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The text on this page is taken from an equivalent page of the IEHIAS-project.

EcoSenseWeb - the latest version of the EcoSense-Model - is an integrated atmospheric dispersion and exposure assessment tool implementing the impact pathway approach developed within ExternE. It was designed for the analysis of single point sources (electricity and heat production) in Europe but it can also be used for analysis of multi emission sources in certain regions. EcoSenseWeb was developed to support the assessment of priority impacts resulting from the exposure to airborne pollutants, namely impacts on human health, crops, building materials and ecosystems. The current version of EcoSenseWeb, covers the emission of ‘classical’ pollutants SO2, NOx, primary particulates, NMVOC, NH3, as well as some of the most important heavy metals. It includes also damage assessment due to emission of greenhouse gases. Impacts of ‘classical’ pollutants are calculated on different spatial scales, i.e. local (50 km around the emission source), regional (Europe-wide) and (northern) hemispheric scale. The version EcoSenseWeb has a web-based user interface and was developed within the European Commission projects NEEDS and CASES.

Model description


EcoSenseWeb is an integrated atmospheric dispersion and exposure assessment tool implementing the impact pathway approach developed within ExternE.


Fields of model:

  • Outdoor Air,
  • Exposure,
  • Dose-Reponse,
  • Integrated Assessment system;
  • Monetary Evaluation,
  • Radio Nuclides,
  • Climate change,
  • biodiversity losses (deposition and land use change)
  • health effects of classical and non-classical pollutants
  • European wide decision support system


  • SO2,
  • NOx,
  • primary particulates (PPM2.5, PPM10s/sub>),
  • NH3,
  • NMVOC,
  • radio nuclides,
  • N- and S- deposition
  • green house gases
  • HM


Single source calculations

Type Source Format
1) Definition data of a facility, e.g. coal fired power plant: 1) (Reported) technical parameters of the point source, e.g. coal fired power plant. Expert estimations for missing values. 1) csv-file or direct input by the user via a web based user interface.
1 a) technical parameters (e.g. stack height, Latitute, Longitude, flue gas volume)

1 b) Emissions (SO2, NOx, primary particulates, NMVOC, NH3, heavy metals)

1 c) Land use change

1 d) Emissions of GHG

1 e) Radio nuclide emissions

Multi source calculations

Type Source Format
2) Sector specific emission data on a grid (default grid: EMEP50-grid). Reference scenario and case scenario. 2) External databases, e.g. EMEP, EPER, or from emission models e.g. IER-emission model 2) Files in ASCII format
3) Alternative to (2): concentration maps 3) Atmospheric air quality models, e.g. EMEP or Polyphemus 3) Files in ASCII format
4) included data: meteorology, receptor data, concentration response functions, monetary values, land cover 4) external studies, databases, .. 4) included in the databases of EcoSense


Type Spatial scale Format(s)
1) concentration levels of primary and secondary particles and ozone 1) Gridded data, default on the EMEP 50 - Grid 1) csv-file; x, y, val1, val2, …; XML file to define the values.
2) Receptor (i.e. population, crops, building material) exposure 2) Gridded data, default on the EMEP 50 – Grid; or on country level 2) csv-file; x, y, val1, val2, …; XML file to define the values
3) Physical impacts resulting from exposure to airborne pollutants 3) country level 3) ASCII-File; detailed report with endpoints per country
4) (Damage) Costs due to impacts on human health, crops, building materials, ecosystems and due to climate change. 4) Aggregated (total) and on country level 4) ASCII-File; detailed report

Description of processes modelled and of technical details


EcoSenseWeb is an integrated atmospheric dispersion and exposure assessment tool which implements the impact pathway approach developed within ExternE. It was designed for the analysis of single point sources (electricity and heat production) in Europe but it can also be used for analysis of multi emission sources in certain regions. EcoSense was developed to support the assessment of priority impacts resulting from the exposure to airborne pollutants, namely impacts on human health, crops, building materials and ecosystems. The current version of EcoSenseWeb, covers the emission of ‘classical’ pollutants SO2, NOx, primary particulates, NMVOC, NH3, as well as some of the most important heavy metals. It includes also damage assessment due to emission of greenhouse gases. Impacts of ‘classical’ pollutants are calculated on different spatial scales, i.e. local (50 km around the emission source), regional (Europe-wide) and (northern) hemispheric scale. The version EcoSenseWeb has a web-based user interface and was developed within the European Commission projects NEEDS and CASES

Management of the model

  • Database: Paradox, MS-Access (GUI: mySQL)
  • Operating system: WINDOWS
  • Portability: No
  • Software requirements: C++, MS Visual Studio, PERL interpreter, MS-Access, Web-server with php support
  • Time required for a typical run: Depends on used modules: from 15 Minutes up to 4 hours; if chemical transport models like Polyphemus are used: 1+ week
  • Programming languages and functions: C++, Perl, VBA
  • Developed by/support/available from: contributions from: Philipp Preiss, Volker Klotz, Till M. Bachmann, Bert Droste-Franke, Thomas Heck, Wolfram Krewitt, Dirk Malthan, Petra Mayerhofer, Frank Pattermann, Stephan Schmid, Alfred Trukenmüller, Ralf Ungermann, Peter Bickel and Rainer Friedrich
  • Intellectual property rights: owned by IER, University of Stuttgart
  • Unit responsible for running and maintenance: The model exclusively runs at the IER, University of Stuttgart, servers.
  • Degree of mastery: Expert user
  • EcoSenseWeb

See also

Integrated Environmental Health Impact Assessment System
IEHIAS is a website developed by two large EU-funded projects Intarese and Heimtsa. The content from the original website was moved to Opasnet.
Topic Pages

Boundaries · Population: age+sex 100m LAU2 Totals Age and gender · ExpoPlatform · Agriculture emissions · Climate · Soil: Degredation · Atlases: Geochemical Urban · SoDa · PVGIS · CORINE 2000 · Biomarkers: AP As BPA BFRs Cd Dioxins DBPs Fluorinated surfactants Pb Organochlorine insecticides OPs Parabens Phthalates PAHs PCBs · Health: Effects Statistics · CARE · IRTAD · Functions: Impact Exposure-response · Monetary values · Morbidity · Mortality: Database

Examples and case studies Defining question: Agriculture Waste Water · Defining stakeholders: Agriculture Waste Water · Engaging stakeholders: Water · Scenarios: Agriculture Crop CAP Crop allocation Energy crop · Scenario examples: Transport Waste SRES-population UVR and Cancer
Models and methods Ind. select · Mindmap · Diagr. tools · Scen. constr. · Focal sum · Land use · Visual. toolbox · SIENA: Simulator Data Description · Mass balance · Matrix · Princ. comp. · ADMS · CAR · CHIMERE · EcoSenseWeb · H2O Quality · EMF loss · Geomorf · UVR models · INDEX · RISK IAQ · CalTOX · PANGEA · dynamiCROP · IndusChemFate · Transport · PBPK Cd · PBTK dioxin · Exp. Response · Impact calc. · Aguila · Protocol elic. · Info value · DST metadata · E & H: Monitoring Frameworks · Integrated monitoring: Concepts Framework Methods Needs
Listings Health impacts of agricultural land use change · Health impacts of regulative policies on use of DBP in consumer products
Guidance System
The concept
Issue framing Formulating scenarios · Scenarios: Prescriptive Descriptive Predictive Probabilistic · Scoping · Building a conceptual model · Causal chain · Other frameworks · Selecting indicators
Design Learning · Accuracy · Complex exposures · Matching exposure and health · Info needs · Vulnerable groups · Values · Variation · Location · Resolution · Zone design · Timeframes · Justice · Screening · Estimation · Elicitation · Delphi · Extrapolation · Transferring results · Temporal extrapolation · Spatial extrapolation · Triangulation · Rapid modelling · Intake fraction · iF reading · Piloting · Example · Piloting data · Protocol development
Execution Causal chain · Contaminant sources · Disaggregation · Contaminant release · Transport and fate · Source attribution · Multimedia models · Exposure · Exposure modelling · Intake fraction · Exposure-to-intake · Internal dose · Exposure-response · Impact analysis · Monetisation · Monetary values · Uncertainty