatty acids
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 136,232,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Original: Exposures__dioxin_an
Close Moe1
Alias Exposures__dioxin_a1
Title: Exposures: Dioxin and omega-3 fatty acids
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 392,112,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Original: Exposures__dioxin_an
Close Exposures
Module Dose_responses
Title: Dose-~
Description: In this module is the dose-responses of the pollutants o~~
n cancer, deaths and omega-3 fatty acids on reduction of CHD
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2006 8:48 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 304,144,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,1,1,550,300,17
Module Erf_n3
Title: Exposure-~
response function for omega3
Description: Here we construct the dose-response of omega-3 fatty aci~~
ds based on literature.
Author: jtue
Date: 12. Janta 2004 8:51
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 280,64,1
Nodesize: 48,48
Diagstate: 1,620,-9,585,446,17
Variable Erf_h
Title: Exposure-~
response function for health benefit
Units: probability/(g/d)
Description: Exposure-response function where also the uncertainty ab~~
out the population that benefits from omega-3 is taken into account.
Definition: D_r_normal*(if All_or_chd=1 then 1 else F_chd_pati)
Nodelocation: 264,352,1
Nodesize: 52,44
Windstate: 2,562,352,475,476
Valuestate: 2,398,357,523,626,0,MEAN
Graphsetup: Graphtool:0~
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Constant Does_omega_3_help_ot
Title: Does omega 3 help other people than CHD patients?
Description: Does omega 3 help other people than CHD patients?
Definition: FunctionOf(Expr)
Nodelocation: 200,48,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Windstate: 2,102,90,476,374
Displayoutputs: Chance All_or_chd
Chance All_or_chd
Title: Does omega-3 help CHD patients or everyone?
Units: probability
Description: A large part of omega-3 benefit literature is based on s~~
tudies on cardiac patients. This node reflects the uncertainty whethe~~
r there is cardiac health benefit for everyone or only coronary heart~~
disease (CHD) patients. The estimate is not based on data but the ai~~
m is to maximise uncertainty.~
Bernoulli distribution function chosen by author judgement
Definition: Bernoulli( 0.5 )
Nodelocation: 200,240,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,512,223,476,474
Valuestate: 2,336,546,416,303,0,SAMP
Displayinputs: Constant Does_omega_3_help_ot
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Variable F_chd_pati
Title: Fraction of CHD patients among deaths
Units: fraction
Description: Fraction of coronary heart disease patients among the de~~
aths. Current estimate is based on the fraction of cardiac deaths fro~~
m total deaths in Finland, although there are cardiac deaths among no~~
n-CHD patients, and there are CHD patients with other causes of death~~
See nodes: Total mortality in Finland ~
CHD mortality in Finland~
Definition: 12.88K/49.316K
Nodelocation: 72,240,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,630,280,500,438
Chance Benefit_limit
Title: Highest omega3 dose with health benefit
Units: g/d
Description: Describes the amount of fish that is still beneficial wh~~
en added to diet. After this limit, no extra benefit is assumed from ~~
omega-3 fatty acids. The value reflects both the physiological need o~~
f omega-3 and the current intake of omega-3 from other sources than s~~
almon. Both parts of the estimate are complicated, and the latter var~~
ies from country to country. This might have implications to the deci~~
sion if we could give country-wise recommendations of feed regulation~~
s. The estimate is based on author judgement. A rough idea about the ~~
magnitude comes from Din 2004, where the trials had 0.85 - 1.8 g/d of~~
omega-3 with benefit but 3.5 g/d showed no benefit in a small trial ~~
where the population used reasonable amount of fish anyway. If the ph~~
ysiological limit is lower, the slope of the exposure-response functi~~
on should be steeper. Another data comes from Albert 1998: the benefi~~
t may be limited to omega-3 doses <4.9 g/mo = 0.16 g/d. Markmann and ~~
Gronbaek concluded that 0.6-0.9 g/d is beneficial.~
16.12. Olli Leino~
Evidence from prospective secondary~
prevention studies suggests that EPA+DHA supplementation~
ranging from 0.5 to 1.8 g/d (either as fatty fish or supplements)~
significantly reduces subsequent cardiac and all-cause~
mortality.(Kris-Etherton P. M. 2002)~
30-10-2006 Olli Leino~
Definition by Mozaraffian and Rimm:~
"modest consumption (=250-500 mg/d of EPA and DHA) lowers relative ri~~
sk by 25% or more. Higher intakes do not substantially firther lower ~~
CHD mortality, suggesting a threshold of effect." ~
Uniform distribution (range: 0.25-0.3 mg/d) was choosed to describe t~~
he uncertainty in this variable.~
Uniform distribution function chosen by author judgement
Definition: var a:= sum(importfish, imported_species);~
Nodelocation: 456,104,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,20,44,509,790
Valuestate: 2,232,242,416,303,1,PDFP
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: {Din et al 2004; Albert et al 1998; Marckmann and Gronbaek~~
Log: 30.11. Olli Leino~
Definition changed to match Mozaffarian and Rimm suggestion->uniform(~~
15.11.2006 Olli Leino~
Olisiko kapeampi mrittelyvli paikallaan (0.25-0.35). Probable thre~~
shold of effect - most reduction occurs with modest intake (<250 mg/d~~
) with little additional benefit with higher intakes.~
Constant Mozaffarian_and_rimm
Title: Mozaffarian and Rimm
Description: Dariush Mozaffarian and Eric Rimm: Fish intake, contamin~~
ants, and human health~
Article suggests maximum omega-3 intake of 250 mg/d. However this max~~
imum omega-3 intake with health benefits varies a lot between end poi~~
nts (figure 3 and table 1) , e.g. antithrombotic effect gets stronger~~
after omega-3 intake of 2000 mg/d.~
Dose response of omega-3:~
Risk reduction of 14.6%/100 mg/d up till intake of 250 mg/d of omega-~~
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 328,24,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,626,40,476,355
Displayoutputs: Chance Mozaffarian
Chance Mozaffarian
Title: Mozaffarian
Units: %/250 mg
Description: Dariush Mozaffarian and Eric Rimm: Fish intake, contamin~~
ants, and human health~
Relative risk of CHD death is 36 % (95 % CI 20-50) at intake 250 mg
Definition: Table(Ci)(~
Nodelocation: 328,96,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Valuestate: 2,40,50,416,303,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Displayinputs: Constant Mozaffarian_and_rimm
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: Mozaffarian and Rim~~
Chance D_r_normal
Title: D-R normal
Units: %/g
Description: Formulation of normal distribution with mean and standar~~
d deviation. Factor 4 is due to unit conversion from %/250 mg to %/g~
Normal distribution function chosen by author judgement
Definition: var au:= Mozaffarian[Ci='0.975 fractile'];~
var al:= Mozaffarian[Ci='0.025 fractile'];~
var ac:= Mozaffarian[Ci='Central'];~
var b:= (au-al)/2/1.96; {standard deviation}~
Nodelocation: 328,240,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,102,90,489,252
Valuestate: 2,40,50,420,504,0,MEAN
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Log: 15.11.2006 Olli Leino~
Tulee ihan jrjettmn suuria arvoja tll annosvasteella kun kerrott~~
iin yksikkmuunnoksen takia neljll???~
Close Erf_n3
Module Erf_pollutants
Title: Exposure-~
response function for pollutant risk
Description: Here we construct the dose-resopnse of the pollutants.
Author: Pieta
Date: 16. tamta 2004 1:32
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 280,176,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Diagstate: 1,11,183,505,437,17
Variable Potency
Title: Potency of pollutants
Units: (mg/kg/d)Ę1
Description: Potency of pollutants. Cancer slope factors (CSF) are us~~
ed for cancer. Reference Dose (RfD) values are used for non-cancer en~~
dpoints. The data comes from the U.S.EPA.~
07.092004 Olli leino~
PBDE have not been demonstrated to be carsinogenic in rodent bioassay~~
s, therefore CSF of PBDE is estimated to be 0. Discussion for PBDE ca~~
rcinogenecis continues.~
Data for Reference Dose of PBDE comes from U.S.EPA IRIS database. Ref~~
erence Dose of the most prevailing congener in salmon (according to H~~
ites fig 3.) ,PDE-47 (tetrabromodiphenyl ether), was not available i~~
n IRIS, but it is assumed (by EPA) to be twice as toxic (RfD=0,001 mg~~
/kg/day) as penta-isomer (RfD=0,002 mg/kg/day). Therefore reference D~~
ose of PBDE is an approximation of two prevailing kongeniers (tetra-~~
and pentabromodiphenyl ethers). ~
In order to avoid double effect of PCB additivity in node Pollutant h~~
ealth risk, PCB WHO-TEQ potency is defined as 0.~
27.1.2006 Olli Leino~
The genotoxicity data indicate that methylmercury is not a potent mut~~
agen but may produce chromosomal damage; these data do not support a ~~
hypothesis that methylmercury is a genotoxic carcinogen. It appears, ~~
rather, that methylmercury exerts its carcinogenic effect only at hig~~
h dose, at or above an MTD.~
The oral Reference Dose (RfD) is based on the assumption that thresho~~
lds exist for certain toxic effects such as cellular necrosis. It is ~~
expressed in units of mg/kg-day. In general, the RfD is an estimate (~~
with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily e~~
xposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that ~~
is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects du~~
ring a lifetime~
Definition: Table(Self,Pollutants,Riskgroups)(~
Indexvals: ['Ca (CSF)','Non-Ca (RfD)']
Nodelocation: 224,104,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,546,-17,492,640
Defnstate: 2,469,135,416,303,0,MIDM
Valuestate: 2,357,422,416,303,0,MIDM
Reformdef: [Self, Pollutants ]
Reformval: [Self, Pollutants ]
Displayinputs: Constant Is_cancer_slope_fact
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Reference: EPA advisory vol 2, table 3-1~
http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/fish/forum/2002forum_complete.pdf p~~
age 168.~
Log: 31.1. 2006 Olli Leino~
Mik on lasten annos-vasteet. Kalastajien annos-vaste = normal annosv~~
aste. Kehittyvn hermoston herkkyys elohopealle?~
Lievt vaikutukset ilmenevt jo idin hiusten elohopeapitoisuuden~
ollessa 10-20 ?g/g, parestesioita tulee herkimmille aikuisille~
pitoisuustasolla 50 ?g/g. http://www.medicina.fi/fato/74.pdf => annos~~
-vaste viisinkertainen normaaliin nhden?
Variable Risk_slope
Title: Exposure-response function for pollutant risk
Units: (mg/kg/d)-1
Description: The response assessment is restricted to cancer endpoint~~
s, because it is the more sensitive endpoint.~
IRIS-database: ~
Developmental neuropsychological impairment of MeHg ~
RfD=0.1m mg/kg-day (http://cfpub.epa.gov/iris/quickview.cfm?substance~~
Definition: potency[Potency='Ca (CSF)']
Nodelocation: 224,272,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Windstate: 2,298,46,504,585
Valuestate: 2,605,56,254,208,0,MIDM
Displayinputs: Constant Is_this_affected_by_
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Constant Is_this_affected_by_
Title: Is this affected by the target population and its background c~~
ancer risk?
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 344,88,1
Nodesize: 48,63
Windstate: 2,102,90,491,384
Displayoutputs: Variable Risk_slope
Variable Exp_resp_mehg
Title: Exp-Resp Hg
Description: For each microgram of mercury in hair, the risks increas~~
e on average~
Not used in this model, but a potentially interesting node in a futur~~
Definition: Table(Ci,Endp)(~
Nodelocation: 360,256,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Reformdef: [Ci, Endp ]
Reformval: [Ci, Endp ]
Reference: Virtanen JK, Voutilainen S, Rissanen TH, Mursu J, Tuomaine~~
n T-M, Korhonen MJ, Valkonen V-P, Seppnen K, Laukkanen JA, Salonen J~~
T: Mercury, fish oils, and risk of acute coronary events and cardiova~~
scular disease, coronary heart desease, and all-cause mortality in me~~
n in eastern finland. Asterochelrosis, thrombosis and vascular biolo~~
Index Endp
Title: endpoint
Definition: ['Acute coronary event','CVD death','CHD death','Any deat~~
Nodelocation: 352,288,1
Nodesize: 48,12
Nodecolor: 45875,45875,45875
Constant Is_cancer_slope_fact
Title: Is cancer slope factor a valid for a dose-response function
Nodelocation: 88,104,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Displayoutputs: Variable Potency
Close Erf_pollutants
Close Dose_responses
Module Health_effects
Title: Health effects
Description: Health effects due to domestic fish consumption.
Author: olex
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2006 8:48 AM
Defaultsize: 48,24
Nodelocation: 304,320,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Diagstate: 1,475,305,550,300,17
Variable Healthrisk
Title: Pollutant health risk
Units: cases/a
Description: Pollutant health risk is calculated assuming additivity ~~
between the pollutants. However, dioxin risks are not considered beca~~
use they were not considered in Hites. After unit conversion, numbers~~
are calculated for Finland as cases per year. Negative numbers mean~~
increased risk.
Definition: var a:= -potency*pollutant_exposure*Mortalityinfinland/10~~
Nodelocation: 368,208,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,194,258,591,864
Valuestate: 2,290,103,707,665,0,MIDM
Reformval: [Riskgroups, Fishspecies ]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Healtheffect
Title: Health effect of fish
Units: cases/a
Description: Numbers are calculated for Finland as avoided deaths per~~
year. Positive numbers mean increased benefit.
Definition: -Erf_h*min([N3_exposure,benefit_limit])*Chdinfinland
Nodelocation: 232,208,1
Nodesize: 48,24
Windstate: 2,48,118,496,460
Valuestate: 2,91,92,963,774,0,MEAN
Reformval: [Riskgroups, Fishspecies ]
Att__totalsindex: Index Fishspecies
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Variable Mortalityinfinland
Title: Total mortality in Finland
Units: cases/a
Description: 21.10.2004 Olli Leino~
Total mortality in Finland (2000)
Definition: 49.316K
Nodelocation: 368,136,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,501,464,476,330
Valuestate: 2,6,775,216,144,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Reference: http://www.who.int
Variable Chdinfinland
Title: CHD mortality in Finland
Units: cases/a
Description: 21.10.2004 Olli Leino~
Coronary heart disease mortality in Finland (2000) (5181115 inhabita~~
nts 2000). The estimate consists of acute myocardial infarction and o~~
ther ischaemic heart diseases (ICD 10: I21,I22 and I20, I24, I25).
Definition: 12.88K
Nodelocation: 232,136,1
Nodesize: 48,29
Windstate: 2,202,494,508,387
Valuestate: 2,251,555,248,179,0,MIDM
Nodecolor: 65535,52427,65534
Att__discretenessinf: [0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Reference: WHO
Alias Adverse_health_effe1
Title: Adverse health effects - cancer deaths
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 144,305,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Original: Adverse_health_effec
Alias Beneficial_health_e1
Title: Beneficial health effects + avoided CHD deaths
Definition: 1
Nodelocation: 432,328,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Original: Beneficial_health_ef
Close Health_effects
Constant Geographical_area_is
Title: Geographical area is Helsinki metropolitan area (Finland)
Nodelocation: 136,416,1
Nodesize: 48,46
Aliases: Alias Geographical_area_i1
Constant Adverse_health_effec
Title: Adverse health effects - cancer deaths
Nodelocation: 136,320,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Aliases: Alias Adverse_health_effe1
Constant Beneficial_health_ef
Title: Beneficial health effects + avoided CHD deaths
Nodelocation: 432,320,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Aliases: Alias Beneficial_health_e1
Constant Exposures__dioxin_an
Title: Exposures: Dioxin and omega-3 fatty acids
Nodelocation: 136,232,1
Nodesize: 48,38
Aliases: Alias Exposures__dioxin_a1, Alias Exposures__dioxin_a2
Close Risks_from_farmed_an
Close Pmvsdxmodel