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This page provides a description and a link to a "Eurostat" database that provides information needed when modeling exposure levels or performing exposure assessment.

Short Description

Various statistics are maintained by Eurostat and are freely available for download from the website, although the site demands registration. There are some predefined tables provided, and addition to that user can make own queries with several options for data retrieval. Data is divided to several sub-categories. There are at least information for food and water consumption, for pesticide and fertilizer consumption, for mobility of peoples in road, railway, air and waterways, for land-use (breakdown by main category (agriculture, forest and wooded land, built-up and related land, wet open lands, dry open lands, water and total area) measured in km2, divided to 40 classes with 1km grid) and for population, health, education and training, labor market, living conditions and welfare, society statistics and for tourism.

Long Description

Various statistics are maintained by Eurostat and are freely available for download from the website, although the site demands registration. There are some predefined tables provides, and addition to that user can make own queries with several options for data retrieval.

Data for pesticides

Use of pesticides

Data are published for the European Union (EU-15) as well as for each Member State separately (except for Luxembourg and Belgium which are presented together).

Data in this collection cover plant protection products (PPP) as defined by Directive 91/414/EEC and stem from two special surveys made by ECPA, the European Crop Protection Association, among its ten full members, who claim to cover about 90% of the European market for plant protection products. The sources of the data were, in general, syndicated market research panels, e.g. annual farmer surveys carried out with a fairly constant target group. Data obtained from this representative user group were scaled up to national levels using common statistical methods.

The crop types covered are identified as the key crop types accountable for the majority of the significant PPP applications in the EU (cereals, sugar beets, maize, oilseeds, potatoes, citrus, grapes, tree fruits and vegetables).

The pesticide product groups cover the main constituents of the crop protection portfolio, i.e. fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. Fungicides generally do not include seed treatments; insecticides include acaricides. Other active ingredient groups used in agriculture such as molluscicides, nematicides and growth regulators are not covered.

Base data is in tonnes of active ingredient used per ‘harvest year’.

Reference period: 1992-99

Sales of pesticides

Data are published for each of the EU-15 and, where available, EU-25 Member States and for a few EFTA Countries.

This collection presents data on sales of plant protection products communicated by Member States and some EFTA Countries to Eurostat on the basis of a so-called “gentlemen’s agreement”. In most countries, statistical offices or ministries of agriculture obtain data from national industries on a mandatory or voluntary base. Data refer to amounts of active ingredients, which are the substances in a commercial product that cause the desired effect on target organisms (fungi, weeds, pests, etc.) Most of the Member States refer to the definition of plant protection product given in Directive 91/414/EEC to delimit the scope of this indicator. Nevertheless there is no common definition adopted by all Member States and there can be significant differences in the range of products used in different countries, so that comparability is limited. Additional information on the situation in specific countries is required for any detailed assessment.

Base data is generally in tonnes of active ingredient sold per year.

Reference period: from 1975 onwards

Data for land use

Data are published for the European Union (EU-15 and EU-25, if coverage sufficient for aggregation) as well as for each Member State separately.

In addition, data for EU-Candidate Countries (Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey), the EEA-Countries (EU25 and Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein), Switzerland, Japan and the United States are given.

However, for many countries the countries provide only a small percentage of the requested data, with agricultural land covered adequately and a varied picture for the remaining categories. Time series begin in 1950 for some countries and in general coverage improves overtime.

The time coverage ranges between the years 1950 and 1970, then updated ever five years from 1980 onwards. Breakdown by main category (agriculture, forest and wooded land, built-up and related land, wet open lands, dry open lands, water and total area) measured in km2.

Table 5. EUROSTAT land cover classes

Class name
Agricultural land
Arable land
Land under permanent crops
Land under permanent meadows and pastures
Other agricultural land, not specified elsewhere
Fallow agricultural land
Total land under forest and other wooded land
Predominantly coniferous
Predominantly broadleaved
Predominantly other
Mixed forest
Other wooded land
Built up and related land
Residential land
Industrial land, excluding land used for quarries, pits, mines and related facilities
Land used for quarries, pits, mines and related facilities
Commercial land
Land used for public services (excluding transport, communications and technical infrastructure)
Land of mixed use
Land used for transport and communication
Land used for technical infrastructure
Recreational and other open land
Wet open land
Wet tundra
Other wet open land, not specified elsewhere
Dry open land with special vegetation cover
Heath land
Dry tundra
Mountainous grassland
Other not specified elsewhere.
Open land without, or with insignificant, vegetation cover
Bare rocks
Glaciers and perpetual snow
Sand-beaches, dunes, other sandy land
Other not specified elsewhere
Inland waters
Natural watercourse
Artificial watercourse
Inland sea (freshwater or saline), lakes, ponds, coastal land-locked bodies of water
Artificial water impoundment
Other inland waters not specified elsewhere
Tidal waters
Coastal lagoons
Other tidal waters n.e.s.

Data for population

- Total population in national level - Population density in regional level - Life tables in NUTS 2 regional level

Regional coverage



Key Words

ingestion, water, food, diet, pesticide consumption, Transport, mobility, passenger, goods, infrastructure, Land use, agricultural, forest, woodland, arable, built environment, infrastructure, water